231 research outputs found

    Simultaneous UV and optical study of O star winds and UV and optical covariability of O star winds

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    Simultaneous ultraviolet and optical observations of 10 bright O stars were organized in several observing campaigns lasting 3-6 days each. The observing campaigns included 12 observatories in the Northern hemisphere obtaining high resolution spectroscopy, photometry, and polarimetry, as well as 24-hour coverage with the IUE (International Ultraviolet Explorer) observatory. Over 600 high dispersion SWP spectra were acquired with IUE at both NASA and VILSPA for the completion of this work. The massive amount of data from these observing campaigns, both from IUE and the ground-based instruments, has been reduced and analyzed. The accompanying paper describes the data acquisition, analysis, and conclusions of the study performed. The most important results of this study are the strong confirmation of the ubiquitous variability of winds of O stars, and the critical correlation between rotation of the star and the wind variability as seen in the ultraviolet and optical spectral lines

    The frequency and distribution of high-velocity gas in the Galaxy

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the frequency and distribution of high-velocity gas in the Galaxy using UV absorption line measurements from archival high-dispersion IUE spectra and to identify particularly interesting regions for future study. Approximately 500 spectra have been examined. The study began with the creation of a database of all 0 and B stars with b less than or = to 30 deg observed with IUE at high dispersion over its 18-year lifetime. The original database of 2500 unique objects was reduced to 1200 objects which had optimal exposures available. The next task was to determine the distances of these stars so the high-velocity structures could be mapped in the Galaxy. Spectroscopic distances were calculated for each star for which photometry was available. The photometry was acquired for each star using the SIMBAD database. Preference was given to the ubvy system where available; otherwise the UBV system was used

    TGCat, The Chandra Transmission Grating Catalog and Archive: Systems, Desgin and Accessibility

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    The recently released Chandra Transmission Grating Catalog and Archive, TGCat, presents a fully dynamic on-line catalog allowing users to browse and categorize Chandra gratings observations quickly and easily, generate custom plots of resulting response corrected spectra on-line without the need for special software and to download analysis ready products from multiple observations in one convenient operation. TGCat has been registered as a VO resource with the NVO providing direct access to the catalogs interface. The catalog is supported by a back-end designed to automatically fetch newly public data, process, archive and catalog them, At the same time utilizing an advanced queue system integrated into the archive's MySQL database allowing large processing projects to take advantage of an unlimited number of CPUs across a network for rapid completion. A unique feature of the catalog is that all of the high level functions used to retrieve inputs from the Chandra archive and to generate the final data products are available to the user in an ISIS written library with detailed documentation. Here we present a structural overview of the Systems, Design, and Accessibility features of the catalog and archive.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) NASA contract NAS8-03060)United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) contract SV3-73016 for the Chandra X-Ray Center and Science Instruments

    Binary Properties from Cepheid Radial Velocities (CRaV)

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    We have examined high accuracy radial velocities of Cepheids to determine the binary frequency. The data are largely from the CORAVEL spectrophotometer and the Moscow version, with a typical uncertainty of ≤1\leq1~km~s−1^{-1}, and a time span from 1 to 20 years. A systemic velocity was obtained by removing the pulsation component using a high order Fourier series. From this data we have developed a list of stars showing no orbital velocity larger than ±1\pm1~km~s−1^{-1}. The binary fraction was analyzed as a function of magnitude, and yields an apparent decrease in this fraction for fainter stars. We interpret this as incompleteness at fainter magnitudes, and derive the preferred binary fraction of 29±829\pm8\% ( 20±620\pm6\% per decade of orbital period) from the brightest 40 stars. Comparison of this fraction in this period range (1-20 years) implies a large fraction for the full period range. This is reasonable in that the high accuracy velocities are sensitive to the longer periods and smaller orbital velocity amplitudes in the period range sampled here. Thus the Cepheid velocity sample provides a sensitive detection in the period range between short period spectroscopic binaries and resolved companions. The recent identification of δ\delta Cep as a binary with very low amplitude and high eccentricity underscores the fact that the binary fractions we derive are lower limits, to which other low amplitude systems will probably be added. The mass ratio (q) distribution derived from ultraviolet observations of the secondary is consistent with a flat distribution for the applicable period range (1 to 20 years).Comment: accepted for publication in A

    Probing Wolf-Rayet Winds: Chandra/HETG X-Ray Spectra of WR 6

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    With a deep Chandra/HETGS exposure of WR 6, we have resolved emission lines whose profiles show that the X-rays originate from a uniformly expanding spherical wind of high X-ray-continuum optical depth. The presence of strong helium-like forbidden lines places the source of X-ray emission at tens to hundreds of stellar radii from the photosphere. Variability was present in X-rays and simultaneous optical photometry, but neither were correlated with the known period of the system or with each other. An enhanced abundance of sodium revealed nuclear processed material, a quantity related to the evolutionary state of the star. The characterization of the extent and nature of the hot plasma in WR 6 will help to pave the way to a more fundamental theoretical understanding of the winds and evolution of massive stars.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Survey of X-rays from Massive Stars Observed at High Spectral Resolution with Chandra

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    Identifying trends between observational data and the range of physical parameters of massive stars is a critical step to the still-elusive full understanding of the source, structure, and evolution of X-ray emission from the stellar winds, requiring a substantial sample size and systematic analysis methods. The \emph{Chandra} data archive as of 2022 contains 37 high resolution spectra of O, B, and WR stars, observed with the \emph{Chandra}/HETGS and of sufficient quality to fit the continua and emission line profiles. Using a systematic approach to the data analysis, we explore morphological trends in the line profiles (i.e., O, Ne, Mg, Si) and find that the centroid offsets of resolved lines versus wavelength can be separated in three empirically-defined groups based on the amount of line broadening and centroid offset. Using \ion{Fe}{17} (15.01 \AA, 17.05 \AA) and \ion{Ne}{10} α\alpha (12.13 \AA) lines which are prevalent among the sample stars, we find a well-correlated linear trend of increasing Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) with faster wind terminal velocity. The H-like/He-like total line flux ratio for strong lines displays different trends with spectral class depending on ion species. Some of the sources in our sample have peculiar properties (e.g., magnetic and γ\gamma Cas-analogue stars) and we find that these sources stand out as outliers from more regular trends. Finally, our spectral analysis is presented summarily in terms of X-ray spectral energy distributions in specific luminosity for each source, plus tables of line identifications and fluxes.Comment: 78 pages, 46 figures, 41 tables, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Response of the Jovian thermosphere to a transient ‘pulse’ in solar wind pressure

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    The importance of the Jovian thermosphere with regard to magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is often neglected in magnetospheric physics. We present the first study to investigate the response of the Jovian thermosphere to transient variations in solar wind dynamic pressure, using an azimuthally symmetric global circulation model coupled to a simple magnetosphere and fixed auroral conductivity model. In our simulations, the Jovian magnetosphere encounters a solar wind shock or rarefaction region and is subsequently compressed or expanded. We present the ensuing response of the coupling currents, thermospheric flows, heating and cooling terms, and the aurora to these transient events. Transient compressions cause the reversal, with respect to steady state, of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling currents and momentum transfer between the thermosphere and magnetosphere. They also cause at least a factor of two increase in the Joule heating rate. Ion drag significantly changes the kinetic energy of the thermospheric neutrals depending on whether the magnetosphere is compressed or expanded. Local temperature variations appear between View the MathML source for the compression scenario and View the MathML source for the expansion case. Extended regions of equatorward flow develop in the wake of compression events - we discuss the implications of this behaviour for global energy transport. Both compressions and expansions lead to a View the MathML source increase in the total power dissipated or deposited in the thermosphere. In terms of auroral processes, transient compressions increase main oval UV emission by a factor of ∼4.5 whilst transient expansions increase this main emission by a more modest 37%. Both types of transient event cause shifts in the position of the main oval, of up to 1° latitude
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