676 research outputs found

    A Framework proposal for monitoring and evaluating training in ERP implementation project

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    During the last years some researchers have studied the topic of critical success factors in ERP implementations, out of which 'training' is cited as one of the most ones. Up to this moment, there is not enough research on the management and operationalization of critical success factors within ERP implementation projects.Postprint (published version

    Using the partial least squares (PLS) method to establish critical success factor interdependence in ERP implementation projects

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    This technical research report proposes the usage of a statistical approach named Partial Least squares (PLS) to define the relationships between critical success factors for ERP implementation projects. In previous research work, we developed a unified model of critical success factors for ERP implementation projects. Some researchers have evidenced the relationships between these critical success factors, however no one has defined in a formal way these relationships. PLS is one of the techniques of structural equation modeling approach. Therefore, in this report is presented an overview of this approach. We provide an example of PLS method modelling application; in this case we use two critical success factors. However, our project will be extended to all the critical success factors of our unified model. To compute the data, we are going to use PLS-graph developed by Wynne Chin.Postprint (published version

    Regulation of bistability in the std fimbrial operon of Salmonella enterica by DNA adenine methylation and transcription factors HdfR, StdE and StdF

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    Bistable expression of the Salmonella enterica std operon is controlled by an AND logic gate involving three transcriptional activators: the LysR-type factor HdfR and the StdE and StdF regulators encoded by the std operon itself. StdE activates transcription of the hdfR gene, and StdF activates std transcription together with HdfR. Binding of HdfR upstream of the std promoter is hindered by methylation of GATC sites located within the upstream activating sequence (UAS). Epigenetic control by Dam methylation thus antagonizes formation of the StdE-StdF-HdfR loop and tilts the std switch toward the StdOFF state. In turn, HdfR binding hinders methylation of the UAS, permitting activation of the StdE-StdF-HdfR loop and concomitant formation of StdON cells. Bistability is thus the outcome of competition between DNA adenine methylation and the StdE-StdF-HdfR activator loop.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades [BIO2016–75235-P

    La utilidad de los folletos de información de, medicamentos en pacientes cronicos hospitalizados

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    ResumenPara conocer cómo los pacientes perciben los folletos informativos sobre medicamentos, se ha realizado un estudio en una muestra de 65 pacientes ingresados en un hospital por enfermedades respiratorias y cardiacas crónicas.El 47,7% de los pacientes declaró que la información principal obtenida de los folletos se refería a la finalidad del fármaco, seguidos por el 18,5%, que resaltó el manejo de situaciones imprevistas y los efectos secundarios. El 63% declaró que no le había aportado información nueva. Una proporción importante de pacientes desconocía el uso correcto de algunos términos empleados con frecuencia en folletos y prospectos (80% de errores con el término «fuera de las comidas»).Se concluye que los folletos informativos pueden ser útiles en el marco de una buena relación médico-paciente, como recordatorio y para reforzar los conocimientos que ya posee el paciente. El momento idóneo para la educación sobre los medicamentos en las enfermedades crónicas es al iniciar su tratamiento.SummaryTo know how patients perceive the information leaflets about medicines, it has been carried out a study in a sample of 65 patients admitted to a hospital for chronic respiratory or cardiac diseases.A 47.7% of patients expressed that the main information provided by the leaflet was such concerning to the purpose of the drug, whereas a 18.5% pointed out such concerning to side effects and management of unexpected circumstances. Sixty three percent of patients expressed that leaflets did not provide them new information. A relevant percentage of patients did not know the meaning of some terms frequently used in leaflets and package-inserts (80% of mistakes in the interpretation of «take the drug on an empty stomach»).It is concluded that the information leaflets can be useful in the framework of a good physician-patient relationship, as a reminder, and to reinforce the knowledge that the patient already has. It is considered that the most appropriate time for the education of chronic patients about drugs is when the treatment is prescribed for the first time


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    Some researchers have studied the critical success factors in ERP implementations, out of which sustained management support is cited as the most one. Up to this moment, there is not enough research on the management and operationalization of critical success factors within ERP implementation projects. This paper presents a proposal for monitoring sustained management support in ERP implementations. In order to develop a set of metrics for such a monitoring task, we have used the goals/questions/metrics approach. As a result, we propose a GQM preliminary plan with different metrics to monitor and control sustained management support while implementing an ERP system

    El "De ratione" de G. Vico: una crítica política del cartesianismo

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    Este trabajo indaga la línea ético-política que anima el pensamiento de Vico desde el principio de sus Oraciones Inaugurales, y se centra en el De ratione, el séptimo de estos discursos de apertura del año académico en la Universidad de Nápoles. Este De ratione evidencia la denuncia de Vico sobre la dificultad y los inconvenientes de aplicar el método cartesiano a la vida civil. De este modo, la obra de Vico se muestra como una moderna crítica de la “nueva crítica” de Descartes y de la aplicación del método geométrico al conocimiento del mundo humano.This paper inquiries into the ethical-political line that inspires Vico’s thought since the beginning of his Inaugural Addressess, and is focused on De ratione, the seventh of those opening discourses of the academic year in the University of Naples. De ratione is an expression of Vico’s denounce of the difficulties and disadvantages of applying the Cartesian method to the civil life. In this way, the work of Vico is presented as some form of modern criticism of Descartes’ “new criticism”, and of his application of the geometrical method to our knowledge of the HUMAN WORLD