29 research outputs found

    H/V ratio: a tool for site effects evaluation. Results from 1-D noise simulations

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    Ambient vibration techniques such as the H/V method may have the potential to significantly contribute to site effect evaluation, particularly in urban areas. Previous studies interpret the so-called Nakamura's technique in relation to the ellipticity ratio of Rayleigh waves, which, for a high enough impedance contrast, exhibits a pronounced peak close to the fundamental S-wave resonance frequency. Within the European SESAME project (Site EffectS assessment using AMbient Excitations) this interpretation has been tested through noise numerical simulation under well-controlled conditions in terms of source type and distribution and propagation structure. We will present simulations for a simple realistic site (one sedimentary layer over bedrock) characterized by a rather high impedance contrast and low quality factor. Careful H/V and array analysis on these noise synthetics allow an in-depth investigation of the link between H/V ratio peaks and the noise wavefield composition for the soil model considered here: (1) when sources are near (4 to 50 times the layer thickness) and surficial, H/V curves exhibit one single peak, while the array analysis shows that the wavefield is dominated by Rayleigh waves; (2) when sources are distant (more than 50 times the layer thickness) and located inside the sedimentary layer, two peaks show up on the H/V curve, while the array analysis indicates both Rayleigh waves and strong S head waves; the first peak is due to both fundamental Rayleigh waves and resonance of head S waves, the second is only due to the resonance of head S waves; (3) when sources are deep (located inside the bedrock), whatever their distance, H/V ratio exhibit peaks at the fundamental and harmonic resonance frequencies, while array analyses indicate only non-dispersive body waves; the H/V is thus simply due to multiple reflections of S waves within the layer. Therefore, considering that experimental H/V ratio (i.e. derived from actual noise measured in the field) exhibit in most cases only one peak, we conclude that H/V ratio is (1) mainly controlled by local surface sources, (2) mainly due to the ellipticity of the fundamental Rayleigh waves. Then the amplitude of H/V peak is not able to give a good estimate of site amplification facto

    PRENOLIN project. Results of the validation phase at sendai site

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    One of the objectives of the PRENOLIN project is the assessment of uncertainties associated with non-linear simulation of 1D site effects. An international benchmark is underway to test several numerical codes, including various non-linear soil constitutive models, to compute the non-linear seismic site response. The preliminary verification phase (i.e. comparison between numerical codes on simple, idealistic cases) is now followed by the validation phase, which compares predictions of such numerical estimations with actual strong motion data recorded from well-known sites. The benchmark presently involves 21 teams and 21 different non-linear computations. Extensive site characterization was performed at three sites of the Japanese KiK-net and PARI networks. This paper focuses on SENDAI site. The first results indicate that a careful analysis of the data for the lab measurement is required. The linear site response is overestimated while the non-linear effects are underestimated in the first iteration. According to these observations, a first set of recommendations for defining the non-linear soil parameters from lab measurements is proposed. PRENOLIN is part of two larger projects: SINAPS@, funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) and SIGMA, funded by a consortium of nuclear operators (EDF, CEA, AREVA, ENL)

    Initiation and arrest of earthquake ruptures due to elongated overstressed regions

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    International audienceThe initiation of natural and induced earthquakes is promoted in fault areas where shear stress is close to fault strength. In many real-world situations, these overstressed fault areas (or ‘asperities’) are very elongated; for example, in the case of a fault intersecting a reservoir subject to fluid-injection, or the stress concentration along the bottom of a seismogenic zone induced by deep fault creep. Theoretical estimates of the minimum overstressed asperity size leading to runaway rupture and of the final size of self-arrested ruptures are only available for 2-D problems and for 3-D problems with an asperity aspect ratio close to one. In this study, we determine how the nucleation of ruptures on elongated asperities, and their ensuing arrest, depends on the size and aspect ratio of the asperity and on the background stress. Based on a systematic set of 3-D dynamic rupture simulations assuming linear slip-weakening friction, we find that if the shortest asperity side is smaller than the 2-D critical length, the problem effectively reduces to a 2-D problem in which rupture nucleation and arrest are controlled by the shortest length of the asperity. Otherwise, nucleation and rupture arrest are controlled by the asperity area, with a minor exception: for asperities with shortest side slightly larger than the 2-D critical length, arrested ruptures are smaller than predicted by the asperity area. The fact that rupture arrest is dominantly controlled by area, even for elongated asperities, corroborates the finding that observed maximum magnitudes of earthquakes induced by fluid injection are consistent with the theoretical relation between the magnitude of the largest self-arrested rupture and the injected volume. In the context of induced seismicity, our simulations provide plausible scenarios that could be either favourable or challenging for traffic light systems and provide mechanical insights into the conditions leading to these situations

    A seismic source zone model for the seismic hazard assessment of Slovakia

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    We present a new seismic source zone model for the seismic hazard assessment of Slovakia based on a new seismotectonic model of the territory of Slovakia and adjacent areas. The seismotectonic model has been developed using a new Slovak earthquake catalogue (SLOVEC 2011), successive division of the large-scale geological structures into tectonic regions, seismogeological domains and seismogenic structures. The main criteria for definitions of regions, domains and structures are the age of the last tectonic consolidation of geological structures, thickness of lithosphere, thickness of crust, geothermal conditions, current tectonic regime and seismic activity. The seismic source zones are presented on a 1:1,000,000 scale map

    3-D finite-difference, finite-element, discontinuous-Galerkin and spectral-element schemes analysed for their accuracy with respect to P-wave to S-wave speed ratio

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    International audienceWe analyse 13 3-D numerical time-domain explicit schemes for modelling seismic wave propagation and earthquake motion for their behaviour with a varying P-wave to S-wave speed ratio (VP/VS). The second-order schemes include three finite-difference, three finite-element and one discontinuous-Galerkin schemes. The fourth-order schemes include three finite-difference and two spectral-element schemes. All schemes are second-order in time. We assume a uniform cubic grid/mesh and present all schemes in a unified form. We assume plane S-wave propagation in an unbounded homogeneous isotropic elastic medium. We define relative local errors of the schemes in amplitude and the vector difference in one time step and normalize them for a unit time. We also define the equivalent spatial sampling ratio as a ratio at which the maximum relative error is equal to the reference maximum error. We present results of the extensive numerical analysis. We theoretically (i) show how a numerical scheme sees the P and S waves if the VP/VS ratio increases, (ii) show the structure of the errors in amplitude and the vector difference and (iii) compare the schemes in terms of the truncation errors of the discrete approximations to the second mixed and non-mixed spatial derivatives. We find that four of the tested schemes have errors in amplitude almost independent on the VP/VS ratio. The homogeneity of the approximations to the second mixed and non-mixed spatial derivatives in terms of the coefficients of the leading terms of their truncation errors as well as the absolute values of the coefficients are key factors for the behaviour of the schemes with increasing VP/VS ratio. The dependence of the errors in the vector difference on the VP/VS ratio should be accounted for by a proper (sufficiently dense) spatial sampling

    Initiation and Arrest of Earthquake Ruptures due to Elongated Overstressed Regions

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    The initiation of natural and induced earthquakes is promoted in fault areas where the shear stress is close to fault strength. In many important situations, these overstressed fault areas (or “asperities”) are very elongated; for example, in the case of a fault intersecting a reservoir subject to fluid-injection, or the stress concentration along the bottom of a seismogenic zone induced by deep fault creep. Theoretical estimates of the minimum overstressed asperity size leading to runaway rupture and of the final size of self-arrested ruptures are only available for 2D problems and for 3D problems with an asperity aspect ratio close to one. In this study, we determine how the nucleation of ruptures on elongated asperities, and their ensuing arrest, depend on the size and aspect ratio of the asperity and on the background stress. Based on a systematic set of 3D dynamic rupture simulations assuming linear slip-weakening friction, we find that if the shortest asperity side is smaller than the 2D critical length, the problem effectively reduces to a 2D problem in which rupture nucleation and arrest are controlled by the shortest length of the asperity. Otherwise, nucleation and rupture arrest are controlled by the asperity area, with a minor exception: for asperities with shortest side slightly larger than the 2D critical length, arrested ruptures are smaller than predicted by the asperity area. The fact that rupture arrest is dominantly controlled by area, even for elongated asperities, corroborates the finding that observed maximum magnitudes of earthquakes induced by fluid injection are consistent with the theoretical relation between the magnitude of the largest self-arrested rupture and the injected volume (Galis et al., 2017). In context of induced seismicity, our simulations provide plausible scenarios that could be either favourable or challenging for traffic light systems, and provide mechanical insights into the conditions leading to these situations

    Computation of amplification factor of earthquake ground motion for a local sedimentary structure

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    International audienceWe present methodology of calculating acceleration and corresponding earthquake ground motion characteristics at a site of interest assuming acceleration at a reference site for two basic configurations. In one configuration we assume that the reference ground motion is not affected by the local structure beneath the site of interest. In the other configuration we assume that the reference ground motion is affected by the local structure.Consequently, the two configurations differ from each other by the presence of the reference site within the computational model. For each of the two configurations we assume two wavefield excitations: a vertical plane-wave incidence and a point double-couple source. We illustrate the methodology on the example of the Grenoble valley. The extensiveinvestigation of effects of local surface sedimentary structures based on the developed methodology is presented in the accompanying article by Moczo et al. (Bull Earthq Eng, 2018) in this volume

    Enseignements du projet E2VP pour l'utilisation des méthodes de simulation numérique 3D dans la prise en compte des effets de site dans les études d'aléa sismique

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    International audienceThe use of simulation to assess the site effect is often required in low seismicity areas. The "E2VP" project (Euroseistest Verification and Validation Project) launched in 2008 aimed to assess the robustness of simulation methods in complex linear 3D cases. The project E2VP was the framework of various works and advances in simulation practice. The verification step consists in checking that different simulation tools, starting from the same physical problems, lead the same results. Stringent "canonical cases" (but representative of real cases) have been defined and tested by several teams. These tests are now available online for any new team. The validation step (comparison between simulation results and actual data) involved to define their own metrics. Detailed comparisons of the " distance " between the simulations themselves and between simulations and real data have been confronted with the intrinsic variability of seismic ground motions. Simulation tools were also used to understand the physical origin of some source of variability of the site effect, including those related to the back-azimuth. The project helped evolution of the misfit between observations and simulations for different "generations" of geological models, source parameters, the model of "bedrock", and the database version. The project was rich in learnings on the global approach of site effect estimation, beyond the simple numerical simulation. MOTS-CLÉS : effets de site, simulation numĂ©rique, Euroseistest, verification, validation.Le recours Ă  la simulation pour Ă©valuer les effets de site est souvent nĂ©cessaire dans les zones Ă  faible sismicitĂ©. Le projet « E2VP » (Euroseistest Verification and Validation Project), avait pour but d'Ă©valuer la robustesse des mĂ©thodes de simulation dans un cas linĂ©aire 3D complexe. Il a Ă©tĂ© le cadre de travaux variĂ©s et d'avancĂ©es dans les pratiques de simulation. L'Ă©tape de vĂ©rification consiste Ă  vĂ©rifier que plusieurs outils de simulation, partant d'un mĂȘme problĂšme physique, obtiennent les mĂȘmes rĂ©sultats. Des « cas canoniques » exigeants mais reprĂ©sentatifs de cas rĂ©els ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finis, testĂ©s par plusieurs Ă©quipes : ces cas tests sont aujourd'hui disponibles pour toute nouvelle Ă©quipe. La validation (confrontation entre rĂ©sultats de simulation et donnĂ©es rĂ©elles) a impliquĂ© de dĂ©finir une mĂ©trique propre. Des comparaisons dĂ©taillĂ©es des « distances » sĂ©parant les simulations entre elles et sĂ©parant les simulations des donnĂ©es rĂ©elles, ont Ă©tĂ© confrontĂ©es Ă  la variabilitĂ© intrinsĂšque des mouvements sismiques. Les outils de simulation ont Ă©galement permis de comprendre l'origine physique de certaines variabilitĂ©s de l'effet de site, notamment celles liĂ©es au back-azimut des sĂ©ismes considĂ©rĂ©s. Le projet a permis de suivre l'Ă©volution du misfit observations / simulations pour diffĂ©rentes « gĂ©nĂ©rations » de modĂšle gĂ©ologique, des paramĂštres de source, du modĂšle « de bedrock », et de la base de donnĂ©es accĂ©lĂ©romĂ©trique. Le projet s'est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© riche d'enseignements sur la dĂ©marche globale d'estimation des effets de site, en delĂ  de la seule simulation numĂ©riqu