5,256 research outputs found

    De la ineficacia de la protección constitucional en el sistema de reclusión intramural en Colombia

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    Artículo de reflexiónEste proyecto se divide en cuatro apartes donde se demostrara que en la vigencia del Estado Social de Derecho Colombiano, una realidad oculta detrás de las rejas de los Establecimientos de Reclusión Intramural, advierte de la sistemática transgresión que sobre las Garantías Constitucionales de los sujetos privados de la libertad es materializada en su interior, lo cual sin duda es un factor agravado en consecuencia de las permanentes violaciones a los Derechos Humanos y los Derechos Fundamentales de las cuales son sujetos los internos, lo que es evidenciado de forma inicial con base en la grave situación de Superpoblación, carencia de servicios públicos y medico sanitarios, falta de oportunidades para la resocialización efectiva y la latente corrupción enclaustrada en los penales, desbordando así la cobertura propia de la Protección Constitucional dispuesta para el efecto.PregradoAbogad

    Life mode analisys and valuation from the production, distribution and consum of the marine resources in the Atlantic band of Cadiz in the Mesolic and the early Holocene

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    Desde una toma de postura de la denominada Arqueología Social abordamos un análisis de la explotación de los recursos marinos por las últimas formaciones sociales con modo de producción cazador-recolector-mariscador y las tribales-comunitarias. Su análisis nos acerca a los modos de vida y modos de trabajo y nos vislumbra, desde parámetros netamente socioeconómicos, los procesos históricos acaecidos durante el Mesolítico e inicios del Holoceno en la Banda Atlántica de Cádiz y Bahía de Algeciras

    Four collaborative strategies to foster self-directed learning and motivation in A1 students

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    94 Páginas.La implementación de estrategias de aprendizaje colaborativo para fomentar el aprendizaje autodirigido en el contexto de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera representa beneficios al nivel de alumnos que se tornan motivados para asumir parte activa de su propio proceso de aprendizaje. De este modo, esta investigación-acción implementó cuatro estrategias de aprendizaje colaborativo para fomentar aprendizaje autodirigido e incrementar la motivación hacia el aprendizaje en un grupo de 15 estudiantes de Inglés de un colegio público en Bogotá. Cuestionarios de diagnóstico, diarios de los estudiantes, diario del docente y entrevistas fueron los instrumentos utilizados para recolectar información con el fin de explorar y evaluar las estrategias colaborativas propuestas para mejorar sus problemas de aprendizaje. Hallazgos revelaron que la mayoría de estudiantes adoptó comportamientos autónomos y actitudes motivantes hacia el aprendizaje. Las estrategias colaborativas también fomentaron un compromiso positivo entre los estudiantes y su responsabilidad para efectuar asignaciones en el salón de clase. Además, en relación con la autodirección, los estudiantes tomaron confianza para trabajar por su cuenta, establecer sus objetivos de aprendizaje y asumir un mayor nivel de conciencia

    A hybrid listening across totems and talking wires

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    This article unfolds around the notion of hybrid listeningfrom the perspectives of Hildegard Westerkamp ontotemism, and Pauline Oliveros's proposal of embodied technologies to expand our sensorium [1]: Both composers were led by the notions of ecology and utopia [2] and approached soundscape recordings from a long tradition of technologized humanism [3]. Their contribution enlighten a complex relation between soundscape technologies and indigenous listening [4] This encounter is highlighted with themes from the painting “The song of the talking wire”, by Henry Farny (1904). This approach underlines an attentive listening to wind driven soundscapes amplified through the telegraphic infrastructure. Hybrid listening means to combine embodied and technologically mediated listening [5] including diversified and non-extractive approaches to technologies for environmental sound [6]. In accordance with the painting’s theme, this article proposes a diversification of these technologies as an emergent agency raising from the discordance between western technologies and ancient cosmologies

    Assessment of Generic Skills through an Organizational Learning Process Model

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    This contribution has been published in this repository with the permission of the publisher. This contribution was presented in WEBIST 2018 (http://www.webist.org/?y=2018) and has been published by SCITEPRESS in http://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=y9Yt0eHt02o=&.The performance in generic skills is increasingly important for organizations to succeed in the current competitive environment. However, assessing the level of performance in generic skills of the members of an organization is a challenging task, subject to both subjectivity and scalability issues. Organizations usually lay their organizational learning processes on a Knowledge Management System (KMS). This work presents a process model to support managers of KMSs in the assessment of their individuals’ generic skills. The process model was deployed through an extended version of a learning management system. It was connected with different information system tools specifically developed to enrich its features. A case study with Computer Science final-year students working in a software system was conducted following an authentic learning approach, showing promising results.Visaigle Project (grant TIN2017-85797-R)

    Response of Dairy Cows to Dietary Starch Concentrations: Performance, Nutrient Digestion, and Gas Emissions

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    Three studies and a meta-analysis were conducted to determine the performance, nutrient digestion, and gas emissions of dairy cows fed diets with different starch concentrations (19 to 27% of DM). Study 1 evaluated the effects of reducing corn grain starch with non-forage fiber sources (NFFS, soybean hulls and beet pulp) in diets of soybean meal (SBM) or canola meal (CM). In study 1, reducing starch from 27 to 20% with soybean hulls and beet pulp had a negative effect on dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and energy-corrected milk (ECM), regardless of the crude protein (CP) source. Those effects were explained by a low dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility in cows fed 19% starch. Study 2 explored through a meta-analysis the effects of reducing cereal grain starch with NFFS on the performance, nutrient digestion, and rumen fermentation of dairy cows. The meta-analysis indicated that when dietary starch intake increased from 1 to 9 kg/d, DMI responded quadratically, but milk yield, milk protein concentration, and milk lactose yield increased positively. Milk fat concentration however decreased linearly as starch intake increased in the cows. As dietary starch intake increased in the cows, the concentration of total volatile fatty acids (VFA) and acetate decreased linearly, but propionate, acetate to propionate ratio, isobutyrate, isovalerate, and valerate increased linearly. Increasing starch intake affected quadratically the DM digestibility, linearly CP digestibility, and negatively neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility. Therefore, reducing cereal grains starch with NFFS has a negative effect on dairy cows performance. Studies 3 and 4 evaluated the effects of diets with conventional (CONV) and Brown midrib (BMR) corn silage with two starch concentrations (19 vs. 25% of DM) on performance and gas emissions, respectively. In study 3, cows fed BMR diets tended to have higher DMI than cows fed CONV corn silage diets. Cows fed BMR-25% had the greatest milk yield and ECM, but cows in BMR-19% produced the same amount of milk and ECM than cows with CONV corn silage in any starch concentration. These effects were explained by the increased digestibility of DM, OM, and CP in response to diets with 25% starch and the increased DMI with BMR corn silage. In study 4, diets did not affect DMI, milk yield, ECM, milk composition, nutrient digestion, and emissions of CH4, NH3, and CO2. However, cows fed BMR corn silage and 25% starch produced less CH4 and CO2 per kg of DM, OM, and starch digested than cows in CONV corn silage with any starch concentration, but cows fed 25% starch produced more NH3 and CO2 per kg of NDF digested. Overall, reducing starch with increasing NFFS has a negative effect on dairy cow performance and nutrient digestion, but including BMR corn silage improved those effects by increasing nutrient digestion. The combination of BMR corn silage and high starch diets have the potential to reduce gas emissions per kilogram of nutrient digested in lactating dairy cows

    Reducing Procrastination while Improving Performance: A Wiki-powered Experiment with Students

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    © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.Students in higher education are traditionally requested to produce various pieces of written work during the courses they undertake. When students' work is submitted online as a whole, both the ethically questionable act of procrastinating and late submissions afect performance. The objective of this paper is to assess the performance of students from a control group, with that of students from an experimental group. The control group produced work as a unique deliverable to be submitted at the end of the course. On the other hand, the experimental group worked on each part for a week, and their work was managed by a wiki environment and monitored by a speciically developed software. Positive efects were noticed in the experimental group, as both students' time management skills and performance increased. Replications of this experiment can and should be performed, in order to compare results in coursework submission.Final Accepted Versio

    Genotype imputation accuracy in a F2 pig population using high density and low density SNP panels

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    Background: F2 resource populations have been used extensively to map QTL segregating between pig breeds. A limitation associated with the use of these resource populations for fine mapping of QTL is the reduced number of founding individuals and recombinations of founding haplotypes occurring in the population. These limitations, however, become advantageous when attempting to impute unobserved genotypes using within family segregation information. A trade-off would be to re-type F2 populations using high density SNP panels for founding individuals and low density panels (tagSNP) in F2 individuals followed by imputation. Subsequently a combined meta-analysis of several populations would provide adequate power and resolution for QTL mapping, and could be achieved at relatively low cost. Such a strategy allows the wealth of phenotypic information that has previously been obtained on experimental resource populations to be further mined for QTL identification. In this study we used experimental and simulated high density genotypes (HD-60K) from an F2 cross to estimate imputation accuracy under several genotyping scenarios. Results: Selection of tagSNP using physical distance or linkage disequilibrium information produced similar imputation accuracies. In particular, tagSNP sets averaging 1 SNP every 2.1 Mb (1,200 SNP genome-wide) yielded imputation accuracies (IA) close to 0.97. If instead of using custom panels, the commercially available 9K chip is used in the F2, IA reaches 0.99. In order to attain such high imputation accuracy the F0 and F1 generations should be genotyped at high density. Alternatively, when only the F0 is genotyped at HD, while F1 and F2 are genotyped with a 9K panel, IA drops to 0.90. Conclusions: Combining 60K and 9K panels with imputation in F2 populations is an appealing strategy to re-genotype existing populations at a fraction of the cost.Fil: Gualdron Duarte, Jose Luis. Michigan State University; Estados Unidos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bates, Ronald O.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Ernst, Catherine W.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Raney, Nancy E.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Cantet, Rodolfo Juan Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Steibel, Juan P.. Michigan State University; Estados Unido