914 research outputs found

    Towards automated solutions for predictive monitoring of neonates

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    Public Financing for Low-cost Private Schools

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    Indonesia has a unique private schooling segment which contributes about 35% to the total number of schools in Indonesia. This segment mainly consists of Madrasah and Pondok Pesantren, which come under the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA), while public schools come under Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC). There is a much smaller and nascent sub-segment of private International schools, currently restricted to urban Java region. Madrasahs and Pesantren preexist public schools. They are both historic, culturally rooted and widely spread across the vast geography of Indonesia. Recognizing historical association of community-based educational institutions such as Madrasahs and Pesantren, the Education Law (Act 20/2003) of Indonesia states that the communities have the right to provide education, which is aligned with the social and cultural norms of the community

    Regulation of T Cell Receptor Signaling by Diacylglycerol Kinases and Phosphatidylinositol Transfer Proteins

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    Signals transduced through the T cell receptor (TCR) lead to T cell differentiation, proliferation, and elaboration of cytokines, all of which are required for optimal immunity. Phosphoinositide (PI) mediated signaling plays a particularly prominent role in this process. TCR signaling is amplified by the activation of phospholipase C γ1 (PLCγ1), which cleaves phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to form the second messengers diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol triphosphate (IP3). Regulation of PI and products such as DAG are therefore essential for normal TCR signaling. DAG levels are reduced by diacylglycerol kinases (DGKs), which metabolize DAG and diminish DAG-mediated signaling. In T cells, the predominant DGK isoforms expressed are DGKα and DGKζ. Deletion of either isoform enhances DAG-mediated signaling, yet the relative importance of these enzymes is unknown. Here, we describe that DGKζ but not DGKα suppresses natural regulatory T cell development and predominantly controls Ras and AKT signaling. The differential functions of DGKα and DGKζ are not attributable to differences in expression levels or localization to the T cell-APC contact site. However, RasGRP1, a key activator of Ras signaling, associated to a greater extent with DGKζ than DGKα. In addition, DGKζ displayed greater metabolism of DAG to PA after TCR stimulation than DGKα. In silico modeling of TCR-stimulated Ras activation in DGKα- versus DGKζ-deficient T cells suggested that a greater catalytic rate for DGKζ than DGKα could lead to increased suppression of Ras-mediated signals by DGKζ. DGKζ dominant functions over DGKα, therefore, are in part due to DGKζ\u27s greater effective enzymatic activity and association with RasGRP1. Future experiments will establish how DGK isoform function is regulated by TCR signaling. To examine how the DAG precursor PI is regulated, we performed a preliminary analysis of mice with a T cell specific deficiency of phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (PITP) α and β, which regulate PI-mediated signaling in vitro. Our initial in vivo studies suggest that deletion of PITPα and PITPβ at the double positive stage of T cell development results in loss of mature T cells in the thymus and periphery. Further experiments will establish why PITPs are required for normal T cell development

    Analytical Stellar Models of Neutron Stars in Teleparallel Gravity

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    In this paper, we developed three analytical models and obtained a new class of solutions describing compact stellar structures using the theory of teleparallel gravity. We consider the general anisotropic nature of stellar configurations and solve teleparallel gravity equations. In order to thoroughly analyze the various parameters of the stars, we developed three models by choosing various physically acceptable forms of metric potential ed(r) e^{d(r)} and radial pressure pr(r) p_r(r) . We also analyze the impact of teleparallel gravity's parameters β \beta and β1 \beta_1 on the description of the stellar structures. We calculated model parameters such that models describing various observed neutron stars obey all physical conditions to be potentially stable and causal. By analyzing the impact of various parameters of teleparallel gravity on the description of anisotropic stellar structures, we found that three models developed in this paper can describe anisotropic neutron stars ranging from low density to high density. Finally, we obtain a quadratic Equation of State for each model describing various neutron stars, which can be utilized to find compositions of the stellar structures. It is very useful to find models that can exhibit quadratic EOS, since material compositions of real neutron stars and strange stars are found to exhibit quadratic EOS by various authors. Non linear f(T) f(T) model gives high deviation of EOS from quadratic behaviour, thus, in this paper we work with linear f(T) f(T) function by using diagonal tetrad to model realistic compact stars.Comment: made equations more readable and implemented some changes suggested by reviewer

    Pendanaan Publik untuk Sekolah Swasta Berbiaya Rendah

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    Indonesia memiliki segmen sekolah swasta yang unik dan berkontribusi sekitar 35% dari total jumlah sekolah di Indonesia. Segmen ini terdiri atas Madrasah dan Pondok Pesantren yang berada di bawah Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) Republik Indonesia, sedangkan sekolah negeri berada di bawah naungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Republik Indonesia. Terdapat juga sub-segmen yang lebih kecil dan mulai tumbuh, yaitu sekolah swasta internasional yang mana saat ini hanya ditemukan di wilayah perkotaan Pulau Jawa. Madrasah dan Pesantren adalah sekolah swasta yang sudah ada sejak lama. Keduanya memiliki akar sejarah dan budaya, dan tersebar luas di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Selaras dengan pengakuan akan adanya asosiasi historis dari lembaga pendidikan berbasis masyarakat seperti Madrasah dan Pesantren, Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003) di Indonesia menyatakan bahwa masyarakat memiliki hak untuk memberikan pendidikan, yang selaras dengan norma sosial dan budaya masyarakat. Secara kolektif, Madrasah dan Pesantren swasta berkontribusi sekitar 18% dari total pendaftaran siswa di tingkat Sekolah Dasar. Pesantren sendiri memiliki bagian sekitar 7% dari total pendaftaran siswa di sekolah swasta. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan yang merupakan bagian dari Kemendikbud, mengamati bahwa selain porsi pendaftaran yang cukup besar, Madrasah dan Pondok Pesantren juga berkontribusi untuk memenuhi target Indeks Pembangunan Manusia PBB dan Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) kabupaten

    Flight Envelope Assessment of SmallSat Aerocapture Trajectories at Venus and Mars

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    Aerocapture is an increasingly studied orbit insertion concept for small satellite (SmallSat) missions beyond low Earth orbit (LEO). Compared to fully propulsive methods, aerocapture reduces the orbit-insertion propellant mass by approaching on a hyperbolic path and using the planetary atmosphere to reduce the vehicle’s velocity such that the final target orbit is achieved. This allows for an increase in payload mass delivered to orbit and a reduction in launch-to -orbit time. To analyze the feasibility at Venus and Mars, aerocapture flight envelope analysis is conducted by assessing the guidable trajectory space during atmospheric flight given entry conditions, vehicle properties, target parameters, and planet-dependent trajectory dispersions. The Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories II (POST2) is used to simulate both ballistic and lifting aerocapture trajectories with SmallSat-compatible aeroshell designs. The entry flight path angle is optimized to achieve a final target orbit for lift up/down and max/min control configurations. When plotted, the resulting area between the steep and shallow trajectories forms a flight envelope with planet-dependent ±3σ atmospheric, aerodynamic, and delivery state dispersion profiles applied. The results presented in this paper show that SmallSat aerocapture is feasible for lifting aeroshell designs at Mars and Venus as well as ballistic vehicle designs at Mars

    Longitudinally Tracking Maternal Autonomic Modulation During Normal Pregnancy With Comprehensive Heart Rate Variability Analyses

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    Changes in the maternal autonomic nervous system are essential in facilitating the physiological changes that pregnancy necessitates. Insufficient autonomic adaptation is linked to complications such as hypertensive diseases of pregnancy. Consequently, tracking autonomic modulation during progressing pregnancy could allow for the early detection of emerging deteriorations in maternal health. Autonomic modulation can be longitudinally and unobtrusively monitored by assessing heart rate variability (HRV). Yet, changes in maternal HRV (mHRV) throughout pregnancy remain poorly understood. In previous studies, mHRV is typically assessed only once per trimester with standard HRV features. However, since gestational changes are complex and dynamic, assessing mHRV comprehensively and more frequently may better showcase the changing autonomic modulation over pregnancy. Subsequently, we longitudinally (median sessions = 8) assess mHRV in 29 healthy pregnancies with features that assess sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, as well as heart rate (HR) complexity, HR responsiveness and HR fragmentation. We find that vagal activity, HR complexity, HR responsiveness, and HR fragmentation significantly decrease. Their associated effect sizes are small, suggesting that the increasing demands of advancing gestation are well tolerated. Furthermore, we find a notable change in autonomic activity during the transition from the second to third trimester, highlighting the dynamic nature of changes in pregnancy. Lastly, while we saw the expected rise in mean HR with gestational age, we also observed increased autonomic deceleration activity, seemingly to counter this rising mean HR. These results are an important step towards gaining insights into gestational physiology as well as tracking maternal health via mHRV