22 research outputs found

    Sleeping sickness and its relationship with development and biodiversity conservation in the Luangwa valley, Zambia

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    The Luangwa Valley has a long historical association with Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) and is a recognised geographical focus of this disease. It is also internationally acclaimed for its high biodiversity and contains many valuable habitats. Local inhabitants of the valley have developed sustainable land use systems in co-existence with wildlife over centuries, based on non-livestock keeping practices largely due to the threat from African Animal Trypanosomiasis. Historical epidemics of human sleeping sickness have influenced how and where communities have settled and have had a profound impact on development in the Valley. Historical attempts to control trypanosomiasis have also had a negative impact on conservation of biodiversity. Centralised control over wildlife utilisation has marginalised local communities from managing the wildlife resource. To some extent this has been reversed by the implementation of community based natural resource management programmes in the latter half of the 20th century and the Luangwa Valley provides some of the earliest examples of such programmes. More recently, there has been significant uncontrolled migration of people into the mid-Luangwa Valley driven by pressure on resources in the eastern plateau region, encouragement from local chiefs and economic development in the tourist centre of Mfuwe. This has brought changing land-use patterns, most notably agricultural development through livestock keeping and cotton production. These changes threaten to alter the endemically stable patterns of HAT transmission and could have significant impacts on ecosystem health and ecosystem services. In this paper we review the history of HAT in the context of conservation and development and consider the impacts current changes may have on this complex social-ecological system. We conclude that improved understanding is required to identify specific circumstances where win-win trade-offs can be achieved between the conservation of biodiversity and the reduction of disease in the human population.Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA

    Characterisation of the Wildlife Reservoir Community for Human and Animal Trypanosomiasis in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia

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    Animal and human trypanosomiasis are constraints to both animal and human health in Sub-Saharan Africa, but there is little recent evidence as to how these parasites circulate in natural hosts in natural ecosystems. A cross-sectional survey of trypanosome prevalence in 418 wildlife hosts was conducted in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia, from 2005 to 2007. The overall prevalence in all species was 13.9%. Infection was significantly more likely to be detected in waterbuck, lion, greater kudu and bushbuck, with a clear pattern apparent of the most important hosts for each trypanosome species. Human infective Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense parasites were identified for the first time in African buffalo and T. brucei s.l. in leopard. Variation in infection is demonstrated at species level rather than at family or sub-family level. A number of significant risk factors are shown to interact to influence infection rates in wildlife including taxonomy, habitat and blood meal preference. Trypanosoma parasites circulate within a wide and diverse host community in this bio-diverse ecosystem. Consistent land use patterns over the last century have resulted in epidemiological stability, but this may be threatened by the recent influx of people and domesticated livestock into the mid-Luangwa Valley

    Storage, Accumulation and Deceleration of Secondary Beams for Nuclear Astrophysics

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    Low-energy investigations on rare ion beams are often limited by the available intensity and purity of the ion species in focus. Here, we present the first application of a technique that combines in-flight production at relativistic energies with subsequent secondary beam storage, accumulation and finally deceleration to the energy of interest. Using the FRS and ESR facilities at GSI, this scheme was pioneered to provide a secondary beam of 118^{118}Te52+^{52+} for the measurement of nuclear proton-capture at energies of 6 and 7 MeV/u. The technique provided stored beam intensities of about 10610^6 ions at high purity and brilliance, representing a major step towards low-energy nuclear physics studies using rare ion beams

    Quantifying Heterogeneity in Host-Vector Contact: Tsetse (Glossina swynnertoni and G. pallidipes) Host Choice in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

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    Identifying hosts of blood-feeding insect vectors is crucial in understanding their role in disease transmission. Rhodesian human African trypanosomiasis (r-HAT or ‘sleeping sickness’) caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and transmitted by tsetse flies, is commonly associated with wilderness areas of east and southern Africa. Such areas hold a diverse range of species which form communities of hosts for disease maintenance. The relative importance of different wildlife hosts remains unclear. This study quantified tsetse feeding preferences in a wilderness area of great host species richness, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, assessing tsetse feeding and host density contemporaneously. Glossina swynnertoni and G.pallidipes were collected from six study sites. Bloodmeal sources were identified through matching Cytochrome B sequences amplified from bloodmeals from fed flies to published sequences. Densities of large mammal species in each site were quantified, and feeding indices calculated to assess the relative selection or avoidance of each host species by tsetse. The host species most commonly identified in G. swynnertoni bloodmeals, warthog (94/220), buffalo (48/220) and giraffe (46/220), were found at relatively low densities (3-11/km2) and fed on up to 15 times more frequently than expected by their relative density. Wildebeest, zebra, impala and Thomson’s gazelle, found at the highest densities, were never identified in bloodmeals. Commonly identified hosts for G. pallidipes were buffalo (26/46), giraffe (9/46) and elephant (5/46). This study is the first to quantify tsetse host range by molecular analysis of tsetse diet with simultaneous assessment of host density in a wilderness area. Although G.swynnertoni and G.pallidipes can feed on a range of species, they are highly selective. Many host species are rarely fed on, despite being present in areas where tsetse are abundant. These feeding patterns, along with the ability of key host species to maintain and transmit T.b.rhodesiense, drive the epidemiology of r-HAT in wilderness areas

    Storage, accumulation and deceleration of secondary beams for nuclear astrophysics

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    International audienceLow-energy investigations on rare ion beams are often limited by the available intensity and purity of the ion species in focus. Here, we present the first application of a technique that combines in-flight production at relativistic energies with subsequent secondary beam storage, accumulation and finally deceleration to the energy of interest. Using the FRS and ESR facilities at GSI, this scheme was pioneered to provide a secondary beam of 118Te52+ for the measurement of nuclear proton-capture at energies of 6 and 7 MeV/u. The technique provided stored beam intensities of about 106 ions at high purity and brilliance, representing a major step towards low-energy nuclear physics studies using rare ion beams

    Measurement of the Isolated Nuclear Two-Photon Decay in 72Ge^{72}\mathrm{Ge}

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    International audienceThe nuclear two-photon or double-gamma (2γ2\gamma) decay is a second-order electromagnetic process whereby a nucleus in an excited state emits two gamma rays simultaneously. To be able to directly measure the 2γ2\gamma decay rate in the low-energy regime below the electron-positron pair-creation threshold, we combined the isochronous mode of a storage ring with Schottky resonant cavities. The newly developed technique can be applied to isomers with excitation energies down to ∼100\sim100 keV and half-lives as short as ∼10\sim10 ms. The half-life for the 2γ2\gamma decay of the first-excited 0+0^+ state in bare 72Ge^{72}\mathrm{Ge} ions was determined to be 23.9(6)23.9\left(6\right) ms, which strongly deviates from expectations

    Proton capture on stored radioactive 118^{118}Te ions

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    International audienceExperimental determination of the cross sections of proton capture on radioactive nuclei is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is of substantial interest for the understanding of the production of the p-nuclei. For the first time, a direct measurement of proton-capture cross sections on stored, radioactive ions became possible in an energy range of interest for nuclear astrophysics. The experiment was performed at the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI by making use of a sensitive method to measure (p,γ) and (p,n) reactions in inverse kinematics. These reaction channels are of high relevance for the nucleosyn-thesis processes in supernovae, which are among the most violent explosions in the universe and are not yet well understood. The cross section of the 118Te(p,γ) reaction has been measured at energies of 6 MeV/u and 7 MeV/u. The heavy ions interacted with a hydrogen gas jet target. The radiative recombination process of the fully stripped 118Te ions and electrons from the hydrogen target was used as a luminosity monitor. An overview of the experimental method and preliminary results from the ongoing analysis will be presented

    Measurement of the Isolated Nuclear Two-Photon Decay in 72Ge^{72}\mathrm{Ge}

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    International audienceThe nuclear two-photon or double-gamma (2γ2\gamma) decay is a second-order electromagnetic process whereby a nucleus in an excited state emits two gamma rays simultaneously. To be able to directly measure the 2γ2\gamma decay rate in the low-energy regime below the electron-positron pair-creation threshold, we combined the isochronous mode of a storage ring with Schottky resonant cavities. The newly developed technique can be applied to isomers with excitation energies down to ∼100\sim100 keV and half-lives as short as ∼10\sim10 ms. The half-life for the 2γ2\gamma decay of the first-excited 0+0^+ state in bare 72Ge^{72}\mathrm{Ge} ions was determined to be 23.9(6)23.9\left(6\right) ms, which strongly deviates from expectations