1,254 research outputs found

    Single walled carbon nanotube array as working electrode for dye solar cells

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    A new working electrode for dye solar cells has been fabricated incorporating an array of dye sensitised single walled carbon nanotubes on an indium tin oxide coated glass substrate as a replacement for the titania used in conventional dye solar cells

    Do primary care medical homes facilitate care transitions after psychiatric discharge for patients with multiple chronic conditions?

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    Primary-care-based medical homes may facilitate care transitions for persons with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) including serious mental illness. The purpose of this manuscript is to assess outpatient follow-up rates with primary care and mental health providers following psychiatric discharge by medical home enrollment and medical complexity

    Do Medical Homes Offer Improved Diabetes Care for Medicaid Enrollees with Co-occurring Schizophrenia?

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    To determine whether Medicaid recipients with co-occurring diabetes and schizophrenia that are medical-home-enrolled are more likely to receive guideline-concordant diabetes care than those who are not medical-home-enrolled, controlling for confounders

    Delays in Leniency Application: Is There Really a Race to the Enforcer's Door?

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    This paper studies cartelsā€™ strategic behavior in delaying leniency applications, a take-up decision that has been ignored in the previous literature. Using European Commission decisions issued over a 16-year span, we show, contrary to common beliefs and the existing literature, that conspirators often apply for leniency long after a cartel collapses. We estimate hazard and probit models to study the determinants of leniency-application delays. Statistical tests find that delays are symmetrically affected by antitrust policies and macroeconomic fluctuations. Our results shed light on the design of enforcement programs against cartels and other forms of conspiracy

    Natural climate solutions

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    Our thanks for inputs by L. Almond, A. Baccini, A. Bowman, S. CookPatton, J. Evans, K. Holl, R. Lalasz, A. Nassikas, M. Spalding, M. Wolosin, and expert elicitation respondents. Our thanks for datasets developed by the Hansen lab and the NESCent grasslands working group (C. Lehmann, D. Griffith, T. M. Anderson, D. J. Beerling, W. Bond, E. Denton, E. Edwards, E. Forrestel, D. Fox, W. Hoffmann, R. Hyde, T. Kluyver, L. Mucina, B. Passey, S. Pau, J. Ratnam, N. Salamin, B. Santini, K. Simpson, M. Smith, B. Spriggs, C. Still, C. Strƶmberg, and C. P. Osborne). This study was made possible by funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Woodbury was supported in part by USDA-NIFA Project 2011-67003-30205 Data deposition: A global spatial dataset of reforestation opportunities has been deposited on Zenodo (https://zenodo.org/record/883444). This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1710465114/-/DCSupplemental.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Effects of Hydration Status on Heart Rate Variability Following Supramaximal Intensity Exercise

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is a non-invasive method used to monitor physiological stress via assessment of sympathetic and parasympathetic regulations and can indicate an individualā€™s recovery and readiness to exercise. Evidence suggests dehydration negatively impacts HRV; however, the influence of hydration status on HRV following supramaximal resistance exercise (RE) is unknown. PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of hydration status on HRV indices following supramaximal intensity RE. METHODS: 14 recreationally resistance-trained men (age, 21 Ā± 2 years; height, 176.25 Ā± 5.84 cm; weight, 81.31 Ā± 12.77 kg) participated in this study. In a randomized, counterbalanced order, participants performed a supramaximal intensity RE protocol in a euhydrated (EUH; urine specific gravity [USG] \u3c 1.020) and a dehydrated (DEH; USG \u3e 1.020) state, with conditions separated by 2 weeks. HRV indices (standard deviation of normal sinus beats [SDNN], root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats [RMSSD], high frequency power [HF], low frequency power [LF], LF:HF ratio, standard deviation of PoincarĆ© plot perpendicular to [SD1] and along the line of identity [SD2]) were measured with participants lying in a supine position for 5 minutes in a dark room at baseline, immediately post-, 1hr-, 2hr-, and 3hr post-RE. Repeated measure analysis of variance was used to determine the effect of hydration status on HRV indices at each timepoint, with Bonferroni corrections for post-hoc analysis. RESULTS: RMSSD was significantly higher 1hr post-exercise in EUH (30.69 Ā± 7.09 ms) compared to DEH (16.31 Ā± 2.44 ms; p = 0.04). Similarly, HF power was significantly higher 1hr post-exercise in EUH (32.49 Ā± 4.12 %) compared to DEH (16.63 Ā± 2.71 %; p \u3c 0.01). In contrast, LF power was lower 1hr post-exercise in EUH (57.74 Ā± 3.62 %) compared to DEH (75.95 Ā± 3.42 %; p = 0.02), with LF:HF ratio significantly lower in EUH (2.36 Ā± 0.62) than DEH (6.21 Ā± 1.34; p = 0.01). SD1 was significantly greater 1hr post-exercise in EUH (21.74 Ā± 5.03 ms) than DEH (11.54 Ā± 1.73 ms; p = 0.04). No significant condition by time effects were observed for SDNN and SD2, or at remaining timepoints. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that recovery and readiness to exercise are impaired 1hr following supramaximal intensity RE in a dehydrated state. However, impairments were ameliorated 2-3hrs proceeding the RE bout

    Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam dengan Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy dalam Menangani Keterasingan Seorang Lesbi di Semolowaru Surabaya

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    Dalam skripsi terdapat dua fokus permasalahan yang dikaji, yaitu (1) Bagaimana proses Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam dengan Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy dalam menangani keterasingan seorang lesbi? (2) Bagaimana hasil pelaksanaan Bimbingan Konseling Islam dengan Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy dalam menangani keterasingan seorang lesbi? Dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif komparatif yaitu membandingkan data teori dengan data yang ada di lapangan. Sedangkan dalam mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, serta peneliti turun langsung kelapangan untuk mengumpulkan data. Setelah data terkumpul, analisa dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses serta hasil dengan membandingkan kondisi konseli sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan konseling. Proses yang dilakukan oleh konselor yang pertama adalah identifikasi masalah, diagnosis, prognosis, selanjutnya treatment dengan langkah pertama, konselor merubah pikiran-pikiran irrasionalnya kearah yang lebih rasional. Kedua, memperbaiki cara berfikir konseli dan menyadarkan bahwa pemikiran irrasional negatif dapat dirubah menjadi positif dan ketiga, memberi alternative pemecahan masalah, dengan member tugas-tugas dalam memperbaiki perilaku negatif konseli. Setelah proses konseli selesai yaitu langkah terakhir menindakk lanjuti masalah yang dialami oleh konseli setelah dilakukannya proses konseling. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa masalah yang terjadi adalah keterasingan yang disebabkan pola pikir dan perilaku konseli yang negative. Perilaku tersebut sangat dilarang oleh norma agama. Dalam penelitian ini proses konseling yang dilaksanakan menggunakan Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, yang mana peneliti menggunakan beberapa teknik untuk menangani masalah tersebut. Dengan pendekatan ini diharapkan konseli bisa menerima kenyataan pada perilakunya saat ini dan bisa merubah perilaku buruknya menjadi perilaku yang baik. Sedangkan hasil akhir dari proses konseling terhadap konseli dalam penelitian ini cukup berhasil yang mana hasil tersebut dapat diliihat dari adanya perubahan perilaku yang terjadi pada konseli yang sudah bisa berbaur dengan masyarakat dan meninggalkan perilaku negatifnya
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