2,625 research outputs found

    Researching the global curriculum in practice: Greece in the Ithaca school

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    En esta comunicación se presenta un estudio de caso sobre la enseñanza basada en competencias básicas que se desarrolló el curso pasado en el marco del IES Ítaca. Se trata de un nuevo centro educativo público que se ha creado hace pocos años en la localidad sevillana de Tomares. Este instituto de secundaria está liderado por un comprometido equipo directivo que ha puesto en marcha un proyecto de centro de carácter innovador basado fundamentalmente en dos líneas de avance principales: por un lado, la integración curricular de las Tics en la práctica educativa de todas las asignaturas que se imparten en la etapa de la ESO y, por otro, un desarrollo global del currículum de las distintas áreas en torno a lo que denominan “tarea integrada”. En este caso, se describe mediante un método de investigación basado en la observación por inmersión en el campo, el modo en que este centro hace girar todas las materias entorno a un proyecto integrado sobre el importante y múltiple legado de la Cultura Griega. En concreto, se analizan los datos procedentes de varias observaciones de los diez talleres que el profesorado tomó como base para diseñar esta tarea integrada, cuya denominación original fue la siguiente: la Casa de las Letras, Debates en el Ágora, Biblioteca de Alejandría y Liceo de Aristóteles, Arte y Mitología, Las Olimpiadas, Taller de Música y Danza, Taller de Teatro, Escuela Pitagórica, Journey to the Greek Mythology y el Nacimiento de la Ciencia. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación muestran que es posible diseñar y desarrollar un currículum integrado en la ESO para poder trabajar todas las competencias básicas de manera holística e interrelacionada. Esta pionera experiencia que rompe las barreras espacio-temporales que encorsetan tradicionalmente el currículum escolar pone de manifiesto que a través de un trabajo colaborativo en el que se implican de forma activa el profesorado, el alumnado, los familiares y el ayuntamiento es factible construir un currículum más coherente y global que potencia un aprendizaje relevante y profundo sobre la temática en cuestión. De este modo, el IES Ítaca trata de hacer realidad el viejo lema africano que sostiene que para educar a niño hace falta la tribu entera

    Implementing Open Innovation in Research and Technology Organisations: Approaches and Impact

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    This article seeks to answer the question of how value proposition is created using a human-centred approach in the context of deservitization, in general, and service dilution, in particular. The article aims to describe the Research and development organisations (RTOs) are at the heart of innovation systems. They help to connect innovation system actors to foster industrial innovation. Due to this intermediary role, they act as paradigmatic open innovation (OI) actors. In this context, RTOs need to balance their knowledge stocks and flows, while assuring their own innovation capabilities and positively impacting the innovation system they influence. Thus, RTOs need to develop collaboration approaches that support their own performance while increasing their capabilities and not threatening their competitive advantages derived from their knowledge stock. In this study we extend the OI research to research organisations analysing their OI approach and the impact on its own performance, developing a new framework for OI study in RTOs using a partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach. The research, based on a sample of Spanish RTOs, arises two substantive conclusions. First, an increased number of collaboration partners (collaboration breadth) and the use of a variety of OI practices have a strong impact on RTOs’ overall performance (scientific, transference, and economic results). Second, RTOs need to foster their aperture and promote an active management to benefit from collaborating partners, whereas managers should pay special attention to questions related to the protection and management of intellectual property when promoting the use of different OI practices. Both results also emphasise the importance of managing firms’ knowledge flows in the implementation of OI in RTOs

    On the economic link between asset prices and real activity.

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    This paper presents a model linking two financial markets (stocks and bonds) with real business cycle, in the framework of the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model with Generalized Isoelastic Preferences. Besides interest rate term spread, the model includes a new variable to forecast economic activity: stock market term spread. This is the slope of expected stock market returns. The empirical evidence documented in this paper suggests systematic relationships between business cycle’s state and the shapes of two yield curves (interest rates and expected stock returns). Results are robust to changes in measures of economic growth, stock prices, interest rates and expectations generating mechanisms.Stock market; Interest rates; Economic growth; Term structure;

    Current Glacier Area in the Pyrenees: An Updated Assessment 2016

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    Producción CientíficaLos estudios de superficie glaciar en los Pirineos han informado de más de 2000 ha en 1850, 806,5 ha en la década de 1980 y 310,33 ha en 2008. En este trabajo hemos llevado a cabo una estimación actualizada (2016) de la superficie de los glaciares actuales en los Pirineos, a partir de imágenes satelitales contrastadas con observaciones “in situ” de los glaciares más representativos. Nuestros resultados dan una superficie glaciar de 242,06 ha para el año 2016. Esto implica una reducción del 88,25% desde 1850 y una rápida disminución desde la década de 1980, lo que confirma el acelerado declive durante el final del siglo XX y la primera década del siglo XXI

    Like teacher, like student?: conceptions of children from traditional and constructive teachers regarding the teaching and learning of string instruments

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    While many studies have considered the association between teachers’ and students’ conceptions of teaching and learning and classroom practices, few studies have researched the influence of teachers’ conceptions on students’ conceptions. Our objective was to analyze the influence of music teachers’ conceptions on student ideas regarding teaching and learning. We interviewed 30 children with teachers with traditional conceptions of teaching and learning and 30 with teachers with constructive conceptions. Interviews were conducted after children viewed videos of instrument lessons demonstrating direct, interpretative or constructive teaching and learning. A first quantitative analysis (ANOVA) considered the video choice. A second qualitative analysis (lexicometric analysis) was based on video choice explanations. Results showed that students’ conceptions corresponded to their teachers’ profiles. Student explanations in the constructive group were longer and more elaborate, focusing on learning processes and conditions and student autonomy, whereas the traditional group focused on outcomes and responding to teacher instructions.This research was financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, through project EDU2010-21995-C02-0

    Analysis of constructive practice in instrumental music education: case study with an expert cello teacher

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    Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivadaA case study was conducted on an expert cello teacher and a 7-year-old student, to analyze the relationships between the teacher's constructive conceptions and instructional practices, by means of the System for Analyzing the Practice of Instrumental Lessons. This article describes a constructive teaching model based on: (a) the student's learning processes, (b) fostering conditions that enable learning and (c) achieving long-lasting learning outcomes which are student-driven and applicable to other situations. Results suggest that many of this teacher's practices reflect the constructive profile to which her conceptions are associatedThe SAPIL was developed by Amalia Casas, Maravillas Corbalan, Guadalupe Lopez-Iniguez, Cristina Marín, Puy Pérez Echeverría and Juan Ignacio Pozo the Research Group on Acquisition of Musical Knowledge (Grupo de Investigacion en Adquisición del Conocimiento Musical) at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain (GIACM, 2011), thanks to the funds given by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, through Project EDU2013-47593-C2-1-P. This article was possible thanks to the Short Research Stays for researchers (total 9 months) awarded to the first author by the Autonomous University of Madrid. The article was also partly funded by the grant for cooperation with foreign institutions given by the Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts (CERADA) given by the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Finlan

    Impacts of land abandonment and climate variability on runoff generation and sediment transport in the Pisuerga headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)

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    Producción CientíficaThe Atlantic mountains of Spain are suffering a strong landscape change due to a widespread and intensive emigration to urban areas since the 1950s. This process, representative of global developments in an imminent future, is dominated by urban societies and leads to deep landscape changes in which crop fields and grasslands are abandoned and progressively covered by forest and shrubs. These dynamics have caused in turn a decrease in the runoff and a general slowdown of geomorphological processes. The impacts of land cover change have been simultaneous to an irregularity in precipitation and a significant increase of temperatures. With this background, this paper assesses in detail the impact of landscape change occurred over the last decades (twentieth and twenty-first centuries) on the water and sediment yield in the Pisuerga catchment headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain). We analyzed the different components of Global Change in a catchment of 233 km2 extent, that has passed from 15 to 2 habitants/km2, from multiple data sources. Evolution of land cover was reconstructed from aerial photographs, remote sensing and other resources. The climatic parameters have been studied through meteorological stations, and the hydrological and sedimentological responses over time are based on available runoff data and sedimentological analysis. Our results show a significant decrease in water and sediment transport mainly driven by vegetation increase occurred in a non-linear way, more intense immediately after abandonment. This fact opens the opportunity to control more accurately water resources in Mediterranean catchments through land use management.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CGL2015-68144-R)Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (grant FPU13/05837

    Constructivismo en ciencias: pensamiento del alumnado versus pensamiento del profesorado

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    Se plantea en este trabajo la necesidad de concebir el constructivismo como una teoría epistemológica y didáctica válida para describir y orientar los procesos de desarrollo tanto del profesorado como del alumnado. Para ello, se describen brevemente algunas características básicas de las concepciones de los alumnos en los procesos de aprendizaje científico, de la evolución y cambio de las mismas, así como de las concepciones de los profesores en aras de una construcción significativa del conocimiento profesional. Desde esta perspectiva, se pone el énfasis en aquellos estudios que se han preocupado por analizar las concepciones de los profesores acerca de los procesos de pensamiento de los alumnos en ciencias, para finalizar con una serie de posibles implicaciones.This paper aims the peed to conceive constructivism view as an epistemological theory and suitable didactic to describe and line up the development processes for teachers and students. Some basic characteristics from the students' conceptions in the scientific learning processes are briefiy described, also the developmentand changing of these features. Similarly, the teachers' conceptions are analyzed to get a meaningful making of the professional knowledge. From this perspective, those studies that were concerned to analyze teachers' conceptions on students processes in science are emphasized. Finally, some potential implications are discussed

    Jóvenes y cultura messenger. Tecnología de la información y la comunicación en la sociedad interactiva

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    Depto. de Sociología: Metodología y TeoríaFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Can output explain the predictability and volatility of stock returns?.

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    This paper examines whether a general equilibrium asset pricing model can explain two important empirical regularities of asset returns, extensively documented in the literature: (i) returns can be predicted by a set of macro variables, and (ii) returns are very volatile. We derive a closed-form solution for the equilibrium asset pricing model that relates asset returns to output by using an approximate method proposed by Campbell (Am. Econ. Rev. 83 (1993) 487) and Restoy and Weil (W.P. NBER, No. 6611 (1998)). We obtain evidence on eight OECD economies using both quarterly and annual observations. Equilibrium models seem to fin fewer difficultie in explaining the volatility of returns than their predictability for general output processes. In the case of the US, the observed predictability and volatility of asset returns, for annual frequencies, are broadly compatible with the predictions of equilibrium models for a reasonableGeneralized isoelastic preferences; Asset returns; Real activity; Volatility;