373 research outputs found

    A World Federal State: A Study of the PRogression of Civilization and a Recommendation for the Future

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    The progression of human civilization sits at the crossroads. Fueled by an emphasis in recent decades on interdependence, the world has realigned its economic and political operations to an international scale. Couple this development with grand advancements made in technology which have served to unite the world, and human civilization has set off on a path that leads to further integration. What is needed, however, is a realization of the inherent benefits that would come from the creation of a capitalistic world federal system

    Hybrid Nanostructures for Artificial Machine Olfaction

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    The detection of low level concentrations of particles in a gaseous environment is of importance to many fields, especially Homeland Security. The ability to identify ppb concentrations of explosives and their degradation products can aid in the detection of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), ammunition dumps, or hidden explosives. One method of accomplishing this task is through the use of an array of chemiresistors in an electronic nose device. For this study, chemiresistors were constructed using 3-D silica nanospring mats with a contiguous film of ZnO nanocrystals and ZnO nanocrystals decorated by metallic nanoparticles. Samples with an average grain size of 15nm were found to be the most responsive and upon exposure to a gas flow of 20% O2 and 80% N2 with ~200 ppm of acetone and an operational temperature of 400 oC produced a relative change in conductance by a factor of 400. The addition of metal nanoparticles onto the surface of the ZnO nanocrystals produced a relative change in conductance by a factor of 1100. Under optimum conditions, sensing elements of this design exhibited well-defined spikes in conductance upon exposure to explosive vapors (TNT, TATP) at the ppb levels. The use of a pattern recognition system allowed discrimination between three analyte chemicals

    An Interdisciplinary Approach to Experiential Learning in Cyberbiosecurity and Agriculture Through Workforce Development

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    Cyberbiosecurity and workforce development in agriculture and the life sciences (ALS) is a growing area of need in the curriculum in higher education. Students that pursue majors related to ALS often do not include training in cyber-related concepts or expose the ‘hidden curriculum’ of seeking internships and jobs. Exposing students through workforce development training and hands-on engagement with industry professionals can provide learning opportunities to bridge the two and is an area of growth and demand as the workforce evolves. The objectives of this work were 1) to learn key concepts in cybersecurity, including data security, visualization, and analysis, to name a few, through class activities and engagement with professional partners and 2) to understand what knowledge students gained from participating in the course could transfer over for when they enter the workforce. Three themes emerged from the study where students, through direct engagement with industry partners, gained more insight about the industry applicable to their studies; they established work environment expectations for entering internships and official job placements and established ways in which the workforce development training informed their future careers

    What distinguishes high and low-lethality suicide attempts in older adults? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Those making suicide attempts with highly lethal medical consequences are arguably the best proxy for those who die by suicide and represent a qualitatively different population from those making lower lethality attempts. Different factors influence the likelihood of a suicide attempt occurring and the lethality of that attempt. Both are important dimensions of risk. Older adults represent a distinct group in suicide research with unique risk factors that influence the lethality of their suicide attempts. This systematic review and meta-analysis summarises factors distinguishing those making high and low-lethality suicide attempts in older adulthood. Databases PsycINFO, PubMed (MEDLINE), Embase and CINAHL were systematically searched with seven of 1182 unique records included. Random effects meta-analyses were conducted on 18 variables in addition to a narrative synthesis regarding executive function. Only increased suicidal intent and planning meaningfully distinguished high from low-lethality attempters in meta-analyses. A large effect size was additionally observed for white ethnicity. Diminished alcohol use disorder prevalence and depression severity, and greater cognitive impairment, may be associated with high lethality attempters but further research is needed. Age and gender were not associated with lethality, contrary to adult populations. A narrative synthesis of studies exploring differences in executive functioning suggested high-lethality attempters were less likely to impulsively act on suicidal urges, allowing them to better plan suicide attempts that are more lethal, and are less likely to alter suicidal plans. Key limitations were that meta-analyses were underpowered to detect small effect sizes, and samples were largely white and limited to the USA

    Increased Cortical Cerebral Blood Flow in Asymptomatic Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Subjects

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infected individuals are at high risk for ischemic stroke. To investigate the physiological basis for this risk, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) in treatment naïve asymptomatic HIV-infected subjects and controls

    Dark matter line searches towards dwarf galaxies with H.E.S.S

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    High energy gammagamma-rays are powerful probes in the search for annihilations of dark matter (DM) par- ticles in dense environments. In several DM particle models their annihilation produces characteristic features such as lines, bumps or cut-offs in their energy spectrum. The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes is perfectly suited to search for such features from multi-TeV mass DM particles. The Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies (dSphs) of the Local Group are the most common satellites of the Milky Way and assumed to be gravitationally bound dominantly by DM, with up to O(10 3 ) times more mass in DM than in visible matter. Over the past decade, several observational campaigns on dwarf satellite galaxies were launched by H.E.S.S. amounting to more than 140 hours of exposure in total. The observations are reviewed here. In the absence of clear signals, the expected spectral and spatial morphologies of signal and background are used to derive constraints on the DM particle annihilation cross- section for particle models producing line-like signals. The combination of the data of all the dwarf galaxies allows a significant improvement in the HESS sensitivity

    Restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) spot identification by second generation virtual RLGS in multiple genomes with multiple enzyme combinations.

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    BackgroundRestriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) is one of the most successfully applied methods for the identification of aberrant CpG island hypermethylation in cancer, as well as the identification of tissue specific methylation of CpG islands. However, a limitation to the utility of this method has been the ability to assign specific genomic sequences to RLGS spots, a process commonly referred to as "RLGS spot cloning."ResultsWe report the development of a virtual RLGS method (vRLGS) that allows for RLGS spot identification in any sequenced genome and with any enzyme combination. We report significant improvements in predicting DNA fragment migration patterns by incorporating sequence information into the migration models, and demonstrate a median Euclidian distance between actual and predicted spot migration of 0.18 centimeters for the most complex human RLGS pattern. We report the confirmed identification of 795 human and 530 mouse RLGS spots for the most commonly used enzyme combinations. We also developed a method to filter the virtual spots to reduce the number of extra spots seen on a virtual profile for both the mouse and human genomes. We demonstrate use of this filter to simplify spot cloning and to assist in the identification of spots exhibiting tissue-specific methylation.ConclusionThe new vRLGS system reported here is highly robust for the identification of novel RLGS spots. The migration models developed are not specific to the genome being studied or the enzyme combination being used, making this tool broadly applicable. The identification of hundreds of mouse and human RLGS spot loci confirms the strong bias of RLGS studies to focus on CpG islands and provides a valuable resource to rapidly study their methylation

    Can clinician’s risk assessments distinguish those who disclose suicidal ideation from those who attempt suicide?

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    Participants were 85 individuals who made suicide attempts within two years of their Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) assessment, identified using record linkage. Two comparison groups, non-suicidal controls (n = 1416) and (ideators, n = 743) were compared on variables extracted from the standardized IAPT risk assessment interview. Disclosure of a historical suicide attempt or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) distinguished those making an attempt from those with suicidal ideation only, but suicidal intent did not. A third of the participants concealed a historical suicide attempt. The IAPT Phobia Scale classified 49.30% of attempters with 100% specificity. The IAPT Phobia Scale may have clinical value in assessing risk but requires validation. Past suicide attempt and NSSI have better clinical risk assessment utility than current suicidal ideation intensity. Risk assessment relying on disclosure is likely to be flawed and risks support being withheld from those assumed to be at lower risk

    Selective regulation of IP3-receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis by the BH4 domain of Bcl-2 versus Bcl-Xl

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    Antiapoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) targets the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) via its BH4 domain, thereby suppressing IP3R Ca2+-flux properties and protecting against Ca2+-dependent apoptosis. Here, we directly compared IP3R inhibition by BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl. In contrast to BH4-Bcl-2, BH4-Bcl-Xl neither bound the modulatory domain of IP3R nor inhibited IP3-induced Ca2+ release (IICR) in permeabilized and intact cells. We identified a critical residue in BH4-Bcl-2 (Lys17) not conserved in BH4-Bcl-Xl (Asp11). Changing Lys17 into Asp in BH4-Bcl-2 completely abolished its IP3R-binding and -inhibitory properties, whereas changing Asp11 into Lys in BH4-Bcl-Xl induced IP3R binding and inhibition. This difference in IP3R regulation between BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl controls their antiapoptotic action. Although both BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl had antiapoptotic activity, BH4-Bcl-2 was more potent than BH4-Bcl-Xl. The effect of BH4-Bcl-2, but not of BH4-Bcl-Xl, depended on its binding to IP(3)Rs. In agreement with the IP3R-binding properties, the antiapoptotic activity of BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl was modulated by the Lys/Asp substitutions. Changing Lys17 into Asp in full-length Bcl-2 significantly decreased its binding to the IP3R, its ability to inhibit IICR and its protection against apoptotic stimuli. A single amino-acid difference between BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl therefore underlies differential regulation of IP(3)Rs and Ca2+-driven apoptosis by these functional domains. Mutating this residue affects the function of Bcl-2 in Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis
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