183 research outputs found

    Furthering Scientific Inquiry for Weight Loss Maintenance: Assessing the Psychological Processes Impacted by a Low intensity Technology-Assisted Intervention (NULevel Trial)

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.Background NULevel was a randomized control trial to evaluate a technology-assisted weight loss maintenance (WLM) program in the UK. The program included: (a) a face-to-face goal-setting session; (b) an internet platform, a pedometer, and wirelessly connected scales to monitor and report diet, physical activity, and weight, and; (c) regular automated feedback delivered by mobile phone, tailored to participants’ progress. Components were designed to target psychological processes linked to weight-related behavior. Though intervention participants showed increased physical activity, there was no difference in WLM between the intervention and control groups after 12 months (Sniehotta FF, Evans EH, Sainsbury K, et al. Behavioural intervention for weight loss maintenance versus standard weight advice in adults with obesity: A randomized controlled trial in the UK (NULevelTrial). PLoS Med. 2019; 16(5):e1002793. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002793). It is unclear whether the program failed to alter targeted psychological processes, or whether changes in these processes failed to influence WLM. Purpose We evaluate whether the program influenced 16 prespecified psychological processes (e.g., self-efficacy and automaticity toward diet and physical activity), and whether these processes (at 6 months) were associated with successful WLM (at 12 months). Methods 288 adults who had previously lost weight were randomized to the intervention or control groups.The control group received wireless scales and standard advice via newsletters. Assessments occurred in person at 0, 6, and 12 months. Results The intervention significantly altered 10 of the 16 psychological processes, compared with the control group. However, few processes were associated with WLM, leading to no significant indirect effects of the intervention via the processes on WLM. Conclusions Changes in targeted processes were insufficient to support WLM. Future efforts may more closely examine the sequence of effects between processes, behavior, and WLM

    The Impact of Non-Equipartition on Cosmological Parameter Estimation from Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Surveys

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    The collisionless accretion shock at the outer boundary of a galaxy cluster should primarily heat the ions instead of electrons since they carry most of the kinetic energy of the infalling gas. Near the accretion shock, the density of the intracluster medium is very low and the Coulomb collisional timescale is longer than the accretion timescale. Electrons and ions may not achieve equipartition in these regions. Numerical simulations have shown that the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observables (e.g., the integrated Comptonization parameter Y) for relaxed clusters can be biased by a few percent. The Y-mass relation can be biased if non-equipartition effects are not properly taken into account. Using a set of hydrodynamical simulations, we have calculated three potential systematic biases in the Y-mass relations introduced by non-equipartition effects during the cross-calibration or self-calibration when using the galaxy cluster abundance technique to constraint cosmological parameters. We then use a semi-analytic technique to estimate the non-equipartition effects on the distribution functions of Y (Y functions) determined from the extended Press-Schechter theory. Depending on the calibration method, we find that non-equipartition effects can induce systematic biases on the Y functions, and the values of the cosmological parameters Omega_8, sigma_8, and the dark energy equation of state parameter w can be biased by a few percent. In particular, non-equipartition effects can introduce an apparent evolution in w of a few percent in all of the systematic cases we considered. Techniques are suggested to take into account the non-equipartition effect empirically when using the cluster abundance technique to study precision cosmology. We conclude that systematic uncertainties in the Y-mass relation of even a few percent can introduce a comparable level of biases in cosmological parameter measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, abstract abridged slightly. Typos corrected in version

    Three qubit entanglement within graphical Z/X-calculus

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    The compositional techniques of categorical quantum mechanics are applied to analyse 3-qubit quantum entanglement. In particular the graphical calculus of complementary observables and corresponding phases due to Duncan and one of the authors is used to construct representative members of the two genuinely tripartite SLOCC classes of 3-qubit entangled states, GHZ and W. This nicely illustrates the respectively pairwise and global tripartite entanglement found in the W- and GHZ-class states. A new concept of supplementarity allows us to characterise inhabitants of the W class within the abstract diagrammatic calculus; these method extends to more general multipartite qubit states.Comment: In Proceedings HPC 2010, arXiv:1103.226

    The fusion algebra of bimodule categories

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    We establish an algebra-isomorphism between the complexified Grothendieck ring F of certain bimodule categories over a modular tensor category and the endomorphism algebra of appropriate morphism spaces of those bimodule categories. This provides a purely categorical proof of a conjecture by Ostrik concerning the structure of F. As a by-product we obtain a concrete expression for the structure constants of the Grothendieck ring of the bimodule category in terms of endomorphisms of the tensor unit of the underlying modular tensor category.Comment: 16 page

    Picturing classical and quantum Bayesian inference

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    We introduce a graphical framework for Bayesian inference that is sufficiently general to accommodate not just the standard case but also recent proposals for a theory of quantum Bayesian inference wherein one considers density operators rather than probability distributions as representative of degrees of belief. The diagrammatic framework is stated in the graphical language of symmetric monoidal categories and of compact structures and Frobenius structures therein, in which Bayesian inversion boils down to transposition with respect to an appropriate compact structure. We characterize classical Bayesian inference in terms of a graphical property and demonstrate that our approach eliminates some purely conventional elements that appear in common representations thereof, such as whether degrees of belief are represented by probabilities or entropic quantities. We also introduce a quantum-like calculus wherein the Frobenius structure is noncommutative and show that it can accommodate Leifer's calculus of `conditional density operators'. The notion of conditional independence is also generalized to our graphical setting and we make some preliminary connections to the theory of Bayesian networks. Finally, we demonstrate how to construct a graphical Bayesian calculus within any dagger compact category.Comment: 38 pages, lots of picture

    Bicategories for boundary conditions and for surface defects in 3-d TFT

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    We analyze topological boundary conditions and topological surface defects in three-dimensional topological field theories of Reshetikhin-Turaev type based on arbitrary modular tensor categories. Boundary conditions are described by central functors that lift to trivializations in the Witt group of modular tensor categories. The bicategory of boundary conditions can be described through the bicategory of module categories over any such trivialization. A similar description is obtained for topological surface defects. Using string diagrams for bicategories we also establish a precise relation between special symmetric Frobenius algebras and Wilson lines involving special defects. We compare our results with previous work of Kapustin-Saulina and of Kitaev-Kong on boundary conditions and surface defects in abelian Chern-Simons theories and in Turaev-Viro type TFTs, respectively.Comment: 34 pages, some figures. v2: references added. v3: typos corrected and biliography update

    From Atiyah Classes to Homotopy Leibniz Algebras

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    A celebrated theorem of Kapranov states that the Atiyah class of the tangent bundle of a complex manifold XX makes TX[1]T_X[-1] into a Lie algebra object in D+(X)D^+(X), the bounded below derived category of coherent sheaves on XX. Furthermore Kapranov proved that, for a K\"ahler manifold XX, the Dolbeault resolution Ω1(TX1,0)\Omega^{\bullet-1}(T_X^{1,0}) of TX[1]T_X[-1] is an LL_\infty algebra. In this paper, we prove that Kapranov's theorem holds in much wider generality for vector bundles over Lie pairs. Given a Lie pair (L,A)(L,A), i.e. a Lie algebroid LL together with a Lie subalgebroid AA, we define the Atiyah class αE\alpha_E of an AA-module EE (relative to LL) as the obstruction to the existence of an AA-compatible LL-connection on EE. We prove that the Atiyah classes αL/A\alpha_{L/A} and αE\alpha_E respectively make L/A[1]L/A[-1] and E[1]E[-1] into a Lie algebra and a Lie algebra module in the bounded below derived category D+(A)D^+(\mathcal{A}), where A\mathcal{A} is the abelian category of left U(A)\mathcal{U}(A)-modules and U(A)\mathcal{U}(A) is the universal enveloping algebra of AA. Moreover, we produce a homotopy Leibniz algebra and a homotopy Leibniz module stemming from the Atiyah classes of L/AL/A and EE, and inducing the aforesaid Lie structures in D+(A)D^+(\mathcal{A}).Comment: 36 page

    Trace as an alternative decategorification functor

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    Categorification is a process of lifting structures to a higher categorical level. The original structure can then be recovered by means of the so-called "decategorification" functor. Algebras are typically categorified to additive categories with additional structure and decategorification is usually given by the (split) Grothendieck group. In this expository article we study an alternative decategorification functor given by the trace or the zeroth Hochschild--Mitchell homology. We show that this form of decategorification endows any 2-representation of the categorified quantum sl(n) with an action of the current algebra U(sl(n)[t]) on its center.Comment: 47 pages with tikz figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1405.5920 by other author

    Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone

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    In physics, Feynman diagrams are used to reason about quantum processes. In the 1980s, it became clear that underlying these diagrams is a powerful analogy between quantum physics and topology: namely, a linear operator behaves very much like a "cobordism". Similar diagrams can be used to reason about logic, where they represent proofs, and computation, where they represent programs. With the rise of interest in quantum cryptography and quantum computation, it became clear that there is extensive network of analogies between physics, topology, logic and computation. In this expository paper, we make some of these analogies precise using the concept of "closed symmetric monoidal category". We assume no prior knowledge of category theory, proof theory or computer science.Comment: 73 pages, 8 encapsulated postscript figure