27 research outputs found

    The vaginal microflora in relation to gingivitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gingivitis has been linked to adverse pregnancy outcome (APO). Bacterial vaginosis (BV) has been associated with APO. We assessed if bacterial counts in BV is associated with gingivitis suggesting a systemic infectious susceptibilty.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Vaginal samples were collected from 180 women (mean age 29.4 years, SD ± 6.8, range: 18 to 46), and at least six months after delivery, and assessed by semi-quantitative DNA-DNA checkerboard hybridization assay (74 bacterial species). BV was defined by Gram stain (Nugent criteria). Gingivitis was defined as bleeding on probing at ≥ 20% of tooth sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A Nugent score of 0–3 (normal vaginal microflora) was found in 83 women (46.1%), and a score of > 7 (BV) in 49 women (27.2%). Gingivitis was diagnosed in 114 women (63.3%). Women with a diagnosis of BV were more likely to have gingivitis (p = 0.01). Independent of gingival conditions, vaginal bacterial counts were higher (p < 0.001) for 38/74 species in BV+ in comparison to BV- women. Counts of four lactobacilli species were higher in BV- women (p < 0.001). Independent of BV diagnosis, women with gingivitis had higher counts of <it>Prevotella bivia </it>(p < 0.001), and <it>Prevotella disiens </it>(p < 0.001). <it>P. bivia, P. disiens, M. curtisii </it>and <it>M. mulieris </it>(all at the p < 0.01 level) were found at higher levels in the BV+/G+ group than in the BV+/G- group. The sum of bacterial load (74 species) was higher in the BV+/G+ group than in the BV+/G- group (p < 0.05). The highest odds ratio for the presence of bacteria in vaginal samples (> 1.0 × 10<sup>4 </sup>cells) and a diagnosis of gingivitis was 3.9 for <it>P. bivia </it>(95% CI 1.5–5.7, p < 0.001) and 3.6 for <it>P. disiens </it>(95%CI: 1.8–7.5, p < 0.001), and a diagnosis of BV for <it>P. bivia </it>(odds ratio: 5.3, 95%CI: 2.6 to 10.4, p < 0.001) and <it>P. disiens </it>(odds ratio: 4.4, 95% CI: 2.2 to 8.8, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Higher vaginal bacterial counts can be found in women with BV and gingivitis in comparison to women with BV but not gingivitis. <it>P. bivia </it>and <it>P. disiens </it>may be of specific significance in a relationship between vaginal and gingival infections.</p

    Themis2/ICB1 Is a Signaling Scaffold That Selectively Regulates Macrophage Toll-Like Receptor Signaling and Cytokine Production

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    BACKGROUND: Thymocyte expressed molecule involved in selection 1 (Themis1, SwissProt accession number Q8BGW0) is the recently characterised founder member of a novel family of proteins. A second member of this family, Themis2 (Q91YX0), also known as ICB1 (Induced on contact with basement membrane 1), remains unreported at the protein level despite microarray and EST databases reporting Themis2 mRNA expression in B cells and macrophages. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we characterise Themis2 protein for the first time and show that it acts as a macrophage signalling scaffold, exerting a receptor-, mediator- and signalling pathway-specific effect on TLR responses in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Themis2 over-expression enhanced the LPS-induced production of TNF but not IL-6 or Cox-2, nor TNF production induced by ligands for TLR2 (PAM3) or TLR3 (poly IratioC). Moreover, LPS-induced activation of the MAP kinases ERK and p38 was enhanced in cells over-expressing Themis2 whereas the activation of JNK, IRF3 or NF-kappaB p65, was unaffected. Depletion of Themis2 protein by RNA inteference inhibited LPS-induced TNF production in primary human macrophages demonstrating a requirement for Themis2 in this event. Themis2 was inducibly tyrosine phosphorylated upon LPS challenge and interacted with Lyn kinase (P25911), the Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor, Vav (P27870), and the adaptor protein Grb2 (Q60631). Mutation of either tyrosine 660 or a proline-rich sequence (PPPRPPK) simultaneously interrupted this complex and reduced by approximately 50% the capacity of Themis2 to promote LPS-induced TNF production. Finally, Themis2 protein expression was induced during macrophage development from murine bone marrow precursors and was regulated by inflammatory stimuli both in vitro and in vivo. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We hypothesise that Themis2 may constitute a novel, physiological control point in macrophage inflammatory responses

    A protein–protein interaction map of the Caenorhabditis elegans 26S proteasome

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    The ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway is pivotal in most biological processes. Despite a great level of information available for the eukaryotic 26S proteasome—the protease responsible for the degradation of ubiquitylated proteins—several structural and functional questions remain unanswered. To gain more insight into the assembly and function of the metazoan 26S proteasome, a two-hybrid-based protein interaction map was generated using 30 Caenorhabditis elegans proteasome subunits. The results recapitulate interactions reported for other organisms and reveal new potential interactions both within the 19S regulatory complex and between the 19S and 20S subcomplexes. Moreover, novel potential proteasome interactors were identified, including an E3 ubiquitin ligase, transcription factors, chaperone proteins and other proteins not yet functionally annotated. By providing a wealth of novel biological hypotheses, this interaction map constitutes a framework for further analysis of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in a multicellular organism amenable to both classical genetics and functional genomics