15 research outputs found

    The Reconfigurable Machinery Efficient Workspace Analysis Based on the Twist Angles

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    A novel methodology for the calculation, visualisation and analysis of the Reconfigurable Machinery Efficient Workspace (RMEW), based on the twist angles, is presented in this paper. The machinery\u27s kinematic parameters are used for calculating the workspace, while the efficient workspace is associated with the machinery\u27s path and includes the end-effector position and orientation. To analyse and visualise many different machinery efficient workspaces at the same time, the calculation is based on the previously developed and validated complex reconfigurable machinery\u27s kinematic structure named n-DOF Global Kinematic Model (n-GKM). An industrial robot is used as an example to demonstrate an application of n-GKM model. It is calculated only for the tool\u27s perpendicular orientation relative to the floor. Four different kinematic configurations based on twist angles (αi) were selected to demonstrate the outcomes. Their graphical representations show how the twist angles significantly affect the shape and size of the efficient workspace. RMEW can be used as a design tool for new machinery\u27s kinematic structure and layout design. This methodology can be applied for any tool orientation

    Mesto i značaj organske proizvodnje u razvoju poljoprivrede Republike Srbije

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    Agriculture in the Republic of Serbia is a strategic economic sector with a high contribution to GDP and total employment of the population. It is characterized by the extensiveness, variety, a large number of farms primarily family, fragmentation of holdings, low average economic size of the farm. On the other hand these are the advantages and prerequisites for the development of a successful organic farming in this region. Although organic production in the world has a positive trend, it is stagnant in Serbia and there is little participation in the overall development of Serbian agriculture. The increase in the area of crop production should contribute to increasing organic livestock production, which is expected to value added products. Development of other organic agricultural system should provide sufficient health safety and high value products for domestic needs and export to the world market. In this sense, each of the relevant factors has to make its maximum contribution in achieving objectives.Poljoprivreda u Republici Srbiji predstavlja stratešku privrednu granu sa visokim doprinosom BDP-u i ukupnoj zaposlenosti stanovništva. Karakteriše je ekstenzivnost, raznovrsnost, veliki broj poljoprivrednih gazdinstava prvenstveno porodičnih, usitnjenost poseda, niska prosečna ekonomska veličina gazdinstva. S druge strane, ovo su prednosti i preduslov za uspešni razoj ekološke poljoprivrede na ovim prostorima. Iako organska proizvodnja u svetu ima pozitivan trend u Srbiji ona stagnira i ima malo učešće u ukupnom razvoju srpske poljoprivrede. Povećanje u domenu ratarske proizvodnje trebalo bi da doprinese porastu organskog stočarstva, od koga se očekuje dodata vrednost ovih proizvoda. Razvoj ostalih organskih poljoprivrednih sistema bi trebao da obezbedi dovoljno zdravstveno bezbednih i visokovrednih proizvoda za domaće potrebe i izvoz na svetsko tržište. U tom smislu svaki od relevantnih činilaca treba da da svoj maksimalni doprinos u realizaciji postavljenih ciljeva

    Potential and Constraints of Macrophyte Manipulation for Shallow Lake Management

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    Palic and Ludas lakes are shallow Pannonian lakes, which have undergone rapid eutrophication. High concentrations of nutrients, along with significantly high values of fecal indicators in water samples, indicate that the Palic-Ludas canal, which connects them, contributes to the pollution of the recipient Lake Ludas, a central part of a special nature reserve. In order to improve water quality in the canal and decrease nutrient load of Lake Ludas, it is suggested to use environmentally friendly solutions, so-called bio-barriers (bio-bridges and biobanks), which will contribute to self-purification efficiency. The given model assumes 10 zones with bio-bridges and 0.4 ha covered by biobanks, using plants common in the area, e.g. Typha spp., Phragmites spp., Juncus spp., Scirpus spp. and Carex spp. The main disadvantage of this technology is occupation of large area; thus, the solution seems to be undersized. It removes 4% TN/year and 8% TP/year of the total amount necessary to achieve good ecological status. Nevertheless, the role of bio-bridges in permanent nutrient removal, through preventing the deposition of organic matter at the bottom sediment and later return of nutrients in water, together with indirect influence through enhancement of biodiversity should not be underestimated

    Suzbijanje korova u organskoj poljoprivredi

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    Organic agriculture as a production system based on ecological production, soil biological activity, biodiversity conservation and use of natural substances and processes is the only certified food production in Serbia. This system provides users of organic products with a guarantee that the end product is the result of consistent farming practices. Since 2010, three laws and a number of regulations underlying the development of this food production system have been adopted. The global organic market has seen a continuous rise in demand for organic products, whereas a relatively slight increase in their supply from organic crop growing areas of Serbia has been recorded. Reasons for the insufficient farmers' interest in organic agriculture include lack of information, lack of intermediate goods, fear of change and, very often, underestimation by conventional producers and professional agrarian circles. An important part of the mosaic-like fear of organic farming among producers is lack of knowledge regarding weed control methods in this production concept. As with other elements of organic farming practices, the basis for weed control rests on preventive action, as well as on direct methods of eliminating undesirable plants from agricultural biotopes.Organska poljoprivreda kao proizvodni sistem baziran ne ekološkoj proizvodnji, biološkoj aktivnosti zemljišta, očuvanju biodiverziteta, uz primenu prirodnih suspstanci i postupaka, jedina je sertifikovana proizvodnja hrane u Srbiji. Korisnicima organskih proizvoda se garantuje da je finalni proizvod rezultat dosledno sprovedene tehnologije gajenja. Od 2010 godine, usvojena su tri zakona i niz pravilnika, koji su osnov za razvoj ovog sistema proizvodnje hrane. Na svetskom tržištu organskih proizvoda, kontinuirano raste potražnja, dok je povećanje ponude ovih proizvoda iz agrosinuzija Srbije, u relativno blagom porastu. Razlozi nedovoljnog interesovanja proizvođača za bavljenje organskom poljoprivredom su neobaveštenost, nedostatak repro materijala, strah od promena i veoma često omalovažavanje od strane konvencionalnih proizvođača i stručne agrarne javnosti. Jedan od važnih elemenata u mozaiku kreiranja straha od organske poljoprivrede među proizvođačima je i nepoznavanje načina suzbijanja korova u ovom proizvodnom konceptu. Kao i u drugim elementima tehnologije gajenja, osnova suzbijanja korova jesu preventivne mere, ali postoje i direktni načini eliminisanja nepoželjnih biljaka iz agrobiotopa

    Degradation of linuron in soil by two fungi

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    Two fungal strains were applied to soil polluted with herbicide in order to determine their degradation potential. Three experimental setups were used. In the first setup, the soil in pots was contaminated by linuron in final concentration of 1 ppm. Suspensions of Phanerocheate chrysosporium and Trichoderma asperellum were applied sepa­rately or in combination. Tomato plantlets were transplanted and chlorophyll content in their leaves was determined at two time points during plant growth. In the second setup in pots, the final concentration of linuron was lower, 0.45 ppm. In the third setup 0.1 ppm of linuron was applied in the field plot. Plantlets of lettuce were transplanted and chlorophyll content was measured as indicator of plant stress. The content of linuron in soil was determined by HPLC. The applied fungal strains significantly reduced toxic effect of 0.45 ppm linuron on plants, which was not the case for 1 ppm linuron. Both fungi, applied separately or in combination, were effective in decreasing the linuron content in the soil. However, in field conditions the combination of both fungi was the most effective. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III43010

    4.4. Razvoj on-line stručnih kurseva za nastavnike srednjih poljoprivrednih škola i agronome u savetodavnim službama

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    This brochure is a result of the TEMPUS project “Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society” (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013-4604/001-001), Coordinator: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture. Goran Topisirović edited and prepared all courses for review and publishing. Ana Pešikan and Slobodanka Antić carried out a methodological pedagogical review of courses. They also trained UT for ATL. Pasquale Pazienza, Franc Bavec, and Cosmin Salasan coordinated peer review by colleagues from the EU partner Universities. Snežana Tanasković and Ljubinko Jovanović are WP4 and WP7 leaders. Vesna Poleksić is CaSA project coordinator.In the frame of WPs 4 and WPs 7 the SC and the working group in charge of realizing WP7 have decided to publish this Courses catalogue. Courses aimed for Agricultural Middle School (AMS) teachers and advisers/experts from Agricultural advisory services, were created during realization of WP 4 by University teachers (UT) from five Serbian Agricultural faculties/Universities. Prior to courses creation University teachers have accomplished trainings in Active Teaching/Learning, in e-learning and in Academic skills. Trainings were delivered by two training organization, participants in CaSA. In total 63 courses have been created. The courses are presented in this catalogue. Courses are actually prepared for implementation and accreditation: AMS courses are submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and a first group of courses for advisors is under preparation to be submitted to the Advisory council for Agriculture. This courses catalogue will be used during courses implementation and preparation for accreditation. Courses will be realized during CaSA project lifetime, and evaluated by users, middle school teachers and advisors. Finally, last but not least, all courses will be available on the National Repository for Agricultural Education, NaRA, and the main output of the CaSA project, a unique portal for Serbian agricultural education and main resource for agricultural LLL and in-service training.Ova brošura je rezultat TEMPUS projekta "Izgradnja kapaciteta srpskog obrazovanja u oblasti poljoprivrede radi povezivanja sa društvom” (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013-4604/001-001). Koordinator: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet. Goran Topisirović je uredio i pripremio sve kurseve za recenzije i publikovanje. Ana Pešikan i Slobodanka Antić su uradile metodološku i pedagošku recenziju kurseva. One su takođe obavile trening univerzitetskih nastavnika za aktivno učenje/nastavu. Pasquale Pazienza, Franc Bavec i Cosmin Salasan su koordinirali stručne recenzije kolega sa partnerskih EU Univerziteta. Snežana Tanasković i Ljubinko Jovanović su lideri WP 4 i WP 7. Vesna Poleksić je koordinator CaSA projekta.Tokom rada na radnim paketima WP4 i WP7, Upravni odbor i radna grupa za realizaciju WP7 je donela odluku da se objavi Katalog kurseva. Kursevi za stručno usavršavanje namenjeni nastavicima stručnih predmeta srednjih poljoprivrednih škola I savetodavcima iz Poljoprivrednih savetodavnih stručnih službi, PSSS nastali su tokom realizacije radnog paketa WP4. Kurseve su kreirali Univerzitetski nastavnici sa pet srpskih Fakulteta/Univerziteta. Pre kreiranja kurseva Univerzitetski nastavnici su završili obuku iz aktivnog učenja/nastave, učenja na daljinu i akademskih veština. Obuku su vodile dve trening organizacije, učesnici CaSA. Ukupno je pripremljeno 63 kursa. Kursevi su predstavljeni u ovom katalogu. Kursevi su spremni za implementaciju i akreditaciju. Kursevi za nastavnike stručnih predmeta srednjih poljoprivrednih škola predati su za priznavanje Ministarstvu prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, dok je prva grupa kurseva za savetodavce u fazi pripreme za podnošenje Savetu za Savetodavstvo Ministarstva poljoprivrede. Ovaj katalog će biti dostupan i korišćen tokom implementacije i pripreme za akreditaciju. Kursevi će biti održani tokom trajanja CaSA projekta i ocenjeni od strane polaznika, nastavnika i savetodavaca. Svi kursevi će biti dostupni na nacionalnom repozitorijumu za poljoprivredno obrazovanje, NaRA čije je uspostavljanje jedan od osnovnih ciljeva CaSA projektu. NaRA je jedinstvenom portal za Srpsko Poljoprivredno obrazovanje koji će biti glavni resurs za stručno usavršavanje i celoživotno učenje u oblasti poljoprivrede I tehnologije hrane

    7.2. Implementacija on-line stručnih kurseva

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    This brochure is a result of the TEMPUS project “Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society” (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013-4604/001-001), Coordinator: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture. Goran Topisirović edited and prepared all courses for review and publishing. Ana Pešikan and Slobodanka Antić carried out a methodological pedagogical review of courses. They also trained UT for ATL. Pasquale Pazienza, Franc Bavec, and Cosmin Salasan coordinated peer review by colleagues from the EU partner Universities. Snežana Tanasković and Ljubinko Jovanović are WP4 and WP7 leaders. Vesna Poleksić is CaSA project coordinator.In the frame of WPs 4 and WPs 7 the SC and the working group in charge of realizing WP7 have decided to publish this Courses catalogue. Courses aimed for Agricultural Middle School (AMS) teachers and advisers/experts from Agricultural advisory services, were created during realization of WP 4 by University teachers (UT) from five Serbian Agricultural faculties/Universities. Prior to courses creation University teachers have accomplished trainings in Active Teaching/Learning, in e-learning and in Academic skills. Trainings were delivered by two training organization, participants in CaSA. In total 63 courses have been created. The courses are presented in this catalogue. Courses are actually prepared for implementation and accreditation: AMS courses are submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and a first group of courses for advisors is under preparation to be submitted to the Advisory council for Agriculture. This courses catalogue will be used during courses implementation and preparation for accreditation. Courses will be realized during CaSA project lifetime, and evaluated by users, middle school teachers and advisors. Finally, last but not least, all courses will be available on the National Repository for Agricultural Education, NaRA, and the main output of the CaSA project, a unique portal for Serbian agricultural education and main resource for agricultural LLL and in-service training.Ova brošura je rezultat TEMPUS projekta "Izgradnja kapaciteta srpskog obrazovanja u oblasti poljoprivrede radi povezivanja sa društvom” (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013-4604/001-001). Koordinator: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet. Goran Topisirović je uredio i pripremio sve kurseve za recenzije i publikovanje. Ana Pešikan i Slobodanka Antić su uradile metodološku i pedagošku recenziju kurseva. One su takođe obavile trening univerzitetskih nastavnika za aktivno učenje/nastavu. Pasquale Pazienza, Franc Bavec i Cosmin Salasan su koordinirali stručne recenzije kolega sa partnerskih EU Univerziteta. Snežana Tanasković i Ljubinko Jovanović su lideri WP 4 i WP 7. Vesna Poleksić je koordinator CaSA projekta.Tokom rada na radnim paketima WP4 i WP7, Upravni odbor i radna grupa za realizaciju WP7 je donela odluku da se objavi Katalog kurseva. Kursevi za stručno usavršavanje namenjeni nastavicima stručnih predmeta srednjih poljoprivrednih škola I savetodavcima iz Poljoprivrednih savetodavnih stručnih službi, PSSS nastali su tokom realizacije radnog paketa WP4. Kurseve su kreirali Univerzitetski nastavnici sa pet srpskih Fakulteta/Univerziteta. Pre kreiranja kurseva Univerzitetski nastavnici su završili obuku iz aktivnog učenja/nastave, učenja na daljinu i akademskih veština. Obuku su vodile dve trening organizacije, učesnici CaSA. Ukupno je pripremljeno 63 kursa. Kursevi su predstavljeni u ovom katalogu. Kursevi su spremni za implementaciju i akreditaciju. Kursevi za nastavnike stručnih predmeta srednjih poljoprivrednih škola predati su za priznavanje Ministarstvu prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, dok je prva grupa kurseva za savetodavce u fazi pripreme za podnošenje Savetu za Savetodavstvo Ministarstva poljoprivrede. Ovaj katalog će biti dostupan i korišćen tokom implementacije i pripreme za akreditaciju. Kursevi će biti održani tokom trajanja CaSA projekta i ocenjeni od strane polaznika, nastavnika i savetodavaca. Svi kursevi će biti dostupni na nacionalnom repozitorijumu za poljoprivredno obrazovanje, NaRA čije je uspostavljanje jedan od osnovnih ciljeva CaSA projektu. NaRA je jedinstvenom portal za Srpsko Poljoprivredno obrazovanje koji će biti glavni resurs za stručno usavršavanje i celoživotno učenje u oblasti poljoprivrede I tehnologije hrane

    WP4 ‐ Modernization of teaching contents 4.1. Need analysis for knowledge refreshment

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    This brochure is a result of the TEMPUS project “Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society” (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013-4604/001-001). Daniela Šćepanović and Steve Quarrie were responsible for questionnaire construction, assisted by Slavica Čolić. Analysis of questionnaires was coordinated by Daniela Šćepanović, as well as final preparation and presentation of the results. For final document preparation, all CaSA Steering Committee members gave valuable contribution. For brochure final preparation Daniela Šćepanović, Vesna Poleksić and Goran Topisirović were in charge.TEMPUS Project: Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society (CaSA) 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013 – 4604 / 001 - 001) Coordinator: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agricultur