10 research outputs found

    Valoración ecográfica de la atrofia muscular del supraespinoso y su relación con la patología del manguito rotador en el hombro del deportista

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    De manera general se ha pretendido profundizar en el uso de la ecografía para la valoración muscular, y específicamente en el comportamiento del trofismo muscular del supraespinoso midiendo su área de sección transversa con ecografía en deportistas con dolor de hombro y un grupo control. A todos los sujetos de les midió el área de sección transversa, el túnel sub-acromial mediante dos procedimientos descritos en la literatura específica, el grosor del tendón del supraespinoso y la sección del trapecio superior mediante ecografía, así como la horas de entrenamiento. El grupo control lo componen 43 sujetos y 38 el grupo estudio, todos ellos deportistas en activo. En nuestros resultados se observaron diferencias significativas en el área de sección transversa entre grupos p=0,011 (GE:752mm2; GC:810mm2) . En el grosor del tendon p=0,008 (GE:5,61mm; GC:6,17mm.). No se encontraron diferencias en las distancias medidas para valorar el túnel sub-acromial. En las horas de entrenamiento también hubo diferencias p=0,021 (GE:6,8h.; GC:8,4h.). El examen ecográfico del músculo supraespinoso, aporta datos objetivos que pueden ayudar a realizar una correcta recuperación funcional en deportistas con dolor de hombro. En deportistas que realizan el gesto de lanzamiento con el brazo no es relevante el estudio de la altura del túnel subacromial, y las horas de entrenamiento son un factor profiláctico en la aparición de dolor de hombro y de la atrofia del músculo supraespinoso.MedicinaTerapia y RehabilitaciónActividad Física y Deport

    Edición de recursos audiovisuales para la enseñanza universitaria de las competencias en tareas motrices. Aplicación a la técnica de estilos de natación. Póster

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    [SPA]El uso del entorno multimedia en el deporte ha sido aplicado en diversos campos como el análisis del rendimiento, simulación y modelación del movimiento, bases de datos y procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los programas de enseñanza y aprendizaje utilizados en la educación física y basados en el uso interactivo de ordenadores ofrecen medios excelentes para demostrar el potencial del entorno multimedia (Baca, 2001). Algunas empresas ofrecen extraordinarios programas de análisis de video para los deportes, pero estas herramientas a menudo resultan ser inaccesibles para departamentos universitarios y estudiantes. El paquete del sistema operativo más común (Windows©) incluye poderosas herramientas d edición de imagen y video que pueden iniciar a los estudiantes en el mundo multimedia (i.e. Paint©, Movie Maker©). Algunos programas académicos (ingeniería) que han utilizado el soporte multimedia han mostrado (entre otros) un incremento en la motivación del alumno, mejores técnicas que aumentaron su potencial de empleo y que algunos interpretaron como útil en un futuro, desarrollo de una comprensión más profunda de los contenidos técnicos y una base para crear futuros recursos de aprendizaje multimedia (Bramhall, Radley, & Metcalf, 2008). Los objetivos de este programa son introducir a los estudiantes en la edición de video e imagen y utilizar herramientas multimedia para crear materiales académicos en relación con la enseñanza de la técnica de natación. [ENG]The use of multimedia environment in sport has been applied to several fields such as performance analysis, biomechanics, virtual simulations and modeling of movement, databases and teaching-learning processes. Computer interactive learning and teaching programs used for education in sports provide excellent means for demonstrating the potential of multimedia (Baca, 2001). Several companies provide superb sport’s video analysis software, but these tools are often inaccessible for students or university departments. The most common operative system package (Windows©) includes some powerful image and video processing tools that may initiate the students into multimedia (i.e. Paint©, Movie Maker©). Academic programs (engineering) using multimedia support have revealed (among others) an improvement of the students’ motivation, better skills that increased their employability and that some thought that would be of use in the future, development of a deeper understanding of the technical content and a basis to create future learning media resources (Bramhall, Radley, & Metcalf, 2008). The aims of this program are to introduce the students into image and video editing and to use multimedia tools in order to create academic materials related to teaching swimming technique.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Implantación de nuevas metodologías para la impartición de los contenidos teóricos en le Grado de Fisioterapia. Póster

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    [SPA]La metodología didáctica que se expone se está implantando en del Grado en Fisioterapia en la Universidad de Valencia (UV) y son herramientas que se adaptan a los postulados constructivistas del EEES Analizar la implantación metodológica para los contenidos teóricos en el Grado en Fisioterapia de la UV. Se han implantado los métodos de lección magistral participativa, los mapas conceptuales y el estudio de casos enseñanza-aprendizaje durante las clases teóricas del presente curso académico, con el fin de desarrollar las competencias de la propuesta educativa de los estudiantes de segundo curso del Grado en Fisioterapia. La lección magistral participativa ha permitido mejorar la comunicación del profesor con el estudiante alternando con otras técnicas didácticas potenciando sus ventajas. Los mapas conceptuales han mostrado resultados positivos para establecer las relaciones que parten de un concepto, así como para interrelacionar los contenidos. El estudio de casos ha permitido realizar análisis completos de casos o problemas reales clínicos, acercando a la realidad asistencial al estudiante. Estos métodos has sido muy eficaces en el proceso de aprendizaje promoviendo la motivación por parte del estudiante y del profesor, así como el análisis crítico de la información. [ENG]This article presents the teaching methodology that is being introduced in the Degree in Physiotherapy of the University of Valencia (UV). It consists of teaching tools adapted to the EHEA constructivist postulates. To analyse the introduction of new teaching methodologies for the theoretical aspects of the Degree course in Physiotherapy of the UV. The teaching-learning methods of participative lecture, concept maps and case studies have been incorporated to the theory classes during the current academic year, with the aim of developing the competences of the education proposal for Year 2 of the Degree in Physiotherapy. Participative lecture has achieved to improve the teacher-student communication, alternating with other teaching techniques that amplify its strengths. - Concept maps have reported positive results for establishing connections from a particular concept, as well as for interconnecting contents. - Case studies have made possible to carry out comprehensive analyses of clinical cases or “real word” problems, drawing clinical reality up to the student. These methods have proved to be very effective in the teaching-learning process, encouraging the student’s and the teacher’s motivation, as well as the critical analysis of information.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Foot and Lower Limb Clinical and Structural Changes in Overuse Injured Recreational Runners Using Floating Heel Shoes: Preliminary Results of a Randomised Control Trial

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    Foot-strike and the associated load rate are factors related to overuse injuries in runners. The purpose of this study was to analyse structural and functional changes in runners using floating heel running shoes, compared with runners using conventional footwear. A randomised control trial was conducted. Twenty runners with overuse injuries were followed over a 12-week gait retraining programme using floating heel running shoes or their conventional footwear. Pain was measured with pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), structural changes were measured with ultrasonography, and severity and impact of injury was scored on the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Overuse Injury Questionnaire (OSTRC-O). Statistical differences were found between groups after the intervention (p p p < 0.05). A 12-week gait retraining programme using floating heel running shoes had positive effects on the injury recovery process when compared to the use of conventional footwear, with significant differences in terms of pain and impact on sports activity

    Impact of hip abductor and adductor strength on dynamic balance and ankle biomechanics in young elite female basketball players

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    This study aimed to evaluate, in an isolated and relative manner, hip abductor (ABD) and adductor (AD) strength and to study the extent to which these factors are related to balance and ankle dorsiflexion mobility in young elite female basketball players. Sixty trainee-level elite female basketball players (13–18 years old), who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study, were divided into three subgroups based on competition age divisions (U14, U16, U18). Isometric hip ABD and AD strength in each leg was evaluated using the ForceFrame Strength Testing System, also calculating the strength ratio and imbalance between legs. Y Balance Test (YBT) and ankle dorsiflexion mobility were also assessed. ANOVA was used for between-group differences analysis. Likewise, the impact of hip strength on balance and ankle mobility was analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient. A linear regression model for dependent variables was created with all variables that exhibited significant correlations. A between-group comparison analysis for the three competition age subgroups (U14, U16, U18) revealed non-significant differences (p > 0.005) for the hip strength variables except for hip ABD strength. The correlation study showed low-moderate effect sizes for hip ABD (in both the contralateral and homolateral limb) and AD strength (only the homolateral limb) with YBT and ankle dorsiflexion. However, when performing a regression model, only right hip ABD significantly predicted right limb YBT scores (β = 0.592, p = 0.048). The present study indicated that, although both hip ABD and AD strength correlate with balance and ankle mobility with low-moderate effect sizes, only hip ABD strength was found to significantly predict YBT scores. Therefore, the potential role of hip ABD strength in particular, but also hip AD strength, for monitoring and enhancing balance and ankle mobility outcomes, should be taken into consideration when designing and implementing preventive strategies for lower-limb injuries.Sin financiación4.996 JCR (2021) Q1, 19/73 Multidisciplinary Science1.005 SJR (2021) Q1, 11/138 MultidisciplinaryNo data IDR 2020UE

    Epidemiology of Injuries in First Division Spanish Women's Soccer Players

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    The epidemiology of injuries in female soccer has been studied extensively in several national leagues. Even so, data on the first division Spanish league are limited. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiology of the first division of the Spanish Women's Soccer League and to analyze data in relation to game position, circumstance, or the moment of injury. Fifteen teams and 123 players participated in the study. Players' characteristics and their injuries (location, type, diagnosis, circumstance, and moment) were collected. Injuries were described by their frequencies (number and percentage) and incidence rates (IR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Lower limb injuries accounted for 86.8% of total injuries. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and meniscus injuries occurred in totality in non-contact circumstance (0.35/1000 h; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.62 and 0.23/1000 h; 95% CI, 0.10 to 0.45, respectively). Match injury IRs (19.02/1000 h; 95% CI, 14.89 to 23.97) were significantly higher than training (1.70/1000 h; 95% CI, 1.27 to 2.22). As a conclusion, structures such as the ACL or meniscus are most commonly injured in the non-contact circumstance in the first division of the Spanish Women's Soccer League. In addition, match situations involve a greater risk of injury than training, increasing the risk to the ankle and knee injuries as the season progresse

    Cross Sectional Area of the Supraspinatus Muscle and Acromio-humeral Distance in Overhead Athletes With and Without Shoulder Pain: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Context: The supraspinatus muscle has an important role in the stabilization of the glenohumeral joint. Identifying abnormalities concerning its size and the subacromial space in the presence of pain may be relevant to provide more specific treatments focused on the etiology of pain. Objective: To determinate whether painful shoulder causes changes in the supraspinatus cross-sectional area (CSA) and the acromio-humeral distance (AHD) between overhead athletes. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: University campus and local sports clubs' Physical Therapist room. Participants: 81 male overhead athletes were divided into 2 groups according to the presence of shoulder pain and clinical symptoms. Main Outcome Measures: Ultrasonography measurements of the supraspinatus CSA and the AHD in 2 groups of overhead athletes with and without pain. Results: In the pain group, the CSA was significantly smaller compared with the no pain group. No differences between groups were found in the AHD measurement. Conclusions: Shoulder pain in overhead athletes was associated with a reduction in their supraspinatus muscle CSA, but not in the AHD. These findings suggest that muscle atrophy exists in the presence of pain. However, in active overhead athletes, the AHD is not clearly reduced in overhead athletes with shoulder pain. Further studies are needed to understand this condition.Sin financiación1.811 JCR (2017) Q2, 28/65 Rehabilitation0.769 SJR (2017) Q1, 29/125 RehabilitationNo data IDR 2017UE

    Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Neuromodulation on Abductor Muscles Electrical Activity in Subjects with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) is a major cause of functional impairment, resulting in consequences like job absenteeism and reduced quality of life. Risk factors such as muscle weakness and tightness have been implicated. Electromagnetic fields have therapeutic effects on human tissue, including pain relief and muscle relaxation. This study aimed to examine the impact of a tape with magnetic particles (MPT) applied to the lumbar area on abductor muscle strength and surface electromyography (sEMG) of the Gluteus Medius and Tensor of the Fascia Lata muscles in individuals with NSCLBP. Methods: It was carried out a double-blind, randomized, controlled, crossover trial and with test retest, with 41 consecutive patients younger than 65 years who previously diagnosed with NSCLBP to assess the effect of a MPT over hip abductor muscle strength and activity. sEMG and force data were obtained during the Hip Stability Isometric Test (HipSIT). The HipSIT was used to assess the abduction strength using a hand-held dynamometer and sEMG. The HipSIT uses the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). Four trials were recorded and the mean extracted for analysis. The tape was applied with either a MPT or a sham magnetic particle tape (SMPT) bilaterally without tension on from L1 to L5 paravertebral muscles. Results: The significant increase in the recruitment of fibers and the significant increase in the maximum voluntary contraction by applying MPT with respect to the SMPT, correspond to the increases in the Peak Force and the decrease in the time to reach the maximum force (peak time) of both muscles. Conclusion: Application of a MPT in patients with NSCLBP suggests an increase in muscle strength of the Gluteus Medius and Tensor Fascia Lata bilaterally during the HipSIT test. Lumbar metameric neuromodulation with MPT improves muscle activation of the hip musculature.Sin financiación2.7 Q3 JCR 20220.667 Q2 SJR 2022No data IDR 2022UEMUE


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