970 research outputs found

    Providing Diverse Trainees an Early and Transparent Introduction to Academic Appointment and Promotion Processes.

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    IntroductionThe growth in number of medical schools and increased numbers of faculty tracks have combined with evolving criteria for promotion to trigger a call for greater transparency of academic appointment and promotion processes. Most vulnerable to confusion about these changes are first-generation and diverse medical students and residents, the upstream pipeline of the academic medicine workforce. Diverse medical students have expressed diminished interest in academia because of perceived obstacles in appointment and promotion processes.MethodsThis workshop was designed to utilize didactics and career reflection exercises to help trainees learn: (1) how to define core terms related to academic appointment and promotion processes, (2) how to compare data elements for different CVs and portfolios, (3) common steps in submitting a promotion package, and (4) that they can immediately begin to document content for academic CVs, portfolios, and promotion packages.ResultsOne hundred forty-five diverse participants completed an evaluation at eight conferences across the U.S. More than 90% strongly agreed or agreed that the aforementioned objectives were met. Participants commented that the workshop was "illuminating," was "very informative," and "provided an inside look of how faculty are evaluated." Results showed an immediate impact on participants' self-reported confidence to negotiate appointment and promotion processes.DiscussionIncreases in self-rated confidence to negotiate appointment and promotion processes may help sustain trainees' interest in becoming future faculty. Further monitoring will be needed to determine if early exposure to these concepts improves probability of seeking, obtaining, and maintaining appointments


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    Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) tiga kali lebih sering terjadi pada pengidap Diabetes Melitus dibandingkan non-penderita diabetes. PAD cenderung untuk menyerang segmen arteri bawah lutut. Sehingga kita perlu deteksi dini untuk melihat kondisi pembuluh darah perifer. Faktor yang diteliti begitupula dengan nilai ABI dan handheld doppler sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan bersifat non invasif yang dapat menggambarkan kondisi pembuluh darah perifer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor GDP dengan kejadian PAD pada pasien Diabetes Melitus tipe 2. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan jenis desain penelitian cross sectional. Sampel penelitian yang diperoleh sebanyak 156 responden yang merupakan pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 di RSUP Prof Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara mengambil data ABI dan penunjang lainnya dari rekam medis. Hasilnya akan dianalisa secara statistik dengan menggunakan uji analisis bivariat. Dari hasil analisis terdapat 87 (55,77%) pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 mengalami PAD, sebanyak 67 (69,1%) GDP ? 126. Berdasarkan uji analisis bivariat didapatkan  p<0,05 (p=0,000). Dengan itu dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara GDP dengan kejadian PAD pada pasien Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 di RSUP Prof.R.D. Kandou Manad

    Nanocomposite hydrogels based on embedded PLGA nanoparticles in gelatin

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    Novel nanocomposites based on gelatin polymer networks containing poly(lactic-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (PLGA-NPs) were prepared and morphological, chemical and rheological properties were investigated. The successful incorporation of PLGA nanoparticles into the gelatin gels was confirmed by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). FESEM microscopy showed also a more homogeneous pore structure of the nanocomposite with respect to the primary gel. The introduction of PLGA nanospheres at a 1% w/v with respect to gelatin weight does not influence the elastic modulus of the pristine gelatin but an increase in the amount of PLGA spheres determine a negative effect on the elastic modulus. The prepared PLGA-NPs gelatin gels with biocompatible and biodegradable properties are very interesting from both applied and fundamental perspectives for a future application in biomedical and food fields for the control release of active molecules

    StratusLab Cloud Distribution

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    International audienceCloud technologies provide many benefits for scientific and engineering applications, such as customised execution environments, near-instantaneous provisioning, elasticity, and the ability to run user-level services. However, a rapid, wholesale shift to using public, commercial cloud services is unlikely because of capital investments in existing resources and data management issues. To take full advantage of cloud technologies in the short term, institutes and companies must be able to deploy their own cloud infrastructures. The StratusLab project provides a complete, open-source cloud distribution that permits them to do this. The StratusLab services include the computing, storage, and networking services required for an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud. It also includes high-level services like the Marketplace that facilitates the sharing of machine images and Claudia that allows the deployment and management of complete software systems

    Morphology-properties relationship on nanocomposite films based on poly(styrene-block-diene-block-styrene) copolymers and silver nanoparticles

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    A comparative study on the self-assembled nanostructured morphology and the rheological and mechanical prop- erties of four different triblock copolymers, based on poly(styrene-block-butadiene-block-styrene) and poly(styrene-block- isoprene-block-styrene) matrices, and of their respective nanocomposites with 1 wt% silver nanoparticles, is reported in this work. In order to obtain well-dispersed nanoparticles in the block copolymer matrix, dodecanethiol was used as surfac- tant, showing good affinity with both nanoparticles and the polystyrene phase of the matrices as predicted by the solubility parameters calculated based on Hoftyzer and Van Krevelen theory. The block copolymer with the highest PS content shows the highest tensile modulus and tensile strength, but also the smallest elongation at break. When silver nanoparticles treated with surfactant were added to the block copolymer matrices, each system studied shows higher mechanical properties due to the good dispersion and the good interface of Ag nanoparticles in the matrices. Furthermore, it has been shown that semi- empirical models such as Guth and Gold equation and Halpin-Tsai model can be used to predict the tensile modulus of the analyzed nanocomposites

    Preparation and properties of adhesives based on phenolic resin containing lignin micro and nanoparticles: A comparative study

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    This work investigated, for the first time, the role of nanosized lignin (LNP), in comparison with microlignin (LMP), when introduced at two different weight amounts (5% and 10 wt%) in bulk phenol–formaldehyde resol as adhesive. Morphological analysis was performed to check out the dispersion and interfacial bonding of lignin in the phenolic resin. The curing process has been examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), while the thermal stability of the composites has been evaluated by using thermogravimetric (TGA) and thermo-mechanical (TMA) analysis. Results exhibited that small amount of lignin could both favor the thermal cure reaction, due to its abundance of phenylpropane units, and the initial thermal resistance could be consequently improved, especially when the nano-sized lignin was used. Meanwhile, the effect of micro- and nano-modification on tensile shear strength of wood lap joints based on lignin-phenol–formaldehyde resol adhesives was also analyzed. Results showed that 5 wt% of LNP could positively increase the shear strength from 8.7 to 10.9 MPa, opening the possibility of using environmental friendly nanoscale lignin in cross linked traditional phenol wood adhesives with enhanced adhesion performance, strongly related to nanoparticles higher specific surface area and reactivity. Keywords: A. Resol resin, A. Lignin micro/nanoparticles, B. Thermal properties, D. Shear tes

    Efecto del concreto reciclado como agregado en la absorción y resistencia a la compresión del block Grass

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    El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo general, Efecto del concreto reciclado como agregado en la absorción y resistencia a la compresión del block Grass. Para verificar si la sustitución del agregado natural por el agregado grueso reciclado cumple con los requerimientos de resistencia a la compresión de un block grass, mediante ensayos de resistencia a la compresión. La finalidad de este trabajo de investigación es comprobar su uso viable de agregado reciclado aplicado en la mezcla de concreto patrón sustituyendo el agregado natural por el agregado grueso reciclado de ,25%, 35% y 50%, para la fabricación de block grass para uso no estructural. Fabricar un Block Grass prefabricado empleando el concreto reciclado como agregado en su fabricación, Va a ser utilizado para áreas de estacionamiento vehicular, vías de acceso de fácil mantenimiento entre otras, a la vez que contribuya y sea amigable con el medio ambiente Se realizaron los ensayos correspondientes a los agregados. De propiedades físicas (peso, textura, dimensiones y color) según las normas técnicas peruanas. con los resultados obtenidos de realizaron el diseño de mezcla de 355 kg/cm2. Se elaboraron testigos con diferentes porcentajes de 0%, 25%, 35%, 50% por el agregado grueso reciclado. los testigos fueron ensayas ala edades de 7, 14, y 28 días. Y el ensayo de absorción fue ensayada A los 28 días. Concluye que el trabajo de investigación realizada Efecto del concreto reciclado como agregado en la absorción y resistencia del block Grass. que sustituyendo en agregado natural por el agregado grueso por el porcentaje 0%, 25%, 35% y 50% si es factible en la aportación no estructural de la fabricación de block Gras

    Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Initial Crystallization Stage in an SWCNT-Polyetherimide Nanocomposite

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    Crystallization of all-aromatic heterocyclic polymers typically results in an improvement of their thermo-mechanical properties. Nucleation agents may be used to promote crystallization, and it is well known that the incorporation of nanoparticles, and in particular carbon-based nanofillers, may induce or accelerate crystallization through nucleation. The present study addresses the structural properties of polyetherimide-based nanocomposites and the initial stages of polyetherimide crystallization as a result of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) incorporation. We selected two amorphous thermoplastic polyetherimides ODPA-P3 and aBPDA-P3 based on 3,3′,4,4′-oxydiphthalic dianhydride (ODPA), 2,3′,3,4′-biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride (aBPDA) and diamine 1,4-bis[4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenoxy]benzene (P3) and simulated the onset of crystallization in the presence of SWCNTs using atomistic molecular dynamics. For ODPA-P3, we found that the planar phthalimide and phenylene moieties show pronounced ordering near the CNT (carbon nanotube) surface, which can be regarded as the initial stage of crystallization. We will discuss two possible mechanisms for ODPA-P3 crystallization in the presence of SWCNTs: the spatial confinement caused by the CNTs and π–π interactions at the CNT-polymer matrix interface. Based on our simulation results, we propose that ODPA-P3 crystallization is most likely initiated by favorable π–π interactions between the carbon nanofiller surface and the planar ODPA-P3 phthalimide and phenylene moieties