21 research outputs found

    On Relation between Adjustment to Japanese Society and Social Support of Chinese Students Studying in Japan at Private Expense

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    The present study examines the relation between the adjustment of Chinese students to the Japanese life and social support they need from others or various support they can give to others. Eighty Chinese students studying in Okayama prefecture at private expense responded to our questionaire. The former studies (Jou & Fukada [1995 a, 1995 b]) clarified that there was a negative relation between needed support of Chinese students and their adjustment or their satisfaction with campus life. Based upon the result of these studies, we predicted a negative relation between them also in the present study. Namely, we presupposed that the more support they needed, the less adjustment and the less satisfaction they would have. The present study, however, has revealed that there seems to be no relation between them. We also predicted a positive relation between the amount of support Chinese students can afford to others and their adjustment or their satisfaction with campus life. That is, we thought that the more support they could provide, the better adjustment and the more satisfaction they can have. The data obtained in this study have also revealed that there exists a positive relation in general between Chinese students' support providable to others and their adjustment or their satisfaction with campus life. Further analyses using subscores, however, indicate that every area or type of providable support does not necessarily have a positive relation with every area of adjustment or every area of satisfaction with campus life. Moreover, our study has revealed that there also exists a negative relation between them though in an extremely minor part

    ダイガクセイ ノ シンミツ ナ カンケイ ニ オケル ボウリョク ニホン タイワン ベイコク ノ ヒカク

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    本研究は、日本、台湾、米国の大学生のデート暴力の特徴を報告したものである。3カ国の男女大学生に、葛藤解決方略尺度(Conflict Tactics Scale; Straus,1979)を用いて、交際相手に与えた暴力および非暴力的攻撃、交際相手から受けた暴力おやび非暴力的攻撃の回数について回答を求めた。分析は回答者の中から現在あるいは過去に交際相手のいる者あるいはいた者を対象として行い、3カ国の暴力や非暴力的攻撃の実態について検討した。非暴力的攻撃の場合には、生起頻度が50%を超えるものもあり、国や性別による差異もうかがえたが、全体の割合では3カ国を通じて女子の方が男子よりも攻撃の頻度が高く、また米国の女子学生は日本の女子学生よりも攻撃的であった。一方、暴力に関しては、激しい身体的暴力そのものの生起頻度が少なく、性別や国による差異は見られなかった。また、交際相手との暴力が相互的かどうかを検討したところ、3カ国ともに暴力や攻撃のないカップルが多かったが、暴力をふるう回答者のみに注目した場合には、カップルのどちらか一方が暴力をふるう場合よりも、相互に暴力的なカップルのほうが多かった。こうした結果について Straus (2008) の結果と比較検討し、考察を行った

    The negative effects of social support on mental-physical health of adolescents

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    The present study examined the negative effects of insufficient social support on mental-physical health of adolescents. Two types of insufficient social support were used; the gap between requested and received support and the gap between received and provided support. Five hundred and five adolescents responded to questionnaires that included items measuring received, requested and provided support, and adjustment and mental-physical health. Received support was classified into six factors by factor analysis. Results from multiple regressions indicated that (1) the higher requested-received support gaps were negatively associated with better adjustment and mental health. (2) There was little association between the received-provided support gaps and adjustment or mental health. (3) There was no association between each of the two gaps and physical health. And (4) the six factors of requested-received, the six factors of received-requested support gaps, and each factors of the two gaps, only accounted for extremely low variance in adjustment or mental-physical health

    Effects of the evaluative characteristics of forewarning on persuasion <Short Report>

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    The present study was designed to investigate the evaluative characteristics of forewarning on persuasion. In this experiment, we manipulated forewarning by providing premessage information about the topic and position (TP-type forewarning), or the topic only (TO-type forewarning) of the upcoming communication. Five kinds of forewarnings were used : TP-type forewarnings with positive, negative and neutral evaluative characteristics, TO-type forewarning with neutral evaluative characteristics, and no forewarning. Subjects in the experimental conditions were forewarned or not forewarend before presentation of the communication. Subjects in the control condition were, however, exposed to neither forewarning nor communication. Results showed that TP-type forewarning with negative evaluative characteristics produced resistance to persuasion, and increased psychological reactance in the overall period and counterarguments in the period between the forewarning and the communication. But, TP-type forewarning with positive evaluative characteristics did not indicate persuasion facilitating effect. Results in this study suggested that forewarnings with different evaluative characteristics might produce different effects on persuasion mediated by different psychological processes

    Research on longitudinal changes in social support for Chinese students in Japan

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    The present study investigated the longitudinal changes in social support for Chinese students in Japan. Data obtained from 33 Chinese students were analyzed. The Social Support Scale for Chinese students in Japan (Jou, 1993a) was employed. We considered some factors, such as period of stay, indices of support, areas and types of support. Four different periods were examined-----just before arrival in Japan, three months, nine months, and twenty-one months after arrival in Japan. Indices of support included anticipated support, needed support, actual support, the gaps between anticipated and actual support, and the gaps between needed and actual support. Areas of support included academic, human relationships, emotional, and environmental-cultural area. Types of support included tangible, mental, directive and informational type. ANOVA results revealed that the difference of period of stay was not marked, but the differences in areas or types of support, or in the interaction of period of stay and types of support were significant

    Research on longitudinal changes in social support for Chinese students in Japan

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    The present study investigated the longitudinal changes in social support for Chinese students in Japan. Data obtained from 33 Chinese students were analyzed. The Social Support Scale for Chinese students in Japan (Jou, 1993a) was employed. We considered some factors, such as period of stay, indices of support, areas and types of support. Four different periods were examined-----just before arrival in Japan, three months, nine months, and twenty-one months after arrival in Japan. Indices of support included anticipated support, needed support, actual support, the gaps between anticipated and actual support, and the gaps between needed and actual support. Areas of support included academic, human relationships, emotional, and environmental-cultural area. Types of support included tangible, mental, directive and informational type. ANOVA results revealed that the difference of period of stay was not marked, but the differences in areas or types of support, or in the interaction of period of stay and types of support were significant

    Children's reactance to verbal threat from mothers in Japan and Taiwan

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    This study investigated the effects of the magnitude of children's need on their reactance to verbal threats from their mothers in Japan and Taiwan. Subjects were 176 fourth- and fifth-graders in Japan and 185 in Taiwan. The main results were as follows. On verbal and internal response dimension, perseveration-prolongment responses were stronger in Japan than in Taiwan, but their approval responses were stronger in Taiwan than in Japan. On verbal response dimension, children's approval responses were stronger on the condition of low magnitude of need than on the condition of the high in Taiwan, while the magnitude of children's need had no effect in Japan. On behavioral response dimension, negativism was more sailient in Japan than in Taiwan

    Factor structures of perceived and actual social support Chinese students in Japan

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    This study compares the structure of perceived and actual support for Chinese students. One hundred and seventy-five Chinese students responded to a questionnaire that measured perceived and actual support using the ""Social Support Scale for Chinese Students in Japan"" developed by Jou (1993). The correlation between the two support scores was extremely high (r=.83), perceived support being higher than actual support. Five factors for perceived support and four factors for actual support were obtained from the factor analysis. The meaning of the five factors of perceived support was ambiguous and difficult to interpret, but the meaning of the factors of actual support was clear, and those factors were labeled, ""emotional factor"", ""academic factor"", ""interpersonal-cultural factor"", and ""daily living factor"". Thus, the data suggests that the structural difference between perceived and actual support might lead to the different effects on one's health