178,535 research outputs found

    Measurements of mixed-mode crack surface displacements and comparison with theory

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    A theoretical and an experimental technique is used to determine crack surface displacements under mixed-mode conditions. Crack surface displacements proved to be quite useful in mode 1 fracture analysis in that they are directly related to strain energy release rate and stress intensity factor. It is felt that similar relationships can be developed for the mixed-mode case. A boundary-integral method was developed for application to two-dimensional fracture mechanics problems. This technique was applied to the mixed-mode problem. A laser interferometry technique, for measurement of crack surface displacements under mixed-mode conditions, is presented. The experimental measurements are reported and the results of the two approaches are compared and discussed

    Didymium hydrate additive to nickel hydroxide electrodes Patent

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    Including didymium hydrate in nickel hydroxide of positive electrode of storage batteries to increase ampere hour capacit

    Fast and slow change in neighbourhoods: characterization and consequences in Southern California

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    Due to data limitations, most studies of neighbourhood change within regions assume that change over the years of a decade is relatively constant from year-to-year. We use data on home loan information to construct annual measures of key socio-demographic measures in neighbourhoods (census tracts) in the Southern California region from 2000 to 2010 to test this assumption. We use latent trajectory modelling to describe the extent to which neighbourhood change exhibits temporal nonlinearity, rather than a constant rate of change from year to year. There were four key findings: (1) we detected nonlinear temporal change across all socio-demographic dimensions, as a quadratic function better fit the data than a linear one in the latent trajectories; (2) neighbourhoods experiencing more nonlinear temporality also experienced larger overall changes in percent Asian, percent black, and residential stability during the decade; neighbourhoods experiencing an increase in Latinos or a decrease in whites experienced more temporal nonlinearity in this change; (3) the strongest predictor of racial/ethnic temporal nonlinearity was a larger presence of the group at the beginning of the decade; however, the racial and SES composition of the surrounding area, as well as how this was changing in the prior decade, also affected the degree of temporal nonlinearity for these measures in the current decade; (4) this temporal nonlinearity has consequences for neighbourhoods: greater temporal nonlinear change in percent black or Latino was associated with larger increases in violent and property crime during the decade, and the temporal pattern of residential turnover or changing average income impacted changes in crime. The usual assumption of constant year-to-year change when interpolating neighbourhood measures over intervening years may not be appropriate

    Preprocessing of Prithvi Post Flight data for Parameter Identification

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    This document presents the methods of preprocessing flight data . The data acquired during flight test contain data spikes and- noise, due to various reasons and requires processing . of data to remove spikes and noise before they are used for any analysis. For this purpose a finite difference method for editing the flight data 'to remove the spikes and Fast Fourier Transfort (FFT) method for filtering the flight data to remove the noise have been used . A software package "PREVRD' incorporating these methods has been developed . The spectral analysis via FFT to select cut-off frequency for filtering has also been incorporated in the PREPRO . The package is validated . using test example and is used successfully for processing PRITHVI post flight data

    Eliminating Mental and Physical Health Disparities Through Culturally and Linguistically Centered Integrated Healthcare

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    Since the U.S. Surgeon General’s report on mental health (1999) declared mind and body to be inseparable, integrated healthcare, bringing the body and mind back together, has been gaining significant momentum across the nation as a preferred approach to care for people with co-morbid physical health and mental health conditions. Primary care settings often are the gateway to healthcare for racial and ethnic minority populations and individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) and, as such, it has become the portal for identifying undiagnosed or untreated behavioral health disorders. An integrated holistic philosophical approach to behavioral healthcare provides an opportunity to address mental and physical health disparities and achieve health equity through a culturally and linguistically centered integrated healthcare delivery model that by definition must be person-centered, family-centered, and community-centered

    Social Feeding Behavior of Hyphantria Cunea Larvae (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in Multiple Choice Experiments

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    The response of fall webworm larvae, Hyphantria cunea, to identical feeding stimuli presented in a series of multiple choice tests was studied in the laboratory. Instead of responding independently, all larvae in 61 % of the trials were observed to aggregate at one of two identical feeding stations

    Six Myths that Confuse the Marriage Equality Debate

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    Relationship between Obligations and Rights of Citizens

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    Solar cell module

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    An improved solar cell module for use in terrestrial environments is disclosed. It is characterized by: (1) an internally reflective plate having a planar surface of incidence and an opposed textured surface (2) a plurality of uniformly spaced silicon solar cells having the active surfaces thereof bonded to portions of the textured surface, and (3) a layer of diffusely reflective matter applied to the textured surface in surrounding relation with the solar cells for reflecting solar energy. The solar energy then strikes the surface of incidence at such angles as to be internally re-reflected and caused to progress toward the active surfaces of the solar cells, whereby concentration of incident flux on the solar cell is achieved without increased module depth