1,020 research outputs found

    Practical advantages of inverted decoupling

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    This paper presents a study of the main advantages of inverted decoupling in 2x2 processes. Two simulation examples and an experimental process are used to show these advantages in comparison with simplified decoupling. The study is focused on the following practical advantages: the apparent process is the same as that obtained if one loop changes to manual, bumpless transfer and anti-windup are achieved easily using a feedforward input in the controllers, and abnormalities of secondary loops do not affect the opposite loop. Thanks to them, inverted decoupling may be a good and easy way to improve the performance of industrial TITO processes with interaction problems (when it can be applied)

    Electronic and Geometric Corrugation of Periodically Rippled, Self-nanostructured Graphene Epitaxially Grown on Ru(0001)

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    Graphene epitaxially grown on Ru(0001) displays a remarkably ordered pattern of hills and valleys in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) images. To which extent the observed "ripples" are structural or electronic in origin have been much disputed recently. A combination of ultrahigh resolution STM images and Helium Atom diffraction data shows that i) the graphene lattice is rotated with respect to the lattice of Ru and ii) the structural corrugation as determined from He diffraction is substantially smaller (0.015 nm) than predicted (0.15 nm) or reported from X-Ray Diffraction or Low Energy Electron Diffraction. The electronic corrugation, on the contrary, is strong enough to invert the contrast between hills and valleys above +2.6 V as new, spatially localized electronic states enter the energy window of the STM. The large electronic corrugation results in a nanostructured periodic landscape of electron and holes pockets.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Seismic architecture of mud volcano systems in the Ceuta

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    Analysis of a new dataset of high-resolution seismic and swath bathymetry data acquired during the CONTOURIBER-1 cruise in the Ceuta Contourite Depositional System (Western Alborán Sea), reveals the detailed architecture of several mud volcanoes systems that comprises both surface and buried constructional edifices as well as their subsurface feeder complex which pierces the contourite deposits. Seismic characterization, distribution and interpretation of structural elements associated to the mud volcano system promotes a more comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in their genesis and evolution.El análisis de los datos batimétricos y de sísmica de alta resolución durante la campaña CONTOURIBER-1 en el Sistema Deposicional Contornítico de Ceuta (Mar de Alborán occidental) muestran la arquitectura en detalle de varios sistemas de volcanes de fango que comprenden edificios en el fondo marino y edificios enterrados, así como sus complejos de alimentación a través de los depósitos contorníticos. La caracterización sísmica, distribución e interpretación de estos elementos estructurales que componen el sistema de volcán de fango constituyen una importante ayuda para un mejor y mayor conocimiento de su génesis y evolución.Publicado

    Mean-field and two-body nuclear effects in inclusive electron scattering on argon, carbon, and titanium: The superscaling approach

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    We compare the predictions of the superscaling approach (SuSAv2) model including two-particle two-hole meson-exchange currents with the recent JLab data for inclusive electron scattering on three different targets (C, Ar, and Ti). The agreement is very good over the full energy spectrum, with some discrepancy seen only in the deep inelastic region. The 2p2h response, peaked in the dip region between the quasielastic and Δ-resonance peak, is essential to reproduce the data. We also analyze the kF (Fermi momentum) dependence of the data in terms of scaling of the second kind, showing that the 2p2h response scales very differently from the quasielastic one, in full accord with what is predicted by the model. The results represent a valuable test of the applicability of the model to neutrino scattering processes on different nuclei.Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad y ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) FIS2017-88410-PJunta de Andalucía FQM160U.S. Department of Energy United States Department of Energy (DOE), DE-FC0294ER4081

    Asymmetric relativistic Fermi gas model for quasielastic lepton-nucleus scattering

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    We develop an asymmetric relativistic Fermi gas model for the study of the electroweak nuclear response in the quasielastic region. The model takes into account the differences between neutron and proton densities in asymmetric (N>Z) nuclei, as well as differences in the neutron and proton separation energies. We present numerical results for both neutral and charged-current processes, focusing on nuclei of interest for ongoing and future neutrino oscillation experiments. We point out some important differences with respect to the commonly employed symmetric Fermi gas model.University of Turin BARM-RILO-17Junta de Andalucía FQM160Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) FIS2014-53448-C2-1, FIS2017-88410-

    Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections in the SuperScaling model

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    SuperScaling model (SuSA) predictions to neutrino-induced charged-current π+ production in the Δ-resonance region are explored under MiniBooNE experimental conditions. The SuSA charged-current π+ results are in good agreement with data on neutrino flux-averaged double-differential cross sections. The SuSA model for quasielastic scattering and its extension to the pion production region are used for predictions of charged-current inclusive neutrino- nucleus cross sections. The contribution of two-particle-two-hole vector meson-exchange current excitations is also considered within a fully relativistic model. Results are compared with the T2K experimental data for inclusive scattering.España, DGI y Fundación FEDER FIS2011-28738-C02-01, FPA2013-41267Junta de Andalucía CSD2007-0004

    Morfometría de montículos submarinos del talud inferior del margen continental canario (O de las Islas Canarias): Análisis basado en un MDT

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    We present a morphometric analysis of 41 mounded edifices located on the seafloor to the west of Canary Islands, using a 150 m resolution DEM and very high-resolution seismic profiles. In order to carry out morphometric computation a set of variables (slope, size and shape) were calculated using ArcGIS Analyst tools. A mapping cluster has been generated using Grouping Analyst ArcGIS Statistics toolset where seven differents morphometric groups have been distinguished. Four main types of edifice shapes have been identified within the seven morphometric groups. The first type is a single giant dome elevation that can be considered as an outlier mound. The second type is the most frequent and can be considered as the standard type mound on the Canary continental slope due to its intermediate morphology. They show extrusive seismic characteristics in seismic profiles. The third type is morphologically derived from type 2, representing steeper and higher mounds related with extrusive processes whereas the fourth type represents smoother and flatter mounds related to faulting. This study shows that an elaborated geomorphometry resolves between types of extrusive edifices from those under tectonic conditionsVersión del edito

    Formation of Mass Transport Deposits on the Submarine Bank of Portimão (Gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberia)

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    European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2017. Viena)The development of submarine mass transport deposits (MTDs) plays an important geo-hazards role along continental margins. Accordingly, their identification and characterization is crucial to understand their sources, dynamics, frequency and spatial distribution. In this work a piston core located at the slope (2876 m water depth) of the southern flank of Portimao Bank (Portugal, Gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberia) underwent detailed magnetic (fabric and rock magnetism) and sedimentological (grain-size, carbonates, organic matter) analyses complemented by AMS 14C dating. Such multidisciplinary study identified about one meter of sediments that is unconformable with the ages obtained above and below this layer. Its magnetic fabric, as determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, indicates sharply changes from oblate to neutral shape, decrease of the anisotropy and preferred orientation of the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid. Such layer is also individualized by sedimentary parameters, especially in its upper part by a lighter colour and decrease of the mean grain size than the rest of the core. Based on these results it is possible to conclude that the sedimentary column analyzed here shows evidence of an on-going development of a slide, which is well individualized and characterized by magnetic fabric studies.Instituto Dom Luiz, University of Lisbon, PortugalInstituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, PortugalEstrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental, PortugalInstituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, PortugalInstituto de Ciencias del Mar, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, EspañaCentro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, EspañaInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, Españ

    Microwave-assisted functionalization of carbon nanohorns with oligothiophene units with SERS activity

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    [EN] Carbon nanohorns have been functionalized with oligothiophene unitsviathe 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction under microwave irradiation and solvent-free conditions. A dramatic Raman enhancement was found for one of the synthesized derivatives. Experimental andin silicostudies helped to understand the enhancement, attributed to the modification of electromagnetic fields upon functionalization at the tip of the nanostructures.This work was supported by the Iberdrola Foundation (CONV120313), the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTQ2017-88158-R), the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (SBPLY/17/180501/000204) and FEDER-JCCM (UNCM13-1E-1663). The work at the University of Malaga was funded by the MICINN (PID2019-110305GB-I00) and Junta de Andalucia (P09FQM-4708) projects. M. I. L. acknowledges MINECO for her Juan de la Cierva-formacion grant (FJCI-2016-29593). The authors acknowledge the computer resources, technical expertise, and assistance provided by the Supercomputing and Bioinformatics centre of the University of Malaga.Iglesias, D.; Guerra, J.; Lucío, MI.; González-Cano, RC.; Lopez Navarrete, JT.; Ruiz Delgado, MC.; Vázquez, E.... (2020). Microwave-assisted functionalization of carbon nanohorns with oligothiophene units with SERS activity. Chemical Communications. 56(63):8948-8951. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CC03496G89488951566