2,568 research outputs found

    Bolivia 1991 Catalog

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    Concentración de Plomo en manzanas y su relación con el tiempo de exposición al medio ambiente del Cercado de Lima

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en el distrito del Cercado de Lima, exactamente el área de estudio se ubica en las avenidas Abancay y Grau. Actualmente existen varias investigaciones que demuestran que existe concentración de contaminantes metálicos en los alimentos, algunos de estos antecedentes son: El contenido de metales pesados en berberechos en conserva y fresco; en este trabajo se determinó los niveles de metales pesados (zinc, cobre, plomo y cadmio) en muestras de berberechos comercializados en España. Otro estudio de mención significante es el estudio comparativo sobre niveles de metales pesados en almejas en conserva y en fresco comercializadas en Galicia (España), en este estudio se determinó los contenidos de algunos metales (Cu, Zn, Cd y Pb) en muestras de almejas comercializadas en Galicia. Es decir que mediante las investigaciones de metales en los alimentos que se han efectuado, se ha podido constatar que existe contaminación alimentaria. Debido a los antecedentes mencionados se da cabida para la realización de la investigación, ya que por motivos de concentraciones metálicas en los alimentos pueden llegar a ser un factor importante que origine daños a la salud a corto y largo plazo. Mediante la investigación se plantea un objetivo. El objetivo es: Determinar la concentración de Plomo en manzanas en función del tiempo de exposición al aire libre de las avenidas Abancay y Grau. El estudio comprendió primeramente, la realización de encuestas con el fin de levantar información principalmente del tiempo máximo de exposición al aire libre de las manzanas, sus ventas al día y su compra por semana. Posteriormente se procedió a la toma de muestra de manzanas que son comercializadas por los ambulantes, el método que se utilizó para el análisis es el método de espectrometría de absorción atómica y se tomaron 11 muestras en 4 puntos de venta y estuvo identificado como EV (Estación de Venta). Las 11 muestras dieron como resultado por debajo del límite de detección (<0,034 mg/Kg) del equipo (Espectrometría de Absorción Atómica) y concerniente al resultado se puede concluir que los alimentos en los 3 días de muestreo no son suficientes para sobrepasar el límite de detección del equipo, sin embargo es posible que se pueda detectar el contaminante si se expone más tiempo, pero no sería muy probable que se originaría una venta de manzanas a más de tres días, debido a que las encuestas realizadas a los vendedores se determinó que el 59% de encuestados (18) respondió que se demora en vender sus manzanas de dos a tres días como máximo, por lo cual no habría un riesgo de que una persona que compra manzanas en el área, pueda llevársela contaminada y que afecte a la salud, debido a que el valor límite impuesto por el Reglamento de la (CE) se encuentra a un nivel superior y no se consideraría como toxico (0.1 mg/Kg)

    Origin and evolutionary trends of the Neogene genera Amaurolithus and Nicklithus (calcareous nannofossils)

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    Sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 999 and 1237 in the Caribbean Sea and Eastern Pacific Ocean were studied to monitor the evolution of ceratoliths from 7.4 Ma to 6 Ma. Orthorhabdus rugosus shows high variability at the end of the Tortonian to the Early Messinian (7.35 Ma to 6.91 Ma), resulting in the Amaurolithus (7.354 Ma) and Nicklithus branches (6.985 Ma). Orthorhabdus rugosus is an ortholith with three blades (sinistral, median, and dextral). The first ceratholith, A. primus, has two arms and a horseshoe shape with marked laths, and is stable and concave upwards. Its sinistral arm is formed from the sinistral blade of O. rugosus and the right arm is formed from the other blades. Early robust A. primus evolved into stylised forms and then to A. delicatus (7.226 Ma), an almost plain horseshoe ceratolith with two arms. The left arm, usually the longer one, comes from the sinistral wing of A. primus and has a characteristic flattened omega section (Ω) without laths. There is a distribution overlap between A. primus and A. delicatus; the highest occurrence of the first one, at 6.282 Ma, is a newly proposed bioevent for the Messinian. After this, Amaurolithus does not have laths in its longer left arm and should be included in A. delicatus. The second branch has only one species, Nicklithus amplificus, which became extinct at 6.049 Ma. In addition, the dextral and median blades of O. rugosus form N. amplificus dextral arm and the sinistral arm, which has the characteristic beak, hook, or hawk's bill, which is the main difference between the development of this horseshoe and that of the previous one. The descriptions of A. primus, A. delicatus, and N. amplificus were specified based on the proposed evolutionary genesis.This work was supported by projects RTI2018-099489-B-I00 and PID2020-114381GB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities). This study was funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU project GVA-THINKINAZUL/2021/039

    Origin and evolution of the Neogene calcareous nannofossil Ceratolithus

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    Sediment samples of deep marine oceanic ODP boreholes from sites 999 in the Caribbean Sea and 1237 in the Eastern Pacific Ocean covering the period between 6 and 4.5 Ma have been studied with a focus on ceratolith evolution. Orthorhabdus rugosus is a nannolith with three blades (sinistral, median, and dextral) that first appeared during the Serravallian, it is not-birefringent in its stable orientation. It shows a high morphological variability time-interval at the end of the Messinian to the basal Pliocene (5.5 to 5 Ma) during which Ceratolithus (5.484 Ma) evolved. Changes occurred in the sinistral and median blades, whilst the dextral blade was reduced. Ceratolithus finifer n. comb is the first species of the evolutionary line. The nannolith stable position changed during its evolution, resulting in the older forms showing low birefringence and the younger ones moderate to high birefringence in the most stable orientation. Ceratolithus acutus, with an arrowhead shape, Ceratolithus armatus, and the morphologically distinct C. larrymayeri evolved from C. finifer with all three species showing high birefringence. The previous O. rugosus and C. finifer continued. Finally, C. armatus gives rise to C. cristatus. Ceratolithus atlanticus and C. tricorniculatus also evolved from C. finifer. All the species mentioned become extinct during the Pliocene except Ceratolithus cristatus that lives today. Detailed observations permit the analysis of the evolutionary trends of the group, possible mechanisms, patterns, and processes of speciation, and establish new criteria to define the species that, by their relative abundance and short geologic range, have permitted adjustment of biostratigraphic markers for this period.This work was supported by the projects RTI2018-099489-B-I00 and PID2020-114381GB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities). This study was funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) project GVA-THINKINAZUL/2021/039

    Un framework de programación dinámica para IoT

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    El crecimiento del Internet of Things está permitiendo la conexión a la red de muchos dispositivos. La tecnología debería permitir a estos dispositivos adaptarse automáticamente a las necesidades de sus usuarios. Con este propósito, desarrollamos en trabajos anteriores la arquitectura de referencia People as a Service, para crear perfiles virtuales de los usuarios almacenados en sus smartphones. Sin embargo, para la obtención de un perfil completo necesitamos información de contexto, que solo pueden proporcionarnos estos dispositivos del entorno. Nuestro objetivo es desarrollar un framework en el que usuarios y dispositivos conectados se integren de manera transparente y dinámica, permitiendo una actualización programática de los perfiles y el comportamiento de los dispositivos. De esta forma, damos un primer paso hacia un Mundo Programable.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards dynamically programmable devices using beacons

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    With the grow of the Web of Things, lots of devices are being connected to the network. Many of these devices require human interaction when using them. In a desirable scenario, technology should allow to automatically adapt the behavior of these devices to the needs and expectations of their us-ers. To this extent, in previous work we proposed the Internet of People model to automatically develop virtual profiles of people, stored in their smartphones. However, in order to build a complete virtual profile with in-formation about the user’s environment and context, we need also the con-tribution of these surrounding devices. Our goal is to develop a framework in which users and smart devices are integrated seamlessly and in real time, al-lowing programmatic adaptation and update of both virtual user profiles and surrounding devices. As a proof of concept, in this paper we propose the use of beacons for dynamically downloading and executing in the smartphone scripts for updating the virtual profile with context information, and trigger actions both in the smartphone and the devices. This way, we take a first step to an effective Programmable World, in which everyday objects con-nected to the network can be programmatically adapted to their users.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Complex event processing for health monitoring

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    The increase of the life expectancy has become a problem in regions with a low population density. This fact is caused by the existence of small towns all far from one another and with the peculiarity of many elders with special health care living there. This situation increases in a high percentage the health costs of the region having to attend daily all these elders who need a close mon-itoring. We live in a IoT era with a huge quantity of new connected devices with lots of sensors. Taking advantage of this, it is possible to monitor these elders from the distance without having to cover the complete area of the region every day. This way, our approach is using a mobile centric architecture that permits the elders having a device which infers a health virtual profile of them with data from its sensors and from other smart devices like bands with pulsometers. At this point we propose using Complex Event Processing techniques to combine the data coming from all sources and analyze it to extract meaningful information for the doctors and caregivers and even detect important events like falls in real time.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Expectations for Faculty in Latin America

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    Faculty load in the US varies from 40-40-10 (research-teaching-service) in research oriented institutions to 25-50-25 in teaching oriented institutions. Consulting is normally not part of the formula and case writing is generally not considered as part of the research load. Latin America is quite different. A 25-25-25-25 load (that includes consulting as a separate area) is not atypical and research can often be accomplished through case writing. However, Latin America is not homogenous and some very specific institutions are exceptional even including few faculty positions that are 100% research. The panel will provide an overview of the expectations in different countries (particularly Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru) and discuss how current expectations deal with international accrediting bodies that might be requiring different mixtures
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