30 research outputs found

    On Gautschi's conjecture for generalized Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto formulae

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    Recently, Gautschi introduced so-called generalized Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto formulae which are quadrature formulae of Gaussian type involving not only the values but also the derivatives of the function at the endpoints. In the present note we show the positivity of the corresponding weights; this positivity has been conjectured already by Gautschi. As a consequence, we establish several convergence theorems for these quadrature formulae.Comment: Reference added and typos correcte

    Isomerisattion des polychlorobenzenes en catalyse par transfert de phase

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    SIGLECNRS TD 14982 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Etude de l'evolution structurale des fractions lourdes du petrole degradees par des bacteries marines

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    تطوير نموذج لتقدير إنتاجية التراكس الاستثمارية في المشاريع الإنشائية

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    تعتبر عملية تقدير إنتاجياتآليات الأعمال الترابية في المشاريع الإنشائية من العمليات الهامة للتنبؤ بتكاليف المشروع الإنشائي، فهي تساعد في وضع مخطط زمني دقيق للمشروع ومنه ليتم ضبط الكلفة المحددة له وضمان عدم تجاوزها. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تطوير منهجية دقيقة لتقدير الإنتاجية الاستثمارية لإحدى أهم آليات الأعمال الترابية وهي التراكس وذلك باستخدام تقنية الشبكات العصبونية الاصطناعية، فقد تم إجراء دراسة نظرية لمفهوم إنتاجية التراكس والتعرف إلى طرق تقديرها قديماً بشكل غير دقيق، كما تم اعتماد مجموعة من العوامل المؤثرة عليها ومن ثم تم جمع بيانات عن قيم تلك العوامل ل123 مشروع إنشائي في الساحل السوري، وبعدها تم إجراء تحليل لأهمية العوامل المؤثرة وترتيبها تبعاً للبيانات التي تم جمعها عن طريق برنامج SPSS.تم في نهاية هذا البحث تصميم نموذج شبكة عصبونية صـنعية للتنبؤ بإنتاجـيـة التراكس الاستـثمارية وذلك بعد تدريبها واختبارها، تتألف طبقة الدخل للشبكة العصبونية من 11 متغير، وتتضمن طبقة خفية واحدة تحوي 10 عصبونات، أما طبقة الخرج فتتألف من عصبون واحد يمثل قيمة الإنتاجية الاستثمارية للتراكس

    STUDENTS PERSPECTIVE ON SHIFTING FROM ON-CAMPUS TO DIGITAL EDUCATION : A qualitative study on the effects of the unexpected change from on-campus to digital education from Malmö university systems development students perspective

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    Context: The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in many changes in education, and it is reasonable to expect that this change would have a significant effect on students. According to government recommendations, many educational institutions around the world have temporarily switched to online learning methods to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of the sudden shift to online learning, imposed on students due to COVID-19 outbreak.Method: We started a systematic mapping study and analyzed the findings thematically. Furthermore, we conducted interviews with Malmö University students, which were then analyzed using the same approach.Results: We identified 23 publications that were grouped into 9 themes based on student reports of different effects of online education. According to the findings, students often experience technical issues when studying online. Many students believe that communication is crucial for a positive online learning experience. Research also shows that online education benefits students by allowing them to be more flexible and improving their self-study habits. The systematic mapping study on the interview showed that the students did not experience any significant challenges related to technical issues. Many students missed the social aspect of online education and experienced challenges such as lack of communication and difficulties to perform academically.Conclusion: The most significant challenges found were communication and academic performance. Students claim they have lost some or all ways of contact with their peers as a result of the transition to online learning, and the majority believe this has made it more difficult for them to perform academically. The findings cannot be generalized outside of higher institutions in Sweden since different countries have different levels of technological infrastructure which is critical for institutions and for providing students with a smooth and reliable online learning experience

    Quasi-orthogonalité (avancées et applications)

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    Dans un premier temps, j'expose de nouveaux résultats sur la quasi-orthogonalité en traitant de nouvelles formes d'écriture (comme la forme déterminantale ou de nouvelles relations de récurrence). J'ai pu aussi dégager une génération de ces polynômes quasi-orthogonaux d'ordre r en m'appuyant sur un ensemble de r+1 polynômes particuliers (grâce à une caractérisation par les zéros). Dans le chapitre suivant, j'ai généralisé des résultats déjà connus pour le cas où l'ordre valait 1 ou 2. J'ai pu aussi énoncer des entrelacements pour les zéros des polynômes quasi-orthogonaux d'ordre 3. Une avancée notable dans ce chapitre concerne l'étude des zéros pour un ordre quelconque. J'ai mis en exergue le fait qu'il existait toujours un polynôme quasi-orthogonal ayant toutes ses racines réelles et distinctes et que, dans cette configuration, on pouvait donner des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour les places du premier et dernier zéro. Les résultats de cette partie sont mis en situation avec les polynômes de Jacobi et de Laguerre-Sonin dans le Chapitre 4 afin d'obtenir de nouvelles relations de récurrence et de nouveaux entrelacements (en faisant varier les degrés et les paramètres les définissant). Je finis par deux parties traitant des méthodes de quadrature, et plus particulièrement des méthodes généralisées de Gauss-Radau et Gauss-Lobatto. Ces parties montrent le lien que l'on peut faire entre les zéros d'un polynôme quasi-orthogonal et les nœuds de ces quadratures. Elles répondent aussi à une question ouverte laissée par W. Gautschi qui nous dit que tous les poids de ces méthodes généralisées de Gauss-Radau et Gauss-Lobatto sont strictement positifs.LILLE1-BU (590092102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    On Gautschi's conjecture for generalized Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto formulae

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    Abstract Recently, Gautschi introduced so-called generalized Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto formulae which are quadrature formulae of Gaussian type involving not only the values but also the derivatives of the function at the endpoints. In the present note we show the positivity of the corresponding weights; this positivity has been conjectured already by Gautschi. As a consequence, we establish several convergence theorems for these quadrature formulae

    Storskalig agil transformation - En fallstudie på Skatteverket

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    En dynamisk och komplex omvärld ställer allt större krav på förnyelse och organisatorisk anpassning. I många organisationer har agila arbetssätt blivit populära. Storskaliga agila transformationer kan dock i praktiken vara svåra att genomföra. Dessutom kan agilitet och en hierarkisk organisationsstruktur vara svåra att kombinera. Studiens syfte är att söka kunskap om förutsättningar som påverkar en storskalig agil transformation inom en statlig myndighet. För studiens analysmodell identifierades initialt, med grund i tidigare forskning inom organisatorisk förändring, tre utmaningar och fem framgångsfaktorer. Studiens empiriska material bygger på sju intervjuer med anställda på Skatteverket. Baserat på studiens resultat kompletterades analysmodellen med två utmaningar och två framgångsfaktorer specifika för Skatteverkets transformation. Studiens resultat visade att utmaningarna decentraliserad utveckling, arbete med värdeströmmar och synkronisering av styrning har varit framträdande. Motstånd till förändring och uppföljningsmetodik ansågs inte ha varit reella. Framgångsfaktorerna pilotstudie, stöd från ledningen, utbildning och coachning, kulturanpassning, eldsjälar och införandestrategi ansågs ha varit viktiga för Skatteverket. Vision och kommunikation ansågs inte ha varit av större betydelse.In our dynamic and complex world organizations are facing an increased demand for renewal and flexibility. Many organizations now shift to becoming agile. Large scale agile transformations are however difficult to practically implement. Moreover, combining hierarchical organizational structures and agile ways of working might be challenging. The aim of this study is to seek knowledge about which conditions that are affecting large scale agile transformations within a state agency. Three challenges and five success factors were identified for the model of analysis based on previous research within the field organizational transformation. Data was gathered through seven interviews with employees at Skatteverket. Based on the result of the study two new challenges and two new success factors were added to the model of analysis. The results show that decentralized development, value streams and synchronization of management have been prominent challenges for Skatteverket. Resistance to change and follow-up methodology were not as evident. The success factors pilot study, support from management, education and coaching, adaptation of culture, agile enthusiasts and implement strategy have been important for Skatteverket. Vision and communication were not as important

    STUDENTS PERSPECTIVE ON SHIFTING FROM ON-CAMPUS TO DIGITAL EDUCATION : A qualitative study on the effects of the unexpected change from on-campus to digital education from Malmö university systems development students perspective

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    Context: The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in many changes in education, and it is reasonable to expect that this change would have a significant effect on students. According to government recommendations, many educational institutions around the world have temporarily switched to online learning methods to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of the sudden shift to online learning, imposed on students due to COVID-19 outbreak.Method: We started a systematic mapping study and analyzed the findings thematically. Furthermore, we conducted interviews with Malmö University students, which were then analyzed using the same approach.Results: We identified 23 publications that were grouped into 9 themes based on student reports of different effects of online education. According to the findings, students often experience technical issues when studying online. Many students believe that communication is crucial for a positive online learning experience. Research also shows that online education benefits students by allowing them to be more flexible and improving their self-study habits. The systematic mapping study on the interview showed that the students did not experience any significant challenges related to technical issues. Many students missed the social aspect of online education and experienced challenges such as lack of communication and difficulties to perform academically.Conclusion: The most significant challenges found were communication and academic performance. Students claim they have lost some or all ways of contact with their peers as a result of the transition to online learning, and the majority believe this has made it more difficult for them to perform academically. The findings cannot be generalized outside of higher institutions in Sweden since different countries have different levels of technological infrastructure which is critical for institutions and for providing students with a smooth and reliable online learning experience

    Storskalig agil transformation - En fallstudie på Skatteverket

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    En dynamisk och komplex omvärld ställer allt större krav på förnyelse och organisatorisk anpassning. I många organisationer har agila arbetssätt blivit populära. Storskaliga agila transformationer kan dock i praktiken vara svåra att genomföra. Dessutom kan agilitet och en hierarkisk organisationsstruktur vara svåra att kombinera. Studiens syfte är att söka kunskap om förutsättningar som påverkar en storskalig agil transformation inom en statlig myndighet. För studiens analysmodell identifierades initialt, med grund i tidigare forskning inom organisatorisk förändring, tre utmaningar och fem framgångsfaktorer. Studiens empiriska material bygger på sju intervjuer med anställda på Skatteverket. Baserat på studiens resultat kompletterades analysmodellen med två utmaningar och två framgångsfaktorer specifika för Skatteverkets transformation. Studiens resultat visade att utmaningarna decentraliserad utveckling, arbete med värdeströmmar och synkronisering av styrning har varit framträdande. Motstånd till förändring och uppföljningsmetodik ansågs inte ha varit reella. Framgångsfaktorerna pilotstudie, stöd från ledningen, utbildning och coachning, kulturanpassning, eldsjälar och införandestrategi ansågs ha varit viktiga för Skatteverket. Vision och kommunikation ansågs inte ha varit av större betydelse.In our dynamic and complex world organizations are facing an increased demand for renewal and flexibility. Many organizations now shift to becoming agile. Large scale agile transformations are however difficult to practically implement. Moreover, combining hierarchical organizational structures and agile ways of working might be challenging. The aim of this study is to seek knowledge about which conditions that are affecting large scale agile transformations within a state agency. Three challenges and five success factors were identified for the model of analysis based on previous research within the field organizational transformation. Data was gathered through seven interviews with employees at Skatteverket. Based on the result of the study two new challenges and two new success factors were added to the model of analysis. The results show that decentralized development, value streams and synchronization of management have been prominent challenges for Skatteverket. Resistance to change and follow-up methodology were not as evident. The success factors pilot study, support from management, education and coaching, adaptation of culture, agile enthusiasts and implement strategy have been important for Skatteverket. Vision and communication were not as important