106 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Neural Networks for Animal Behaviors Classification: Horse Gaits Case Study

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    The study and monitoring of wildlife has always been a subject of great interest. Studying the behavior of wildlife animals is a very complex task due to the difficulties to track them and classify their behaviors through the collected sensory information. Novel technology allows designing low cost systems that facilitate these tasks. There are currently some commercial solutions to this problem; however, it is not possible to obtain a highly accurate classification due to the lack of gathered information. In this work, we propose an animal behavior recognition, classification and monitoring system based on a smart collar device provided with inertial sensors and a feed-forward neural network or Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to classify the possible animal behavior based on the collected sensory information. Experimental results over horse gaits case study show that the recognition system achieves an accuracy of up to 95.6%.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    Evaluation of interpolation methods for generating maps in cultural heritage chemical applications

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    The different non-invasive techniques that have been developed for the study of works of art in Cultural Heritage have become an indispensable tool for researchers and practitioners. In particular, the creation of images showing the spatial distribution of chemical elements and pigments, called maps, helps give a better understanding of the artwork. While high-cost devices can measure the artwork at many positions with high resolution, the cheapest and most common devices are often used manually producing a small number of measurements. The solution is to use interpolation methods. In this article we present a sta- tistical study of the feasibility of using interpolation, we discuss the accuracy of the results and propose the best solutions and a scheme of work. Additionally, we provide all the data developed and programs for future use.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 50110 0 011033Project PID2020-118638RB-I00Project A-HUM-164-UGR18FEDER/Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Economía y ConocimientoGroup FQM-338 (University of Granada)

    ¿El emprendedor nace o se hace? Un análisis de los determinantes del espíritu emprendedor

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    Aún a sabiendas de que el espíritu emprendedor juega un papel clave como motor de la innovación y del bienestar en una economía, las cuestiones acerca de porqué se crean empresas y qué factores determinan tal hecho, es un fenómeno insuficientemente estudiado. En el presente trabajo, nuestro interés se centra en reconocer los factores determinantes del espíritu emprendedor. En concreto, se valoran las percepciones de una población de 2012 estudiantes universitarios que en el curso académico 2003/2004 se encontraba en los últimos años de sus estudios y su propensión a la creación de empresas. Utilizando un análisis de regresión logística binaria, se obtienen unos resultados que confirman las relaciones esperadas en relación con los determinantes de una orientación emprendedora: los hombres, con mayor formación y un mayor número de experiencias profesionales son los que tienen una orientación más emprendedora. Asimismo, las personas con mayor deseo de independencia y autoconfianza son las más que resultan más propensas a tomar decisiones empresariales.Although the entrepreneurship is basic as innovation device or as contributor for economic welfare, we do not much about why firms are created or which factors are determinants of new ventures. This paper tries to contribute to this subject exploring the factors related to the entrepreneurial direction of students. Particularly, we select a population of 2012 undergraduate students during the 2003/2004 academic year and we measure their entrepreneurial direction and the factors that motivate it. A logistic regression allows confirming the most of suggested relationships. The students who are entrepreneurshiporiented show a higher level of education, more professional experiences and they are usually men. Other than that, the self-reliant and self-confident individuals are the most prone to create a new venture

    Urea Treatment of Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) rarely presents with hyponatraemia caused by syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH). We present a patient with hyponatraemia of multifactorial aetiology, in whom, after withdrawal of the drugs that contributed to this ionic alteration, SIADH secondary to ALS was confirmed. After initiating treatment with urea, sodium levels were normalized

    Relationship Between Bone Mineral Density and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Polymorphism in Hypertensive Postmenopausal Women

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    Producción CientíficaThe purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between bone mineral density and insertion/ deletion (I/D) angiotensin converting enzyme polymorphism (ACE) in hypertensive postmenopausal women.2015-09-0

    Hypertension as a Risk Factor for Hip Fracture

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    Producción CientíficaArterial hypertension is a chronic disease in which prevalence increases with age, as occurs in osteoporosis. It is clinically silent and is only revealed in the form of complications, an aspect that it also shares with osteoporosis. Various alterations of calcium metabolism have been described in association with hypertension; such alterations can cause decreased bone mass, the principal determining factor of fracture.1,2 Another important factor is the occurrence of falls. Hypertensive patients may experience a greater number of falls resulting from fainting associated with diminished baroreflex sensitivity or hypotension secondary to therapy.3,4 The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of hypertension and its various therapeutic alternatives on the risk of hip fracture.2015-09-0

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XV Otoño-Invierno 1997 n. 3 pp. 637-673]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaDavid S. Reher. La familia en España, pasado y presenta (Por Enriqueta Camps Cura).-- Juan A. Sánchez Belén. La política fiscal en Castilla durante el reinado de Carlos V (Por Francisco Comín).-- José Marchena. Burgueses y caciques en el Cádiz de la Restauración (Por Carlos Larrinaga).-- G. Pérez Sánchez. Ser trabajador; vida y respuesta obrera (Valladolid 1875-1931) (Por Esmeralda Ballesteros Doncel).-- María Teresa Pérez Picazo. Historia de España del siglo XX (Por Antonio Escudero).-- Virginia García Acosta (coord.). Los precios de alimentos y manufacturas novohispanos (Por Juan Carlos Sola Corbacho).-- Roberto Cortés Conde. La economía argentina en el largo plazo (Por Isabel Sanz Vülarroya).-- Philip Hoffmam. Growth in a Traditional Society (Por Juan Antonio Carmona Pidal).-- Michael Huberman. Escape from the market. Negotiating work in Lancashire (Por Joan R. Roses).-- Jean-Michel Selig. Malnutrition & dévelopment économique dans l'Alsace duxix siécle (Por José Miguel Martínez Carrión).-- R. M. Hartwell. A History of the Mont Pelerin Society (Por Carlos Rodríguez Braun).-- N. Crafts and G. Toniolo. Economic growth in Europe since 1945 (Por DouglasJ. Forsyth).-- Jaime Reis. O Banco de Portugal das Origens a 1914. I Volume: Antecedentes. Fundafao. Consolidagao (1821-1857) (Por Pablo Martín Aceña)Publicad

    Calidad en las empresas del sector comercialización de prendas de vestir en Lima Metropolitana

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    Esta investigación se ha desarrollado para medir la calidad en las empresas del sector comercialización de prendas de vestir en Lima Metropolitana, así como para identificar si existe alguna diferencia entre las empresas que cuentan con un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad (SGC) y las que no lo tienen. El estudio se basa en el modelo TQM que comprende nueve factores de la calidad (Benzaquen, 2013): (a) alta gerencia, (b) planeamiento de la calidad, (c) auditoría y evaluación de la calidad, (d) diseño del producto, (e) gestión de la calidad del proveedor, (f) control y mejoramiento del proceso, (g) educación y entrenamiento, (h) círculos de calidad, y (i) enfoque hacia la satisfacción del cliente. Se ha usado enfoque cuantitativo, transeccional y con alcance descriptivo y explicativo. Se aplicó el instrumento TQM (Benzaquen, 2013) a una muestra de 164 empresas comercializadoras de prendas de vestir en Lima Metropolitana, obteniéndose que el nivel de calidad es bueno, con un promedio de 4.0 en una escala del 1.0 al 5.0. El factor con mejor desempeño es el Diseño del Producto, seguido por el involucramiento de la Alta Gerencia y el Planeamiento de la Calidad. Además, se identificó que el peor nivel de desempeño se presentó en los Círculos de Calidad y en el Control y Mejoramiento del Proceso. Lo cual indica que aún existen áreas de mejora. En cuanto a la influencia que tienen los SGC en los niveles de calidad se encontró que las empresas del sector Comercialización de Prendas de Vestir en Lima Metropolitana que han implementado estos sistemas tienen diferencias significativas en los factores de calidad de aquellas empresas que no los tienen. Mostrando mayores niveles de desempeño en cada uno de los nueve factores de la calidadThis research was developed to measure the quality in the sector of trading apparel companies in Lima Metropolitana, as well as to determine whether there is any difference between companies that have a Total Quality Management System (TQM) and those that do not have this kind of systems. Doing this through the TQM model comprising nine factors of quality (Benzaquen, 2013): (a) senior management, (b) quality planning, (c) auditing and quality assessment, (d) product design (e) management quality supplier, (f) control and process improvement, (g) education and training, (h) quality circles, and (i) focus on customer satisfaction. Using a quantitative and transactional approach, with descriptive and explanatory scope. After applying the TQM (Benzaquen, 2013) instrument to a sample of 164 companies that sell apparel items in LimaMetropolitana, obtaining that the level of quality on this sector is good, with an average of 4.0 on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0. The best performing factor is the design of the product, followed by the involvement of Senior Management and Quality Planning. In addition it was identified that the worst level of performance was presented by Quality Circles and Control and Process Improvement. This indicates that there are still areas for improvement in order to reach a higher quality levels. Regarding the influence of the TQM in quality levels, there was found that companies in the trading apparel sector in Lima that have implemented these systems have significant differences in the quality factors of those companies that do not. Showing higher levels in all nine quality factorsTesi

    Towards automatic waste containers management in cities via computer vision: containers localization and geo-positioning in city maps

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    This paper describes the scientific achievements of a collaboration between a research group and the waste management division of a company. While these results might be the basis for several practical or commercial developments, we here focus on a novel scientific contribution: a methodology to automatically generate geo-located waste container maps. It is based on the use of Computer Vision algorithms to detect waste containers and identify their geographic location and dimensions. Algorithms analyze a video sequence and provide an automatic discrimination between images with and without containers. More precisely, two state-of-the-art object detectors based on deep learning techniques have been selected for testing, according to their performance and to their adaptability to an on-board real-time environment: EfficientDet and YOLOv5. Experimental results indicate that the proposed visual model for waste container detection is able to effectively operate with consistent performance disregarding the container type (organic waste, plastic, glass and paper recycling,…) and the city layout, which has been assessed by evaluating it on eleven different Spanish cities that vary in terms of size, climate, urban layout and containers’ appearanceThis work has been supported by URBASER S.A. and the Universidad Autonoma ´ de Madrid under project REVGA of the ”Segunda Edicion ´ del Programa de Fomento de la Transferencia del Conocimiento” cal

    Hip fracture rates and bisphosphonate consumption in Spain. An ecologic study

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    Producción CientíficaIntroduction Bisphosphonates are used worldwide to treat osteoporosis and, thus, to prevent fractures. Though they have been proven in clinical trials to avoid some fractures, their effectiveness in reducing hip fractures is unclear. The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between bisphosphonate use and hip fracture trends in Spain. Methods For this purpose, an ecologic study spanning 2002 to 2008 was conducted in Spain. Consumption data were obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy. The number of hip fractures was obtained from hospital discharges; annual hip fracture rates were determined and standardized using the Spanish 2002 population census. A linear regression was performed between fracture rate and use of bisphosphonates; R2 and Pearson correlation coefficient were calculated. Results From 2002 to 2008, dispensed prescriptions of bisphosphonates in Spain increased from 3.28 to 17.66 DDD/1,000 inhabitants per day. In the same period, the crude hip fracture rate increased from 2.85 to 3.02 cases per 1,000 inhabitants older than 50 years; however, when age standardized rates were estimated, the rate declined from 2.85 to 2.79. Analyzed by sex, the standardized rate for men slightly increased from 1.45 to 1.48, while for women the rate significantly dropped from 4.00 to 3.91.Conclusion A small effect of bisphosphonates on hip fracture rates can not be ruled out; however, other factors might partially explain this decline. Assuming this medication was the only cause for hip fracture rate reduction, the elevated medication cost to avoid a single hip fracture makes it necessary to explore less expensive intervention