216 research outputs found

    Sekcija 6: Sprečavanje i suzbijanje kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti (kardiovaskularne bolesti)

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    Izvješće o prikazanim radovima:         Sekcija uključuje 9 usmenih izlaganja i 11 postera. Radovi su iz Hrvatske, Slovenije i Bosne i Hercegovine

    Interfacial Polarization and Dielectric Properties of Epoxy/Graphite Flakes Composites

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    Dielectric properties of composites based on bisphenol-A-epoxy resin loaded with various content of graphite flakes (GF) have been studied. The dielectric permeability, tangent loss and ac conductivity have been examined in wide temperature (170 – 370 K) and frequency (20 Hz – 200 kHz) range. In composites loaded with GF flakes up to 10 wt.%, the dominant conduction mechanism is tunneling of electrons, while loading of 15 wt.% gives rise to electron conduction through direct contacts between fillers. Dielectric properties of composites are largely determined by the nature of the filler/matrix interface, the filler surface area and the inherent conductivity of the fillers. At low electric field frequencies, dominates socalled interfacial (or space charge) polarization due to accumulation of free charges at the interfaces between two phases (filler and matrix), which differ in electrical conductivity.Influence of the filler surface chemistry have been studied for composites loaded with 5 wt.% graphite flakes obtained: (i) under wet milling, without (GF) or with (GF-Tr100x) adding Triton-100x as a surfactant, or (ii) under dry milling in the presence of KOH (GF-KOH). The surface treatment with KOH notable increased dielectric constant of the epoxy/GF-KOH5 composite, keeping low tangent loss, comparable to the counterpart, the epoxy/GF5 composite


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    Tulisan ini mencoba menggunakan pendekatan atau perspektif historis dalam upaya untuk mencari model yang asli untuk pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Dengan pendekatan historis ditelusuri pelaksanaan administrasi publik yang bersumber dari adat istiadat Jawa, masa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda dan Masa Republik pada tahun 1945. Pendekatan administrasi yang digunakan dalam adat istiadat Jawa adalah konsensus dan dekrit. Dalam pemerintahan Hindia Belanda terjadi penggabungan antara adat-istiadat dengan berbagai ketentuan yang dikembangkan oleh Belanda. Dalam era Republik terjadi tarik menarik antara peraturan yang bersifat positivisme dan romantisme. Model yang diajukan adalah adanya kombinasi antara adat, peraturan yang berlaku dalam masa kolonial dan peraturan yang dihasilkan dari penguasa yang ada sekarang ini

    The study of Krivovir cheese technology within aim of his industrial production

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    Autori ispituju autohtonu tehnologiju krivovirskog sira u cilju njegove industrijske proizvodnje. U tom smislu praćene su promjene kemijskog sastava i razlaganje proteina tokom zrenja sira proizvedenog modificiranom tehnologijom na industrijski način

    Klinički negativan vrat kod bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomom glave i vrata – dijagnostički izazov

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    Uvod: Prisutnost metastaza u limfnim čvorovima vrata jedan je od najvažnijih prognostičkih čimbenika kod bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomima glave i vrata. Kliničko određivanje stadija regionalne bolesti temelji se na dijagnostičkoj obradi koja obvezno uključuje CT glave i vrata, a često i ultrazvučni pregled vrata s citološkom verifikacijom suspektnih čvorova. Problem predstavljaju limfni čvorovi koji su radiološki opisani kao umnoženi, uvećani ili suspektni, a prije početka liječenja nisu citološki potvrđene regionalne metastaze.Patohistološki, prisutnost ekstrakapsularne invazije u metastatskom limfnom čvoru vrata klasificira se kao stadij N3b. Opisani kriteriji kliničkog i patološkog klasificiranja stadija bolesti mogu dovesti do značajne razlike između kliničkog i patološkog TNMa. Najveći problem predstavljaju mali metastatski limfni čvorovi koje patohistološki obilježava ekstrakapsularna invazija. Cilj ovoga rada je analizom karakteristika bolesnika s različitim kliničkim i patološkim N stadijem doprinjeti boljoj interpretaciji radioloških nalaza. Bolesnici i metode: U retrospektivnu analizu ukljucili smo bolesnike s planocelularnim karcinomom usne šupljine, hipofarinksa i larinksa, te orofarinksa (HPV negativne) koji su prvi puta liječeni u razdoblju 01.07.2022 - 01.07.2023. Prvi odabrani modalitet liječenja je bio kirurški, a prije operacije nije bila dokazana regionalna bolest. Kod svih bolesnika učinjena je disekcija vrata i patohistološki dokazana metastaza na vratu. Analizirali smo klinički N stadij prije operacije, ucinjenu obradu, vrstu disekcije i patološki N stadij. Rezultati: Uključeno je 26 bolesnika. Preoperativno su svi imali učinjen CT glave i vrata s kontrastom, a niti jedan nije imao citološki potvrđenu regionalnu bolest. Temeljem preoperativne obrade 16 njih smo klasificiali kao klinički N0, a 10 kao N+ stadij. Kod 16 bolesnika s N0 stadijem vrata učinjena je jedna modificirana radikalna disekcija i 15 selektivnih disekcija vrata. Patološki N stadij bio je N1 kod devet bolesnika, N2b kod dva, a N3b kod njih pet. Kod 10 bolesnika s N+ stadijem vrata učinjeno je pet selektivnih i pet modificiranih radikalnih disekcija. Patološki N stadij kod tih bolesnika bio je N3b. Zaključak: Regionalne metastaze N1 i N2b stadija u patohistološkom nalazu nakon selektivne disekcije vrata potvrda su ispravno odabrane operacije. Unapređenje dijagnostičkih metoda trebalo bi omogućiti preoperativno prepoznavanje regionalne bolesti kod svih bolesnika koji prema patohistološkom nalazu imaju N3b stadij bolesti

    Rapid Noninvasive Skin Monitoring by Surface Mass Recording and Data Learning.

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    Skin problems are often overlooked due to a lack of robust and patient-friendly monitoring tools. Herein, we report a rapid, noninvasive, and high-throughput analytical chemical methodology, aiming at real-time monitoring of skin conditions and early detection of skin disorders. Within this methodology, adhesive sampling and laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry are coordinated to record skin surface molecular mass in minutes. Automated result interpretation is achieved by data learning, using similarity scoring and machine learning algorithms. Feasibility of the methodology has been demonstrated after testing a total of 117 healthy, benign-disordered, or malignant-disordered skins. Remarkably, skin malignancy, using melanoma as a proof of concept, was detected with 100% accuracy already at early stages when the lesions were submillimeter-sized, far beyond the detection limit of most existing noninvasive diagnosis tools. Moreover, the malignancy development over time has also been monitored successfully, showing the potential to predict skin disorder progression. Capable of detecting skin alterations at the molecular level in a nonsurgical and time-saving manner, this analytical chemistry platform is promising to build personalized skin care

    Koncentracija trans- i cis-rezveratrola u vinima proizvedenim u Srbiji

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    Resveratrol, which occurs in two isomeric forms, trans and cis, is a phytoalexin with numerous pharmacological activities, such as anti-cancer, antiviral, neuroprotective and anti-aging. Red wine is the main source of the compound and an easy way of including resveratrol in the human diet. In this study, the most popular commercial Serbian wines (red, white and rose-type) were analyzed for their content of trans- and cis-resveratrol. The analysis was performed by HPLC with a UV detector. Prior to the injection, phenolic compounds were extracted onto a LiChrolut RP18 bonded silica cartridge. The concentration of trans-resveratrol ranged from 0.11 to 1.69 mg L-1 and cis-resveratrol from 0.12 to 1.49 mg L-1.Metodom tečne hromatografije (HPLC) ispitan je sadržaj slobodnog oblika trans- i cis-rezveratrola u osamnaest komercijalnih uzoraka (10 crvenih, 7 belih i 1 roze) srpskih vina. Svi uzorci su pre hromatografije ekstrahovani SPE tehnikom na LiChrolut RP18 koloni. trans-Rezveratrol je detektovan u 17 od 18 analiziranih uzoraka vina sa prosečnom koncentracijama od 0,78 mg l-1 za crvena vina i 0,23 mg l-1 za bela vina. Najviša koncentracija trans-rezveratrola je nađena u uzorku crvenog vina Cabernet Sauvignon berbe 2002 godine. cis-Rezveratrol je detektovan u 12 od 18 analiziranih uzoraka vina sa prosečnom koncentracijom 0,55 mg l-1 za crvena vina, dok je u belim vinima od analiziranih 7 uzoraka detektovan samo u 2 uzorka sa koncentracijama 0,12 i 0,49 mg l-1. Visok sadržaj cis-rezveratrola u nekim uzorcima je verovatno posledica izomerizacije trans- u cis-rezveratrol tokom procesa proizvodnje vina

    A gold nanoparticles and hydroxylated fullerene water complex as a new product for cosmetics

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    Three types of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were synthesised with a custom-made Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis (USP) device, from aqueous solutions of gold (III) chloride (AuCl3) and gold (III) acetate (AuC6H12O6), with an initial concentration of Au 0.5 g/L. AuNPs were collected in suspensions of deionised (D.I.) water with the stabilisers polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or polyethylene glycol (PEG), followed by the process of freeze drying the AuNPs to be useful as a new additive for the cream. The standard cream base was used as a matrix for preparation of three types of cream with AuNPs in the same concentration ratios. The third AuNPs cream was prepared with a patented hydroxylated fullerene water complex (3HFWC-W) matrix. To examine the effect of AuNPs as additive in creams, a six-week study of test creams was conducted on 33 volunteers with no dermatological diseases. During the study three main parameters of the skin where measured: Collagen quality, skin moisturisation and the epidermis-dermis function. The results of the study found improvements of collagen quality between 18-24 %, achieved due to the use of AuNPs in standard creams, while the cream with the combination of 3HFWC-W and AuNPs gave significantly higher improvements with a value of 45.7 %. It was also discovered that hydration of the skin (stratum cornum) increased by 6.4-9.6 % in standard creams with AuNPs, and 73.7 % in the 3HFWC/AuNPs' cream. Similar results were measured by the epidermisdermis function, where 24-28 % improvement for standard creams with AuNPs was identified, and 38.4 % for the cream 3HFWC-W/AuNPs