502 research outputs found

    Contacts between Duklja/Zeta and the Apennine Peninsula in the Middle Ages as a Topic in Montenegrin Periodicals in 1835–1941

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    This paper shows that continuity of connections between Duklja/Zeta and the Apennine Peninsula during the middle ages, which were manifested both in the political and in the cultural sphere, attracted attention as a topic in the periodical press issued in the territory of present-day Montenegro from 1835 to 1941. The paper offers a systematized overview of such, for the most part descriptive, texts on political and cultural links between what now are Montenegro and Italy in the middle ages

    Divergences within the Hominoidea group

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    Natporodica Hominoidea danas okuplja pet živućih skupina: giboni, orangutani, gorile, panini te čovjek. Nastali su na granici oligocena i miocena koji je vrijeme njihovih divergencija. Rod Proconsul jest ishodišna skupina, iako neki smatraju da bi to mogao biti i Aegyptopitecus, a daljnji nastavak divergencija u Africi odvija se putem rodova Afropithecus, Morotopithecus i Kenyapithecus. Emigriraju iz istočne Afrike u Euroaziju gdje se dalje razvijaju, a neki predstavnici su: Pliopithecus, Dryopithecus, Sivapithecus, Lufengpithecus, Pierolapithecus, Ankarapithecus, Oreopithecus, Gigantopithecus te Ouranopithecus. Gibon i orangutan se odvajaju prije 14,9 odnosno 11,3 mil. g. u Aziji. Na afričkom kontinentu se razdvajaju gorila i panini prije oko 6,4 ± 1,5 mil. g., a panini i hominidi prije oko 7 mil. g.. Prvi hominidi jesu Sahelanthropus tchadensis i Orrorin turgensis. Cilj ovog seminara bio je pokušat rekonstruirati filetičke odnose među spomenutim rodovima. Rješenja dobrim dijelom postoje i djelomično su jasna, no sigurno je da će sporne divergencije biti predmet daljnjih rasprava i istraživanja.The Hominoidea superfamiliy today includes five living representatives: gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans. They emerged at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary and Miocene is the time of their divergence. The Proconsul group is considered to be the initial group, although some researchers think it might be Aegyptopitecus. Further divergence in Africa continues through Afropithecus, Morotopithecus and Kenyapithecus emigrating from Eastern Africa to Eurasia, where they further developed. Some representatives are: Pliopithecus, Dryopithecus, Sivapithecus, Lufengpithecus, Pierolapithecus, Ankarapithecus, Oreopithecus, Gigantopithecus and Ouranopithecu. Gibbons and orangutans separated in Asia 14,9 and 11,3 million years ago respectively. Gorillas and chimpanzees separated in Africa approximately 6,4 ± 1,5 million years ago and humans and chimpanzees 7 million years ago. Sahelanthropus chadensis and Orrorin turgensis were the first hominids who lived during and after the disputable chimpanzee - human divergence. The aim of this paper was to try to reconstruct phyletic relationships among the mentioned representatives. Although there is a great deal of partially clear solutions familiar to us today the disputable divergences are most certainly going to be the object of further discussions and researches


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    This paper deals with different approaches for solving linear systems of the first order differential equations with the system matrix in the symmetric arrowhead form.Some needed algebraic properties of the symmetric arrowhead matrix are proposed.We investigate the form of invariant factors of the arrowhead matrix.Also the entries of the adjugate matrix of the characteristic matrix of the arrowhead matrix are considered. Some reductions techniques for linear systems of differential equations with the system matrix in the arrowhead form are presented

    Energy-Efficient Architecture and Sustainable Urban Tourism: Context, Challenges and Solution

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    Urban tourism, as well as tourism in general, offers great economic opportunities, while at the same time, it increases the destination’s vulnerability to overcrowding and uncontrolled growth. Tourism can and should support sustainable urban development. Sustainable urban tourism and energy efficient architecture are interdependent. Increased stakeholder participation, regional cooperation, sustainable urban mobility, supporting environmental and social innovation, preventing negative social issues, resource efficiency and environmentally acceptable waste management, followed by sustainable hospitality industry architecture, are key drivers for sustainable urban tourism success. Energy-efficient architecture in sustainable urban tourism requires application of energy-efficient concepts, elements and systems. Although considerable effort has been put into raising awareness about the necessity of sustainable urban tourism development, numerous examples of “greenwashing” effect have been detected

    Competitiveness of food manufacturing of Republic of Serbia

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    The subject of paper is export competitiveness of food manufacturing of Republic of Serbia during the period 1996-2016. The analysis of export competitiveness was realised by using the following indicators: Revealed comparative advantage (RCA), Competitiveness growth index (RCA1), Index of net business performance (RCA2), Index of contribution to the trade balance (CTB), Grubel-Lloyd index (GLI) and Michaely index (MI). The results show that RCA values were positive in all years, which speaks of comparative advantage of this industry on the domestic market. Since the RCA1 values were higher than one, they revealed export competitiveness. The positive values of RCA2 during the period 2005-2016 bear witness of contribution of food manufacturing in foreign trade balance of Serbian economy. The average value of CTB index was 3.998 and its positive annual values showed that the contribution of food manufacturing in the total trade balance was positive. The change of GLI values pointed to the loss of ability of the sector to create surplus of national trade balance. Positive annual values of MI confirmed the competitiveness of food manufacturing, but also its insufficient specialisation

    Counting Proper Mergings of Chains and Antichains

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    A proper merging of two disjoint quasi-ordered sets PP and QQ is a quasi-order on the union of PP and QQ such that the restriction to PP and QQ yields the original quasi-order again and such that no elements of PP and QQ are identified. In this article, we consider the cases where PP and QQ are chains, where PP and QQ are antichains, and where PP is an antichain and QQ is a chain. We give formulas that determine the number of proper mergings in all three cases, and introduce two new bijections from proper mergings of two chains to plane partitions and from proper mergings of an antichain and a chain to monotone colorings of complete bipartite digraphs. Additionally, we use these bijections to count the Galois connections between two chains, and between a chain and a Boolean lattice respectively.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, 5 table

    Impact of global financial crisis on insurance industry in selected Western Balkan countries

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    The chapter analyses the effects of the global financial crisis on the insurance market of selected Western Balkan countries, taking into account their characteristics, the achieved level of development, frameworks within which they function, and emerged tendencies on the world insurance market. The impact of the crisis is considered with respect to both business and investment side of the insurance company results. In addition to identifying existing problems of insurers during the crisis, warns of upcoming issues expected in the post-crisis period are indicated and possibilities for overcoming them suggested. Useful recommendations for further conduct and development of insurance operations are provided on the basis of comparative analysis of the insurance industry performances in time segments before and after the onset of the crisis

    Upravljanje rizicima unit-linked životnog osiguranja

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    Osnovna karakteristika unit-linked životnog osiguranja ogleda se u specifičnosti ulaganja sredstava, koje je direktno vezano za vrednost investicione jedinice određenog investicionog fonda. Prednost unit-linked osiguranja, sa aspekta osiguravača, sastoji se u prenošenju rizika investiranja na osiguranika. Sa aspekta osiguranika, ovo osiguranje omogućuje, sa jedne strane, slobodu izbora nivoa zaštite, a sa druge strane, slobodu ulaganja sredstava rezerve, odnosno izbor investicionog fonda u koji će ta sredstva biti investirana, u skladu sa stepenom averzije prema riziku. Iako unit-linked osiguranje može doneti veće prinose u odnosu na tradicionalne proizvode životnog osiguranja, pri nepovoljnoj investicionoj klimi mogu biti ostvareni značajni gubici. Iz navedenih razloga, veoma je važno sagledati prednosti i nedostatke ovog vida osiguranja, sa aspekta politike investiranja, posebno u uslovima globalne finansijske krize. Tema dobija na aktuelnosti izmenom Zakona o osiguranju, kojom se omogućuje uvođenje navedenog novog proizvoda životnog osiguranja u Srbiji. Stoga je veoma značajno blagovremeno identifikovati rizike koji su povezani sa ovim vidom osiguranja, kako bi bile definisane adekvatne metode upravljanja tim rizicima