2,629 research outputs found

    Underpotential deposition of cadmium onto Cu(111) and Cu(110) from chloride containing solutions

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    Underpotential deposition (UPD) of Cd onto the (111) and (110) faces of copper in chloride containing electrolyte has been investigated by cyclic voltammetry and the potentiostatic pulse technique. It was shown that the UPD of Cd onto the (111) face of copper is characterized by two pairs of peaks, one pair corresponding to the formation of the (√19 √ 19)R23.4º structure of Cd and the other one, taking place close to the reversible potential of Cd deposition, corresponding to the alloying of Cu with Cd. Deposition of (√19 √19)R23.4º structure of Cd was found to take place by the mechanism of replacement of the adsorbed structure of chloride, without chloride desorption (the chloride stays adsorbed on top of the Cd layer). Similar behaviour was found for the (110) face of copper, with more pronounced alloying which provokes an irreversible change of the original (110) surface of copper

    Surface reconstruction during the adsorption/desorption of OH species onto Cu(111) and Cu(100) in O. 1 M NaOH solution

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    The process of adsorption/desorption of OH- species onto Cu(111) and Cu(100) in 0.1M NaOH solution has been investigated by cyclic voltammetry and the potentiostatic pulse technique. Investigation of the electrochemical behavior of the Cu(100) face in 0.1M NaOH solution was performed for the first time in this work. It was shown that the adsorption/ desorption of OH species occurs in the potential range between –1.13 V vs. SHE and –0.83V vs SHE forming an adsorbate of low coverage. It was shown that in 0.1MNaOHsolution irreversible surface reconstruction of the Cu(111) face occurs as a consequence of the adsorption/desorption of OH- species. The original surface cannot be restored even if the electrode is exposed to potentials more positive than –0.53 V vs. SHE for some time. If this time is, in the case of repetitive pulse experiments, equal or smaller than 10 s reconstruction does not occur. Adsorption of OH- species takes place in the potential range more negative than –0.6 V vs. SHE only on reconstructed surfaces. For this process to occur onto non-reconstructed, original Cu(111) surfaces, higher overpotentials are needed

    The Depiction of African-American Life during the Harlem Renaissance in Jean Toomer\u27s Cane

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    This paper aims to discuss the problems that African Americans faced at the beginning of the twentieth century, notably discrimination and marginalization, and to explore the social movements which emerged at the time. The New Negro, a movement founded by Alain Locke, intended to achieve the inclusion of African Americans in U.S. society through art. In Harlem, New York, the Negro Renaissance began. The African-American modernist stream will be explored through the analysis of Jean Toomer’s depiction of African-American life in the novel Cane. The novel is experimental, as Toomer combines poetry, prose, and drama, writes in a rural dialect, and incorporates poems and stream of consciousness into short stories. Cane has a tripartite structure – the first section is set in the American South, the second in the industrial North, and the final section again in the American South – in Georgia. The sections are tied together through folk motifs and the themes of oppression, alienation, and aimlessness. The novel is motivated by the author’s racial ambiguity and his position as a mediator between “white” and “black” culture. In opposition to other modernist literature, Toomer focuses on the rural South in order to illustrate the folk culture still present there. Juxtaposing the North and the South, the author addresses the problems of African Americans while providing social critique

    Using Kalman flter for pricing fnancial instruments

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    Comrade Tito, it’s all your fault! Yugoslav Citizens’ Letters to Josip Broz Tito

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    Between 1945 and 1967, Josip Broz Tito, the Marshal and President of Yugoslavia, ‎received 411,769 letters written by citizens of his country. Until 1964 ‎he personally read most of the letters addressed to him and made decisions‎ on requests and comments expressed in them. In this article we argue that ‎Tito used the letters received to establish a direct link between himself and ‎citizens. This was one of the key instruments of his power, as he used letters ‎to conduct a permanent ‘anti-bureauratic revolution’ which would squeeze ‎lower-level officials into a sandwich between him and ‘the people’. We focus ‎on one particular letter, written by Dragomir Katić, a 27-year old unemployed ‎person from Kraljevo, Serbia. The letter arrived in February 1967, and Tito ‎used this occasion to personally meet Katić. Despite Tito’s promise, however, ‎Katić’s problem could not be solved for more than two years, due to a power‎ struggle between Tito and local officials in Serbia. This case sheds new light ‎on the nature of Tito’s alleged absolute power in Yugoslavia. It tells us much‎ about the attitude of dissatisfied individuals in Communist Yugoslavia, who ‎cared much more about solving their personal problems than about changing‎ the system, at least for as long as Tito was alive.

    Editorial for Vol.30, No.4

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    The December 2022 issue (Vol. 30, No. 4) of CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology brings five papers from the areas of error detection and prediction in transformers, vehicle detection in traffic, visual navigation for mobile robots, and natural language processing

    Poisson-Dirichletova razdioba

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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se Poisson - Dirichletovom razdiobom te njenim glavnim teorijskim svojstvima. Pojednostavljeno, možemo reći da se Poisson - Dirichlet razdioba dobije kao granična razdioba Dirichletove razdiobe, odnosno, grubo govoreći, uređajne statistike slučajnih vektora sa Dirichletovom razdiobom D(α1,...,αn)\textit{D}(\alpha_{1}, . . . , \alpha_{n}) teže prema Poisson - Dirichletovoj razdiobi kada nn \to \infty i k=1nαnλ\sum_{k=1}^{n} \alpha_{n} \to \lambda. Nadalje, u radu su prezentirane i formule za granične razdiobe: formule za distribuciju i zajedničku gustoću prvih rr komponenti slučajnog vektora (ξ1,ξ2,...)P D(λ)\xi_{1}, \xi_{2}, . . . ) \sim \textit{P D}(\lambda). Rad smo zaključili sa jednim poznatim rezultatom, uključujući i izvod. Riječ je o Ewensovoj formuli uzorkovanja koja se koristi za opis ravnotežne distribucije određenih difuzijskih modela u populacijskoj genetici (Za detalje v. [1]). U radu su također prezentirani osnovni pojmovi potrebni za razumijevanje središnjeg djela rada. Uveli smo definiciju Poissonovog procesa te iskaze i dokaze određenih teorema relevantnih za naša razmatranja. Također smo uveli pojam subordinatora koji je definiran kao monoton slučajni proces sa nezavisnim i stacionarnim prirastima, i naveli smo jedan poseban primjer subordinatora poznatiji pod imenom Moranov subordinator, koji ima važnu ulogu u konstrukciji Poisson - Dirichletovog procesa