1,502 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Subjective Orgasm Experience Through Sexual Context, Gender, and Sexual Orientation

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    The subjective orgasm experience (SOE) is the psychological perception of orgasm sensations and closely related to sexual health. Here, SOE was studied through the context in which it is experienced (sexual relationships and solitary masturbation), gender, and sexual orientation. For this purpose, data were collected from 4255 people (1927 men and 2328 women) of different sexual orientations (heterosexual = 1545; bisexual = 1202; and gay = 1508) who completed two versions of the Orgasm Rating Scale (ORS) for both contexts (i.e., sexual relationships and solitary masturbation) along with a socio-demographic questionnaire. Results showed that the ORS in the context of solitary masturbation is an instrument invariant by gender and sexual orientation. Significant differences in SOE were found by context: it was more intense in the context of sexual relationships (vs. solitary masturbation); by gender: women (vs. men) reported greater intensity; and by sexual orientation, with heterosexual people (vs. gay and bisexual people) having a more intense experience.Universidad de Granada / CBUASpanish Government RTI2018- 093317-B-I0

    Effect of conductivity and frequency on detection of heterogeneities in solid/liquid interfaces using local electrochemical impedance Theoretical and experimental study

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    This short communication demonstrates, by solving the Laplace equation with proper boundary conditions (BC) using finite element method (FEM), that it is not possible to establish a correlation between what happens in the electrolyte near an active boundary and what really occurs at the actual boundary if adequate ranges of electrolyte conductivity and input AC signal frequency are not selected, especially when inhomogeneities approximated by Neumann BC are present. Experimental evidence obtained by local electrochemical impedance mapping (LEIM) supports the theoretical results.This work has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Inno-vationofSpain(MAT2006-04486andIPT-020000-2010-0001Projects

    Topology of evolving, mutagenized viral populations: quasispecies expansion, compression, and operation of negative selection

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    Additional files: Additional file 1: Neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analysis of populations RAp35 and RA0p35. Additional file 2: Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of mutagenized populations of FMDV. Additional file 3: Standard errors.Background The molecular events and evolutionary forces underlying lethal mutagenesis of virus (or virus extinction through an excess of mutations) are not well understood. Here we apply for the first time phylogenetic methods and Partition Analysis of Quasispecies (PAQ) to monitor genetic distances and intra-population structures of mutant spectra of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) quasispecies subjected to mutagenesis by base and nucleoside analogues. Results Phylogenetic and PAQ analyses have revealed a highly dynamic variation of intrapopulation diversity of FMDV quasispecies. The population diversity first suffers striking expansions in the presence of mutagens and then compressions either when the presence of the mutagenic analogue was discontinued or when a mutation that decreased sensitivity to a mutagen was selected. The pattern of mutations found in the populations was in agreement with the behavior of the corresponding nucleotide analogues with FMDV in vitro. Mutations accumulated at preferred genomic sites, and dn/ds ratios indicate the operation of negative (or purifying) selection in populations subjected to mutagenesis. No evidence of unusually elevated genetic distances has been obtained for FMDV populations approaching extinction. Conclusion Phylogenetic and PAQ analysis provide adequate procedures to describe the evolution of viral sequences subjected to lethal mutagenesis. These methods define the changes of intra-population structure more precisely than mutation frequencies and Shannon entropies. PAQ is very sensitive to variations of intrapopulation genetic distances. Strong negative (or purifying) selection operates in FMDV populations subjected to enhanced mutagenesis. The quantifications provide evidence that extinction does not imply unusual increases of intrapopulation complexity, in support of the lethal defection model of virus extinction.Work at Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa" was supported by grants BFU2006-00863 from MEC, 36558/06 from FIPSE, and Fundación R.Areces. Work at Centro de Astrobiología was supported by INTA, MEC, CAM and UE. CIBERehd is funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III. S.O. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia.Peer reviewe

    The hydrosoluble fiber Plantago ovata husk improves levodopa (with carbidopa) bioavailability after repeated administration

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    P. 15-20The influence of treatment duration (7 or 14 days) with Plantago ovata husk/levodopa/carbidopa in the bioavailability and other pharmacokinetic parameters of levodopa were evaluated in rabbits. Fiber was administered at two different doses, 100 and 400 mg/kg, and the dosage of levodopa/carbidopa was 20:5 mg/kg. These doses were administered once a day. When 100 mg/kg of fiber was administered, the mean AUC value obtained for levodopa increased 20.2% from day 1 to day 7, and 27.2% from day 1 to day 14; Cmax was 8.6% higher on day 7 and 11.7% higher on day 14. When administering 400 mg/kg of fiber, the increase in AUC values was 17.6% on day 7 and 24.9% on day 14, and that of Cmax 11.1% on day 7 and 11.3% on day 14. The concentration determined immediately before drug administration (Cmin) increased progressively with the duration of treatment, and the highest increase (53.2%) was observed on day 14 with 100 mg/kg of fiber. There was also a delay in levodopa elimination (higher MRT and lower Cl) in a fiber-dose dependent manner. In summary, we found that there was an improvement in the extent of levodopa absorbed with higher final concentrations and that levodopa elimination was slower with the administration of P. ovata husk.S

    Robotics and augmented reality for elderly assistance

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    This article presents a tele-assistance system based on augmented reality for elderly people that is integrated in a mobile platform. We propose the use of augmented reality for simplifying interaction with its users. The first prototype has been designed to help in medication control for ederly people. In this paper, both hardware and software architectures are described.The robotic platform is a slightly modified version of the Turtlebot platform. The software is based on ROS for the platform control, and in ArUco for the augmented reality interface. It also integrates other related systems in teleassistance such as VoIP, friendly user interface, etc

    Dudas y Desasosiego ante la epidemia de Gripa en Bogotá, Colombia, en 1918

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    En 1918 la humanidad presenció la emergencia de una gran y letal epidemia de gripa que, favorecida por el contexto bélico del momento, pronto se propagó por diversos rincones del mundo y causó más decesos que la propia guerra. Para finales de septiembre de ese año, la gripe hizo presencia en Colombia, registrándose los primeros casos en la ciudad de Bogotá desde donde se extendió a los municipios aledaños y posteriormente a buena parte del territorio nacional. La epidemia presentó, tal como ocurrió en otras partes del mundo, un cuadro clínico severo y cobró un alto número de víctimas fatales, sobre todo en las tierras altas y frías. Las instituciones hospitalarias, los gobiernos departamentales, la caridad pública y los médicos tuvieron que hacer frente a la enfermedad en medio de un gran desasosiego que se manifestó, en al menos, tres grandes preocupaciones: la identificación de la ruta que siguió la epidemia para llegar a Bogotá, la determinación del agente causal de la gripa y la forma de enfrentar la desconcertante mortalidad y el drama social generado por la epidemia. El presente artículo presenta las diversas opiniones que se entrecruzaron en torno a estas preocupaciones centrales.  In 1918, mankind witnessed the emergence of a major influenza epidemic which, aided by the war, soon spread throughout the world and caused more deaths than war itself. By the end of September of that year, the flu was present in Colombia, the first cases having emerged in the city of Bogotá, from where it spread to the surrounding municipalities, and later to much of the national territory. As was the case elsewhere in the world, the epidemic presented a severe clinical picture and claimed many lives, especially in the higher altitude and colder areas. Hospitals, departmental governments, public charities and doctors faced the disease in the midst of a great deal of uneasiness that manifested itself in three major concerns: establishing the route followed by the epidemic to reach Bogota, establishing the flu¿s causal agents, and how to deal with the disconcerting mortality and social drama generated by the epidemic. This article presents different opinions around these central concerns.División de Investigaciones, Sede Bogotá; Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de ColombiaArtículo revisado por pare

    Competencias mediáticas para una ciudadanía crítica. Una reflexión activa desde el arte y la tecnología

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    La reflexión que planteamos analiza los cambios producidos en la forma de hacer propaganda política. Sobre todo nos centramos en cómo históricamente la propaganda política se hizo desde una perspectiva del uso del arte al servicio del poder y en la actualidad las nuevas tecnologías proponen nuevos valores a los términos procedentes del arte y una aplicación ambigua, que va desde la práctica política hasta la espectacularización de los mensajes

    Plan estratégico Amazon.com periodo 2021-2023

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    El presente trabajo desarrolla la investigación, valoración y propuesta de un plan estratégico para Amazon, para el periodo 2021-2023, acotado a sus operaciones en Estados Unidos