31 research outputs found

    Empregabilidade e satisfação dos diplomados de uma instituição de ensino superior: indicadores preliminares

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    The aim of this study was to know the indicators of employability and satisfaction with training in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in a sample of 1693 graduates, with a mean of 29.05 years of age (Dp7,67). Statistical analysis was performed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 for Windows. It was verified that, 72.7% of the graduates are employed, the majority of these graduates (82.9%) are employed up to one year after completing their studies, and employment is mostly (80.9%) in the training area, being that of those who found employees at the date of completion of their studies, the majority (64.6%) did not change jobs yet.Regarding the current contractual situation of the graduates who are employed, 55.7% as employees. Regarding the need for additional training, 55.1% of all respondents said they felt a need, but only for career progression. With regard to the evaluation that the graduates make to their training received by the HEI regarding the adequacy of the training obtained in the course they attended to perform professional functions in the area, it should be noted that the majority (86.3%) score as “adequate” to “fully adequate”. The majority of graduates (92.3%) consider the theoretical contents and their importance for the professional practice of “relevant” to “extremely relevant”, 86.1% regarding the evaluation of the teaching methods used, in evaluating the updating of the programs 87.4%, and 88.4% on the curricular stage. With regard to overall satisfaction with the course, 81% of graduates surveyed consider themselves “satisfied” to “fully satisfied” with regard to the coursethey attended at HEI.O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer os índices de empregabilidade e satisfação com a formação numa Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) numa amostra constituída por 1693 diplomados, com uma média de 29,05 anos de idade (Dp7,67). A análise estatística foi efetuada através do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 20.0 para Windows. Verificou-se que, 72.7% dos diplomados se encontram empregados, a obtenção desse emprego dá-se na maioria (82,9%) até um ao após a conclusão dos estudos e o emprego é maioritariamente (80.9%) na área de formação, sendo que dos que encontravam empregados à data de conclusão dos seus estudos, a maioria (64.6%) não mudou ainda de emprego. Quanto à situação contratual atual dos diplomados que se encontram empregados, 55.7% como trabalhadores por conta de outrem. No que concerne à necessidade de formação complementar à formação académica, 55.1% do total dos inquiridos referem ter sentido necessidade, mas apenas para progressão na carreira. Quanto à avaliação que os diplomados fazem à sua formação recebida, pela IES no que diz respeito à da adequação da formação obtida no curso que frequentaram para o exercício de funções profissionais na área, salienta-se que a maioria (86.3%) pontuam de “adequada a totalmente adequada”. A maioria dos diplomados (92.3%), considera os conteúdos teóricos e a importância dos mesmos para a prática profissional de “relevante” a “extremamente relevante”, 86.1% quanto à avaliação dos métodos de ensino utilizados, quanto à avaliação da atualização dos programas curriculares pontuam nos 87.4%, e 88.4% quanto ao estágio curricular. No que concerne à satisfação global com o curso, 81% dos diplomados inquiridos consideram-se de “satisfeito” a “totalmente satisfeito” relativamente ao curso que frequentaram na IES

    Resilience psychophysiology: preventing breakdown the biomarkers that could enhance resilience and breakdown prevention.

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    Introduction: This paper draws a research project that aims to understand the psychophysiological gymnastics necessary to cope with the trauma’s “pathosplastic gymnastic”, elucidating the successful or adaptation magic of resilient individuals. As study justification we point motivation and curiosity to obtain an assertive answer to the question: How and Why individuals exposed to dramatic life events didn’t develop PTSD or any psychopathological symptom but reveal their adaptive magic? This answer could not only enlightening protector, vulnerability and risk factors but also if this extraordinary individuals have a singular biology that enable us to find if resilience has a pattern of biomarkers which could provide the interventional tools to promote resilience and prevent breakdown, monitoring psychophysiology of resilience and consequently promote Health and Well-Being

    Creative researchers conflicts management

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    La creatividad es una actitud, humana y dinámica, que promueve el cambio y el desarrollo, tanto a nivel individual como social. Aunque su procedimiento es individual, su trabajo toma la forma colectiva en un proceso discontinuo e instantáneo, sin dañar a los sujetos en la preocupación de evaluar su impacto. Su condición es el clima, el ambiente del equipo, presupone la capacitación, el aprendizaje de métodos, la generación continua de ideas, preguntas que, suponiendo un pensamiento divergente y lateral, inducen necesariamente la gestión de sus conflictos. En este sentido, intentamos encontrar, a través de un grupo de investigadores y coordinadores especializados, indicaciones de dicha gestión en los equipos que han orientado. Para hacer esto, utilizamos dos pruebas, una sobre creatividad y otra sobre conflictos, y el paquete estadístico para las ciencias sociales (versión SPSS-portugués), donde pudimos ver que la gestión de conflictos en investigadores creativos es una evidencia, debido a la búsqueda de mejoras en el rendimiento y en la productividad, por parte de sus miembros, y debido a la ausencia de conflictos en el objeto estudiado.Creativity is an attitude, human and dynamic, promoting change and development, both on an individual and social level. Although their procedure is individual, their work takes the collective form in a discontinued and instantaneous process, not harming the subjects in the concern of evaluating its impact. Their condition is the climate, the team environment, presupposes the training, the learning of methods, the continuous generation of ideas, questions that, assuming divergent and lateral thinking, necessarily induce the management of their conflicts. In this sense, we try to find, through a group of researchers and specialized coordinators, indications of such management in the teams they have oriented. In order to do this, we used two tests, one about creativity, and another about conflicts, and the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS-Portuguese version), where we could see that conflict management in creative researchers is an evidence, due to the search for improvements in performance and in productivity, on the part of its members, and due to the absence of conflicts in the studied object .peerReviewe

    Necesidades educativas especiales: una mejora mediante innovación educativa

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    Según el último informe de la Comisión Europea sobre educación, discapacidad y necesidades especiales (NESSE, 2012) “Alrededor de 15 millones de niños de la Unión Europea tienen necesidades educativas especiales (NEE)”. Como consecuencia un elevado porcentaje de niños con NEE acaban aislados, abandonando la escuela, con escasas posibilidades laborales e incluso con marginación social. Con todo esto, nos planteamos en nuestro estudio valorar los beneficios adquiridos de la aplicación de la robótica educativa en el aprendizaje de niños con NEE. Se procedió a una revisión bibliográfica sobre laaplicación de la robótica educativa al campo de las NEE.

    Enhance democracy: resilience and meritocracy

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    This paper presents an exploratory study that meant to contribute to the comprehension of the process of formation of Portuguese political elites groups, especially to enlightening if the individual elite status is due to exceptional abilities, assessed by its resilience’s categories and professional and academical backgrounds or by “inheritance”, due to favorable factors as family and social relationships – that may have induced to a state power type formation that may have led, as one of the major factors, to inequality and mischaracterization of the concept of Democracy itself and to its disbelief, reinforced by the growing corruption and therefore facilitator of populist, dictatorial and xenophobes models that it’s urgent to reverse. Concomitantly, it is fundamental to promote resilience-related aspects and merit, to restore society’s trust in the system, as WHO (2017) recently explained the importance of trust, measured by the absence of corruption in business and government, to happiness and therefore well-being

    Creativity for business intelligence

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    What does business intelligence mean? It seems to us the emotionally coherent use of a skills set in different domains and in different accomplishments for a objectives diversity to conceptualize and pass on to the materially realizable the process of interpreting, analyzing, modifying, and innovating, intentionally extracted business data in order to support decision support systems, generating and sharing knowledge. Understanding that the main attitude that underlies this process is the creativity, we carried out experience with teams of a postgraduate course in Business Intelligence, which underpinned in a process of this nature the conception of a brand now expanding and recognized, of which we want to bear witness here. We conclude, that this experience is positive to exercise business intelligence

    Inteligencia y emprendimiento: fundamento y aplicación de un enfoque metodológico

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    The relationship between intelligence and entrepreneurship is a complex work that can be studied considering different theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches. The decisions that are taken by researchers to explain the connection have associated consequences. A base and theoretical and practical training is necessary, which allows to provide methodological rigor, to detail the route traced, and to use the best of possible options to obtain the best results. There are several possibilities to explain this connection. This communication presents the process we have carried out.La relación entre inteligencia y emprendimiento es un trabajo complejo que puede estudiarse considerando distintos marcos teóricos y enfoques metodológicos. Las decisiones que se toman por parte de los investigadores para explicar la conexión tiene consecuencias asociadas. Es necesaria una base y formación teórica y práctica, que permita aportar rigor metodológico, detallar el recorrido trazado, y utilizar la mejor de las opciones posibles para la obtención de los mejores resultados. Existen varias posibilidades para explicar dicha conexión. Esta comunicación presenta el proceso que hemos llevado a cabo

    Actividad extraescolar para aprender a aprender: la robótica como herramienta educativa

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    Las actividades extraescolares tienen como objetivos educar y contribuir al desarrollo integral del alumno, estimular y potenciar sus aptitudes. En este artículo se describe la experiencia de la actividad robótica como herramienta educativa de aprendizaje, de desarrollo de capacidades y competencias. Los participantes de esta actividad fueron 48 alumnos, algunos de los cuales presentaban alguna necesidad educativa especial. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que la robótica ayuda a los niños a desarrollar la creatividad, enseñándoles a aprender a aprender, fomenta la interacción con otros participantes, la resolución de problemas, la escucha activa y el trabajo cooperativo

    Análisis de la relación entre inteligencias múltiples y habilidades emprendedoras en personas de éxito

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    The acquisition of entrepreneurial skills is a complex phenomenon influenced by different factors and dimensions. The objective of this study has been to analyze the relationship that exists between these skills and multiple intelligences, considering relevant Extremadura personalities that have reached a high level of success. To do this, a mixed empirical study was conducted, the results of which indicate that although not all intelligences influence all entrepreneurial skills, there are intelligences that are related to different entrepreneurial skills, obtaining interesting results.According to this study, interpersonal intelligence has the most relationship with the entrepreneurial skills of the participants, specifically with creativity, initiative, leadership, the need for achievement, tolerance for change, problem management, and energy. and ability to work. This intelligence has its greatest impact in terms of the leadership of these people, followed by creativity.On the other hand, the logical-mathematical and corporal-kinesthetic intelligences are connected with many of the entrepreneurial skills. Both coincide around creativity, leadership, the need for achievement, tolerance for change and problem management. In addition, self-confidence is related to logical-mathematical intelligence and energy and work capacity. And this in turn with the body-kinesthetic intelligence.La adquisición de habilidades emprendedoras es un fenómeno complejo en el que influyen distintos factores y dimensiones. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la relación que existe entre dichas habilidades y las inteligencias múltiples, considerando personalidades relevantes extremeñas que han alcanzado un nivel alto de éxito. Para ello se realizó un estudio de tipo empírico mixto, cuyos resultados indican que aunque no todas las inteligencias influyen en todas las habilidades emprendedoras, si hay inteligencias que tienen relación con distintas habilidades emprendedoras obteniendo resultados interesantes.Según este estudio la inteligencia interpersonal, es la que más relación tiene con las habilidades emprendedoras de los participantes, específicamente con la creatividad, la iniciativa, el liderazgo, la necesidad de logro, la tolerancia al cambio, el manejo de problemas, y la energía y capacidad de trabajo. Esta inteligencia tiene su mayor impacto en lo que se refiere al liderazgo de estas personas, seguido de la creatividad.Por su parte, las inteligencias lógico-matemática y corporal-kinestésica están conectadas con muchas de las habilidades emprendedoras. Ambas, coinciden en torno a la creatividad, el liderazgo, la necesidad de logro, la tolerancia al cambio y el manejo de problemas. Además, la autoconfianza se relaciona con la inteligencia lógico-matemática y la energía y capacidad de trabajo. Y esta a su vez con la inteligencia corporal-kinestésica

    Un proyecto de inteligencia colectiva basado en la colaboración y en el conocimiento. El caso de repensar Extremadura

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    El proyecto Repensar Extremadura pretende acelerar la transferencia de conocimiento innovador y de transformación de un territorio, en este caso de la región de Extremadura (España). Desde una propuesta novedosa de participación ciudadana basada en la inteligencia colectiva, persigue detectar las nuevas ideas que van surgiendo en diferentes ámbitos, tales como económicos y sociales, e identificar nuevas oportunidades en base al establecimiento de retos presentes y futuros. La finalidad es que las nuevas ideas, desde el contraste académico y científico de la Universidad y de los Centros de Investigación, puedan estudiarse, valorarse y aplicarse en la región de Extremadura (España). Se propone un proceso permanente de reflexión tomando el conocimiento como la base de cualquier progreso social, en la que las instituciones, organizaciones, asociaciones e instituciones civiles desarrollan un papel clave en el proyecto para el establecimiento de nuevos modelos de desarrollo futuros, alineados con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible