246 research outputs found

    Effects Of Keratin-Gelatin And Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor-Gelatin Composite Film On Open Wound Healing In Dogs And Cats

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    Wound is a disruption of the normal continuity of the skin surface. A prolonged wound healing time is distressing and expensive. Immediate wound coverage is a cornerstone of wound management. Extensive wounds in the skin can be treated using dressing materials and skin grafts. A full-thickness mesh graft can be applied to cover large skin defects. To accelerate wound healing, the use of biomaterials such as keratin, gelatin and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) has increased in recent years. Feathers contain beta keratin as a major component. Keratin as a structural protein that can be processed from poultry feathers and made into value added products, which benefit wounds healing. Gelatin and bFGF are well known for their wound healing properties. Dermal substitutes are very expensive and used routinely in human. However such materials are not available at reasonable cost to treat extensive wounds in animals.Keratin hydrolysates from poultry feathers were prepared by controlled alkaline hydrolysis. Following hydrolysis the supernatant solution was decanted and brought to pH 7.0 using sulfuric acid, then 10% solution of pharmaceutical grade gelatin solution was mixed followed by addition of 1% ethylene glycol and 0.35% glutaraldehyde to the solution and finally cast in polythene trays and dried at 50 0C. bFGF-gelatin composite film was prepared by adding pharmaceutical grade gelatin solution 10 %, 1% ethylene glycol and 0.35% glutaraldehyde to basic fibroblast growth factor (0.015μg/cm2) and casted in polythene trays and dried at 50 0C. The film was soaked for 2 minutes in gentamycin (Dutch farm Veterinary pharmaceuticals, Netherlands) and then applied on wound. This study was conducted with hypothesis that keratin-gelatin and bFGF-gelatin composite films are effective wound healing stimulants causing early re-epithelialization and an uncomplicated wound healing favoring early acceptance of the full thickness skin mesh. The objectives of this study was to identify and evaluate wound healing properties of keratin-gelatin and bFGF-gelatin composite films on open wound and as a feeder layer for early acceptance of full-thickness skin mesh graft in dogs. Following the identification of the better of the two biomaterials, it was used in clinical cases involving 10 cats and two dogs with extensive skin wounds presented to the University Veterinary Hospital University Putra Malaysia. The application of keratin and bFGF on wound healing in experimental dogs and clinical cases in this research was a pilot study undertaken. Thirty six healthy dogs were used in the study. Under general anaesthesia and aseptic condition, a full-thickness skin wound (approximately 5x 5cm) was created lateral to the right loin region. Eighteen animals were used for open wound groups divided into 3 groups (n = 6) namely Group I (control group), Group II (treated with keratin-gelatin composite film) and Group III (treated with bFGF-gelatin composite film). Another 18 animals were treated with full-thickness skin mesh graft were also divided into 3 Groups (n = 6) namely Group I (control group), Group II (treated with feeder layer of keratin-gelatin composite film), Group III (treated with feeder layer of bFGF-gelatin composite film). Evaluation of the effect of biomaterials on open wound and the full-thickness skin mesh graft was done based on clinical observation, haematological, bacteriological, biochemical and histopathological examinations on Days 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 post-operation. Biochemical and histopathological evaluations on the full-thickness skin mesh graft were done on Days 12, 16 and 20 post-operation. The keratin-gelatin and bFGF-gelatin composite films could easily be applied on wounds. The composite films were well accepted and tolerated by animals and did not show any adverse reactions. Open wounds treated with keratin-gelatin (Group II) showed a bright red granulation tissue, without malodour and exudates on Day 20 post-operation, when compared to other groups. The percentage of wound epithelialization, wound contraction and total wound healing was significantly higher (P<0.05) in keratin-gelatin (Group II) throughout the trail. The full-thickness skin mesh graft treated with keratin-gelatin (Group II) as a feeder layer showed an early vascularization of the graft, with epithelialization of the interstices. Acceptance of the graft by Day 12 post-operation was complete with hair growth and normal colour of the skin without any evidence of rejection. The graft acceptance was 90-100% on Day 20 post-operation. In bFGF-gelatin (Group III), all animals showed a dark discolouration of epidermis of the graft without rejection on Days 16 and 20 post-operation. No adverse effects were observed on the hematological values obtained in the treated groups. On bacteriological examination, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were isolated in all animals in open wound groups. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from one animal each in Groups I and II and Proteus spp. from one animal in Group III treated with the full-thickness skin mesh graft. The keratin-gelatin composite film (Group II) favoured tissue DNA, protein and collagen formation, which was essential for wound healing and early acceptance of the full-thickness skin mesh graft. The efficiency of fibroblast formation and angiogenesis was good in the animals treated with keratin-gelatin composite film (Group II) which favoured an early wound healing. In the full-thickness skin mesh graft group, the animals treated with feeder layer of keratin-gelatin composite films, showed normal epidermis thickness on Day 20 post-operation. Keratin-gelatin composite film was effective in clinical cases involving 10 cats and 2 dogs presented at the University Teaching Hospital of Universiti Putra Malaysia. As per the hypothesis, Keratin-gelatin composite film was an effective wound healing stimulant causing early re-epithelialization and uncomplicated wound healing favoring an early acceptance of the full thickness skin mesh graft. The objective of this study was fulfilled when the use of keratin-gelatin composite film was found to be a better biomaterial when compared to bFGF-gelatin composite film. Keratin-gelatin was effective for wound healing in clinical cases presented at the University Teaching Hospital of Universiti Putra Malaysia. The above findings have a commercial application because keratin from poultry feathers an inexpensive as a skin substitute to stimulate wound healing in animals where the cost of treatment is a major consideration by clients. Further research is needed at different concentrations of keratin-gelatin and bFGF-gelatin incorporated composite film for wound healing in experimental and clinical cases. vi

    Evaluation of Collagen, Calcium Alginate Protectants on Healing of External Wound on Teat in Cows

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    A total number of 36 cross bred jersey cows with external teat injury without involving the teat cistern and with exposed teat sinus were subjected for the present study. Clinical examination of teat for its shape, length, distance from the ground and etiology of the teat wounds were recorded. Following preoperative evaluation, the animals were divided into Group I with 12 animals and treatment group with 24 animals each. Group I were treated with Povidone iodine solution. In treatment (Group II), after suturing the wound was protected with sheets of collagen and calcium alginate as protectants. The application of collagen based teat protectant is an effective methodology for favoring healing process of external injuries when compared to the conventional antiseptic drugs using Povidone iodine

    A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among the Adolescent Girls in Selected College, Chennai

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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones among females. The hormonal imbalance enhance problems in the ovaries. TITLE: “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among the adolescent girls in selected college, Chennai”. OBJECTIVES: To assess the pre test and post test level of knowledge on polycystic ovarian syndrome among study group and control group and to compare the pre test and post test level of knowledge and to associate the demographic variable with post test level of knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A true experimental design was chosen. Simple random sampling technique used to select the sample as 100 adolescent girls. 30 semi structured questionnaires was used to assess the knowledge level. Results: Effectiveness of the study is point estimate of adequate knowledge level in study group was 76% and adequate knowledge level in control group was 0.00% (P=0.001). DISCUSSION: Sonia Rawat, [et al.] (2017) explained structured teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge of adolescent girls on PCOS (p<0.05). This was supported to my study. So structured teaching programme improved the knowledge level among the adolescent girls. CONCLUSION: Statistical significance was calculated by using chi square test and student independent t-test. So enhanced knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome should be used in developing highly effective educational progrmme in college. Structured teaching programme is safer and more effective intervention in all settings

    Chromium and lead contamination in commercial poultry feeds of Bangladesh

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    Heavy metals contamination into food chain is considered as an emerging crisis throughout the world especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. The concentration of heavy metals including Cr and Pb in commercial poultry feed samples (protein meal feed, meat and bone meal and fish meal feed) were detected by using Air/ Acetylene Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The mean concentration of heavy metals were found in protein meal feed in a range where Cr 10.63 to 218.10 mg kg-1 and Pb 7.37 to 52.25 mg kg-1. In meat and bone meal feed samples, Cr was recorded from 9.15 to 40.59 mg kg-1 and Pb 5.0 to 61.42 mg kg-1. Cr was found 17.68 to 78.39 mg kg-1 and Pb 3.54to 16.44 mg kg-1 in fish meal feed samples. However, results showed that all feed samples contained chromium and lead where both metals were present at alarming levels in most of the samples. It is therefore suggested that regular detection of heavy metals especially Cr and Pb should be done to evaluate the health risks and to protect the end user from food that might harmful for their health.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. &amp; Tech. 6 (2): 57-60, December, 201

    Induction motor’s rotor slot variation measurement using logistic regression

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    Rotor slots in induction motor expand due to thermal imbalance and create magnetic stress. Magnetic stress is a force that develops on the laminated surface of the rotor due to the curving or stretching magnetic flux. Traditional motor fault detection methods never measure magnetic stress on the rotor; a significant problem frequently arises in the motor. Magnetic stress is proportional to slot size variations in the rotor. High slot size variations on the laminated surface of the rotor lead to more curving and stretching magnetic flux and damage the rotor and stator, reducing their efficiency and induce harmonics. In this paper, the Average rotor Slot Size Variation (ASSV) in the rotor is predicted during the running condition of the motor through logistic regression. Logistic regression predicts ASSV by multimodal sensor signal sub-band energy values and measures rotor slot sizes from microscope images. Multimodal sensor signal is obtained from various sensors, such as vibration, temperature, current and Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR). Signal sub-band energy is obtained from Over complete Rational-Dilation Wavelet Transform (ORaDWT). From experimental results, ASSV is more than 75% from standard size, damaging the rotor and stator. The accuracy of ASSV prediction is about 92%

    Digital dental photography: Indispensable part of periodontal practice

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    Introduction: Photographs are fundamental in interacting with patients. Defects that are not readily noticeable to the patient will be obvious in still pictures. Thus, dental photography permits the patient to visualize their oral condition and smile with the same perception as the dentist. The use of dental photography is for documentation and many more other purposes like social media or marketing. Conclusion: The use of proper devices and additional accessories enhances the outcome of dental photography. This informative article gives the overview of importance of documentation, use of digital cameras and various intraoral accessories which can help the clinician to obtain the best results

    Putative ligand binding sites of two functionally characterized bark beetle odorant receptors

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    Background: Bark beetles are major pests of conifer forests, and their behavior is primarily mediated via olfaction. Targeting the odorant receptors (ORs) may thus provide avenues towards improved pest control. Such an approach requires information on the function of ORs and their interactions with ligands, which is also essential for understanding the functional evolution of these receptors. Hence, we aimed to identify a high-quality complement of ORs from the destructive spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) and analyze their antennal expression and phylogenetic relationships with ORs from other beetles. Using 68 biologically relevant test compounds, we next aimed to functionally characterize ecologically important ORs, using two systems for heterologous expression. Our final aim was to gain insight into the ligand-OR interaction of the functionally characterized ORs, using a combination of computational and experimental methods. Results: We annotated 73 ORs from an antennal transcriptome of I. typographus and report the functional characterization of two ORs (ItypOR46 and ItypOR49), which are responsive to single enantiomers of the common bark beetle pheromone compounds ipsenol and ipsdienol, respectively. Their responses and antennal expression correlate with the specificities, localizations, and/or abundances of olfactory sensory neurons detecting these enantiomers. We use homology modeling and molecular docking to predict their binding sites. Our models reveal a likely binding cleft lined with residues that previously have been shown to affect the responses of insect ORs. Within this cleft, the active ligands are predicted to specifically interact with residues Tyr84 and Thr205 in ItypOR46. The suggested importance of these residues in the activation by ipsenol is experimentally supported through site-directed mutagenesis and functional testing, and hydrogen bonding appears key in pheromone binding. Conclusions: The emerging insight into ligand binding in the two characterized ItypORs has a general importance for our understanding of the molecular and functional evolution of the insect OR gene family. Due to the ecological importance of the characterized receptors and widespread use of ipsenol and ipsdienol in bark beetle chemical communication, these ORs should be evaluated for their potential use in pest control and biosensors to detect bark beetle infestations

    Compressive shock resulting from gastric distension after arterial switch operation: a case report

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    Compressive shock is an important cause of reversible cardiovascular compromise. Abdominal causes of compressive shock have been known to be difficult to diagnose. We report our experience in the management of compressive shock resulting from gastric distension. We consider gastric distension to be an unusual cause of compressive shock. Immediate relief of intra-abdominal tension is key in the management