108 research outputs found

    Determination of heavy metals and metalloids content in the tissue of freshwater fish depending on the type of feeding

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    Cilj ispitivanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn i As) u mišićnom tkivu riba iz Dunava (dve lokacije Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera oko grada Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac i Mokri Sebeš) kao i u različitim organima riba (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) što može da posluži kao pokazatelj bezbednosti ribe kao namirnice ali i kao pokazatelj zagađenja životne sredine. Za potrebe ispitivanja od profesionalnih ribara uzeto je 246 uzoraka mesa ribe, kao i 108 uzoraka organa ribe (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) na dve lokacije reke Dunav (Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera sa područja grada Beograda. Za ispitivanja korišćena je mikrotalasna peć i atomski apsorpcioni spektrometar. Najveći prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive, gvožđa i arsena u uzorcima ribe izlovljene na oba lokaliteta Dunava (Grocka i Zemun), utvrđen je u mišićnom tkivu šarana i deverike (svaštojedna vrsta ribe), bakra u mišićnom tkivu soma (mesojedna vrsta ribe), dok je najveći prosečan sadržaj cinka utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu babuške (biljojedna vrsta ribe). Između prosečnog sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u mišićnom tkivu biljojednih vrsta riba (babuška) na lokaciji Zemun i Grocka utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između svih ispitivanih elemenata (olovo, kadmijum, živa, bakar, gvožđe, cink i arsen), s tim da je na lokaciji Grocka utvrđen veći sadržaj olova, žive, bakra i arsena, odnosno na lokaciji Zemun veći sadržaj kadmijuma, gvožđa i cinka. U mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Grocka prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive i arsena bio je statistički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovih elemenata u mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Zemun. Prosečan sadržaj teških metala (olovo, kadmijum, živa i bakar) i arsena u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Grocka bio je statsitički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovh elemenata u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Zemun sa izuzetkom prosečnog sadržaja kadmijuma (som) gde nije uočena statistička značajnost. Ispitivanjem sadržaja teških metala i arsena u mišićnom tkivu riba izlovljenih na lokalitetu sedam različitih jezera oko Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš i Bečmen) najveći prosečan sadržaj žive i arsena je utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu šarana (svaštojedna vrsta ribe) sa lokaliteta Veliko blato...The aim of examination within this doctoral dissertation is determination of the contetn of heavy metals and metalloids (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn and As) in the muscle tissue of fish from the Danube (two locations Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes around the city of Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac and Mokri Sebeš) and in various organs of fish (liver, digestive tract and gills) that can serve as an indicator of the safety of fish as food but also as an indicator of environmental pollution. For the purposes of examination from professional fishermen were taken 246 samples of fish meat, as well as 108 samples of fish organs (liver, digestive tract and gills) in two locations of the Danube (Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes with areas of the city of Belgrade. For testing we used the microwave oven and atomic absorption spectrometar. The highest average content of lead, cadmium, mercury, iron and arsenic in samples of fish caught in both place of the Danube (Zemun and Grocka), was found in the muscle tissue of carp and bream (omnivores type of fish), copper in the muscle tissue of catfish (carnivorous fish species) while the highest average zinc content was determined in muscle tissue of prussian carp (herbivorous fish species). Between the average content of heavy metals and metalloids in the muscle tissue of herbivorous fish (prussian carp) in the location Zemun and Grocka was a statistically significant difference between all investigated elements (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, iron, zinc and arsenic), provided that the location Grocka determined higher content of lead, mercury, copper, arsenic or in the location Zemun higher content of cadmium, iron and zinc. In muscle tissue omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Grocka average content of lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic was significantly higher than the average content of these elements in muscle tissue of the omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Zemun. The average content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and copper) and metalloids (arsenic) in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in location Grocka was statistically significantly exceeds the average this elements in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in the location with the exception of the average cadmium content (catfish) where there were no statistical differences. The study of heavy metals and arsenic in muscle tissue of fish landed at the site of seven different lakes around Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš and Bečmen) highest average content of mercury and arsenic was found in the muscle tissue of carp (omnivores fish species) from the lake Veliko blato..

    MLP ANN Condition Assessment Model of the Turbogenerator Shaft A6 HPP Đerdap 2

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    This paper describes a model for estimating the condition of the shafts of turbines of the current generator in Hydropower plant Đerdap 2. For this purpose, an integral diagnostic approach was used. Based on the diagnostics of the condition of the shaft and the estimated lifetime, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) based artificial neural network (ANN) is built, which is able to estimate the remaining lifespan of the turbine shaft. The MLP ANN model has not been made in this way on turbogenerators of hydroelectric power plant Đerdap 2 until now. The significance of this approach is that experiment brings about topology of ML ANN (number of neurons and layers) which is optimal for this model, training and testing. Results obtained from the neural network can be further used for decision-making about the moment of diagnosis or maintenance actions, as well as reducing stagnation and production losses

    Nutritive value of green mass and hay from the Divčibare region

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    With the aim of forming a complete observation of the botanical composition and nutritive value of pasture and meadow hay from the Divčibare region, which is a typically hilly-mountain area in Serbia, investigations were designed to evaluate the quality of pasture and hay (chemical composition and energy value), as well as the losses which are results of drying pasture. Twelve samples of grass were taken from three different altitudes and after mowing, samples of hay were also taken from the same meadow. In a conventional chemical analysis (Weende) the chemical composition of grass and hay were determined. On the basic of this analysis nutritive values were calculated. Pasture and hay from the Divčibare region have a satisfying chemical composition, they can be used as a forage base and a source of nutrients for ruminants, predominantly, lowproducing livestock. The difference in content of proteins among samples from some localities might be bound with the content of fabaceae. The increase fibre content with the proportional decrease content of protein had a negative influence on the nutritive value in the samples of grass and hay. The Net Energy Lactation (NEL) of hay from the investigated region is near the lower limit reported as average for pasture and meadow hay. Significant higher nutritive values of green mass, calculated on dry matter (NEL 8.35 MJ/kg, SV 0.78 SJ/kg) when compared to the nutritive value of hay (NEL 8.12 MJ/kg, SV 0.74 SJ/kg) show that losses are results of haymaking. Nutrients losses during drying are in correlation with losses of proteins, lipids and mineral matter, but there is an increase in fiber. The change in chemical composition due to the described losses during drying and the negative influence on organic matter digestibility, led to a reduction in the energy value of the investigated samples.Со цел да формираме комплетна слика за ботаничкиот состав и хранливата вредност на пашата и ливадското сено од регионот на Дивчибаре, кој е типично високопланинско подрачје во Србија, извршивме евалуација на квалитетот на пашата и сеното (хемиски состав и енергетска вредност) и на загубите кои се резултат на сушење на пашата. Беа земeни дванаесет проби од трева од три различни височини, и тоа по цутењето, додека пробите од сено беа земани секогаш од истото место. Со конвенционална хемиска анализа (методот на Weende) беше одреден хемискиот состав на тревата и сеното. Врз база на тие анализи беше пресметана хранливата вредност. Пашата и сеното од регионот на Дивчибаре имаа задоволувачки хемиски состав. Тие можат да бидат користени како крмна база и извор на хранливи материи за преживари, предоминатно, и за послабо продуктивни животни. Разликите во содржината на протеини кај повеќето проби од различни локалитети можеби се поврзани со присуството на растенија од фамилијата Fabaceae. Зголемувањето на содржината на влакно со пропорционалното намалување на содржината на протеини има негативно влијание на хранливата вредност на пробите од трева и сено. Нето-енергијата за лактација (NEL) на сеното од истражуваниот регион е блиску до намалениот лимит рефериран во литературата како просек за пашата и ливадското сено. Утврдена е значително повисока хранлива вредност на зелената маса, калкулирана на сува материја (NEL 8.35 MJ/kg; SV 0.78 SJ/kg), во споредба со хранливата вредност на сеното (NEL 8.12 MJ/kg, SV 0.74 SJ/kg), што покажува дека загубите се резултат на обработката на сеното. Загубите во хранливи материи за време на сушењето се во корелација со загубите на протеини, липиди и минерални материи, но не со зголемувањето на влакното. Промените во хемискиот состав опишани како загуби во текот на сушењето и негативното влијание врз сварливоста на органските материи доведуваат до намалување на енергетската вредност на испитуваните проби

    Aflatoksini u hrani za životinje

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    Background. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites, which are synthesized from a large number of intermediates from the primary metabolism of saprophytic molds. Aflatoxins, due to their genotoxic and carcinogenic effects, are the most important group of mycotoxins from the aspect of their impact on human and animal health. Of all known aflatoxins, AFB1 is the most frequent, with the most harmful impact on human and animal health. Scope and Approach. Due to their prevalence and toxicity, monitoring the presence of aflatoxins in the food chain is required. The scope of this paper is to provide information on the presence of aflatoxins in animal feed and in milk. This paper describes temperature increases in Europe that are contributing to the increased presence of aflatoxins in food, as well as aflatoxin prevention and protection measures. Key Findings and Conclusions. During the last decade, serious contamination of corn with aflatoxins was recorded in southern Europe. In the summer of 2012, Serbia recorded high concentrations of aflatoxins in corn and milk. Based on climate change data, it is expected that aflatoxin contamination in corn will become more frequent.Uvod. Mikotoksini su toksični produkti sekundarnog metabolizma saprofitskih plesni, koji se sintetišu od velikog broja međuprodukata primarnog metabolizma. Aflatoksini zbog genotoksičnog i kancerogenog dejstva predstavljaju najznačajniju grupu mikotoksina sa aspekta uticaja na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Od svih poznatih aflatoksina, AFB1 je najfrekventniji sa najštetnijim uticajem na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Cilj i pristup. Zbog svoje zastupljenosti i toksičnosti aflatoksini zahtevaju praćenje njihovog prisustva u lancu hrane. Cilj ovog rada je da pruži informaciju o prisustvu aflatoksina u hrani za životinje i u mleku. U radu su opisane globalne temperaturne promene koje povećavaju prisustvo aflatoksina u hrani, kao i mere prevencije i zaštite Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Tokom poslednje decenije, zabeleženo je ozbiljno zagađenje kukuruza sa aflatoksinima u južnoj Evropi. Republika Srbija je u leto 2012. godine zabeležila visoke koncentracije aflatoksina u kukuruzu i u mleku. Na osnovu podataka o klimatskim promenama, očekuje se da kontaminacije aflatoksinima u kukuruzu postanu učestalije

    Sinteza i kristalna struktura 1,2,3,4-tetrahidro-9-aminoakridin-tetrahlorocinkata(II) monohidrata

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    In the reaction of ZnCl(2) with tacrine hydrochloride in water novel tetracoordinated (C(13)H(15)N(2))(2)[ZnCl(4)]-H(2)O complex was obtained and characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductivity and X-ray analysis. The complex crystallizes in the space group P-1 of the triclinic crystal system. The structure contains two crystallographically different molecules of protonated tacrine present as counter cations, the [ZnCl(4)](2-) complex anion and one water solvent molecule. The counter cations slightly differ in the puckering of the cyclohexene ring. The molecules of protonated tacrine are involved in different intermolecular hydrogen bonds. In the crystal, the hydrogen bonding generates a 3D assembly. In the crystal, pi center dot center dot center dot pi stacking interactions between the rings of protonated tacrine were evidenced. The [ZnCl(4)](2-) complex anion has a distorted tetrahedral geometry. Three out of the four Cl atoms are involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The intermolecular H-bond interactions involving the Cl atoms affect the Zn-CI bond lengths.U reakciji ZnCl2 sa takrin-hidrohloridom u vodi, dobijen je novi tetrakoordinovani (C13H15N2)2[ZnCl4]?H2O kompleks koji je okarakterisan pomoću elementalne analize, molarne provodljivosti i rendgenske strukturne analize. Kompleks kristališe u prostornoj grupi P?1 trikliničnog kristalnog sistema. Struktura sadrži dva kristalografski različita molekula protonovanog takrina koji su prisutni kao kontra-katjoni, [ZnCl4]2 kompleksni anjon i molekul kristalne vode. Molekuli katjona se neznatno razlikuju u stepenu nabiranja cikloheksenovog prstena. Molekuli protonovanog takrina su uključeni u različite intermolekulske vodonične veze. Intermolekulsko vodonično vezivanje u kristalu generiše 3D molekulski skup pi...pi interakcije između prstenova protonovanog takrina su primećene u kristalu. [ZnCl4]2- ima distorgovanu tetraedarsku geometriju. Tri od četiri Cl atoma su uključena u intermolekulske vodonične veze. Intermolekulske vodonične interakcije koje uključuju Cl atome utiču na dužinu Zn-Cl veza

    Uporedna analiza proizvodnih i ekonomskih pokazatelja u intenzivnoj proizvodnji kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hranjene obrocima različitog sastava

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    This paper evaluates the effects of two different feeds on production results and economic performance in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming. The first group (O-1) was fed with a standard complete pelleted feed, and the second group (O-2) was fed with combined feed consisting of 75 % pellets and 25 % of sardines. Better results were obtained with the O-2 group, while the O-1 group achieved results characteristic for local farming conditions and feed quality. Experimental group O-2 had significantly higher (p lt 0,01) growth rate when compared to group O-1. Considering current feed and final product (fish) prices in the market, better results in terms of cost-effectiveness were obtained (E>0,00) in O-2 group of trout fed with the combined meal.U radu je ispitivan uticaj ishrane kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sa dva obroka različitog sastava na proizvodno-ekonomske rezultate. Eksperiment je postavljen sa dve grupe kalifornijske pastrmke: O-1 hra- njena je standardnom kompletnom peletiranom hranom i O-2 koja je hranjena kombinovanim obrokom. Bolji rezultat je ostvaren kod O-2 grupe, dok je O-1 grupa postigla rezultate karakteristične za kvalitet domaće hrane i uslove držanja u našoj zemlji. Ogledna grupa O-2 imala je signifikantno veći (p lt 0,01) ukupni prirast u odnosu na O-1. Pri važećim tržišnim cenama hraniva i konzumne ribe kao finalnog proizvoda, bolji ekonomski rezultati (E=2,06) postignuti su korišćenjem kombinovanog obroka kod O-2 grupe.

    The effects of dietary Selenium-yeast level on glutathione peroxidase activity, tissue Selenium content, growth performance, and carcass and meat quality of broilers

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    The present study was conducted to assess effects of selenium (Se)-yeast supplementation on glutathione peroxidase activity, Se levels in tissues, growth performance, carcass, and meat composition in broilers. A total of 275 one-d-old Cobb 500 broilers of both sexes were randomly allotted to 1 of 5 treatments during a 42-d period. The 5 treatments differed only in Se content: group 1 had no additional Se (background only); groups 2, 3, and 4 received 0.3 mg/kg of added Se from the beginning of the trial until d 21, whereas in the second half of the study (from d 22 to 42), these groups received 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 mg/kg of added Se, respectively; and group 5 received 0.9 mg/kg of Se for the entire experimental period. At the end of the study, the control group showed significantly lower (P < 0.01) glutathione peroxidase activity in blood plasma compared to Se-supplemented groups. Regarding Se concentration in various tissues, the groups receiving Se yeast showed higher plasma, feces, and meat Se contents than the control group (P < 0.01). Supplementation of Se improved broilers body weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (P < 0.01). Dressing percentage was lower in the control group and the group with 0.3 mg/kg of added Se compared to other experimental groups (0.6 and 0.9 mg/kg of dietary Se). The proportion of less valuable carcass parts (wings and legs) was higher (P < 0.01) in the group fed the basal diet compared to groups supplemented with 0.9 mg/kg of Se. Initial and ultimate pH values differed among experimental groups (P < 0.05). Supplementation of Se improved the broilers antioxidative resistance, growth performance, carcass quality, and chemical composition of meat

    Levels and accumulation of selected heavy metals in the One Health approach

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    Meat and meat products are main sources of human nutrients, including protein, minerals, vitamins, and fats. One of the main potential risks of meat consumption, to public health, is the accumulation of heavy metals. Their concentrations in the environment are increasing with the rapid development of human civilization as well as the exploitation of geological resources. Because they are so prevalent in the environment, heavy metals can infiltrate the food chain. Food contamination consequently has the potential to negatively impact consumer health. Heavy metals, including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg), that are frequently present in food have toxicological reference values, and their primary dietary sources are known. Their levels in all kinds of food, including meat, are assessed by comparing them with the maximum permissible limits set by the European Union. European Commission Regulation EC 2023/915 sets maximum levels (MLs) of heavy metals allowed in traded meats from domesticated bovine animals, sheep, pigs, and poultry, but also from less frequently eaten meats from wild animals, including cephalopods and bivalve mollusks

    Campylobacter jejuni infection and IgE sensitization in up to 2-year-old infants

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. The “hygiene hypothesis” addresses the correlation between the occurrence of atopy and the frequency of infections in the earliest age, explaining an increase in the incidence of atopic diseases by living in good, infection-free, hygienic conditions. The aim of our study was to determine the conection between atopy and Campylobacter infection, and to analyze the association between serum concentrations of total IgE and Campylobacter infection in relation to atopy in children up to two years. Methods. A case control study was conducted with the sample of 98 infants of the average age of 8 months. Total serum IgE and Phadiatop infant multi-test were determined on Immunocap-100 (Phadia AB, Uppsala, Sweden). The presence of atopy was determined by detection of serumspecific IgE ≥ 0.35 kUA/L (Phadiatop infant positive) and serum IgM, IgA, IgG levels against C. jejuni were determined by a quantitative immuno-enzyme test-SERION ELISA classic. Results. Total IgE cut-off values ≥ 15 kU/L point to atopy in infants, and tIgE cut-off values ≥ 8.1 kU/L pointed to a C. jejuni infection in infants. Within the group of atopic children, tIgE levels ≥ 29.8 kU/L point to C. jejuni infection, and within the group of non-atopic children, tIgE levels ≥ 5.9 kU/L point to infection. Enteritis is not a predictor of C. jejuni infection, because of a high frequency of asymptomatic cases of infection. The risk factors for C. jejuni infection are age and tIgE, and the protective factors are breastfeeding and atopy. Conclusion. C. jejuni infection increases the total serum IgE level, which is predictive of infection, regardless of the presence of atopy. The presence of symptomatic C. jejuni infection reduces the risk of atopy in a child of the age of 5–24 months by the factor of 10

    Element contents in muscle tissue of Prussian carp from different lakes in an urban area

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    The aim of this study was to determine the content of some elements (Pb, Cd, Hg, Fe, Cu, Zn, As) in muscle tissue of Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) from seven different lakes in the Belgrade region, Serbia. Concentrations of Pb, Hg and As in fish muscle tissues from all examined lakes were under the maximum residual levels prescribed by the European Union (EU) and the maximum allowed concentrations (MAC) for Serbia. In all investigated fish, levels of Cd exceeded maximum allowed concentrations (0.05 mg kg-1). Data on the finding of elements in fish speak concurrently about the safety of fish as food and are good indicators of environmental pollution