10 research outputs found

    Online psycho-education to the treatment of bipolar disorder: protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Bipolar disorder patients frequently present recurrent episodes and often experience subsyndromal symptoms, cognitive impairment and difficulties in functioning, with a low quality of life, illness relapses and recurrent hospitalization. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention may play a role in preventing neuroprogression in this disorder. New technologies represent an opportunity to develop standardized psychological treatments using internet-based tools that overcome some of the limitations of face-to-face treatments, in that they are readily accessible and the timing of therapy can be tailored to user needs and availability. However, although many psychological programs are offered through the web and mobile devices for bipolar disorder, there is a lack of high quality evidence concerning their efficacy and effectiveness due to the great variability in measures and methodology used. Methods: This clinical trial is a simple-blind randomized trial within a European project to compare an internet-based intervention with treatment as usual. Bipolar disorder patients are to be included and randomly assigned to one of two groups: 1) the experimental group (tele-care support) and 2) the control group. Participants in both groups will be evaluated at baseline (pre-treatment) and post-treatment. Discussion: This study describes the design of a clinical trial based on psychoeducation intervention that may have a significant impact on both prognosis and treatment in bipolar disorder. Specifically, bringing different services together (service aggregation), it is hoped that the approach proposed will significantly increase the impact of information and communication technologies on access and adherence to treatment, quality of the service, patient safety, patient and professional satisfaction, and quality of life of patients.This study has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 604691

    Arreta goiztiarreko eredua Euskal Autonomia Erkidegorako

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    Existe una versión en español, con el título "Modelo de atención temprana para la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco"Se plantea un modelo de atención temprana para la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco capaz de atender de forma eficaz, precoz, integral, fluida y continua a todos los niños y niñas que presenten trastornos del desarrollo o riesgo de padecerlos y a sus familias, según sus necesidades específicas. Se detallan los principios y directrices sobre los cuidados a proporcionar, la provisión, el aseguramiento y la financiación de los mismos. Se propone un modelo basado en el diagnóstico global de necesidades.Dokumentu honen helburua Euskal Autonomia Erkidegorako arreta goiztiarreko eredu bat planteatzea da, garapenaren nahasmenduak edo horiek pairatzeko arriskua duten haur guztiak eta haien familiak. Modu eraginkor, goiztiar, integral, erraz eta jarraituan atenditzeko gai izan behar du eredu horrek, betiere haien berariazko premien arabera. Eman beharreko zainketen eta zerbitzuen bermaketa eta finantzaketaren araberako printzipioak eta norabideak azaltzen dira. Premien diagnostiko globalean oinarritutako eredua proposatzen da.ES