56 research outputs found

    Una propuesta de desarrollo regional: asociaciones a través de proyectos conjuntos de cooperación

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    En Perú se han desplegado diferentes intentos de modelos de regionalización, habiendo partido desde una simple demarcación territorial, sin identificación de competencias que configuren territorios autogestionarios. Subyacente a este modelo, se han identificado claras deficiencias de competencias institucionales conducentes a un modelo sustentable de desarrollo. Además de las deficiencias mencionadas, no se han reflejado intenciones de articular fortalezas-competencias entre regiones, que permitan a través de sinergias, promover programas y proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo. La propuesta a abordar, apunta de reunir pueblos-mancomunidades, bajo una visión de complementación de competencias, a través de la cual desarrollar proyectos colaborativos que permitan explotar los recursos de dichas mancomunidades con ventajas competitivas propias. La propuesta en mención parte de identificación de fortalezas y debilidades sobre poblados en Perú, con una visión de complementariedad, la cual permita configurar un conjunto de fortalezas sobre las cuales desarrollar proyectos conducentes a un desarrollo sustentable

    Animalia jatorridun hondakinen balio-ematea: aktibazio-estrategiak eta erabilgarritasuna hainbat industria-prozesutan

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    Waste animal bones have become a serious concern due to the current consumer habits. After the so called "mad cow disease" crisis, hundreds of tons of waste animal bones, which were so far used to manufacture animal feed, had no way out anymore. Consequently, the amount of waste that reaches dumping sites notably increased. Several research studies, carried out since then, have concluded that bone char can be a useful material in several applications. For instance, in pollutant remediation, since its main constituent -apatite- is a water-soluble mineral, which possesses a high ion-ex-change capacity. Bone char has also been successfully used as catalytic support and in electrochemical applications. Indeed, its applicability depends on its porous structure. This work aims to present the strategies that are nowadays in use for bone char preparation. Adequate porosity requires physical and/or chemical activation. A combination of chemical and physical activation is commonly a better choice since it provides a char with more advantageous properties, in terms of product yield and textural properties. Moreover, a previous chemical treatment allows reducing the highest treatment tem-perature. Different methods and techniques are available for the valorisation of waste animal bones. The development of adequate treatment strategies could reduce the waste disposal in landfills, with the consequent environmental benefit.; Animalien haragi- eta hezur-hondakinak gero eta arazo larriagoa bihurtu dira egungo kontsumo-ohituren ondorioz. XX. mendearen amaieran "behi eroen gaixotasuna" izenaz ezagutu genuen osasun-krisia eta gero, erabilpenik gabe geratu ziren abereen elikadurarako erabiltzen ziren animalia-hondakinen ehunka tona. Harrezkero, nabarmen handitu da zabortegietara bideratutako hondakin kantitatea. Geroztik egindako ikerketen arabera, hainbat aplikaziotan ikusi da hezur-ikatza material oso erabilgarria izan daitekeela. Adibidez, kutsatzaileen degradazio- edo ezabatze-prozesuetan, erabilgarritasun hau erakusten du neurri batean hezur-ikatzaren osagai nagusia den apatitoak, uretan duen disolbagarritasun txikiagatik eta ioiak trukatzeko duen ahalmen handiagatik. Hezur-ikatzetik eratorritako materialak ere modu arrakastatsuan erabili dira euskarri ka-talitiko gisa eta prozesu elektrokimikoetan. Material horren aplikagarritasuna bere egitura porotsuarekin dago zuzenean lotuta. Lan honetan, hezurretatik material erabilgarriak lortzeko gaur egun ikertzen ari diren prozesuak azalduko dira. Hezur-ikatzaren porotasun-maila ezberdina garatzeko, beharrezkoak dira aktibazio kimiko edo kimiko-fisiko egokiak. Aktibazio kimiko-fisikoa soilik fisikoa baino abantailatsuagoa izan ohi da, ezaugarri hobeak lortzen direlako solidoan, bai etekinaren aldetik eta bai gainazal-azaleraren aldetik (biak handiagoak). Halaber, tratamendu kimiko-fisikoa erabiltzen denean kiskaltze-tenperatura txikiagoa erabil daitekeenez, ehundura-ezaugarri hobeak erdiesten dira, orohar. Metodo eta teknika ezberdinen aplikazioei esker, animalia-hondakin solidoen balio-ematea bideragarria dela frogatuko da. Halaber, halako teknologia garatzeko gai izanez gero, zabortegietako metaketak nabarmen murriztuko lirateke, beti ere ingurumenaren jasangarritasuna bermatuz

    Moving towards global satellite based products for monitoring of inland and coastal waters. Regional examples from Europe and South America

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    Surface waters are a fundamental resource. They fulfil key function in global biogeochemical cycles and are core to our water, food and energy security. The rapidly increasing rate of data collection from different Earth observation (EO) missions suitable for observing water bodies has promoted satellite remote sensing (RS) as a more widely recognised source of information on a number of indicators of water quality and ecosystem condition at local and global scales. In parallel, advances in optical sensors support new and more detailed characterisation of the Earth surface and could lead to innovative EO-based products. Nonetheless, RS of water colour of inland and coastal systems, especially in larger scales and over long-term time series, faces unique challenges. This study provides an overview of the challenges and solutions of developing a global observation platform, including the diverse and complex optical properties of inland waters and guided algorithm selection procedure required to deliver reliable data. The development and validation of a global satellite data processing chain (Calimnos) has been supported by access to an extensive in situ data from more than thirty partners around the world that are now held in the LIMNADES community-owned database. This approach has resulted in a step-change in our ability to produce regional and global water quality products for optically complex waters. Local examples of the data outputs will be explored and the opportunities in how these data can be embedded within local and national monitoring schemes to facilitate better management of water will be discussed

    Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes

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    Across multiancestry groups, we analyzed Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations in over 176,000 individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus controls. We demonstrate that the two diseases share the same protective association at the HLA locus. HLA-specific fine-mapping showed that hierarchical protective effects of HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes best accounted for the association, strongest with HLA-DRB1*04:04 and HLA-DRB1*04:07, and intermediary with HLA-DRB1*04:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:03. The same signal was associated with decreased neurofibrillary tangles in postmortem brains and was associated with reduced tau levels in cerebrospinal fluid and to a lower extent with increased Aβ42. Protective HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes strongly bound the aggregation-prone tau PHF6 sequence, however only when acetylated at a lysine (K311), a common posttranslational modification central to tau aggregation. An HLA-DRB1*04-mediated adaptive immune response decreases PD and AD risks, potentially by acting against tau, offering the possibility of therapeutic avenues

    Micro-phytoplankton variability at the equatorial Pacific (140W̊) during the JGOFS EQPAC Time Series Studies 1992

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references.Micro-phytoplankton (>20 gm cell size) was sampled in the upper 200 m of the water column at the Pacific equator, 140'W, during two JGOFS EqPac Time Series Studies, in order to determine the changes in the micro-phytoplanlcton assemblage between March-April and October 1992, to find the vertical distribution of micro-phytoplankton taxa, and to relate any changes in the environmental factors to micro-phytoplankton structure. Cell abundance and carbon biomass of three major taxonomic classes: diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophorids, were examined. During the abnormal warmth of El Nifto 1992 (S ST = 28-29'C), low abundance (< 3000 cells liter-1) and carbon biomass (< 1 lAg C liter-1) characterized the micro-phytoplankton structure, accompanied by low numbers of diatoms and coccolithophorids. The pennate diatom, Pseudonitzschia delicatissima, and the thecate dinoflageflate, Oxytoxum variabile, were the most abundant organisms observed during the March-April 1992 Time Series study. The microphytoplankton assemblage during El Niflo conditions in March-April 1992 exhibited lower micro-phytoplankton species richness and abundance compared with October 1992. Also in contrast to the spring, in the autumn the micro-phytoplankton assemblage showed large variability, mainly due to the passage of a instability wave through the study site. During this period, the coldest temperatures (SST = 25'C) were associated with increased abundance (range = 2xIO2 to 12xlo3 cells liter-1), and richness in rnicro-phytoplankton species assemblage, which was again dominated by a colonial pennate diatom P. delicatissima. On the average, micro-phytoplanlaon carbon ranged from 0.5 to 4.0 Ag C liter-1, where the diatom group consistently comprised the major part of the microphytoplanlaon autotrophic biomass in the upper 60 m. Large centric diatoms, such as Rhizosolenia species, as well as chains of P. delicatissima, and heavily silicified species of the 77zalassionemal77wlassiothrix spp. complex were important groups contributing to the total micro-phytoplankton carbon biomass. At the equator, diatoms and dinoffagenates were restricted to the surface and to the upper 60 m, respectively, during both Time Series cruises, while coccolithophorid cells where concentrated at 90 m during Time Series I. The presence of an El Niflo event and an instability wave during March-April and October 1992, respectively, may explain most of the variability in abundance and species richness found in the equatorial Pacific at 140'W during the study periods

    Los principios de igualdad y reciprocidad en el derecho español de extranjeria

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, 198

    Chlorophyll a, primary production and phytoplankton abundance off western Patagonia in Jan/Feb 2017

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    The dataset compiles in situ observational data obtained during the R/V Mirai MR16-09 cruise (2017-01-21 to 2017-02-03) off western Patagonia, Chile. The biological data provides information of primary production, total chlorophyll-a, as well as, phytoplankton species composition (abundance of diatoms and dinoflagellates). Water samples for total Chlorophyll-a and phytoplankton cell abundance were collected at the same sampling depths as nutrients. The total Chlorophyll-a was measured by filtering 280 mL of seawater at low vacuum pressure (<0.02 MPa) onto 25 mm Whatman GF/F filters. After filtration, phytoplankton pigments were immediately extracted in 7 mL of N,N-dimethylformamide and stored at -20°C until fluorometric analysis (Turner Design 10-AU-005). Quantification and taxonomical classification of the main dinoflagellates and diatoms taxa, were done using sub-samples in a 25 mL sedimentation chambers using an inverted microscope (CXK-41 Olympus). Diatoms and dinoflagellates were identified at species or genus level. Primary production rate was calculated using the equation proposed by Hama et al. (1983)

    In situ observational data of physical oceanographic variables off western Patagonia in Jan/Feb 2017

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    The dataset compiles in situ observational data obtained during the R/V Mirai MR16-09 cruise (2017-01-21 to 2017-02-03) off western Patagonia, Chile. The data includes physical oceanographic information of temperature, salinity and depth. Profiles (0 to >1000 m depth) of conductivity/salinity, temperature, depth and dissolved oxygen were obtained at each sampling station using a Sea-Bird SBE911plus CTD-O2 equipment. The data was processed using the Sea-Bird software