28 research outputs found

    Valorar la precisi贸n gestual y la fijaci贸n postural en la pr谩ctica deportiva mediante un instrumento de observaci贸n de la lateralidad motriz LATMO

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    La lateralidad o hemidominancia corporal es un factor clave para el an谩lisis de las habilidades motrices en la pr谩ctica deportiva. A pesar de la existencia de un buen n煤mero de tests y pruebas para valorar la lateralidad consideramos no del todo exhaustivas las aportaciones cl谩sicas de valoraci贸n de la lateralidad puesto que s贸lo atienden a habilidades de manipulaci贸n, de praxia fina y de acciones cotidianas, en detrimento de las habilidades de estabilidad y de locomoci贸n (Gallahue y Cleland Donnelly, 2003) inherentes a toda acci贸n motriz humana. A su vez se obvia la valoraci贸n de los factores de fijaci贸n postural y de precisi贸n gestual que intervienen en el uso de la hemidominancia corporal. Ambos son factores que consideramos esenciales puesto que act煤an simult谩neamente y ser谩 objeto de an谩lisis en este art铆culo puesto que permite obtener la eficacia en la ejecuci贸n de un gran abanico de habilidades motrices y deportivas. El instrumento de registro LATMO que aportamos aborda este tipo de an谩lisis. Est谩 compuesto por un conjunto de pruebas exhaustivas que permiten diversas lecturas de valoraci贸n: (1) con relaci贸n a la tipolog铆a de habilidades de estabilidad, de locomoci贸n y de manipulaci贸n; (2) con relaci贸n a la movilidad articular; (3) con relaci贸n a la lateralidad motriz y la lateralidad sensorial; (4) con relaci贸n a los factores de fijaci贸n postural y de precisi贸n gestual segmentaria. Hemos comprobado la eficacia del instrumento sobre una muestra de 142 deportistas de diversos perfiles deportivos con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 22 a帽os

    Valorar la precisi贸 gestual i la fixaci贸 postural en la pr脿ctica esportiva mitjan莽ant un instrument d鈥檕bservaci贸 de la lateralitat motriu LATMO

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    La lateralitat o hemidomin脿ncia corporal 茅s un factor clau per a l鈥檃n脿lisi de les habilitats motrius en la pr脿ctica esportiva. Malgrat l鈥檈xist猫ncia d鈥檜n bon nombre de tests i proves per valorar la lateralitat considerem que les aportacions cl脿ssiques de valoraci贸 de la lateralitat no s贸n del tot exhaustives, perqu猫 nom茅s tenen en compte les habilitats de manipulaci贸, de praxi fina i d鈥檃ccions quotidianes, en detriment de les habilitats d鈥檈stabilitat i de locomoci贸 (Gallahue i Cleland Donnelly, 2003) inherents a tota acci贸 motriu humana. Alhora, s鈥檕bvia la valoraci贸 dels factors de fixaci贸 postural i de precisi贸 gestual que intervenen en l鈥櫭簊 de l鈥檋emidomin脿ncia corporal. Tots dos s贸n factors que considerem essencials, perqu猫 actuen simult脿niament i seran objecte d鈥檃n脿lisi en aquest article, perqu猫 permeten d鈥檕btenir l鈥檈fic脿cia en l鈥檈xecuci贸 d鈥檜n gran ventall d鈥檋abilitats motrius i esportives. L鈥檌nstrument de registre LATMO que aportem aborda aquest tipus d鈥檃n脿lisi. Est脿 compost per un conjunt de proves exhaustives que permeten diverses lectures de valoraci贸: (1) en relaci贸 a la tipologia d鈥檋abilitats d鈥檈stabilitat, de locomoci贸 i de manipulaci贸; (2) en relaci贸 a la mobilitat articular; (3) en relaci贸 a la lateralitat motriu i la lateralitat sensorial; (4) en relaci贸 als factors de fixaci贸 postural i de precisi贸 gestual segment脿ria. Hem comprovat l鈥檈fic脿cia de l鈥檌nstrument sobre una mostra de 142 esportistes de diversos perfils esportius amb edats compreses entre els 18 i els 22 anys

    Calidad percibida por los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda respecto a la atenci贸n recibida en urgencias.

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    Objetivo. Constatar la calidad percibida de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA) dados de alta desde urgencias, compararla con la de los ingresados, e investigar las variables asociadas con la calidad percibida. M茅todo. Estudio dise帽ado prospectivamente, transversal, tipo caso-control, realizado en 7 servicios de urgencias en pacientes consecutivamente diagnosticados de ICA que valoraron mediante encuesta telef贸nica la atenci贸n m茅dica, atenci贸n enfermera, trato global y grado de resoluci贸n del problema en urgencias. Tambi茅n se solicit贸 el grado de acuerdo con la decisi贸n de alta directa desde urgencias. Se compararon los pacientes dados de alta e ingresados, y se investig贸 si estos resultados difer铆an en funci贸n de la existencia de eventos adversos los 30 d铆as siguientes. Resultados. Se incluyeron 1.147 casos y se entrevistaron 1.003 (87,4%): 253 pacientes (25,2%) fueron dados de alta. No hubo diferencias significativas en la valoraci贸n que dieron a la asistencia m茅dica, de enfermer铆a, atenci贸n global y resoluci贸n del problema entre pacientes dados de alta e ingresados. La puntuaci贸n global (entre 0 y 10) fue de 7,34 (1,38) y 7,38 (1,52), respectivamente (p = 0,66). M谩s del 90% estuvieron de acuerdo o muy de acuerdo con la decisi贸n de alta. No hubo diferencias de valoraci贸n en funci贸n de si hab铆an existido acontecimientos adversos posteriores. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con ICA califican bien los distintos componentes de la atenci贸n que reciben en urgencias, sin diferencias entre pacientes ingresados y dados de alta. Entre estos 煤ltimos, su grado de acuerdo con la decisi贸n m茅dica de alta es elevado y su valoraci贸n se mantiene estable indistintamente de si con posterioridad se producen eventos adversos

    Outcomes of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction discharged on treatment with neurohormonal antagonists after an episode of decompensation

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    Aims: To analyze the frequency with which patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) discharged after an acute heart failure (AHF) episode are treated with antineurohormonal drugs (ANHD), the variables related to ANHD prescription and their relationship with outcomes. Methods: We included consecutive HFpEF patients (left ventricular ejection fraction >= 50%) discharged after an AHF episode from 45 Spanish hospitals whose chronic medications and treatment at discharge were available. Patients were classified according to whether they were discharged with or without ANHD, including beta-blockers (BB), renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system inhibitors (RAASi) and mineralcorticosteroid-receptor antagonists (MRA). Co-primary outcomes consisted of 1-year all-cause mortality and 90-day combined adverse event (revisit to emergency department -ED-, hospitalization due to AHF or all-cause death). Secondary outcomes were 90-day adverse events taken individually. Adjusted associations of ANHD treatment with outcomes were calculated. Results: We analyzed 3,305 patients with HFpEF (median age: 83, 60% women), 2,312 (70%) discharged with ANHD. The ANHD most frequently prescribed was BB (45.8%). The 1-year mortality was 26.9% (adjusted HR for ANHD patients:1.17, 95%CI=0.98-1.38) and the 90-day combined adverse event was 54.4% (HR=1.14, 95% CI=0.99-1.31). ED revisit was significantly increased by ANHD (HR=1.15, 95%CI=1.01-1.32). MRA and BB were associated with worse results in some co-primary or secondary endpoints, while RAASi (alone) reduced 90-day hospitalization (HR=0.73, 98%CI=0.56-0.96). Conclusion: 70% of HFpEF patients are discharged with ANHD after an AHF episode. ANHD do not seem to reduce mortality or adverse events in HFpEF patients, only RAASi could provide some benefits, reducing the risk of hospitalization for AHF

    Genomic characterization of individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced lung cancer

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may modulate individual susceptibility to carcinogens. We designed a genome-wide association study to characterize individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and we validated our results. We hypothesized that this strategy would enrich the frequencies of the alleles that contribute to the observed traits. We genotyped 2.37 million SNPs in 95 extreme phenotype individuals, that is: heavy smokers that either developed NSCLC at an early age (extreme cases); or did not present NSCLC at an advanced age (extreme controls), selected from a discovery set (n聽=聽3631). We validated significant SNPs in 133 additional subjects with extreme phenotypes selected from databases including >39,000 individuals. Two SNPs were validated: rs12660420 (pcombined聽 =聽5.66聽脳聽10-5 ; ORcombined聽 =聽2.80), mapping to a noncoding transcript exon of PDE10A; and rs6835978 (pcombined聽 =聽1.02聽脳聽10-4 ; ORcombined聽 =聽2.57), an intronic variant in ATP10D. We assessed the relevance of both proteins in early-stage NSCLC. PDE10A and ATP10DmRNA expressions correlated with survival in 821 stage I-II NSCLC patients (p聽=聽0.01 and p聽<聽0.0001). PDE10A protein expression correlated with survival in 149 patients with stage I-II NSCLC (p聽=聽0.002). In conclusion, we validated two variants associated with extreme phenotypes of high and low risk of developing tobacco-induced NSCLC. Our findings may allow to identify individuals presenting high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced NSCLC and to characterize molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and resistance to develop NSCLC.This work was supported by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology; Fundaci贸n SEOM and Fundaci贸n Salud 2000; and Government of Navarra.S

    Genomic characterization of individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced lung cancer

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may modulate individual susceptibility to carcinogens. We designed a genome-wide association study to characterize individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and we validated our results. We hypothesized that this strategy would enrich the frequencies of the alleles that contribute to the observed traits. We genotyped 2.37 million SNPs in 95 extreme phenotype individuals, that is: heavy smokers that either developed NSCLC at an early age (extreme cases); or did not present NSCLC at an advanced age (extreme controls), selected from a discovery set (n=3631). We validated significant SNPs in 133 additional subjects with extreme phenotypes selected from databases including >39,000 individuals. Two SNPs were validated: rs12660420 (p(combined)=5.66x10(-5); ORcombined=2.80), mapping to a noncoding transcript exon of PDE10A; and rs6835978 (p(combined)=1.02x10(-4); ORcombined=2.57), an intronic variant in ATP10D. We assessed the relevance of both proteins in early-stage NSCLC. PDE10A and ATP10D mRNA expressions correlated with survival in 821 stage I-II NSCLC patients (p=0.01 and p<0.0001). PDE10A protein expression correlated with survival in 149 patients with stage I-II NSCLC (p=0.002). In conclusion, we validated two variants associated with extreme phenotypes of high and low risk of developing tobacco-induced NSCLC. Our findings may allow to identify individuals presenting high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced NSCLC and to characterize molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and resistance to develop NSCLC

    Genomic characterization of individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced lung cancer

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may modulate individual susceptibility to carcinogens. We designed a genome-wide association study to characterize individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and we validated our results. We hypothesized that this strategy would enrich the frequencies of the alleles that contribute to the observed traits. We genotyped 2.37 million SNPs in 95 extreme phenotype individuals, that is: heavy smokers that either developed NSCLC at an early age (extreme cases); or did not present NSCLC at an advanced age (extreme controls), selected from a discovery set (n=3631). We validated significant SNPs in 133 additional subjects with extreme phenotypes selected from databases including >39,000 individuals. Two SNPs were validated: rs12660420 (p(combined)=5.66x10(-5); ORcombined=2.80), mapping to a noncoding transcript exon of PDE10A; and rs6835978 (p(combined)=1.02x10(-4); ORcombined=2.57), an intronic variant in ATP10D. We assessed the relevance of both proteins in early-stage NSCLC. PDE10A and ATP10D mRNA expressions correlated with survival in 821 stage I-II NSCLC patients (p=0.01 and p<0.0001). PDE10A protein expression correlated with survival in 149 patients with stage I-II NSCLC (p=0.002). In conclusion, we validated two variants associated with extreme phenotypes of high and low risk of developing tobacco-induced NSCLC. Our findings may allow to identify individuals presenting high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced NSCLC and to characterize molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and resistance to develop NSCLC