321 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and distribution of the Croatian groundhhoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae)

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    Dan je pregled monaÅ”kih skakavaca ili trnovratki (Tetrigidae) Hrvatske. Zapadni monaÅ”ki skakavac (Tetrix undulata), TĆ¼rkov monaÅ”ki skakavac (Tetrix tuerki) i transilvanijski monaÅ”ki skakavac (Tetrix transsylvanica comb. nov.) po prvi se put navode za Hrvatsku. Fauna monaÅ”kih skakavaca Hrvatske sada broji 11 vrsta: Paratettix meridionalis, Tetrix depressa comb. nov., T. bipunctata, T. kraussi, T. tenuicornis, T. transsylvanica comb. nov., T. undulata, T. bolivari, T. ceperoi, T. subulata i T. tuerki. U radu je detaljno razmotren status roda Uvarovitettix Bazyluk & Kis, 1960 i vrste T. transsylvanica (Bazyluk & Kis, 1960) comb. nov. Rod Uvarovitettix Bazyluk & Kis, 1960 syn. nov. sinonimiziran je s rodom Tetrix Latreille, 1802. Na hrvatskom je predstavljen opis podvrste Tetrix transsylvanica hypsocorypha Skejo, 2014 subspecies nova. Predstavljene se i nove kombinacije: Tetrix pseudodepressa (Ingrisch, 2006) comb. nov. i Tetrix depressa (Brisout de Barneville, 1848) comb. nov. te je rod Depressotetrix Karaman, 1960 syn. nov. također sinonimiziran s rodom Tetrix.Vrste Tetrix gibberosa (Wang & Zheng, 1993) inc. sed. i T. nodulosa (Fieber, 1853) inc. sed. označene su kao vrste upitnog položaja unutar roda Tetrix. Nova kombinacija je također dana vrsti Paratettix tuberculata (Zheng & Jiang, 1997), primarno opisanoj unutar roda Mishtshenkotetrix: Tetrix tuberculata (Zheng & Jiang, 1997) comb. nov., no vrlo je vjerojatno da je i ova vrsta upitnog položaja unutar roda Tetrix. U ovom seminaru na hrvatskom su jeziku predstavljeni su podatci objavljeni u radu Skejo et al. (2014).A review of the Croatian Tetrigidae is given and first records of Tetrix undulata (Sowerby, 1806), Tetrix tuerki (Krauss, 1876) and Tetrix transsylvanica (Bazyluk & Kis, 1960) comb. nov. for Croatia are presented. The goundhoppers fauna of Croatia now counts 11 species: Paratettix meridionalis, Tetrix depressa comb. nov., T. bipunctata, T. kraussi, T. tenuicornis, T. transsylvanica comb. nov., T. undulata, T. bolivari, T. ceperoi, T. subulata and T. tuerki. The status of the genus Uvarovitettix Bazyluk & Kis, 1960 and the taxonomic position of T. transsylvanica are discussed. The genus Uvarovitettix Bazyluk & Kis, 1960 syn. nov. is synonymised with the genus Tetrix Latreille, 1802. Description of the recently described subspecies from Croatia and Slovenia, Tetrix transsylvanica hypsocorypha Skejo, 2014 is presented in Croatian . Tetrix pseudodepressa (Ingrisch, 2006) comb. nov. and Tetrix depressa (Brisout de Barneville, 1848) comb. nov. are moved to the genus Tetrix and the genus Depressotetrix Karaman, 1960 syn. nov. is also synonymised with the genus Tetrix. Tetrix gibberosa (Wang & Zheng, 1993) inc. sed. and T. nodulosa (Fieber, 1853) inc. sed. are now considered to be species of uncertain placement in the genus Tetrix. New combination is also given to Paratettix tuberculata (Zheng & Jiang, 1997), primarily placed within the genus Mishtshenkotetrix: Tetrix tuberculata (Zheng & Jiang, 1997) comb. nov., but it is also likely to be species of uncertain placement within the genus Tetrix. In this seminar thesis data from the paper Skejo et al. (2014) are presented in Croatian language

    Jesu li vrste Empusa pennata i Bolivaria brachyptera doista prisutne u Hrvatskoj? Odgovor Kranjčevu (2013) s kritičkim osvrtom na vrste bogomoljki prisutne u Hrvatskoj

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    Radovan Kranjčev (2013) published a paper on Croatian Mantodea containing a considerable number of data that need to be discussed. In this reply corrections of mantid misidentifications, as well as of some given statements, are presented, certain doubtful records are discussed and comments on a number of overlooked papers are given. Also, a critical review of some further problems concerning Croatian Mantodea fauna is presented, as well as a rather short historical overview of investigations of this insect order in Croatia.Radovan Kranjčev (2013) objavio je rad o bogomoljkama Hrvatske u kojem je iznesen znatan broj podataka koje je potrebno raspraviti. U ovom odgovoru doneseni su ispravci determinacija nekih bogomoljki, kao i određenih navoda, raspravljeni su neki upitni nalazi i dani su komentari na neke previđene radove. Također, predstavljen je osvrt na tekuće probleme vezane uz faunu bogomoljki Hrvatske, kao i vrlo kratki povijesni pregled istraživanja ovog reda kukaca u Hrvatskoj

    Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) ā€“ novi rod i vrsta za faunu ravnokrilaca Hrvatske i prvi nalaz vrste nakon njena opisivanja

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    This paper presents the first data on the presence of the genus Rammeihippus Woznessenskij, 1996, species Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Croatia. The species was recorded on Dinara Mountain (south-eastern Croatia, middle Dalmatia) near Duler (1250 a.s.l.) on August 7th, 2012. This is also the first record since the description of the species near Vaganj pass on the same mountain, Bosnia and Herzegovina.U radu se navodi prvi nalaz roda Rammeihippus Woznessenskij, 1996 s vrstom Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta je pronađena 7. kolovoza 2012. godine nedaleko lokaliteta Duler na 1250 metara nadmorske visine na Dinari (jugoistočna Hrvatska, srednja Dalmacija). To je također prvi nalaz nakon opisa vrste pokraj prijevoja Vaganj na istoj planini, ali u Bosni i Hercegovini

    Katalog entomoloÅ”kih zbirki Zoologijskog zavoda Prirodoslovno ā€“ matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu I.: Zbirka ravnokrilaca (Orthoptera) Bože Pokopac (Polyneoptera, Orthopterida)

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    This is the first paper from the series Catalogus collectionum entomologicarum Divisionis zoologicae Facultatis scientiarum naturalium et matematicarum Zagrabiae (Catalogue of the entomological collections of the Division of Zoology of the Faculty of Science in Zagreb). The paper presents the catalogue of the Boža Pokopac Orthoptera collection made in 1956 during Božaā€™s masterā€™s thesis research into the Orthopteran fauna in the vicinity of Bjelovar. In total, 99 specimens of the 286 reported in the masterā€™s thesis were found. Among them is a new species for Croatian fauna ā€“ Stenobothrus crassipes. The need for the conservation of the entomological collections in Croatian faculties and museums is briefly noted.Ovo je prvi rad u seriji radova Catalogus collectionum entomologicarum Divisionis zoologicae Facultatis scientiarum naturalium et matematicarum Zagrabiae (Katalog entomoloÅ”kih zbirki Zoologijskog zavoda Prirodoslovno ā€“ matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu). Rad predstavlja katalog ravnokrilaca (Orthoptera) iz zbirke Bože Pokopac koja je izrađena 1956. tijekom istraživanja ravnokrilaca okolice Bjelovara za diplomski rad. Pronađeno je sveukupno 99 primjeraka iz originalne zbirke s 286 primjeraka navedenih u diplomskom radu. Predstavljena je nova vrsta za faunu Hrvatske ā€“ Stenobothrus crassipes. Raspravljena je potreba očuvanja entomoloÅ”kih zbirki na hrvatskim fakultetima i muzejima

    Caribbean pygmy jumping leaves (Tetrigidae, Cladonotinae, Choriphyllini)

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    The tribe Choriphyllini Cadena-CastaƱeda & Silva, 2019 consists of only two genera, Choriphyllum Serville, 1838 and Phyllotettix Hancock, 1902b, combining leaf-like Caribbean wide-nosed pygmy grasshoppers (Tetrigidae, Cladonotinae). The genus Choriphyllum has four species, C. bahamense Perez-Gelabert & Otte, 1999 from the Bahamas (Hummingbird Cay Island), and C. sagrai Serville, 1838, C. saussurei BolĆ­var, 1887 and C. wallaceum Skejo, Kasalo & Yong, sp. nov. from Cuba. The gender of C. bahamensis is changed to C. bahamense in order to match the grammatical gender of the genus, which is neuter. Silvaā€™s designation of C. sagrai, the type species of Choriphyllum, as nomen dubium in 2019 was incorrect as Servilleā€™s drawing clearly points to this species, endemic to Cuba, so nothing about its identity is doubtful. The genus Phyllotettix is endemic to Jamaica, where four species live: P. rhombeus (Felton, 1765), P. foliatus (Hancock, 1902a), P. compressus (Thunberg, 1815) and P. plagiatus (Walker, 1871), comb. nov. of Choriphyllum plagiatum. Choriphyllum westwoodi Hancock, 1902a, syn. nov. is synonymous with Phyllotettix rhombeus and not with P. compressus. A new subgenus is established, Phyllotettix (Rhombotettix) subgen. nov. for P. (R.) plagiatus comb. nov. and P. (R.) rhombeus. A new species complex, Phyllotettix (compressus) sp. complex nov. is established for two morphologically close species, P. compressus, and P. foliatus; while another new species complex, Choriphyllum (sagrai) sp. complex nov. includes C. sagrai and C. wallaceum sp. nov. An annotated key to genera, subgenera, species groups and species is provided

    Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja entomofaune sjemena poljskog (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) i pensilvanskog jasena (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) u Hrvatskoj

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    Native narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) and introduced green ash (F. pennsylvanica Marshall) are two most common ash (Fraxinus spp.) species in Croatian lowland forests, taking a significant place in these ecosystems. In the recent past it has been observed that narrow-leaved ash seed yields have reduced, emphasising the importance of good health status of those collected, as they are used for seedling production and consecutive regeneration of forest stands or afforestation. Given that insects could be an important factor affecting ash seed health status, the aim of this research was to gain insight into the species being present and their frequency in the ash seeds. In total 2.500 narrow-leaved ash and 1.000 green ash seeds from seven different locations were screened for insect presence. Analysed seeds were categorized as undamaged, insect damaged or empty, and observed insect specimens were identified by morphological and molecular genetic analysis. Green ash seeds revealed higher insect infestation in comparison with native ash species, with weevil Lygniodes bischoffii being the most numerous pest found. Narrow-leaved ash seeds were mostly occupied by the native weevil species, L. enucleator. Besides these pests, larval, pupal, and adult stages of parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera) and larval stage of the seed eating moth Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (Lepidoptera) were found in both ash species. However, given that pests detected in this study prefer urban areas or were present in a very small number of seeds, where they were often followed by parasitoids, it can be concluded that insects currently do not have a significant negative impact on the reproduction of narrow-leaved ash and green ash in forest stands.Autohtoni poljski jasen (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) i alohtoni pensilvanski jasen (F. pennsylvanica Marshall) su dvije najčeŔće vrste roda Fraxinus prisutne u nizinskim Å”umama Hrvatske, zbog čega zauzimaju važno mjesto u ovim Å”umskim ekosustavima. Posljednjih godina je zapaženo smanjenje uroda sjemena poljskog jasena, naglaÅ”avajući važnost dobrog zdravstvenog stanja sakupljenih količina, jer se sjeme koristi za proizvodnju sadnica koje se dalje upotrebljavaju za pomlađivanje Å”umskih sastojina ili poÅ”umljavanje. Kako kukci mogu imati velik utjecaj na zdravstveno stanje sjemena, cilj ovog istraživanja je bio dobiti uvid u prisutne vrste i njihovu učestalost u sjemenu jasena. Prisutnost kukaca je analizirana u ukupno 2.500 sjemenki poljskoga i 1.000 sjemenki pensilvanskog jasena. Promatrano sjeme je kategorizirano kao neoÅ”tećeno, oÅ”tećeno i prazno (Å”turo), a nađene jedinke kukaca su identificirane na temelju morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika i koriÅ”tenjem molekularno genetičke analize. Sjeme pensilvanskog jasena pokazalo je veću oÅ”tećenost kukcima u usporedbi sa sjemenom poljskoga jasena, pri čemu je pipa Lygniodes bischoffii bila najčeŔći utvrđeni Å”tetnik. OÅ”tećeno sjeme poljskog jasena je najčeŔće bilo nastanjeno autohtonom vrstom pipe, L. enucleator. Osim navedenih Å”tetnika, u sjemenu obje vrste jasena su nađene ličinke, kukuljice i imaga parazitoidnih osa (Hymenoptera) te ličinke Å”tetnika Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (Lepidoptera). S obzirom da Å”tetnici utvrđeni u istraživanju preferiraju urbana područja ili su nađeni na vrlo malom broju sjemena, često zajedno sa parazitoidima, može se zaključiti kako kukci trenutno nemaju značajan negativan utjecaj na zdravstveno stanje sjemena poljskog i pensilvanskog jasena u Å”umskim sastojinama
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