348 research outputs found

    Efecte antimicrobià de formulacions netejadores de interès industrial en cèl·lules en suspensió i biopel·lícules

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    Las biopelículas son una fuente de contaminación de difícil eliminación debido a su resistencia a los procedimientos de limpieza y de higiene convencionales. En este trabajo se ha evaluado las propiedades antimicrobianas a temperatura ambiente de tensioactivos de interés industrial en la formulación de detergentes. En primer lugar se estudió la capacidad de adhesión de la levadura Yarrowia lipolytica y del moho Aspergillus niger a superficies de espuma de poliuretano y de vidrio, así como su habilidad para formar biopelículas bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo. Las biopelículas más estables fueron tratadas a temperatura ambiente con una mezcla de un alquilpoliglucósido y un alcohol graso etoxilado, y con un ácido alquil éter carboxílico. Los resultados experimentales mostraron que células formando parte de biopelículas eran más resistentes al tratamiento desinfectante que células libres en suspensión del mismo microorganismo. Aunque las soluciones de tensioactivos ensayadas fueron poco eficaces contra biopelículas, mostraron un gran efecto inhibidor sobre células en disolución. Además inhiben la formación de nuevas biopelículas. Por lo tanto, los buenos efectos antimicrobianos de estos tensioactivos ecológicos a temperatura ambiente podrían proporcionarles un interés potencial en procedimientos de limpieza a baja temperatura.Biofilms are a challenging source of contamination due to their resistance to conventional cleaning and hygiene procedures. In this work, we assessed the antimicrobial properties at room temperature of surfactants of industrial interest in detergent formulation. The adhesion abilities of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica and the mould Aspergillus niger to polyurethane foam and glass surfaces and their ability to develop as biofilm was firstly studied under different culture conditions. The most stable biofilms were then treated at room temperature with a mixture of an alkylpolyglucoside and an ethoxylated fatty alcohol, and with an ether carboxylate. Experimental results illustrated that surface-attached cells were more resistant to disinfectant treatment than cells of the same microorganism grown in suspension. Although the assayed surfactant solutions hardly removed attached biofilms, they showed a great inhibitory effect on free-living cells. What is more, biofilms did not grow during treatments. Therefore, the good antimicrobial effects of these ecological surfactants at room temperature could provide them a potential interest in low-temperature cleaning in place procedures.Les biopel·lícules son una font de contaminació de difícil eliminació degut a la seva resistència als procediments de neteja i higiene convencionals. En aquest treball s’han avaluat les propietats antimicrobianes a temperatura ambient de tensioactius d’interès industrial en la formulació de detergents. En primer lloc es va estudiar la capacitat d’adhesió del llevat Yarrowia lipolytica i de la floridura Aspergillus niger a superfícies d’espuma de poliuretà i de vidre, així com la seva habilitat per a formar biopel·lícules sota diferents condicions de cultiu. Les biopel•lícules més estables van ser tractades a temperatura ambient amb una barreja d’un alquilpoliglucósid i un alcohol gras etoxilat, i amb un àcid alquil èter carboxílic. Els resultats experimentals mostren que cèl·lules formant part de biopel ·lícules eren mes resistents al tractament desinfectant que cèl·lules lliures en suspensió del mateix microorganisme, encara que les solucions de tensioactius assajades van ser poc eficaces contra biopel·lícules, mostrant un gran efecte inhibidor sobre cèl·lules en dissolució. A més inhibeixen la formació de noves biopel·lícules. Per tant, els bons efectes antimicrobians d’aquests tensioactius ecològics a temperatura ambient podrien proporcionar-lis un interès potencial en procediments de neteja a baixa temperatura

    Antimicrobial effect of cleaning formulations of industrial interest on free-living cells and biofilms

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    Biofilms are a challenging source of contamination due to their resistance to conventional cleaning and hygiene procedures. In this work, we assessed the antimicrobial properties at room temperature of surfactants of industrial interest in detergent formulation. The adhesion abilities of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica and the mould Aspergillus niger to polyurethane foam and glass surfaces and their ability to develop as biofilm was firstly studied under different culture conditions. The most stable biofilms were then treated at room temperature with a mixture of an alkylpolyglucoside and an ethoxylated fatty alcohol, and with an ether carboxylate. Experimental results illustrated that surface-attached cells were more resistant to disinfectant treatment than cells of the same microorganism grown in suspension. Although the assayed surfactant solutionshardly removed attached biofilms, they showed a greatinhibitory effect on free-living cells. What is more, biofilmsdid not grow during treatments. Therefore, the good antimicrobial effects of these ecological surfactants at roomtemperature could provide them a potential interest inlow-temperature cleaning in place procedures

    Settled immigrants in the city of Malaga: local host context and crime.

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    Spain is one of the European countries where the immigrant population has grown the most during the first years of this century. However, crime rates have remained constant in this period, even have decreased slightly, so the evolution of both phenomena does not allow to establish a positive relationship between them. Nevertheless, empirical evidence has shown that the immigration experiences differ according to local host conditions. In this way, the context would facilitate the involvement of immigrants in criminal activities. Empirical studies that address the family and social circumstances of immigrants at the local level and from a criminological perspective have not been carried out in Spain. To fill this gap, 173 immigrants were interviewed between 2017 and 2018, in order to study the relationship between local host conditions and self-reported crime, victimisation, and the perception about social control. Findings indicate that a troubled neighbourhood explains the crime committed by immigrants and their victimisation, that committing crimes and being a victim is related, and that immigrants who have committed a crime or have been victim of crime do not have a good opinion about the police and criminal justice system

    La economía antioqueña antes de la Independencia, 1760-1821

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    Based on the most important historiography, this article reviews the economic history of the region of Antioquia during the period 1760-1810, showing the most significant changes in the structures and, particularly, in the dynamic relations between different economic sectors. Bearing in mind the differentiation and specialization of the different Neogranadine regions, the particularities of the Antioquia case are evident, characterized by the sustained growth of the population, an accelerated process of miscegenation, the decomposition of slavery, and the predominance of a free and multiethnic population. It was precisely this economic agent which allowed to understand the development of gold mining in the hands of the so-called “mazamorreros”, whose consumption capacity explains the proliferation of people engaged in trade and, in turn, the creation of an internal market.A partir de la historiografía más destacada, este artículo revisa la historia económica de la región antioqueña durante el periodo 1760-1810, mostrando los cambios más significativos de las estructuras y, en particular, de las relaciones dinámicas entre los diferentes sectores económicos. Teniendo presente la diferenciación y especialización de las distintas regiones neogranadinas, se evidencian las particularidades del caso antioqueño, caracterizado por el crecimiento sostenido de la población, el acelerado proceso de mestizaje, la descomposición de la institución esclavista y el predominio de población libre y multiétnica. Este agente económico permite comprender el desarrollo de la minería aurífera en manos de los llamados mazamorreros, cuya capacidad de consumo explica la proliferación de personas dedicadas al comercio, así como la creación de un mercado interno

    Settled immigrants in the city of Malaga: local host context and crime

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    Spain is one of the European countries where the immigrant population has grown the most during the first years of this century. However, crime rates have remained constant in this period, even have decreased slightly, so the evolution of both phenomena does not allow to establish a positive relationship between them. Nevertheless, empirical evidence has shown that the immigration experiences differ according to local host conditions. In this way, some contexts would facilitate the involvement of immigrants in criminal activities. Empirical studies that address the family and social circumstances of immigrants at the local level and from a criminological perspective have not been carried out in Spain. To fill this gap, an approach has been made to the self-reported crime of settled immigrants, the conditions of their environment and their perceptions on social control. 174 structured interviews were conducted between 2017 and 2018 to a convenience sample of immigrants, who have lived three or more years in the city of Málaga, to study the relationship between local host conditions and crime, and the perception on social control. Findings grouped by country of origin show that some factors strengthen the integration of certain groups and allow us to know the level of legitimacy given to the police and the justice system. All this contributes to obtain a better knowledge of the settled immigrant population and the needs required in terms of local public policies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Kontrola snopa aktivnih reflektorskih nizova

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    Active reflectarrays having beam control are presented in this paper. The steering capability is obtained by achieving different amplitude and phase of the scattered field from each reflectarray element, which is controlled by the use of an IQ modulator in some cases. An aperture coupled patch with perpendicular microstrip feeds is employed as radiating element. One of its ports is employed to receive the signal and the other to retransmit it with the phase and gain selected in the amplitude/phase control unit. The beam control can be also obtained by means of switching circuit. A laboratory experience with 1-bit reflectarray of 4 × 4 elements shows the beam control performance, and a study to simplify manufacturing process of 3-bit reflectarray is also presented.U ovom su radu prikazani aktivni reflektorski nizovi s kontrolom snopa. Sposobnost zakretanja snopa dobivena je primjenom različitih amplituda i faza raspršenog polja iz elementa reflektorskog niza, koji je kontroliran uporabom IQ modulatora. Kao zračeći element upotrijebljen je patch spregnut preko otvora s okomitim mikrotrakastim pobudnim linijama. Jedan od njegovih prolaza je iskorišten za prijam signala, a drugi za reemitiranje istog signala s fazom i pojačanjem odabranim u kontrolnoj jedinici amplitude i faze. Kontrola snopa može se također dobiti pomoću prekidačkog sklopa. Laboratorijska iskustva s 1-bitnim reflektorskim nizom s 4 × 4 elementa pokazuje preformance kontrole snopa, a također je prikazano i istraživanje na pojednostavljenju proizvodnog procesa 3-bitnog reflektorskog niza

    Registres ornitològics

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