20 research outputs found

    Application of ordinary differential equations in solving pharmacokinetic models

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    Увод: Математички модели имају кључну улогу у просторној фармакокинетичкој анализи. Они представљају различите облике обичних диференцијалних једначина првог и другог реда, као и системе диференцијалних једначина. Ове једначине описују промену концентрације лека са временом и њиховим решавањем добија се функционална зависност концентрације лека и времена које је протекло од тренутка давања лека. Циљ рада: Циљ овог рада је да покаже како се математика примењује у описивању судбине лека у организму коришћењем једноставних диференцијалних једначина. Материјал и методе: Диференцијалне једначине првог реда (диференцијалне једначине са раздвојеним променљивама и линеарна диференцијална једначина првог реда), диференцијалне једначине другог реда (линеарна диференцијална једначина другог реда и линеарна хомогена диференцијална једначина другог реда са константним коефицијентима), просторна фармакокинетичка анализа. Резултати: На примерима фармакокинетичког модела од једног простора (и то на примерима интравенске болус инјекције и интравенске инфузије) и фармакокинетичког модела од два простора (и то на примеру интравенске болус инјекције) показали смо како се различити типови диференцијалних једначина могу користити за њихово решавање. Такође смо приказали и како се те функције које смо добили решавањем наведених модела могу применити у решавању конкретних проблема у фармакокинетици. Закључак: Показали смо да се већина формула које свакодневно користимо у добијању података који могу променити живот пацијенту заснива на не тако сложеном математичком рачуну и да су диференцијалне једначине одличан алат да се на брз и једноставан начин добију решења проблема за чије би решавање у супротном било потребно изводити дуге и сложене експерименте.Introduction: Mathematical models play a key role in compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis. They represent different forms of ordinary first- and second-order differential equations, as well as systems of differential equations. These equations describe changes in drug concentration and solving them estimates the functional relation of drug concentration with time. The Aim: The aim of this paper is to show how mathematics can be applied in describing the fate of a drug in the body using simple differential equations. Material and Methods: First-order differential equations (differential equations with separated variables and first-order linear differential equation), second-order differential equations (second-order linear differential equation and second-order linear homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients), compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis. Results: On the examples of one-compartment pharmacokinetic model (on the examples of intravenous bolus injection and intravenous infusion) and two-compartment pharmacokinetic model (on the example of intravenous bolus injection) we have shown how different types of ordinary differential equations can be used to formulate and solve those models. We have also shown how functions obtained by solving these models can be applied in solving specific problems in pharmacokinetics. Conclusion: We have shown that most of the formulas we use every day in our calculations regarding drugs are based on a not so complex mathematical calculation and that differential equations are a great tool to quickly and easily find solutions to problems that would otherwise need to be performed via long and complex experiments

    Nova prizorišča učenja v učečih se mestih – javna pedagogika ter državljanska vzgoja in izobraževanje

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    Although the concept of learning cities and the idea of learning being place-based and focused on a region, city, town or community have existed for a long time, it is UNESCO’s work that gave the impetus to the practice, helping to create and spread the network of Learning Cities worldwide. One of the main characteristics of the current concept is the leading role of the local government and partnership with policy makers. The paper challenges this feature with the example of cities that are “rebelling” against the local or national government, but do have learning at the core of their activities. The example of Belgrade is described in detail, where various civic actions (protests, ‘guerrilla’ actions, active participation in public discussions) are analysed from the point of view of public pedagogy. The theory of Gert Biesta and his conception of the public sphere as a space for civic action as well as Elizabeth Ellsworth’s ideas on the active creation of space are the framework in which civic actions are interpreted as important kinds of learning. Lefebvre’s concept of the “right to the city” is also applied. In this way, the whole concept of learning cities might be broadened to include cities without a harmonious relationship with its policy makers, but with strong civic movements and civic actions as a kind of non-formal learning in public spaces.Čeprav koncept učečih se mest in ideja o učenju, ki je osredinjena na prostor, torej regijo, mesto ali skupnost, obstajata že dolgo časa, je Unesco to prakso spodbudil ter pomagal ustvariti in razširiti mrežo učečih se mest po vsem svetu. Vodilna vloga lokalnih oblasti in partnerski odnos z oblikovalci politik je ena od poglavitnih značilnosti obstoječega koncepta učečih se mest, vendar v članku prek primerov učečih se mest, ki se »upirajo« lokalni ali nacionalni vladi, ob tem pa imajo v središču svojih dejavnosti učenje, spodbijamo nujnost te značilnosti za nastanek učečega se mesta. Podrobno je opisan primer Beograda in različne oblike državljanskega delovanja (protesti, »gverilsko« delovanje, aktivno sodelovanje v javnih razpravah) v tem mestu, ki so analizirane z vidika javne pedagogike. Okvir, v katerem je državljansko delovanje interpretirano kot pomemben način učenja, tvorita teorija Gerta Bieste z njegovim konceptom javne sfere kot prostora državljanskega delovanja in ideja Elizabeth Ellsworth o aktivnem ustvarjanju prostora. Prav tako je uporabljen Lefebvrov koncept »pravice do mesta«. Na ta način je mogoče idejo učečih se mest razširiti tudi na mesta, v katerih odnosi z oblikovalci politik niso harmonični, obstajajo pa močna državljanska gibanja in državljansko delovanje kot oblika neformalnega učenja v javni sferi

    Transformative learning potential in recreational running groups in Serbia

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    Pojava sportskih i rekreativnih društveno aktivnih grupa globalni je fenomen - ima ih mnogo, a njihov angažman je sve značajniji. Specifičnost tih grupa čine njihove aktivnosti u vezi sa lokalnim problemima i njihov uticaj na promene u lokalnoj zajednici. Ovaj rad pokazuje da angažman u takvim grupama nosi značajan potencijal i za transformativno učenje pojedinca, prenošenjem određenih vrednosti i shvatanja na svoje članove. Za istraživanje procesa transformativnog učenja kod pojedinaca, pripadnika timova, urađena je studija slučaja, podaci su prikupljeni uz pomoć intervjua i mreže repertoara, a obrada podataka je urađena pomoću analize narativa. U prvom delu istraživanja pokazuje se da se transformacija zaista dogodila, dok se u drugom delu objašnjava do kakve vrste promene je došlo i na koji način.Sports and recreational groups that are engaged in social activism are a global phenomenon nowadays - there are many of them, and their engagement is continually gaining importance. Although inspired by a broader vision, such groups organize activities relevant for the problems of the people in local communities and they may affect changes in these communities. This paper demonstrates that the engagement in such recreational groups has significant potential for transformative learning - not only at the level of the community, but at an individual level too, by transferring certain values and points of view to its members. A case study was conducted to explore the process of transformative learning of individual team members. Data was collected through interviews and network repertoire, and an analysis of the results was performed using the analysis of narrative. The first part of the research demonstrates that the transformation really took place, whereas the second part explains the kind of change that occurred and the manner in which it came to be

    Epidemiology of post-COVID syndrome

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    As per the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition, post-COVID syndrome or long COVID refers to the persistence or emergence of new symptoms three months after the initial infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), and lasting for a minimum of two months, while excluding alternative diagnoses. The precise mechanisms responsible for the development of long COVID-19 symptoms have yet to be fully understood. The prevalence of post-COVID syndrome exhibits considerable variation , mostly influenced by factors like as study design, study population, and the specific case definition employed in the study. Based on some estimations, a minimum of 10% of those exhibiting a severe clinical manifestation of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection are likely to have post-COVID syndrome. This condition is characterized by multisystemic involvement, presenting a diverse spectrum of symptoms that impact several bodily systems, including but not limited to the respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neurological systems and skin. The prevailing manifestations of prolonged COVID-19 encompass fatigue, dyspnea, and cognitive impairment. Nonetheless, a spectrum of over 200 distinct symptoms have been documented, which can significantly impede the day-today capabilities of those afflicted with the condition. Based on data derived from both the United States and Europe, it has been shown that the incidence of long COVID syndrome has a greater frequency among the female population and individuals afflicted with chronic conditions. Considering the global prevalence of individuals affected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is imperative to conduct ongoing epidemiological surveillance to gain a consistent understanding of the current situation. Additionally, it is crucial to perform research, primarily utilizing representative population samples, to enhance our understanding of risk factors and identify potential preventive measures. This knowledge would also contribute to the identification of population groups with a higher susceptibility to the onset of post-COVID syndrome, which holds significant value in comprehending the enduring consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Useful Python libraries for creating IDS software

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    This paper considers contours of the possibilities of applying the selected Python libraries in order to detect intrusion attacks whose purpose is to penetrate secured network or secured computer. This paper elaborates Python libraries that can be used for monitoring network traffic and eventually use them for making IDS software (Intrusion detection system). After preview of libraries with those capabilities, a very simple use case of IDS soft ware solution is going to be presented, so that the readers can see how the mentioned libraries can be used for that kind of software

    Development and validation of a questionnaire for measuring attitudes towards third-wave feminism

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    Third wave feminism appears at the end of 20th century and compared to its antecedents, it is regarded as more liberal and recognizes interaction between gender and other forms of discrimination based on religion, race and nationality. This wave is founded on the idea that women aren't homogeneous group and that female identity can be constructed in various ways. The previous studies showed that positive attitudes towards feminist values and beliefs often coexist with negative attitudes towards the movement. This suggests that these two groups of attitudes are different psychological constructs. The aim of our study is to construct a questionnaire which will measure attitudes towards Third wave feminism. A pilot study was conducted through Facebook and it contained 48 items which were created after content analysis of the Facebook posts, articles, and comments read on forums. Last 18-item version of the questionnaire, with a 5-point Likert scale, was empirically tested in three Serbian high schools with a total of 292 student participants. The questionnaire (named STT) has good reliability (Cronbach α=.89) while standardized skewness and kurtosis show normal distribution of scores. Factor analysis was used for testing construct validity and one factor was extracted (“Attitudes towards feminism”). Convergent and divergent validities were tested using FWM (Attitudes Towards Feminism and the Feminist Movement Scale), FEM (Attitudes Towards Feminism Scale) and HEXACO-60. We hypothesized that STT would show negative correlation with FEM since items are coded negatively on that scale. Furthermore, we expected high positive correlation with FWM as they measure the same construct. Previous research demonstrated positive correlation both between basic personality traits of Openness and Liberalism, and Liberalism and attitudes towards feminism. With consideration to these findings, we make an assumption that Openness and attitudes toward the feminist movement will correlate positively. Results showed statistically significant correlation of extracted factor on STT with followed variables: FWM (r=.818, p<.001), FEM (r=-.408, p<.001), Emotionality (r=.238, p<.001) and Openness (r=.183, p<.01). Differences were found between males (M=-0.645, SD=0.81) and females (M=0.292, SD=0.823) where females had more positive attitudes toward the movement (t(290)=-9.054, p<.001). Findings of this and similar research could serve to the third wave of feminist movement in improving communication with the public and it could be valuable for further development of movement

    Development of Conceptual Solution of Experimental Setting for Controlled Application of Impact Force on the Head Model Using DIC

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    After noting that head and neck injuries are very common in martial arts sports, a growing need for developing helmet materials and models appeared. In addition to the problems that arise in terms of design, there are also problems in terms of developing the material from which the helmets are made. In terms of design, the helmet must interfere as little as possible with the mobility of the head and neck and visibility, while in terms of material development, it is necessary to ensure optimal mechanical properties of the material from which the helmet is made, which is simultaneously the biggest challenge for helmet manufacturers. In the process of developing models and materials of helmets, there was a need for research in which the development of experimental settings will credibly simulate the blows that are exchanged during a sports fight. The aim of this paper is to make an experimental setup to enable testing of helmets from different manufacturers as well as testing of newer generation helmets. This paper presents a conceptual solution of an experimental setup in which impacts are simulated in controlled conditions, taking into account that the impact image applied to the head model is controlled, so that it is possible to simulate different types of impacts while maintaining the same boundary conditions

    Germline Variants in Cancer Predisposition Genes in Pediatric Patients with Central Nervous System Tumors

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    Central nervous system (CNS) tumors comprise around 20% of childhood malignancies. Germline variants in cancer predisposition genes (CPGs) are found in approximately 10% of pediatric patients with CNS tumors. This study aimed to characterize variants in CPGs in pediatric patients with CNS tumors and correlate these findings with clinically relevant data. Genomic DNA was isolated from the peripheral blood of 51 pediatric patients and further analyzed by the next-generation sequencing approach. Bioinformatic analysis was done using an “in-house” gene list panel, which included 144 genes related to pediatric brain tumors, and the gene list panel Neoplasm (HP:0002664). Our study found that 27% of pediatric patients with CNS tumors have a germline variant in some of the known CPGs, like ALK, APC, CHEK2, ELP1, MLH1, MSH2, NF1, NF2 and TP53. This study represents the first comprehensive evaluation of germline variants in pediatric patients with CNS tumors in the Western Balkans region. Our results indicate the necessity of genomic research to reveal the genetic basis of pediatric CNS tumors, as well as to define targets for the application and development of innovative therapeutics that form the basis of the upcoming era of personalized medicine

    Alteration in Redox Status and Lipoprotein Profile in COVID-19 Patients with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pneumonia

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    Background. Metabolic alterations, particularly disorders of lipoprotein metabolism in COVID-19, may affect the course and outcome of the disease. This study aims at evaluating the lipoprotein profile and redox status in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients with different pneumonia severity and their association with lethal outcomes. Methods. The prospective cohort study was performed on 98 COVID-19 patients with mild, moderate, and severe pneumonia. Lipid and inflammatory parameters, lipoprotein subclasses, and redox status biomarkers were determined at the study entry and after one week. Results. Compared to patients with mild and moderate pneumonia, severely ill patients had higher oxidised low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) and malondialdehyde levels and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations and paraoxonase 1 activity. Reduction in the proportion of large HDL 2a subclasses with a concomitant increase in the proportion of smallest HDL 3c and small dense LDL (sdLDL) particles was observed in patients with severe disease during the time. However, these changes were reversed in the mild and moderate groups. The results showed a positive association between changes in oxLDL and total antioxidative status. However, prooxidants and antioxidants in plasma were lower in patients with lethal outcomes. Conclusions. Increased levels of oxLDL and sdLDL particles may contribute to the severity of COVID-19. The role of oxidative stress should be clarified in further studies, mainly its association with lethal outcomes

    Mašinski materijali za izradu zubnih nadoknada

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    Kompjuterski vođeno dizajniranje - CAD (Computer Aided Design) i kompjuterski vođena izrada CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) – CAD/CAM tehnologija jeste danas visoko zastupljena u svim aspektima stomatologije u razvijenom svetu. Cilj ove tehnologije jeste skratiti vreme izrade protetskog rada, smanjiti mogućnost grešaka koje su moguće u tahnici/laboratoriji i omogućavanje protetske sanacije u jednoj ili nekoliko poseta. Sa razvojem ovakvih sistema došlo je i do razvoja novih i usavršavanja već poznatih materijala kao i njihova upotreba u ovim sistemima. Umesto korišćenja relativno homogenih materijala mogu se koristiti heterogeni materijali koji će respektovati dinamičku analizu sila koje se javljaju u ustima. Mašinski materijali koji se koriste za izradu nadoknada pomoću CAD-CAM tehnologije predstavljaju novu generaciju dentalnih materijala koji poseduju određene osobine kao što su mašinska obradivost, da budu bez pora, prilagođenost adhezivnom cementiranju, da su mehaničke osobine približne osobinama gleđi i da poseduju visok stepen estetike. Jedno od očiglednih ograničenja CAD-CAM tehnologije je, još uvek, relativno mali izbor materijala kojim se postižu vrhunski estetski efekti, a od kojih se izrađuju višečlane konstrukcije. Materijali koji se trenutno koriste u CAD-CAM sistemima su različite vrste keramike, CP titan i legure titana, kobalt-hrom-molibden lehure i kompoziti