2,445 research outputs found

    Traitement du Rouget du Porc par l'association : pénicilline sérum

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    Verge Jean, Goret Pierre, Joubert L., David J. Traitement du Rouget du Porc par l’association pénicilline-sérum. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 103 n°4, 1950. pp. 171-179

    In Re: Joubert

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    USDC for the Eastern District of Pennsylvani

    Holiday choral festival

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    arr. Michael McElroy and Joseph JoubertRene ClausenOla Gjeiloarr. Michael RyanJohn Rutterarr. Kirby ShawAllan E. NaplanErica Glenntraditional, arr. Alice Parker & Robert ShawJames DeignanGeorge Frideric HandelDaniel J. HallDouglas E. Wagnerarr. David Schildkretarr. Peter J. Wihouskyarr. Chuck Birdwel


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    splintervlerk.Marlise Joubert. Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis, 2011. 96 pp. ISBN: 978-1-86919-472-7

    How a man differs from a dog

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    In early modern history, numerous vices were represented as having the ability to transform humans into beasts. These representations would appear to play into a theological and moral conceptualization of the world rather than a “zoological” one. An analysis of early modern constructions of perception and the role of the passions reveals a logic in which humans can actually become animals through their actions. The writer discusses the work of Oxford clergyman and author Robert Burton, whose early exploration of self, The Anatomy of Melancholy, drew heavily on the belief that human failings constituted a kind of base animal immorality

    Is die essentialia van die vennootskap ondergeskik aan die bedoeling van die partye? ’n Oorsig oor die Suid- Afrikaanse reg

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    When determining the existence of partnership, it is necessary to establish whether the essentialia of a partnership are present. However, apart from the essentialia, the intention of the parties is regularly referred to and it is stated that the intention of the parties shall be conclusive, even in the presence of all the essentials. This article will attempt to illustrate that only the essentials are determinants for the existence of a partnership and that the intention of the parties can only refer to the intention to comply with the essentialia. The essentialia of partnership are: the making of a contribution by each partner; the business must be conducted to the joint benefit of all the parties; and the objective of the partnership should be to make and distribute profit. Although the essentials of the partnership seem cut and dried at first glance, the whole issue is clouded by a series of court rulings in which a further requirement, viz. the intention of the parties to create a partnership was added to the essentials by reference to contrary evidence that the agreement between the parties may not be a partnership agreement. With all due respect, this view cannot be concurred. The question that has to be asked is if the intention referred to is the intention to comply with all the requirements of the partnership or the intention to specifically create a partnership

    Christo Beyers-Sy Tydgenote en Geskrifte

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    After a brilliant career at the Old Victoria College, Stellenbosch, where he gained a B.A. in Zoology, Christo Beyers proceeded to St Bartholomew Hospital, London, to study Medicine in 1909. On his return to South Africa, he worked at Pretoria Hospital for a short while before returning to Great Britain to join the South African Field Ambulance and saw action in France. After the war he gained the F.R.C.S. before settling in Johannesburg, first as a general practitioner and later as a surgeon on the staff of the lohannesburg Hospital where he remained until his untimely death in 1933 at the early age of 45 years. During his active career, Beyers published 11 papers and translated 2 books into Afrikaans. His medical colleagues in Johannesburg honoured the memory of this great surgeon by naming the medical branch of the faculty of medicine of the South African Academy of Arts and Science after him.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 468 (1974

    In Limbo, or, The Protracted Death of the Novel: William Gaddis’s J R and the Precarious State of Postmodern Literature

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2021-05-15Eksperimentell postmodernistisk litteratur blir framleis møtt med skepsis og skuldingar om irrelevans, også av tonegjevande litteraturkritikarar som Fredric Jameson, som rangerer litteratur under resterande kunstarter i postmoderniteten. Denne masteroppgåva tek for seg dei særeigne kvalitetane til eksperimentell postmodernistisk litteratur med utgangspunkt i romanen J R (1975) av William Gaddis. Denne romanen særmerkast av å være skriven som ein samanhengande dialog, med berre sjeldne innslag av ei narrativ stemme som att på til forsømer den tradisjonelle deskriptive rolla til fordel for å berre være endå ei stemme i samtalemylderet. Dette gjenspeiler Jean-François Lyotards idear om den aukande ugyldigheita til metanarrativ. Med omsyn til dette illustrerer J R korleis romanen, som på det mest konservative presenterast i form av eit strukturert narrativ formidla av ein allvitande forteljar, kan fornyast til auka fleksibilitet for å holde relevans ved lag i postmoderniteten. Ved å presentere teksten så upartisk som mogleg, opnar den seg for ei rekke tolkingar slik at lesaren bidrar til kunstverkets skaparhandling. Lesehandlinga, som i dei mest tradisjonelle tilfella er ei passiv oppleving der forfattaren formidlar eit fullbyrda produkt til lesaren, skiftast her ut med ein dialektisk, aktiv prosess der lesaren og teksta inngår i eit gjensidig forhold. Vidare opnar den ekskluderande autoriteten til ei narrativ stemme for at mindre narrativ i teksten kan nærstuderast, mens større, meir eksplisitte narrativ kan sidestillast, ettersom dialogen ofte består av lange, tilsynelatande trivielle tema. Sjølve oppgåva er delt inn i fire deler. Første del giv ein oversikt over romanens kontekst, postmodernistiske preg og narratologiske særtrekk. Andre del tek for seg entropi, eit dominerande tema i romanen, samt dei ekstralitterære implikasjonane dette inneberer. Tredje del tek for seg dei filmatiske parallellane i romanen. Fjerde del tek for seg den singulære posisjonen til J R i litteraturhistoria; til tross for at Gaddis i aukande grad blir betrakta som ein av dei leiande postmodernistiske forfattarane, har han aldri fått merksemd hos eit større publikum utanom akademiske kretsar i motsetning til forfattarar som Don DeLillo og Thomas Pynchon. Eg vil derfor undersøke arven etter J R, om der er nokon, og parallellane mellom J R og Pynchons hovudverk, Gravity’s Rainbow (1973). Sjølv om J R tilbyr eit alternativ til den dominerande romanstilen, kan det være at romanen berre er eit unntak til regelen, noko som understrekast av romanens avgrensa lesekrets og den snarare indirekte enn direkte innverknaden til Gaddis.Engelsk mastergradsoppgåveMAHF-LÆFRMAHF-ENGENG35

    Christo Beyers-sy tydgenote en geskrifte

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    After a brilliant career at the Old Victoria College, Stellenbosch, where he gained a B.A. in Zoology, Christo Beyers proceeded to St Bartholomew Hospital, London, to study Medicine in 1909. On his return to South Africa, he worked at Pretoria Hospital for a short while before returning to Great Britain to join the South African Field Ambulance and saw action in France. After the war he gained the F.R.C.S. before settling in Johannesburg, first as a general practitioner and later as a surgeon on the staff of the lohannesburg Hospital where he remained until his untimely death in 1933 at the early age of 45 years. During his active career, Beyers published 11 papers and translated 2 books into Afrikaans. His medical colleagues in Johannesburg honoured the memory of this great surgeon by naming the medical branch of the faculty of medicine of the South African Academy of Arts and Science after him.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 468 (1974)

    Spring is in the air!

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    George Frideric HandelVincent PersichettiAnthony ProcopioRandall ThompsonMoses HoganEriks EsenvaldsRalph Vaughan Williamsarr. Joni JensenZachary J. Moorearr. Stacey V. GibbsLeslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley, arr. Matthew D. NielsonCharles Villiers StanfordJohn ClementsZ. Randall Stroopearr. Mark Hayesarr. Moses HoganUzee Brownarr. Joseph JoubertAlma B. Andrezzo, arr. Nathan Carte
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