4 research outputs found

    The Institutional Quality Index: Propposal, Nature, Scope and Limits

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    [EN] We propose a global measurement indicator of the institutional quality for the institutions participating in INFOAES. The indicator, called the Institutional Quality Index (ICI), globally integrates the dimensions institutional performance, academic human factor, academic non-human factor, finance, office holders and employees, relationships and promotion as drivers of institutional image and this variable as one that determines institutional quality. The variables are nested in an structural equations model from where we compute the IQI. We compute the IQI for the Veracruz University using the data of the Institutional Image and Impact Survey conducted in Veracruz University. The IQI obtained was 66 in an scale from 0 to 100.[ES] En este trabajo se propone un indicador global de medición de calidad institucional para la IES participantes en el INFOACES. El indicador integra a los indicadores del Sistema Básico de Indicadores (SIB) a nivel de Programas Educativos. Estos indicadores están agrupados en tres dimensiones: Estructura (Perfil, Oferta, Infraestructura), Resultados (Enseñanza, Investigación, Transferencia) y Contexto (Estructura económica y educativa del entorno). El indicador se calcula a partir de un modelo causa-efecto, uno modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, que expresa la calidad institucional en función de las tres dimensiones consideradas por el SIB. El indicador, al evaluarse en otras IES, podrá ser usado como apoyo en la toma de decisiones institucionales; además de convertirse en un elemento de benchmarking que para la medición y mejora de la calidad institucional.Castro López, C.; Juárez Cerrillo, SF.; Velásquez De La Cruz, V. (2014). El Indicador de Calidad Institucional: Propuesta, Naturaleza, Alcance y Limitaciones. En CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL INFOACES. UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN PARA LAS UNIVERSIDADES LATINOAMERICANAS. LIBRO DE ACTAS. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 97-101. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/91454OCS9710

    Inclusive Policies, Practices and Cultures in the Telebachillerates of Xalapa, State of Veracruz, México: a Map of Priorities

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    Este estudio se centra en la inclusión educativa en el contexto del Telebachillerato mexicano, una modalidad especialmente relevante en cuanto a la respuesta educativa a la diversidad en el país. La investigación a la que se adscribe pretende movilizar la inclusión involucrando a centros educativos en procesos de reflexión para pasar a la acción. Este trabajo se focaliza hacia la presentación de un mapa de prioridades que emerge desde la implementación de índice de inclusión (Booth y Ainscow, 2000) en dos ambientes educativos, que emana de la aplicación de cuestionarios en línea a toda la comunidad educativa (alumnado, docentes y familias). Los resultados, articulados a través de tres dimensiones: políticas, cultura y prácticas, expresan las prioridades en el avance hacia la inclusión. Además, estos resultan relevantes en cuanto que constituyen la base para el diseño de un modelo de intervención en educación inclusiva en la modalidad educativa de telebachillerato.   This study focuses on educational inclusion in the context of the Mexican Telebachillerato, a modality that is especially relevant in terms of the educational response to diversity in the country. The research to which it is ascribed aims to mobilize inclusion by involving educational centers in reflection processes to take action. This work focuses on the presentation of a map of priorities that emerges from the implementation of the inclusion index (Booth and Ainscow, 2000) in two educational environments, which emanates from the application of online questionnaires to the entire educational community (students, teachers and families). The results, articulated through three dimensions: policies, culture and practices, express the priorities in progress towards inclusion. Furthermore, these are relevant in that they constitute the basis for the design of an intervention model in inclusive education in the telebaccalaureate educational modality

    Propagación por enraizamiento de estacas y conservación de árboles plus extintos de Pinus patula procedentes del norte de Veracruz, México.

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    Como consecuencia del rescate de un lote de semillas colectado en marzo de 1995, se evaluó el porcentaje de germinación, el crecimiento de las plántulas de la progenie a través de un modelo de curvas de crecimiento, así como la capacidad de rebrote y enraizamiento de 224 setos de 28 árboles plus extintos de tres poblaciones de Pinus patula, cultivados en bolsa de plástico (grande y pequeña) bajo un diseño de cuatro bloques completamente al azar. Los porcentajes de germinación fueron significativamente diferentes entre las tres poblaciones, resultando superior para los individuos procedentes de Canalejas Otates. Durante el periodo de crecimiento de la progenie se observó un patrón definido por dos fases de incremento estacional, una en otoño-invierno y otra en primavera-verano. En general, la capacidad de rebrote de los setos podados a 15 cm de altura fue de 5 927 brotes en total, de éstos, 3 426 brotes fueron producidos por los setos cultivados en bolsa grande. Finalmente, el porcentaje de enraizamiento no fue estadísticamente diferente entre las tres poblaciones, sin embargo, las estacas procedentes de los setos cultivados en bolsa chica mostraron un efecto significativo, al 95% de confianza, con respecto a los de bolsa grande. Este trabajo es el primer resultado publicado de enraizamiento de estacas con Pinus patula hecho en México.As a result of the use of a seed lot collected in March 1995, the germination percentage, the seedling growth of progeny through a growth curves model, as well as production sprouts and rooting cuttings ability were evaluated under a design of four blocks completely randomized, derived from 224 hedges of 28 extinct plus-trees from three populations of Pinus patula, grown in plastic bags (large and small). The germination percentage results were significantly different among the three populations, resulting higher in individuals from the Canalejas Otates area. A pattern defined by two phases of seasonal increase, one in autumn-winter and other in spring-summer was observed during the period of initial progeny growth. Variable responses were obtained in the production ability of sprouts due to origin population, size of bag and the experimental design used in the hedges growing. Finally, the rooting percentage was not statistically different when compared between the three populations, however, the cuttings derived from hedges grown in small bags showed a significant effect at 95% confidence with respect to those grown in large bags. This work is the first report of rooting Pinus patula cuttings published in Mexico

    Discovering HIV related information by means of association rules and machine learning

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    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is still one of the main health problems worldwide. It is therefore essential to keep making progress in improving the prognosis and quality of life of affected patients. One way to advance along this pathway is to uncover connections between other disorders associated with HIV/AIDS-so that they can be anticipated and possibly mitigated. We propose to achieve this by using Association Rules (ARs). They allow us to represent the dependencies between a number of diseases and other specific diseases. However, classical techniques systematically generate every AR meeting some minimal conditions on data frequency, hence generating a vast amount of uninteresting ARs, which need to be filtered out. The lack of manually annotated ARs has favored unsupervised filtering, even though they produce limited results. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised system, able to identify relevant ARs among HIV-related diseases with a minimal amount of annotated training data. Our system has been able to extract a good number of relationships between HIV-related diseases that have been previously detected in the literature but are scattered and are often little known. Furthermore, a number of plausible new relationships have shown up which deserve further investigation by qualified medical experts