23 research outputs found

    Measurement of railway traction transformer using by SFRA method

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    The paper deals with measurement of railway traction transformer using by Sweep Frequency Response Analysis method (SFRA). It was the first measurement of traction transformer SFRA characteristics. In this paper are given reference measurements as well as measurements after type test of new railway transformer

    Paleoenvironments during the Rhaetian transgression and the colonization history of marine biota in the Fatric Unit (Western Carpathians)

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    Terminal Triassic environmental changes are characterized by an integrated study of lithology, litho- and cyclostratigraphy, paleontology, mineralogy, geochemistry and rock magnetism in the Tatra Mts. The Carpathian Keuper sequence was deposited in an arid environment with only seasonal rivers, temporal lakes and swamps with scarce vegetation. Combination of a wide range of δ18O\delta^{18}O values (-0.7 to +2.7) with negative δ13C\delta^{13}C values documents dolomite precipitation either from brackish or hypersaline lake water, or its derivation from pore water comparably to the Recent Coorong B-dolostone. Negative δ13C\delta^{13}C values indicate microbial C productivity. Rhaetian transgressive deposits with restricted Rhaetavicula fauna accumulated in nearshore swamps and lagoons. Associations of foraminifers, bivalves and sharks in the Zliechov Basin were controlled by physical factors. Bivalve mollusc biostromes were repetitively destroyed by storms, and temporary firm bottoms were colonized by oysters and burrowers. Subsequent black shale deposition recorded input of eolian dust. Bottom colonization by pachyodont bivalves, brachiopod and corals started much later, during highstand conditions. Facies evolution also revealed by geochemical data, C and O isotope curves reflect eustatic and climatic changes and help reconstruct the evolution of Rhaetian marine carbonate ramp. The Fatra Formation consists of 100 kyr eccentricity and 40 kyr obliquity cycles; much finer rhythmicity may record monsoon-like climatic fluctuations. Fluvial and eolian events were indicated by analysis of grain size and content of clastic quartz, concentrations of foraminiferal (Agathammina) tests in thin laminae indicates marine ingression events. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) variations reflect the distribution of authigenic and detrital constituents in the sequence. Increasing trend of MS correlates with the regressive Carpathian Keuper sequence and culminates within the bottom part of the Fatra Formation. Decreasing trend of MS is observed upwards the transgressive deposits of the Fatra Formation

    Carbonate rocks of the Middle Triassic

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    The last Lamellaptychi in the Hauterivian sequence of the Krizna Nappe, Central Western Carpathians

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    The topmost Hauterivian aptychi collection from the Pseudothurmannia Beds of the Mraznica Formation consists of three subspecies of Lamellaptychus angulocostatus (Peters) (L. a. angulocostatus, L. a. angulicostatus, L. a. radiatus), accompanied by rare L. filicostatus Stefanov. These forms represent the stratigraphically youngest lamellaptychi association at all. The decline of the lamellaptychi-bearing ammonites is interpreted as an effect of contemporaneous changes in both paleoceanographic (sea current system) and paleobiogeographic (”Urgonian” carbonate platform development) patterns, as well as in the composition of marine microplankton associations, traceable in the area studied

    Possible markers of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Mediterranean Tethys: A review and state of art

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    During the last decades, several integrated studies of Tethyan Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary sections from different countries were published with the objective to indicate problems for the selection of biological, chemical or physical markers suitable for identification of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary – the only system boundary within the Phanerozoic still not fixed by GSSP. Drawing the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems is a matter of global scale discussions. The problem of proposing possible J/K boundary stratotypes results from lack of a global index fossils, global sea level drop, paleogeographic changes causing development of isolated facies areas, as well as from the effect of Late Cimmerian Orogeny. This contribution summarizes and comments data on J/K boundary interval obtained from several important Tethyan sections and shows still existing problems and discrepancies in its determination

    Annual Work Meeting of the IGSP UNESCO Project 362

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    Zpráva z konference: Annual Work Meeting of the IGSP UNESCO Project 362, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, October 3-9th, 199

    Early Cretaceous ammonoid paleobiogeography of the West Carpathian part of the Paleoeuropean shelf margin

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    The diversity and distribution of ammonites in the Tithonian and Lower Cretaceous of the Western Carpathians reflects local paleogeography. Ammonites were more diversified on the European shelf from the Tithonian to the Valanginian, despite the preservational bias in the Central Carpathian sequences. This area was intermittently connected to the Boreal Realm by seaways, through which faunal migrations took place. By contrast, ammonite assemblages (purely Tethyan) of the Zliechov Basin on the Alpine Carpathian microplate displayed maximum diversity in the Hauterivian. The most diverse Barremian and Aptian ammonite associations are found in the Godula Basin. Albian ammonites were relatively rare and only known from the borders of the Penninic Oceanic Trough

    Early cretaceous sedimentary changes in West-Carpathian area

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    Latest Tithonian bottom relief denivelization, local erosion, as well as successive origin of Berriasian/Valanginian carbonate breccias influenced the sedimentary regime of the carbonate basins in Central Western Carpathians. The Nozdrovice Breccia is interpreted here as the product of sedimentation below an active fault slope. The distribution and composition of clastic intercalations in hemipelagic carbonate sequences indicate the dynamics of these basins during the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition

    Middle Jurassic-lower cretaceous pelagic sequence analysis in the Podbranč section, Pieniny Klippen Belt, western carpathians

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    Special issue: International Geological Conference "Carpathian Geology 2000" (October 11-14, 1999, Smolenice, Slovak republic

    Clastic rocks of the Lower Jurassic (Meďodoly Sandstone Formation)

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