497 research outputs found

    Ghosts in the Smart Home

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    We are in the midst of a ‘post-anthropocentric’ turn in design, research and technology. The term refers to a renewed interest in a wide range of concepts, theoretical perspectives, and methodologies. Ghosts in the Smart Home is a post-anthropocentric experiment which manifests as a film whose cast of characters are all internet connected ‘smart’ devices. The motivation is to prototype and establish new ways to see, to be, and to know, which respond to the 21st century’s complex socio-technical system

    Multiple Subject Barycentric Discriminant Analysis (MUSUBADA): How to Assign Scans to Categories without Using Spatial Normalization

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    We present a new discriminant analysis (DA) method called Multiple Subject Barycentric Discriminant Analysis (MUSUBADA) suited for analyzing fMRI data because it handles datasets with multiple participants that each provides different number of variables (i.e., voxels) that are themselves grouped into regions of interest (ROIs). Like DA, MUSUBADA (1) assigns observations to predefined categories, (2) gives factorial maps displaying observations and categories, and (3) optimally assigns observations to categories. MUSUBADA handles cases with more variables than observations and can project portions of the data table (e.g., subtables, which can represent participants or ROIs) on the factorial maps. Therefore MUSUBADA can analyze datasets with different voxel numbers per participant and, so does not require spatial normalization. MUSUBADA statistical inferences are implemented with cross-validation techniques (e.g., jackknife and bootstrap), its performance is evaluated with confusion matrices (for fixed and random models) and represented with prediction, tolerance, and confidence intervals. We present an example where we predict the image categories (houses, shoes, chairs, and human, monkey, dog, faces,) of images watched by participants whose brains were scanned. This example corresponds to a DA question in which the data table is made of subtables (one per subject) and with more variables than observations

    Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Kosilek v. O\u27Brien

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    Jennifer Levi, on behalf of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, was one of the Authors of the Petition for Writ of Certiorari, filed in the Supreme Court of the United States on behalf of the Petitioner, Michelle Kosilek, in Kosilek v. O\u27Brien. Questions presented to the Court by the Petitioner were 1.) whether appellate courts must parse “ques­tions that present elements both factual and legal” into their factual and legal components, so that all factual findings can be reviewed for clear error, or whether, as the First Circuit ruled, they may review such questions as a whole along a “continuum” of deference, where the degree of deference given to the district court is of “variable exactitude,” and 2.) whether the Eighth Amendment prohibits prison officials from denying necessary medical treatment to a prisoner for non-medical reasons, such as security concerns

    Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care - South Australia, July - December 2018

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    The Australian palliative care sector is a world leader in using routine clinical assessment information to guide patient centred care and measure patient and family outcomes. Providers of palliative care are commended for their commitment to excellence in delivering evidence-based, patient-centred care by using the routine Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC) assessment framework and contributing patient data toward national outcome measurement and benchmarking. PCOC acknowledges the dedication and willingness of clinicians to improve the care of patients, their families and caregivers. The information collected is not just data - it represents the real-life outcomes of over 40,000 Australians who die an expected death every year. While the focus of this report is on the most recent information relating to July to December 2018, results over the last three years are also presented to highlight achievements and improvement in outcomes. The most recent information corresponds to 23,333 patients, having 29,931 episodes of care and 70,135 palliative care phases from 127 services who provide palliative care in hospital / hospice or in the person\u27s home

    Copy number variation analysis in the context of electronic medical records and large-scale genomics consortium efforts

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    The goal of this paper is to review recent research on copy number variations (CNVs) and their association with complex and rare diseases. In the latter part of this paper, we focus on how large biorepositories such as the electronic medical record and genomics (eMERGE) consortium may be best leveraged to systematically mine for potentially pathogenic CNVs, and we end with a discussion of how such variants might be reported back for inclusion in electronic medical records as part of medical history

    Cloning Hubble Deep Fields I: A Model-Independent Measurement of Galaxy Evolution

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    We present a model-independent method of quantifying galaxy evolution in high-resolution images, which we apply to the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). Our procedure is to k-correct all pixels belonging to the images of a complete set of bright galaxies and then to replicate each galaxy image to higher redshift by the product of its space density, 1/V_{max}, and the cosmological volume. The set of bright galaxies is itself selected from the HDF, because presently the HDF provides the highest quality UV images of a redshift-complete sample of galaxies (31 galaxies with I<21.9, \bar{z}=0.5, and for which V/V_{max} is spread fairly). These galaxies are bright enough to permit accurate pixel-by-pixel k-corrections into the restframe UV (\sim 2000 A). We match the shot noise, spatial sampling and PSF smoothing of the HDF data, resulting in entirely empirical and parameter-free ``no-evolution'' deep fields of galaxies for direct comparison with the HDF. In addition, the overcounting rate and the level of incompleteness can be accurately quantified by this procedure. We obtain the following results. Faint HDF galaxies (I>24) are much smaller, more numerous, and less regular than our ``no-evolution'' extrapolation, for any interesting geometry. A higher proportion of HDF galaxies ``dropout'' in both U and B, indicating that some galaxies were brighter at higher redshifts than our ``cloned'' z\sim0.5 population.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, replacement includes figures not previously include

    A profile of patients receiving palliative care in Western Australia for January - June 2019

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    The Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC) is a national program that aims to improve the quality and outcomes of palliative care in Australia. This is achieved via a standardised clinical language that supports a national data collection. This report provides a high level profile of 4,181 patients who received palliative care in Western Australia during July to December 2018 and had their pain, symptom, family / carer and psychological / spiritual issues assessed as part of routine clinical care

    The Grizzly, October 3, 1986

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    Berman Collection • Former Phila. Cop Anchors Security Force • Letters: Not Ones to Dampen Festive Spirits; What is this thing?; It\u27s Aluminating! • Not a Dichotomous Community • Temple Fires Conversation Perhaps More Than Unger Imagined • Grizzlies Pound Green Terrors • Hockey Upsets Temple, Falls to Lock Haven • Nolan Institutes In-Service RA Training • Soccer: Bears Choose Tri-Captains • Parker Parked in Injury Garage • Athlete of the Week: Schoenherr Shows her Stuff • Resume Workshophttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1170/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, October 3, 1986

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    Berman Collection • Former Phila. Cop Anchors Security Force • Letters: Not Ones to Dampen Festive Spirits; What is this thing?; It\u27s Aluminating! • Not a Dichotomous Community • Temple Fires Conversation Perhaps More Than Unger Imagined • Grizzlies Pound Green Terrors • Hockey Upsets Temple, Falls to Lock Haven • Nolan Institutes In-Service RA Training • Soccer: Bears Choose Tri-Captains • Parker Parked in Injury Garage • Athlete of the Week: Schoenherr Shows her Stuff • Resume Workshophttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1170/thumbnail.jp
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