24 research outputs found

    Eating Disorders in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: A Systematic Review

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    Background and objectives: Pregnancy is a stage associated with various biopsychosocial changes. These changes, along with concerns about keeping an adequate weight, can modulate an individual’s risk for psychological disorders, especially eating disorders (EDs). The aim of this review was to investigate the prevalence, associated risks, and consequences of eating disorders in pregnancy and in breastfeeding mothers. Materials and Methods: A systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines in the scientific databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and PsycINFO. Search terms related to EDs, pregnancy, and breastfeeding were used. The evaluation of the methodological quality of the studies was carried out using different scales; CASP (Checklist for Cohort Study), NICE (Methodology Checklist for Cohort Study), ARHQ (Methodology Checklist for Cross-Sectional), and NOS (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for Cohort). Results: From 2920 studies, 16 were selected to study EDs in pregnant women and 2 studies in nursing mothers. Most of the studies used questionnaires and scales as tools for the diagnosis of EDs. Binge eating, anxiety, and depression were the most common comorbidities of EDs, accompanied in most cases by excessive concern about weight gain. The consequences of EDs are diverse. The prevalence of EDs in this population is estimated to be 1 out of 20. Conclusions: Eating disorders are related to anxiety and depression and have negative consequences for both mothers and fetuses (cesarean, miscarriages, premature births). More research on the field to determine the risk factors for EDs in the population of pregnant and lactating women is needed

    Analysis of resilience and dependence in combat sports and other sports modalities

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    El ejercicio físico (EF) es una práctica sistematizada y orientada a un objetivo (salud, rendimiento, etc.) de actividad física. Dadas las respuestas a nivel fisiológico y cognitivo que genera, este puede influir en diversos factores psicosociales. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la prevalencia del riesgo de dependencia al EF y de resiliencia por deporte (colectivo, individual o combate) y analizar las diferencias, teniendo en cuenta el sexo, edad, dedicación deportiva y años de experiencia deportiva. Participaron 278 deportistas (194-varones, 84-mujeres). Se administró la Escala de Dependencia del Ejercicio-Revisada y la Escala de Resiliencia. Los resultados mostraron una menor sintomatología de riesgo de dependencia al EF y elevados niveles de resiliencia en deportes de combate frente al resto. En deportes individuales se encuentra una menor resiliencia a medida que van pasando los años de experiencia. En la modalidad colectiva se hallaron diferencias por sexo, mostrando las mujeres mayor resiliencia que los hombres. Los deportes de combate muestran mejores resultados en resiliencia y dependencia al EF.Physical exercise (PE) is a systematized and goal-oriented practice (health, performance, etc.) of physical activity. Given the physiological and cognitive responses that it generates, it can influence various psychosocial factors. The aim of this study is to know risk exercise dependence and resilience prevalence in athletes by sport (collective, individual or combat), and analyze the differences, according to sex, age, sports dedication and years of sports experience. 278 athletes were evaluated (194 men and 84 women) using the Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised and Resilience Scale inventories in the Spanish version. Results showed an important symptomatology of exercise dependence risk and higher levels of resilience in combat sports in comparison with team sports or individual sports. There was a significant negative correlation between resilience and years of expertise in individual sports athletes. Results from team sports athletes presented significant differences between men and women in resilience, increased in women. Sport combat practice showed better results in resilience and exercise dependence

    Bienestar psicológico de deportistas adolescentesmexicanos confinados por la pandemia del COVID-19

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    The present pandemic has affected psychological well-being in all areas, but in adolescent athletes, its impact is unknown. The objective of the present research is to determine the perceived psychological well-being, subjective vitality and mental strength of confined Mexican adolescent athletes depending on: sex, age and type of sport, as well as the predictive role of different variables evaluated in the perceived psychological well-being of athletes. 522 high level athletes, 280 men and 242 women, 16±1y, were administered the Psychological Well-being Scale for Adolescents (BIEPS-J), the Subjective Vitality Scale, and the translation of the Mental Toughness Inventory (MTI). The results showed that 15% of the athletes perceived low psychological well-being, self-acceptance was the most damaged dimension Males showed better perceived psychological well-being, increased vitality and in mental strength (p = 0.003, p = 0.001; p = 0.003). The variables included in the model that best explained the high and low levels of well-being were mental toughness (37%). It is suggested that third generation positive interventions will be implemented in sports care programs after confinement. Furthermore, we consider it necessary to continue exploring variables that can predict the psychological well-being.El bienestar psicológico ha sido afectado por la pandemia en todos los ámbitos, pero en el deportista adolescente desconocemos su impacto. Es objeto de estudio conocer el bienestar psicológico percibido, la vitalidad subjetiva y fortaleza mental de deportistas adolescentes mexicanos confinados: en función del sexo, edad y tipo de deporte, así como el papel predictor de distintas variables evaluadas en el bienestar psicológico percibido de los deportistas. Se evaluó a 522 deportistas de alto nivel, 280 varones y 242 mujeres (edad: M = 16, DT = 1), y se les administró la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J), la Escala de Vitalidad Subjetiva, y la traducción del Mental Toughness Inventory (MTI). Los resultados mostraron como un 15% de los deportistas percibía un bajo bienestar psicológico, la autoaceptación fue el área más dañada. Los varones presentaron mayor bienestar psicológico, vitalidad y fortaleza mental (p = 0.003, p = 0.001; p = 0.003). La variable que mejor explicó los niveles de bienestar psicológico fue la fortaleza mental (37%). Se sugiere que se implementen intervenciones positivas de tercera generación en los programas de atención al deportista tras el confinamiento, así como seguir explorando variables susceptibles de predecir el bienestar psicológico.Actividad Física y Deport

    Sensibilidad del test de valoración de la resistencia específica en el fútbol (TVREF) para evaluar la influencia del entrenamiento de pretemporada en la resistencia y capacidad aeróbica de futbolistas profesionales

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    El test TVREF ha sido utilizado en diferentes estudios científicos sobre valoración de la condición física en fútbol. Ninguno de ellos ha comprobado la sensibilidad de este test a los efectos del entrenamiento en fútbol, comparándolo con los resultados de un test continuo. 24 futbolistas de 1ª División participaron en el estudio, siendo evaluados al inicio y final de una pretemporada de entrenamiento mediante 2 tests de campo (TVREF y Course Navette) para valorar la velocidad aeróbica máxima (VAM) y otros parámetros de resistencia aeróbica (umbral anaeróbico interválico y capacidad de recuperación en el TVREF). La VAM mejoró 0.5 km/h en el TVREF (p<0.05), pero no en el Course Navette (0.1 km/h y p>0.05), a pesar de que el nivel de esfuerzo (frecuencia cardiaca máxima) fue similar en ambos tests. La velocidad en el umbral anaeróbico mejoró más que la VAM (0.9 km/h y p<0.001) en el TVREF. La frecuencia cardiaca para la misma velocidad de carrera disminuyó en ambos tests, pero de forma más significativa en el TVREF, lo que repercutió en una mejora de los porcentajes de recuperación cardiaca en los estadíos previos al umbral anaeróbico. En conclusión, el test TVREF es más sensible que el Course Navette para valorar los efectos del entrenamiento en fútbol, y ofrece más información que este último (umbral anaeróbico y capacidad de recuperación). Futuros trabajos deben comprobar si se puede estimar el VO2máx de los futbolistas al realizar este tes

    Explotación y comercialización de un complemento derivado de la leche de cardo como coadyuvante para el tratamiento de la obesidad.

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    El sobrepeso y la obesidad son declaradas por la OMS, las enfermedades más prevalentes a nivel mundial, cuyos problemas de exceso de grasa corporal favorecen una mayor exposición al desarrollo de otras enfermedades, como diabetes tipo 2 o enfermedades cardiovasculares, entre otras. Su enfoque terapéutico consiste, en un primer momento, en un cambio de hábitos de vida que favorezcan un gasto energético superior al aporte calórico del individuo, reduciendo la acumulación de grasa corporal. En casos donde esto no sea efectivo, esta terapia convencional se complementa con la administración de determinados fármacos. Este tipo de fármacos actúan reduciendo la ingesta calórica y mejorando el rendimiento del tratamiento dietético. Sin embargo, a pesar de su efecto, la aparición de diversos efectos adversos asociados a su uso expone la necesidad de encontrar nuevos fármacos con mecanismos de actuación similares, mayor eficacia y menores efectos adversos. Siguiendo este objetivo, la presente invención pone de manifiesto el uso de silibinina para la prevención, mejora, alivio y/o tratamiento de la obesidad. Este compuesto es de origen natural y su uso ha demostrado seguridad en cuanto a la administración humana. La silibinina actúa inhibiendo la lipasa pancreática, una de las enzimas responsables de la digestión de las grasas de la dieta. De esta manera, mediante la aplicación de este compuesto,se previene parcialmente la escisión de las grasas y, por consiguiente,se evita la reabsorción y utilización de tales grasas, las cuales son excretadas por el tracto digestivo. Esto, junto a la seguridad en su administración, conduce a una mejoría en la salud del paciente.La presente invención manifiesta el empleo de silibinina para la inhibición de la lipasa pancreática, la enzima encargada de la digestión de las grasas de la dieta. Tal efecto apoya el uso de este compuesto para la prevención, mejora, alivio y/o tratamiento de la obesidad y/o de la hiperlipidemiaCiencias de la AlimentaciónFundación Séneca22.500

    Diferencias morfométricas, de composición y comportamiento entre distintas regiones adiposas de sujetos mórbidos : realción con factores endocrinos y metabólicos / Juan José Hernández Morante; directores, Marta Garaulet Aza, Salvador Zamora Navarro.

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    Texto en español e inglés.Tesis-Universidad de Murcia.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. T.M. 3333

    Dietary Factors Associated with Frailty in Old Adults: A Review of Nutritional Interventions to Prevent Frailty Development

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    Frailty syndrome is a medical condition that is characterised by a functional decline, usually from 65 years old on, and creates the need for assistance to perform daily living activities. As the population ages, the need for specialised geriatric care will increase immensely, and consequently, the need for specialised services for the care of these people will increase accordingly. From a nutritional point of view, to control or balance the nutritional status of residents will be essential in order to prevent sarcopenia and, consequently, frailty development. In this line, previous studies have highlighted the association among low energy intake, inadequate intake of protein and vitamin D, and an increased risk of frailty development. However, there is a lack of intervention studies on frail patients, especially in the realm of quality clinical trials. The few studies performed to date seem to indicate that there is a protective role of protein supplementation against frailty syndrome. In this regard, it is tempting to suggest daily 30 g protein supplements to prevent frailty. However, it is well established that excess protein can also be harmful; therefore, specific individual characteristics should be considered before prescribing these supplements. On the other hand, the relevance of other nutritional interventions, such as vitamin D, omega-3, and medium-chain triglycerides, is much more scarce in the literature. Therefore, we encourage the development of new clinical trials to carry out effective therapies to prevent frailty development

    Effect of glucose and sucrose on cognition in healthy humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studies

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    Context: Evidence suggests that plasma glucose levels may influence cognitive performance, but this has not been systematically reviewed and quantified. Objective: The aim of this review was to investigate the potential effects of glucose and sucrose, compared with placebo, on cognition in healthy humans. Data Sources: The electronic databases PubMed and Web of Science were searched up to December 2019. Reference lists of selected articles were checked manually. Study Selection: Randomized controlled trials or crossover trials that compared glucose or sucrose with placebo for effects on cognition were eligible. Data Extraction: Potentially eligible articles were selected independently by 2 authors. Risk of bias was assessed through the Cochrane Collaboration tool. Standardized mean differences (SMDs) were obtained from random-effects meta-analyses for a subsample of studies that reported the same outcomes. Results: Thirty-seven trials were identified, of which 35 investigated the effect of glucose consumption compared with placebo on cognition. Two studies found no effect of glucose on cognition, while the others found mixed results. Only 3 of the 37 studies investigated the effects of sucrose intake, reporting mixed results. Meta-analyses revealed a significantly positive effect of glucose compared with control, but only when a verbal performance test (immediate word recall) was used in parallel-design studies (SMD¼0.61; 95%CI, 0.20–1.02; I2 ¼ 0%). Twenty-four studies were classified as having high risk of bias for the selection procedure. Conclusions: A limited body of evidence shows a beneficial effect of glucose in individuals performing immediate verbal tasks. High-quality trials with standardized cognitive measurements are needed to better establish the effect of glucose or sucrose on cognition. Systematic Review Registration: PROSPERO registration number CRD42019122939.This work was partially funded by PMAFI/14/12 project from the Support for Research Help Program of the Catholic University of Murcia. C.P.’s time on this research was funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care Oxford at the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Eating Disorders in Spanish Nurses with Shift Patterns: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background and Objectives: Shift work has a significant influence on the mental health of workers. Nursing is characterised by a rotational work system. This study aimed to determine whether there was a link between adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and the risk of suffering an eating disorder (ED) in nurses according to their work shift. Materials and Methods: A total of 240 women (nurses and nursing assistants) were evaluated and completed the PREDIMED-PLUS questionnaire on adherence to the MD and the EAT-26 (Eating Attitude Test, 26 items). Results: The results indicate that there are no differences in adherence to the MD depending on the work shift, being that adherence to the diet is already low. Statistically significant differences appear depending on the work shift in the following dimensions: restrictive behaviours and bulimia subscales (presenting higher scores in the 7-h rotating shift versus the fixed morning shift or 12-h rotating shift) and for total EAT-26 score. Conclusion: Whilst they do not condition adherence to a MD, the nursing shifts that are the most changing in terms of time patterns may condition restrictive behaviours and compensatory risk behaviours related to an ED