1,727 research outputs found

    The barley a-thionin promotor is rich in negative regulatory motifs and directs tissue-specific expression of a reporter gene in tobacco.

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    The promoter of the barley α-thionin gene (1.6 kb) fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene directs temporally-controled, tissue-specific expression in the endosperm of transgenic tobacco. The nucleotide sequence of this promoter shows negative regulatory motifs which have been functionally analyzed in other gene

    Engineered axon tracts within tubular biohybrid scaffolds

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    Injuries to the nervous system that involve the disruption of axonal pathways are devastating to the individual and require specific tissue engineering strategies. Here we analyse a cells-biomaterials strategy to overcome the obstacles limiting axon regenerationin vivo, based on the combination of a hyaluronic acid (HA) single-channel tubular conduit filled with poly-L-lactide acid (PLA) fibres in its lumen, with pre-cultured Schwann cells (SCs) as cells supportive of axon extension. The HA conduit and PLA fibres sustain the proliferation of SC, which enhance axon growth acting as a feeder layer and growth factor pumps. The parallel unidirectional ensemble formed by PLA fibres and SC tries to recapitulate the directional features of axonal pathways in the nervous system. A dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explant is planted on one of the conduit's ends to follow axon outgrowth from the DRG. After a 21 d co-culture of the DRG + SC-seeded conduit ensemble, we analyse the axonal extension throughout the conduit by scanning, transmission electronic and confocal microscopy, in order to study the features of SC and the grown axons and their association. The separate effects of SC and PLA fibres on the axon growth are also experimentally addressed. The biohybrid thus produced may be considered a synthetic axonal pathway, and the results could be of use in strategies for the regeneration of axonal tracts

    Dissolution du marriage des couples de même sexe: A qui est attribué la garde des enfants?

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    Tras la puesta en marcha de la Ley 15/2005 son bastantes las parejas del mismo sexo que han contraído matrimonio. Tras 15 años, muchas de ellas se han disuelto, lo que conlleva que otras tantas se hayan visto envueltas en procesos de asignación de custodia de los hijos. El presente artículo pretende conocer cómo se distribuyen las modalidades de custodia tras el divorcio de matrimonios compuestos por cónyuges del mismo sexo y que variables sociales se relacionan con las mismas. Se hace uso de metodología cuantitativa utilizando, concretamente, la Estadística de Nulidades, Separaciones y Divorcios (INE) y aplicando análisis de tipo descriptivo y multivariante. Se concluye que la custodia compartida es una modalidad al alza tras la disolución de estos matrimonios, superando desde 2016 a la modalidad exclusiva. Además, variables como la tenencia de hijos menores o mayores dependientes, la existencia de ley en materia de custodia de cada comunidade autónoma, la edad de los cónyuges y el fallo de la sentencia, son variables que influyen en la modalidad de la misma.Após a implementação da Lei 15/2005, existem muitos casais de gays que se casaram. Após cerca de 15 anos, muitos deles se dissolveram, o que significa que muitos outros se envolveram nos processos de alocação de guarda dos filhos. Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer como as modalidades de custódia são distribuídas após o divórcio de casamentos homossexuais e quais variáveis ​​sociais as influenciam. Para isso, utiliza-se metodologia quantitativa utilizando, especificamente, a Estatística de Anulações, Separações e Divórcios (INE). Conclui-se que a guarda compartilhada é uma modalidade ascendente após a dissolução desses casamentos, superando desde 2016 a modalidade exclusiva. Além disso, variáveis ​​como a posse de filhos menores ou mais dependentes, a existência da lei de custódia de cada Comunidade Autônoma, a idade dos cônjuges e o julgamento da sentença, são variáveis ​​que determinam sua modalidade.After the implementation of Law 15/2005, there are quite a few same sex couples who have married. After 15 years, many of them have dissolved, which means that many others have been involved in child custody allocation processes. This article aims to know how custody modalities are distributed after the divorce of same-sex marriages and what social variables influence them. For this, quantitative methodology is applied, using, specifically, the Statistics on Annulments, Separations and Divorces (INE) and applying descriptive and multivariate analyses. It is concluded that shared custody is an upward modality after the dissolution of these marriages, surpassing since 2016 the exclusive modality. In addition, variables such as the possession of dependent minor or elder children, the existence of the custody law of each Autonomous Community, the age of the spouses and the judgment of the sentence, are variables that influence its modality.Après l’entrée en vigueur de la loi 15/2005, de nombreux couples de même sexe ont contracté mariage. Après 15 ans, beaucoup d’entre eux ont été dissous, ce qui signifie que beaucoup d’autres ont été impliqués dans des processus d’attribution de la garde des enfants. Cet article vise à savoir comment se répartissent les modalités de garde après le divorce dans les mariages composés de conjoints de même sexe et quelles variables sociales leur sont liées. Une méthodologie quantitative est utilisée, en particulier en utilisant les statistiques de nullité, de séparation et de divorce (INE) et en appliquant une analyse descriptive et multivariée. Il est conclu que la garde partagée est une modalité en augmentation après la dissolution de ces mariages, dépassant la modalité exclusive depuis 2016. En outre, des variables telles que la possession d’enfants mineurs ou âgés à charge, l’existence d’une loi sur la garde de chaque communauté autonome, l’âge des conjoints et la décision de justice, sont des variables qui influencent la modalité de celle-ci

    Influence of polarization on keyhole probability on a MIMO-OFDM train-to-wayside system on tunnels

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    This paper presents a deep insight on a real implementation of a train-to-wayside broadband radio on subway tunnels that makes use of a 2x2 MIMO-OFDM setup. A keyhole is a phenomenon that usually happens in tunnels and that seriously degrades channel?s capacity, even if both transmitter and receiver antennas are uncorrelated. The main purpose of this paper is to study in detail the influence of the polarization in the probability of having a keyhole on a MIMOOFDM train-to-wayside communication system on a tunnel. MIMO keyholes are studied in four different polarization setups, six different tunnels cross-sections and, finally, capacity results are provided

    Measurements of a MIMO train-to-wayside communication system on tunnels

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    This paper presents a deep insight on a real implementation of a train-to-wayside radio on subway tunnels that makes use of a 2x2 MIMO-OFDM setup. The following parameters on the performance of such a system are investigated: polarization diversity, antenna separation, tunnel cross-section influence and MIMO capacity. Moreover, two different channel matrices have been calculated, assuming uniform power allocation and performing the waterfilling algorithm. Finally, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of a real MIMO-based train-to-wayside broadband radio. Measurements were carried out on Line 3 of Metro de Madrid, Spain

    Keyhole estimation of a MIMO-OFDM train-to-wayside communication system on subway tunnels

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    This letter presents a deep insight on a real implementation of a train-to-wayside radio on subway tunnels that makes use of a 2 2 multiple-input?multiple-output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) setup. The main purpose of this letter is to study in detail the keyhole phenomenon of an MIMO-OFDM train-to-wayside communication system on a tunnel. MIMO keyholes are studied in different tunnels sections, and capacity results are provided. Moreover, we introduce the first keyhole measurements on a railway tunnel. Finally, we follow a quantitative approach to estimate keyhole probabilities on each tunnel stretch and capacity outage curves

    Virtual reality to improve low-back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy: a pilot RCT for a multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    A significant proportion of women experience low back and pelvic pain during and after pregnancy, which can negatively impact their daily lives. Various factors are attributed to these complaints, and many affected women do not receive adequate healthcare. However, there is evidence to support the use of different physiotherapeutic interventions to alleviate these conditions. Virtual reality is a promising complementary treatment to physiotherapy, particularly in improving pain perception and avoidance. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a four-week program combining VR and physiotherapy compared to standard physiotherapy in pregnant women with low back and pelvic pain, in terms of improving pain avoidance, intensity, disability, and functional level. The study also aims to investigate patient satisfaction with the VR intervention. This research will be conducted through a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial involving pregnant patients residing in the provinces of Seville and Malaga with a diagnosis of low back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. The alternative hypothesis is that the implementation of a Virtual Reality program in combination with standard physiotherapy will result in better clinical outcomes compared to the current standard intervention, which could lead to the development of new policies and interventions for these pathologies and their consequences

    Amiloidosis cardíaca: Experiencia en un Instituto Cardiovascular de referencia nacionaI

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    Objectives: To determine the clinical, imaging and laboratory characteristics and one year after diag- nosis survival of patients with cardiac amyloidosis in a national reference hospital. Materials and methods: Case series study. We evaluated the clinical characteristics, complementary examinations and survival of patients with cardiac amyloidosis diagnosed, treated and followed up in the Clinical Cardiology service of the National Cardiovascular Institute – INCOR EsSalud in Lima, Peru. Results: We found eight patients with diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis. The median age was 64.5 years and 75% were male. The etiology of cases was unspecified cardiac amyloidosis (25%), transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (37.5%), and light chain cardiac amyloidosis (37.5%). Symptomatic heart failure (NYHA II-III) was the most common initial presentation symptom (87.5%). The most frequent extracar- diac manifestations were: sensory-motor neuropathy (62.5%), musculoskeletal (37.5%), nephropathy (25%), bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome (25%), monoclonal gammopathies (25%) and refractory pleural effusion (25 %). Survival at one year was 75% and the cause of the 2 deaths was sudden death. Conclusions: In this study of cardiac amyloidosis at a specialized center, the most frequent clinical manifestations were heart failure and sensory-motor neuropathy. Mortality was 25% per year, and in all cases as sudden death.Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas, de imágenes y laboratoriales así como la sobrevida al año del diagnóstico de pacientes con amiloidosis cardíaca en un hospital de referencia nacional. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de serie de casos. Evaluamos las características clínicas, exámenes complementarios y supervivencia de pacientes con amiloidosis cardíaca diagnosticados, tratados y seguidos en el servicio de Cardiología Clínica del Instituto Nacional Cardiovascular - INCOR EsSalud. Resultados: Se encontraron 8 pacientes con diagnóstico de amiloidosis cardíaca. La mediana de la edad fue 64.5 años y el 75% de sexo masculino. La etiología fue amiloidosis cardíaca no especificada (25%), amiloidosis cardíaca transtiretina (37.5%) y amiloidosis cardíaca de cadenas ligeras (37.5%). La insuficiencia cardíaca sintomática (NYHA II-III) fue la presentación inicial más común (87.5%). Las manifestaciones extracardíacas más frecuentes fueron: neuropatía sensitivo-motora (62.5%), muscu- loesqueléticas (37.5%), nefropatía (25%), síndrome de túnel carpiano bilateral (25%), gammapatías monoclonales (25%) y efusión pleural refractaria (25%). La sobrevida al año fue del 75% y la causa de muerte en los 2 fallecidos fue muerte súbita. Conclusiones: En este estudio sobre amiloidosis cardíaca en un centro especializado las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes fueron la insuficiencia cardíaca y la neuropatía sensitivo-motora. La mortalidad fue del 25% al año, y en todos los casos como muerte súbita

    Cross-sectional study of height and weight in the population of Andalusia from age 3 to adulthood

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background and objectives</p> <p>In Andalusia there were no studies including a representative sample of children and adolescent population assessing growth and weight increase. Our objectives were to develop reference standards for weight, height and BMI for the Andalusian pediatric population, from 3 to 18 years of age for both genders, and to identify the final adult height in Andalusia.</p> <p>Subjects and methods</p> <p>Two samples were collected. The first included individuals from 3 to 18 years of age (3592 girls and 3605 boys). They were stratified according type of study center, size of population of origin, age (32 categories of 0.5 years) and gender, using cluster sampling. Subjects from >18 to 23 years of age (947 women and 921 men) were sampled in 6 non-university educational centers and several university centers in Granada. Exclusion criteria included sons of non-Spanish mother or father, and individuals with chronic conditions and/or therapies affecting growth. Two trained fellows collected the data through February to December 2004, for the first sample, and through January to May 2005, for the second.</p> <p>Reference curves were adjusted using Cole's LMS method, and the quality of the adjustment was assessed using the tests proposed by Royston. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was applied to the final models obtained.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data for 9065 cases (4539 women and 4526 men) were obtained; 79.39% (n = 7197) in the up to 18 years of age group. In the first sampling only 0.07% (3 girls and 2 boys) refused to participate in the study. In addition, 327 students (4.5%) were absent when sampling was done. We present mean and standard deviation fort height, weight and BMI at 0.5 years intervals, from 3 to 23 years of age, for both genders. After adjustment with the different models, percentiles for height, weight (percentiles 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, and 97) and BMI (percentiles 3, 5, 50, 85, 95, and 97) are presented for both genders.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first study in Andalusia with a representative sample from the child-juvenile population to investigate weight, height and BMI in subjects from 3 to 23 years of age. The great variability observed in the values from sample of 18 to 23 years of age individuals, ensures the inclusion of extreme values, although random sampling was not used. There still is a lack of standard reference values for the Andalusian population younger done 3 years of age.</p

    Monitorización de la presión intracraneal en traumatismo craneoencefálico severo

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    ResumenIntroducciónEl traumatismo craneoencefálico severo (TCES) es una entidad grave. La monitorización de la presión intracraneal (PIC) permite dirigir el tratamiento, el cual es de limitado acceso en países en vías de desarrollo.ObjetivoDescribir la experiencia clínica de pacientes pediátricos con TCES.Pacientes y métodoSe incluyeron pacientes con TCES, edad entre 1 y 17 años, previo consentimiento informado de los padres y/o tutores. Se excluyeron pacientes con enfermedades crónicas o retraso psicomotor. Los pacientes ingresaron desde el Servicio de Urgencia, donde se les realizó scanner cerebral (TAC), clasificándose las lesiones por Escala de Marshall. Los pacientes fueron divididos en 2 grupos según criterio neuroquirúrgico: con monitorización (CM) y sin monitorización (SM) de presión intracraneana. La monitorización de la PIC se realizó a través de un catéter intraparenquimatoso 3PN Spiegelberg conectado a un monitor Spiegelberg HDM 26. Los pacientes fueron tratados de acuerdo a las guías pediátricas para TCES. Se consideró la supervivencia como los días transcurridos entre el ingreso hospitalario y el fallecimiento, o su evaluación por Escala de Glasgow para un seguimiento de 6 meses.ResultadosCuarenta y dos pacientes (CM = 14 y SM= 28). Aquellos con monitorización tenían menor puntuación de la escala de coma de Glasgow y clasificación de Marshall con peor pronóstico. En ellos la supervivencia fue menor y el resultado moderado a bueno. No se registraron complicaciones con el uso del catéter de PIC.ConclusiónPacientes con monitorización tuvieron mayor gravedad al ingreso y una mayor mortalidad; sin embargo, el resultado funcional de los sobrevivientes fue de moderado a bueno. Se requiere de la realización de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados para definir el impacto de la monitorización de la PIC en la supervivencia y calidad de vida en estos pacientes.AbstractIntroductionSevere traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious condition. Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring can be used to direct treatment, which is of limited access in developing countries.ObjectiveTo describe the clinical experience of pediatric patients with severe TBI.Patients and MethodA clinical experience in patients with severe TBI was conducted. Age was 1–17 years, exclusion criteria were chronic illness and psicomotor retardation. Informed consent was obtained in each case. Two groups were formed based on the criterion of neurosurgeons: with and without intracraneal pressure (ICP) monitoring. PIC monitoring was performed through a 3PN Spiegelberg catheter and a Spiegelberg HDM 26 monitor. Patients were treated according international pediatric guides. The characteristics of both groups are described at 6 months of follow-up.ResultsForty-two patients (CM=14 and SM=28). Those in the CM Group had lower Glasgow coma scale score and Marshall classification with poorer prognosis. Among them survival rate was lower, although the outcome was from moderate to good. No complications were reported with the use of the ICP catheter.ConclusionPatients with ICP monitoring had greater severity at admission and an increased mortality; however, the outcome for the survivors was from moderate to good. It is necessary to conduct randomized clinical trials to define the impact of ICP monitoring on survival and quality of life in severe TBI patients