683 research outputs found

    Oral History Interview: Josephine Johnson

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    This interview is one of a series conducted with former employees of the Huntington Owens-Illinois, Inc. glass bottle factory. Mrs. Johnson, born April 20, 1927, worked at the Owens Plant in the office of the Machine Repair department for many years. Mrs. Johnson discusses the details of her job, the union, relations between workers, and how the positive atmosphere at the plant declined over the years she worked there.https://mds.marshall.edu/oral_history/1389/thumbnail.jp

    Informierte, aktive Entscheidung für einen Geburtsort dank Social Media? : Wie die Hausgeburt in schriftlichen deutschsprachigen Social Media dargestellt wird. Möglichkeiten, wie Fachpersonen den Entscheidungsfindungsprozess Schwangerer begleiten können

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    Hintergrund: Die Entscheidung für einen Geburtsort ist von verschiedensten Faktoren abhängig und wird zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten getroffen. Im deutschsprachigen Raum entscheiden sich ungefähr 1% der Schwangeren für eine Hausgeburt. Eine aktive Entscheidung für einen Geburtsort wirkt sich positiv auf die Zufriedenheit der Mutter aus. Im Entscheidungsfindungsprozess berücksichtigen Schwangere auch Inhalte aus dem Web2.0 und Social Media. Fragestellung und Zielsetzung: Wie wird die geplante Hausgeburt in deutschsprachigen schriftlichen Social-Media-Kanälen dargestellt und wie wirkt diese Darstellung auf Schwangere? Ziel der Arbeit ist, einen Überblick über schriftliche deutschsprachige Social-Media-Inhalte zur geplanten Hausgeburt zu bieten. Es werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie Fachpersonen Schwangere im Entscheidungsfindungsprozess bezüglich des Geburtsortes begleiten können. Methode: Zum einen fand eine systematische Literaturrecherche in verschiedenen Datenbanken statt, wobei eine relevante Studie berücksichtigt wurde. Zum anderen wurde anhand eines Inhaltsanalysetools eine Inhaltsanalyse von Social Media und Web 2.0 Inhalten durchgeführt Resultate: Auf reinen Social-Media-Seiten findet sich wenig zur Hausgeburt. Abhängig von der Suchart werden unterschiedliche Inhalte gefunden. Inhalte bei ungerichteter Suche diskutieren die Hausgeburt kontrovers, während bei aktiver Suche Schwangere auf überwiegend positive Inhalte stossen. Schlussfolgerung: Beratung durch Fachpersonen ist aufgrund fehlender evidenzbasierter Informationen besonders wichtig

    The Influence of Organizational Culture toward Work Satisfaction and Motivation to Organizational Commitment in Indonesian Plantation Company (case of AALI Tbk)

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    The main focus on this research is about human resource management in the plantation company that has different organizational cultures. This research was aimed at: (a) Analyzing the influence of organizational culture toward work satisfaction and organizational commitment; (b) Analyzing the influence of motivation toward work satisfaction and organizational commitment; (c) Analyzing the influence of motivation toward organizational commitment; (d) Analyzing the Relation Among organizational culture, work satisfaction, motivation and organizational commitment variables. This research took samples from two affiliates company of AALI Tbk of 214 respondents. The research instrument is closed questionnaire, while the simultaneous analysis tool to test the model is structural equation modeling (SEM). The research result showed that organizational culture has positive influence directly and indirectly to the work satisfaction and organizational commitment. The work satisfaction has positive influence directly or indirectly toward motivation and organizational commitment. Motivation influence organizational commitment


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    This research is about human resource management in the plantation company that has different organizational cultures than manufacturing and service companies. We want to see the influences of organizational culture, work satisfaction, motivation to organization performance. The aim of the study are: (a) Analyzing the influence of organizational culture toward job satisfaction and organization performance; (b) Analyzing the influence of job satisfaction toward motivation and organization performance; (c) Analyzing the influence of motivation toward organization performance; (d) Analyzing the relation among organizational culture, job satisfaction, motivation and organization performance variables. This research took samples from 2 affiliates company of AALI Tbk PT of 214 respondents. The research instrument is closed questionnaire, while the analysis tool to test simultaneous model is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research result showed that organizational culture has positive influence directly and indirectly to the job satisfaction and organization performance. The work satisfaction has positive influence directly or indirectly toward motivation and organization performance. Motivation influence organization performance

    The UK children's publishing house: adapting to change for the multimedia market.

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    Reports the results of the first stage of research (in progress, 1997-2000), which aims to develop an understanding of the challenges facing publishers who have entered the children's multimedia market in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s. The findings of the first stage of the research amongst established UK publishers producing multimedia for children are described. These point to a number of factors that appear to be critical to the success of publishers in the multimedial market: modification of corporate culture, internal structures and processes; branding of the company's chosen multimedia identity; focusing on the added value element of multimedia products; promotion of organisational learning, innovation and creativity within the company; and sourcing necessary skills effectively. A second study will examine the perceptions of new media companies which have entered this market


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    Central and local governments face various obstacles in realizing National Strategic Activities Center (PKSN) development. This paper aims to review it, by conducting normative studies. We study various literature and regulations issued by the government. Many of the problems in the field that must be considered. They are the absence of concrete minimum requirements related to border services within the city PKSN, the absence of incentives / disincentives to development programs "to-border" in PKSN , not yet the strict regulation on land management and spatial layout of PKSN, and the lack of Government support in terms of preparation of border city infrastructure, causing low attractiveness.Keywords: National Strategic Activities Center (PKSN), State Border Area, Spatial Plan (RTRW


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    This paper aims to review the spatial policy country border area in Maluku Province, by conducting normative studies. We study various literature and regulations issued by the government. The main source of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation Number 33 of 2015 concerning Spatial Planning for State Border Areas in Maluku Province. National Strategic Activities Center (PKSN) and Priority Location (Lokpri) planning and development is expected to provide direction for the development of border areas in a comprehensive manner and become an input for the process of formulating border area development policies at the national, provincial and district levels so that is independent and competitive. Keywords: spatial policy country border, National Strategic Activities Center (PKSN), Priority Location (Lokpri), independent and competitive

    Pengaruh Perubahan PER dan Perubahan EPS terhadap Perubahan Harga Saham Sektor Infrastruktur di BEI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari perubahan Price Earning Ratio(PER) dan perubahan Earning Per Share (EPS) terhadap perubahan harga dari perusahaanperusahaan di sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas, dan Transportasi yang terdaftar di Bursa EfekIndonesia pada 2014 - 2018. Data penelitian ini adalah berupa data sekunder. Metodepengambilan sampel yang digunakan ini adalah purposive sampling. Pengumpulan datadiperoleh dari situs web Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptifkuantitatif dengan data-data yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji asumsi klasik, lalu dilanjutkandengan uji-t, uji F, serta uji koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruhperubahan PER dan perubahan EPS terhadap perubahan harga saham menunjukkan pengaruhyang signifika