93 research outputs found

    Evidence for Diverging Barriers in the Disordered Vortex Solid in the K,Ba BiO3 Superconducting Oxide

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    International audienceVortex dynamics has been investigated in the cubic K, Ba BiO3 superconductor using ac susceptibility measurements on a large frequency range 0.03 Hz , v , 60 kHz . Power law diverging barriers have been obtained on both sides of the order-disorder transition line. The m exponent remains close to 5 2 (elastic creep value) in some part of the disordered phase and finally decreases at high temperature and/or high field, in good agreement with the recent plastic collective creep theory [J. Kierfeld, H. Nordborg, and V. M. Vinokur, Phys. Rev. Lett., 85, 4948 (2000)]

    Anomalous magnetic field dependence of the thermodynamic transition line in the isotropic superconductor (K,Ba)Bi03

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    Thermodynamic (specific heat, reversible magnetization, tunneling spectroscopy) and transport measurements have been performed on high quality (K,Ba)BiO3_3 single crystals. The temperature dependence of the magnetic field HCpH_{Cp} corresponding to the onset of the specific heat anomaly presents a clear positive curvature. HCpH_{Cp} is significantly smaller than the field HΔH_\Delta for which the superconducting gap vanishes but is closely related to the irreversibility line deduced from transport data. Moreover, the temperature dependence of the reversible magnetization present a strong deviation from the Ginzburg--Landau theory emphasazing the peculiar nature of the superconducting transition in this material.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 28 reference

    Temperature dependence of the emission linewidth in MgO-based spin torque nano-oscillators

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    Spin transfer driven excitations in magnetic nanostructures are characterized by a relatively large microwave emission linewidth (10 -100 MHz). Here we investigate the role of thermal fluctuations as well as of the non-linear amplitude-phase coupling parameter and the amplitude relaxation rate to explain the linewidth broadening of in-plane precession modes induced in planar nanostructures. Experiments on the linewidth broadening performed on MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions are compared to the linewidth obtained from macrospin simulations and from evaluation of the phase variance. In all cases we find that the linewidth varies linearly with temperature when the amplitude relaxation rate is of the same order as the linewidth and when the amplitude-phase coupling parameter is relatively small. The small amplitude-phase coupling parameter means that the linewidth is dominated by direct phase fluctuations and not by amplitude fluctuations, explaining thus its linear dependence as a function of temperature

    A Bragg glass phase in the vortex lattice of a type II superconductor

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    Although crystals are usually quite stable, they are sensitive to a disordered environment: even an infinitesimal amount of impurities can lead to the destruction of the crystalline order. The resulting state of matter has been a longstanding puzzle. Until recently it was believed to be an amorphous state in which the crystal would break into crystallites. But a different theory predicts the existence of a novel phase of matter: the so-called Bragg glass, which is a glass and yet nearly as ordered as a perfect crystal. The lattice of vortices that can contain magnetic flux in type II superconductors provide a good system to investigate these ideas. Here we show that neutron diffraction data of the vortex lattice in type II superconductors provides unambiguous evidence for a weak, power-law decay of the crystalline order characteristic of a Bragg glass. The theory also predicts accurately the electrical transport properties of superconductors; it naturally explains the observed phase transition and the dramatic jumps in the critical current associated with the melting of the Bragg glass. Moreover the model explains experiments as diverse as X-ray scattering in disordered liquid crystals and conductivity of electronic crystals.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Domain regime in two-dimensional disordered vortex matter

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    A detailed numerical study of the real space configuration of vortices in disordered superconductors using 2D London-Langevin model is presented. The magnetic field BB is varied between 0 and Bc2B_{c2} for various pinning strengths Δ\Delta. For weak pinning, an inhomogeneous disordered vortex matter is observed, in which the topologically ordered vortex lattice survives in large domains. The majority of the dislocations in this state are confined to the grain boundaries/domain walls. Such quasi-ordered configurations are observed in the intermediate fields, and we refer it as the domain regime (DR). The DR is distinct from the low-field and the high-fields amorphous regimes which are characterized by a homogeneous distribution of defects over the entire system. Analysis of the real space configuration suggests domain wall roughening as a possible mechanism for the crossover from the DR to the high-field amorphous regime. The DR also shows a sharp crossover to the high temperature vortex liquid phase. The domain size distribution and the roughness exponent of the lattice in the DR are also calculated. The results are compared with some of the recent Bitter decoration experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    The Size and Performance of Public Sector Activities in Europe

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    The obvious difference in the economic performance of countries has led to the question why some countries are so much wealthier than others, and whether the size, the structure, and the organisation of the public sector contribute to cross-country income and growth gaps. Public sector activities may have an effect on overall productivity and growth via two channels: directly by the level and changes of productivity within the public sector, and indirectly by triggering off productivity changes in private production. This paper is concerned with the former aspect. It provides an overview of the size and the structure of the public sector in Europe and compares it with the US and Japan. This is related to the more recent empirical literature on public sector performance. After reviewing some of the measurement issues related to public services, the evidence on the size of government and its performance is analysed. The results on industrial countries are not fully conclusive, but seem to attribute more efficiency to smaller rather than to larger governments. Public sector reforms to consolidate the size of government are therefore likely to enhance the sector's own productivity and thereby positively contribute to overall economic performance

    Expenditure Reform in Industrialised Countries: A Case Study Approach

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    This study examines reforms of public expenditure in industrialised countries over the past two decades. We distinguish ambitious and timid reformers and analyse in detail reform experiences in eight case studies of ambitious reform episodes. We find that ambitious reform countries reduce spending on transfers, subsidies and public consumption while largely sparing education spending. Such expenditure retrenchment is also typically part of a comprehensive reform package that includes improvements in fiscal institutions as well as structural and other macroeconomic reforms. The study finds that ambitious expenditure retrenchment and reform coincides with large improvements in fiscal and economic growth indicators

    The Drivers of Income Inequality in Rich Countries

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    Rising income inequality has recently come centre-stage as a core societal concern for rich countries. The diagnosis of the forces driving inequality upwards and their relative importance remains hotly contested, notably with respect to the roles of globalization versus technology and of market forces versus institutions and policy choices. This survey provides a critical review and synthesis of recent research. The focus is on income inequality across the entire distribution, rather than only on what has been happening at the very top. We pay particular attention to including what has been learned from the analysis of micro-data, to ensuring that the coverage is not unduly US-centric, and to analyses of the interrelations between the different drivers of inequality. The marked differences in inequality trends across countries and time-periods reflect how global economic forces such as globalisation and technological change have interacted with differing national contexts and institutions. Major analytical challenges stand in the way of a consensus emerging on the relative importance of different drivers in how income inequality has evolved in recent decades

    Roadless and Low-Traffic Areas as Conservation Targets in Europe

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    With increasing road encroachment, habitat fragmentation by transport infrastructures has been a serious threat for European biodiversity. Areas with no roads or little traffic (“roadless and low-traffic areas”) represent relatively undisturbed natural habitats and functioning ecosystems. They provide many benefits for biodiversity and human societies (e.g., landscape connectivity, barrier against pests and invasions, ecosystem services). Roadless and low-traffic areas, with a lower level of anthropogenic disturbances, are of special relevance in Europe because of their rarity and, in the context of climate change, because of their contribution to higher resilience and buffering capacity within landscape ecosystems. An analysis of European legal instruments illustrates that, although most laws aimed at protecting targets which are inherent to fragmentation, like connectivity, ecosystem processes or integrity, roadless areas are widely neglected as a legal target. A case study in Germany underlines this finding. Although the Natura 2000 network covers a significant proportion of the country (16%), Natura 2000 sites are highly fragmented and most low-traffic areas (75%) lie unprotected outside this network. This proportion is even higher for the old Federal States (western Germany), where only 20% of the low-traffic areas are protected. We propose that the few remaining roadless and low-traffic areas in Europe should be an important focus of conservation efforts; they should be urgently inventoried, included more explicitly in the law and accounted for in transport and urban planning. Considering them as complementary conservation targets would represent a concrete step towards the strengthening and adaptation of the Natura 2000 network to climate change