227 research outputs found

    Robotic manipulation for the shoe-packaging process

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    [EN] This paper presents the integration of a robotic system in a human-centered environment, as it can be found in the shoe manufacturing industry. Fashion footwear is nowadays mainly handcrafted due to the big amount of small production tasks. Therefore, the introduction of intelligent robotic systems in this industry may contribute to automate and improve the manual production steps, such us polishing, cleaning, packaging, and visual inspection. Due to the high complexity of the manual tasks in shoe production, cooperative robotic systems (which can work in collaboration with humans) are required. Thus, the focus of the robot lays on grasping, collision detection, and avoidance, as well as on considering the human intervention to supervise the work being performed. For this research, the robot has been equipped with a Kinect camera and a wrist force/ torque sensor so that it is able to detect human interaction and the dynamic environment in order to modify the robot¿s behavior. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach, this work presents the experimental results obtained for two actual platforms, which are located at different research laboratories, that share similarities in their morphology, sensor equipment and actuation system.This work has been partly supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government (Key No.: 0201603139 of Invest in Spain program and Grant No. RTC-2016-5408-6) and by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) of the German Government (Projekt-ID 54368155).Gracia Calandin, LI.; Perez-Vidal, C.; Mronga, D.; Paco, JD.; Azorin, J.; Gea, JD. (2017). Robotic manipulation for the shoe-packaging process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 92(1-4):1053-1067. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-0212-6S10531067921-4Pedrocchi N, Villagrossi E, Cenati C, Tosatti LM (2017) Design of fuzzy logic controller of industrial robot for roughing the uppers of fashion shoes. 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    Tratamiento del cáncer de próstata en función de la esperanza de vida, la comorbilidad y las guías de práctica clínica

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    En un número anterior de la revista de Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, Barceló y col realizaron una interesante y útil revisión de los pacientes con cáncer de próstata tratados en un gran centro hospitalario español durante un año, centrándose en sus características basales, el tratamiento realizado y el grado de seguimiento de las Guías de Práctica Clínica (GPC) y las complicaciones asociadas a los tratamientos realizados

    Selection of extreme phenotypes: the role of clinical observation in translational research

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    Systematic collection of phenotypes and their correlation with molecular data has been proposed as a useful method to advance in the study of disease. Although some databases for animal species are being developed, progress in humans is slow, probably due to the multifactorial origin of many human diseases and to the intricacy of accurately classifying phenotypes, among other factors. An alternative approach has been to identify and to study individuals or families with very characteristic, clinically relevant phenotypes. This strategy has shown increased efficiency to identify the molecular features underlying such phenotypes. While on most occasions the subjects selected for these studies presented harmful phenotypes, a few studies have been performed in individuals with very favourable phenotypes. The consistent results achieved suggest that it seems logical to further develop this strategy as a methodology to study human disease, including cancer. The identification and the study with high-throughput techniques of individuals showing a markedly decreased risk of developing cancer or of cancer patients presenting either an unusually favourable prognosis or striking responses following a specific treatment, might be promising ways to maximize the yield of this approach and to reveal the molecular causes that explain those phenotypes and thus highlight useful therapeutic targets. This manuscript reviews the current status of selection of extreme phenotypes in cancer research and provides directions for future development of this methodology

    Is higher physical fitness associated with better psychological health in young pediatric cancer survivors? A cross-sectional study from the iBoneFIT project

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    Objective To examine the associations of self-perceived and objectively-measured physical fitness with psychological well-being and distress indicators in young pediatric cancer survivors. Materials and Methods A total of 116 participants (12.1 ± 3.3 years, 56.9% boys) from the iBoneFIT project participated in this cross-sectional study. Objectively-measured physical fitness (muscular fitness) was obtained by handgrip strength and standing long jump tests for the upper and lower body, respectively. Self-perceived physical fitness was obtained by the International Fitness Scale (IFIS). Positive and negative affect were assessed by the positive affect schedule for children (PANAS-C), happiness by Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), optimism by Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), self-esteem by the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), anxiety by State–Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC-R), and depression by Children Depression Inventory (CDI). Multiple linear regressions adjusted by key covariates were performed to analyze associations. Results No associations were found between objectively-measured muscular fitness and any of the psychological well-being and distress indicators (p > 0.05). Self-perceived overall fitness and flexibility were positively associated with positive affect (β ≥ 0.258, p < 0.05). Self-perceived cardiorespiratory fitness, speed/agility, and flexibility were negatively associated with depression (β ≥ −0.222, p < 0.05). Finally, self-perceived cardiorespiratory fitness was also negatively associated with anxiety and negative affect (β ≥ −0.264, p < 0.05). Conclusions Perceived physical fitness, but not objectively physical fitness, seems to be inversely related to psychological distress variables and to less extent positively related to psychological well-being. The findings from this study highlight the importance of promoting self-perceived fitness in the pediatric oncology population

    Células dendríticas especializadas en presentación de antígenos exógenos a linfocitos T citotóxicos

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are cells of hematopoietic origin, which constitutively express MHC class I and II, and are functionally the most potent inducers of T-lymphocyte activation and proliferation. CD8+ T lymphocytes proliferate and acquire cytotoxic functions upon recognition of their cognate antigen on the surface of one or various dendritic cells with which they interact. However, only some DC subsets are able to present antigen to cytotoxic T cell precursors as taken up from extracellular sources. This function is termed cross-presentation (in Spanish, presentación cruzada or presentación subrogada) and requires shuttle mechanisms from phagosomes to the cytosol for antigen processing. It has been demonstrated that the differentiation of DC with these capabilities is dependent on FLT-3L and the transcription factor BATF3. They express peculiar functions and differentiation markers. These cells are distinguished in mice by surface CD8 features, while CD141 (BDCA-3) marks these cells in the human. These subpopulations are capable of selective internalization of necrotic cell debris by means of their CLEC9A lectin which is a receptor for extracellular polymerized actin. Expression of the chemokine receptor XCR1 favours contact with CD8+ T cells. Therapeutic vaccination with tumour antigens using DC is a strategy under development for the treatment of cancer. The use of DC subsets with more prominent capabilities for cross-presentation would mimic the natural mechanisms of immunization to induce cytolitic T lymphocytes. In vivo targeting of antigens with monoclonal antibodies against DEC-205 or CLEC9A attains very robust immune responses and is a strategy undergoing clinical trials for chronic viral diseases and malignancies

    Endoscopical and pathological dissociation in severe colitis induced by immune-checkpoint inhibitors

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    Checkpoint inhibitors have improved the survival of patients with advanced tumors and show a manageable toxicity profile. However, auto-immune colitis remains a relevant side effect, and combinations of anti-PD1/PDL1 and anti-CTLA-4 increase its incidence and severity. Here, we report the case of a 50-year-old patient diagnosed with stage IV cervical cancer that relapsed following radical surgery, external radiation/brachytherapy and standard chemotherapy. She was subsequently treated with Nivolumab and Ipilimumab combination and developed grade 2 colitis presenting a dissociation between endoscopic and pathological findings. At cycle 10 the patient reported grade 3 diarrhea and abdominal discomfort, without blood or mucus in the stools. Immunotherapy was withheld and a colonoscopy was performed, showing normal mucosa in the entire colon. Puzzlingly, histologic evaluation of randomly sampled mucosal biopsy of the distal colon showed an intense intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration with crypt loss and some regenerating crypts with a few apoptotic bodies set in a chronically inflamed lamina propria, consistent with the microscopic diagnosis of colitis. Treatment with methylprednisolone 2 mg/kg was initiated which led to a decrease in the number of stools to grade 1. Additional investigations to exclude other causes of diarrhea rendered negative results. The patient experienced a major partial response and, following the resolution of diarrhea, she was re-challenged again with immunotherapy, with the reappearance of grade 2 diarrhea, leading to permanent immunotherapy interruption. We conclude and propose that performing random colonic biopsies should be considered in cases of immune checkpoint-associated unexplained diarrhea, even when colonoscopy shows macroscopically normal colonic mucosa inflammatory lesions

    SEOM clinical guideline for treatment of kidney cancer (2017)

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    The goal of this article is to provide recommendations about the management of kidney cancer. Based on pathologic and molecular features, several kidney cancer variants were described. Nephron-sparing techniques are the gold standard of localized disease. After a randomized trial, sunitinib could be considered in adjuvant treatment in high-risk patients. Patients with advanced disease constitute a heterogeneous population. Prognostic classification should be considered. Both sunitinib and pazopanib are the standard options for first-line systemic therapy in advanced renal cell carcinoma. Based on the results of two randomized trials, both nivolumab and cabozantinib should be considered the standard for second and further lines of therapy. Response evaluation for present therapies is a challenge

    Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection with bullous skin lesions in a patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma

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    Vibrio spp. is a pathogen rarely isolated in cancer patients, and in most cases it is associated with haematological diseases. Cutaneous manifestations of this organism are even rarer. We report a case of Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection presenting bullous skin lesions in a young type II diabetic patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma having a seawater exposure history

    Carcinoma microcítico de pulmón

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    El cáncer microcítico de pulmón es uno de los tumores sólidos más agresivos, por su rápido crecimiento y por su tendencia a metastatizar desde fases tempranas. Sin embargo, también es uno de los tumores más sensibles a los tratamientos de quimioterapia y radioterapia, con los cuales algunos pacientes con enfermedad limitada pueden sobre- vivir a largo plazo. Estas características han hecho de este tumor un modelo clínico sobre el cual se han probado múltiples estrategias de tratamiento, incluyendo tratamientos concomitantes con quimioterapia y radioterapia, esquemas de quimioterapia alternante o de altas dosis con soporte hematológico o la utilización de radioterapia holocraneal profi láctica. Además en los últimos años el cáncer microcítico de pulmón también se ha empleado como plataforma de desarrollo de tratamientos dirigidos contra dianas específi cas o de inmunoterapia. INGLÉS: Small cell lung cancer is one of the most aggressive solid tumors because of its rapid growth and early tendency to spread to distant organs. Nonetheless, it is also one of the most sensitive tumors to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which can give patients with limited disease a chance to become long-term survivors. These characteristics have made this tumor a clinical model to explore various treatment strategies, including concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy, alternant chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy with hematologic support, or use of whole-brain prophylactic radiotherapy. In addition, in recent years, small cell lung cancer has been used as a platform to develop some new targeted therapy agents or immunotherapeutic approaches

    Identification and control of a multiplace hyperbaric chamber

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    [EN] This work presents the automation of a multiplace hyperbaric chamber. It includes the system modeling, identification, controller calculation and system validation. With the proposed approach a good pressure profile tracking and repeatability are achieved. Moreover, the proposed automation includes the implementation of powerful treatment tools such as Pause and Alleviation procedures. The control system implemented is based on a special zero-pole cancellation regulator. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the behavior of the automated chamber. It is important to remark that the chamber automated in this work is being successfully used in a real hospital since 2015 treating more than 40 patients per day, five days a week.The authors would like to thanks MEDIBAROX (unit of the Perpetuo Socorro Hospital) and the "Catedra de Medicina Hiperbarica" of the Miguel Hernandez University for their support and for finally implementing the control law described in this article. The authors would also like to thank Francisco Aracil Meseguer for his help with the chamber 3D modeling.Gracia Calandin, LI.; Perez-Vidal, C.; De Paco, JM.; De Paco, LM. (2018). Identification and control of a multiplace hyperbaric chamber. PLoS ONE. 13(8):1-23. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200407S12313
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