101 research outputs found

    False Recognition: Revisiting the Account for Pictorial Encoding

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    False recognition is an inaccurate claim of having previously encountered a non-presented test item. Exceptionally high levels of false recognition are observed when participants are exposed to lists of semantically related words. Israel and Schacter (1997) showed that presenting pictures of items with their auditory label during the encoding phase significantly reduced false recognition relative to presenting only words with their auditory label. The current study excluded the auditory labels and instead investigated whether presenting pictures of items along with words during encoding would also reduce false recognition relative to presenting the written words only. The results provided no evidence to support reduced rates of false recognition in the picture encoding condition [t(48) = 0.42, p \u3e .05, one-tailed]. Olszewska et al. (2015) suggested that auditory traces persist more distinctively in memory than visual traces, hence, the discrepancy in results between the core literature and the present study can possibly be attributed to the exclusion of auditory labels. Future research should focus on providing a detailed account of the role of auditory labels in reducing false recognition

    Produkcija makrozoobentosa u reci Rači uzvodno i nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka

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    Biomasa (produkcija) makrozoobentosa je odabrana kao osnovni pokazatelj za praćenje promena kvantitativnog sastava naselja dna na lokalitetima uzvodno i nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka u reci Rači. Istraživanje sekundarne produkcije makrozoobentosa reke Rače sa sedam lokaliteta, obavljeno je u periodu 2011. (april, jun, septembar, oktobar, decembar) i 2012. godine (februar i maj). Dominantne grupe u biomasi makrozoobentosa su Hirudinea (Annelida), Mollusca, Gammaridae (Crustacea) i Trichoptera (Insecta). Vrednosti biomase zoobentosa kretale su se u svim mesecima istraživanja u intervalu od 3,2001 g/m2, na lokalitetu RČ2 (u februaru) ,do 216,7120 g/m2, na lokalitetu RČ3 (u februaru). Biomasa faune dna najveća je u svim mesecima istraživanja na lokalitetu RČ3, koji je lociran nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka. Na ovom lokalitetu biomasa makroinvertebrata se kretala od 87,8643 g/m2 (u aprilu 2011. godine) do 216,7120 g/m2 (u februaru 2012. godine)

    Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides

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    Maize production is inconceivable without herbicide application, and certainly depends on crop susceptibility. Some injuries could be induced by herbicides, what could result in yield losses. This is especially prominent in maize seed production, due to the lines susceptibility to various stressful conditions, including herbicides. Crop response to herbicide application could include whole range of different biochemical reactions such as alterations in content of various metabolites and antioxidants. The experiment was conducted to examine the response of three sensitive maize lines (sugary, popcorn and white kernel maize) to herbicides from sulfonylurea and triketone groups, during the period after herbicide application, when visual injuries are the most obvious and in correlation with grain yield. Variations in soluble proteins, phytic and inorganic phosphorus content, as important metabolites, were followed. The variations in soluble proteins and particularly phytic and inorganic phosphorus content are linked to the expression of susceptibility to herbicides in examined maize lines. Growing season had significant influence on susceptibility. In 2015, as unfavourable season, line ZPT165b expressed the highest susceptibility, having the highest values of examined metabolites at the beginning of experiment. All applied herbicides increased grain yield in 2014, but in 2015 nicosulfuron expressed the lowest selectivity, by decreasing grain yield and soluble proteins up to the 21th day after herbicide application, when compared to control

    Synthesis and crystal structure of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine tetrachlorozincate(II) monohydrate

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    In the reaction of ZnCl(2) with tacrine hydrochloride in water novel tetracoordinated (C(13)H(15)N(2))(2)[ZnCl(4)]-H(2)O complex was obtained and characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductivity and X-ray analysis. The complex crystallizes in the space group P-1 of the triclinic crystal system. The structure contains two crystallographically different molecules of protonated tacrine present as counter cations, the [ZnCl(4)](2-) complex anion and one water solvent molecule. The counter cations slightly differ in the puckering of the cyclohexene ring. The molecules of protonated tacrine are involved in different intermolecular hydrogen bonds. In the crystal, the hydrogen bonding generates a 3D assembly. In the crystal, pi center dot center dot center dot pi stacking interactions between the rings of protonated tacrine were evidenced. The [ZnCl(4)](2-) complex anion has a distorted tetrahedral geometry. Three out of the four Cl atoms are involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The intermolecular H-bond interactions involving the Cl atoms affect the Zn-CI bond lengths

    Nasal morphological characteristics of the serbian population

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    The aim of this study was to determine the nasal parameters in the population of central Serbia and to compare them with those determined in earlier studies in different populations. The research was conducted on 496 randomly selected persons (262 males and 234 females), aged 18-65 years. The measured parameters were nasal height and nasal breadth and the standard spreading caliper with scale was used for measurements. There were significant differences in the nasal parameters between male and female subjects. The nasal breadth was 34.72 mm in females, and in the male population it was 36.7 mm. The mean values of nasal height were 52.6 mm and 54.32 mm in females and males, respectively. The nasal index in females and males was 66.01 and 67.56, respectively, and the mean value of the nasal index of all respondents was 66.78. After conducting the research it was concluded that the dominant nasal type in the population of the central part of Serbia is leptorrhine. The present study showed the existence of sexual dimorphism in nasal morphology. The data obtained in our study may be useful in anthropological and forensic research, as well as in cosmetic planning and reconstructive surgery

    Eupatilin Improves Cilia Defects in Human CEP290 Ciliopathy Models

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    The photoreceptor outer segment is a highly specialized primary cilium that is essential for phototransduction and vision. Biallelic pathogenic variants in the cilia-associated gene CEP290 cause non-syndromic Leber congenital amaurosis 10 (LCA10) and syndromic diseases, where the retina is also affected. While RNA antisense oligonucleotides and gene editing are potential treatment options for the common deep intronic variant c.2991+1655A>G in CEP290, there is a need for variant-independent approaches that could be applied to a broader spectrum of ciliopathies. Here, we generated several distinct human models of CEP290-related retinal disease and investigated the effects of the flavonoid eupatilin as a potential treatment. Eupatilin improved cilium formation and length in CEP290 LCA10 patient-derived fibroblasts, in gene-edited CEP290 knockout (CEP290 KO) RPE1 cells, and in both CEP290 LCA10 and CEP290 KO iPSCs-derived retinal organoids. Furthermore, eupatilin reduced rhodopsin retention in the outer nuclear layer of CEP290 LCA10 retinal organoids. Eupatilin altered gene transcription in retinal organoids by modulating the expression of rhodopsin and by targeting cilia and synaptic plasticity pathways. This work sheds light on the mechanism of action of eupatilin and supports its potential as a variant-independent approach for CEP290-associated ciliopathies

    Karakterizacija i odabir autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja kao starter kultura u zanatskoj proizvodnji vlasinskog sira iz svježeg kozjeg mlijeka

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    The aim of this study is the isolation, characterization and identification of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from artisanal Vlasina raw goat\u27s milk cheese for the selection of potential starter cultures. Soft white Vlasina cheese was manufactured at a household on the Stara Planina Mountain using traditional techniques without starter cultures. One hundred and forty nine LAB isolates were collected from two samples of Vlasina cheese, designated as BGVL2 (5 days old) and BGVL2a (15 days old). The population of LAB in the cheese samples was characterized by phenotype-based assays and presumptively identified using repetitive element palindromic polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) with the primer (GTG)5. Results were confirmed by 16S rDNA sequencing. Among the BGVL2 isolates (56), the most numerous LAB species were Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (27) and Lactococcus lactis (26). In 15-day-old BGVL2a (93 isolates), Lactobacillus plantarum (33), Enterococcus durans (26) and Pediococcus pentosaceus (14) were predominant. Lc. lactis ssp. lactis BGVL2-8 showed good acidification ability and the ability to produce antimicrobial compounds, Lb. plantarum BGVL2a-18 had good proteolytic ability and produced exopolysaccharides, while BGVL2-29 and BGVL2-63, which belonged to the species Ln. pseudomesenteroides, utilized citrate and produced diacetyl and acetoin. They appeared to be suitable candidates for inclusion in the starter culture. This study contributed to the understanding of the role of autochthonous LAB in the quality of artisanal cheese and the possibility of using the selected LAB as potential starter cultures for cheese making under controlled conditions.Svrha je ovoga rada bila izolirati, karakterizirati i identificirati autohtone bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja koje se mogu upotrijebiti kao starter kulture u zanatskoj proizvodnji vlasinskog sira iz svježeg kozjeg mlijeka. Meki je bijeli vlasinski sir bio izrađen u domaćinstvu na Staroj Planini tradicionalnim postupkom bez dodatka starter kultura. Iz dvaju je uzoraka vlasinskih sireva, označenih kao BGVL2 (sir star 5 dana) i BGVL2 (sir star 15 dana) prikupljeno 149 izolata bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja. Populacija je bakterija iz uzoraka sireva okarakerizirana pomoću fenotipskih testova i primarno identificirana primjenom metode rep-PCR s početnicom (GTG)5. Rezultati su potvrđeni sekvenciranjem 16S rDNA. Među izolatima iz sira BGVL2 (njih 56) najbrojnije su bile bakterije Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (27) i Lactococcus lactis (26). U siru BGVL2a (93 izolata), starom 15 dana, prevladavale su vrste Lactobacillus plantarum (33), Enterococcus durans (26) i Pediococcus pentosaceus (14). Izolat Lc. lactis ssp. lactis BGVL2-8 pokazao je dobru sposobnost zakiseljavanja i proizvodnje antimikrobnih spojeva. Izolat Lb. plantarum BGVL2a-18 imao je dobru proteolitičku aktivnost i sposobnost proizvodnje egzopolisaharida, dok su izolati BGVL2-29 i BGVL2-63 vrste Ln. pseudomesenteroides za rast koristili citrate, a proizvodili diacetil i acetoin. Stoga su navedeni izolati odabrani kao starter kulture. Ovo je istraživanje pridonijelo razumijevanju uloge autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja u zanatskoj proizvodnji kvalitetnog sira, te je potvrdilo mogućnost primjene odabranih izolata kao starter kultura pri izradi vlasinskog sira u kontroliranim uvjetima

    X-ray structural analysis and antitumor activity of new salicylic acid derivatives

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    This Thesis project is going to be situated in my home town Östersund, 600 kilometers north from Stockholm.It´s a small town with 60 000 people and it is the only city of the region Jämtland in Norrland, Sweden.In the city centre of Östersund there is one existing bus terminal station where the buses arrive with people from the entire region.The task for this Thesis project is to rebuild the existing bus station in Östersund where the actual terminal building is going to be completely demolished and the entire block within the current bus stops is going to be rearranged.The topography of the terminal area is now dividing the regional buses that arrives on the upper level from the city buses that stops at the lower level. Therefore the main challenge of the new proposal is how one would strengthen the junction between these two flows of people and how a new architecture could enable the encounter between the countryside and the urban city.Detta examensprojekt kommer att vara belägen i min hemstad Östersund, 600 kilometer norr om Stockholm. Det är en liten stad med 60 000 personer och det är den enda staden i regionen Jämtland, Norrland. I centrum av Östersund finns en befintlig bussterminalen där bussarna anländer med folk från hela regionen. Uppgiften för detta projekt är att bygga om den befintliga busstationen i Östersund topografin på terminalområdet i dagsläget separerar de regionala bussarna som anländer på den övre nivån från stadsbussarna som stannar på en lägre nivå. Den största utmaningen i det nya förslaget är hur man istället skulle kunna stärka förbindelsen mellan dessa två flöden av människor och hur en ny arkitektur kan möjliggöra mötet mellan glesbyggd och den urbana staden

    Anthropometric study of the facial index in the population of Central Serbia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the craniofacial parameters in the population of the central part of Serbia. The research was conducted on 700 persons (360 males and 340 females), aged 18-65 years, selected randomly. The measured parameters were morphological facial height and breadth. The standard spreading caliper with scale was used for the measurement of facial parameters. There were significant differences in the facial parameters of male compared to female subjects in all observed parameters. The mean value of the morphological facial height in the study population was 116.8 mm ± 7.28, maximum facial breadth 124.12 mm ± 8.44, while the mean value of the total facial index was 93.68 ± 6.86. The total facial index was calculated according to the formula and the obtained results were analyzed statistically using the t-test. The dominant phenotype in the studied population was leptoprosopic. The data obtained in our study may be useful in anthropological research, forensics, genetic research, as well as in medical clinical practice

    RP2-associated X-linked Retinopathy: Clinical Findings, Molecular Genetics, and Natural History

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    PURPOSE: To review and describe in detail the clinical course, functional and anatomical characteristics of RP2-associated retinal degeneration. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. PARTICIPANTS: Males with disease-causing variants in the RP2 gene. METHODS: Review of all case notes and results of molecular genetic testing, retinal imaging (fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT)) and electrophysiology assessment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Molecular genetic testing, clinical findings including best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), qualitative and quantitative retinal imaging analysis, and electrophysiology parameters. RESULTS: Fifty-four molecularly confirmed patients were identified, from 38 pedigrees. Twenty-eight disease-causing variants were identified; with 20 not previously clinically characterized. Fifty-three patients (98.1%) presented with retinitis pigmentosa. The mean age of onset (range, ±SD) was 9.6 years of age (1-57 years, ± 9.2 years). Forty-four patients (91.7%) had childhood-onset disease, with mean age of onset of 7.6 years. The commonest first symptom was night blindness (68.8%). Mean BCVA (range, ±SD) was 0.91 LogMAR (0-2.7, ±0.80) and 0.94 LogMAR (0-2.7, ±0.78) for right and left eyes respectively. Based on the WHO visual impairment criteria, 18 patients (34%) had low vision. The majority (17/22) showed ERG evidence of a rod-cone dystrophy. Pattern ERG P50 was undetectable in all but 2 patients. A range of FAF findings was observed, from normal to advanced atrophy. There were no statistically significant differences between right and left eyes for ellipsoid zone (EZ) width and outer nuclear layer (ONL) thickness. The mean annual rate of EZ width loss was 219 μm/year and the mean annual decrease in ONL thickness was 4.93 μm/year. No patient with childhood-onset disease had identifiable EZ after the age of 26 years at baseline or follow-up. Four patients had adulthood-onset disease and a less severe phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: This study details the clinical phenotype of RP2 retinopathy in a large cohort. The majority presented with early-onset severe retinal degeneration, with early macular involvement and complete loss of the foveal photoreceptor layer by the third decade of life. Full-field ERGs revealed rod-cone dystrophy in the vast majority, but with generalised (peripheral) cone system involvement of widely varying severity in the first two decades of life