49 research outputs found

    Multiple-fault detection methodology based on vibration and current analysis applied to bearings in induction motors and gearboxes on the kinematic chain

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    © 2016 Juan Jose Saucedo-Dorantes et al. Gearboxes and induction motors are important components in industrial applications and their monitoring condition is critical in the industrial sector so as to reduce costs and maintenance downtimes. There are several techniques associated with the fault diagnosis in rotating machinery; however, vibration and stator currents analysis are commonly used due to their proven reliability. Indeed, vibration and current analysis provide fault condition information by means of the fault-related spectral component identification. This work presents a methodology based on vibration and current analysis for the diagnosis of wear in a gearbox and the detection of bearing defect in an induction motor both linked to the same kinematic chain; besides, the location of the fault-related components for analysis is supported by the corresponding theoretical models. The theoretical models are based on calculation of characteristic gearbox and bearings fault frequencies, in order to locate the spectral components of the faults. In this work, the influence of vibrations over the system is observed by performing motor current signal analysis to detect the presence of faults. The obtained results show the feasibility of detecting multiple faults in a kinematic chain, making the proposed methodology suitable to be used in the application of industrial machinery diagnosis.Postprint (published version

    Smart Monitoring Based on Novelty Detection and Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Condition Assessment of Rotating Machinery in the Industry 4.0

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    The application of condition monitoring strategies for detecting and assessing unexpected events during the operation of rotating machines is still nowadays the most important equipment used in industrial processes; thus, their appropriate working condition must be ensured, aiming to avoid unexpected breakdowns that could represent important economical loses. In this regard, smart monitoring approaches are currently playing an important role for the condition assessment of industrial machinery. Hence, in this work an application is presented based on a novelty detection approach and artificial intelligence techniques for monitoring and assessing the working condition of gearbox-based machinery used in processes of the Industry 4.0. The main contribution of this work lies in modeling the normal working condition of such gearbox-based industrial process and then identifying the occurrence of faulty conditions under a novelty detection framework

    Diagnosis methodology based on deep feature learning for fault identification in metallic, hybrid and ceramic bearings

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    Scientific and technological advances in the field of rotatory electrical machinery are leading to an increased efficiency in those processes and systems in which they are involved. In addition, the consideration of advanced materials, such as hybrid or ceramic bearings, are of high interest towards high-performance rotary electromechanical actuators. Therefore, most of the diagnosis approaches for bearing fault detection are highly dependent of the bearing technology, commonly focused on the metallic bearings. Although the mechanical principles remain as the basis to analyze the characteristic patterns and effects related to the fault appearance, the quantitative response of the vibration pattern considering different bearing technology varies. In this regard, in this work a novel data-driven diagnosis methodology is proposed based on deep feature learning applied to the diagnosis and identification of bearing faults for different bearing technologies, such as metallic, hybrid and ceramic bearings, in electromechanical systems. The proposed methodology consists of three main stages: first, a deep learning-based model, supported by stacked autoencoder structures, is designed with the ability of self-adapting to the extraction of characteristic fault-related features from different signals that are processed in different domains. Second, in a feature fusion stage, information from different domains is integrated to increase the posterior discrimination capabilities during the condition assessment. Third, the bearing assessment is achieved by a simple softmax layer to compute the final classification results. The achieved results show that the proposed diagnosis methodology based on deep feature learning can be effectively applied to the diagnosis and identification of bearing faults for different bearing technologies, such as metallic, hybrid and ceramic bearings, in electromechanical systems. The proposed methodology is validated in front of two different electromechanical systems and the obtained results validate the adaptability and performance of the proposed approach to be considered as a part of the condition-monitoring strategies where different bearing technologies are involved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multiple-fault detection and identification scheme based on hierarchical self-organizing maps applied to an electric machine

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    Strategies of condition monitoring applied to electric motors play an important role in the competitiveness of multiple industrial sectors. However, the risk of faults coexistence in an electric motor and the overlapping of their effects in the considered physical magnitudes represent, currently, a critical limitation to provide reliable diagnosis outcomes. In this regard, additional investigation efforts are required towards high-dimensional data fusion schemes, particularly over the features calculation and features reduction, which represent two decisive stages in such data-driven approaches. In this study, a novel multiple-fault detection and identification methodology supported by a feature-level fusion strategy and a Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) hierarchical structure is proposed. The condition diagnosis as well as the corresponding estimated probability are obtained. Moreover, the proposed method allows the visualization of the results while preserving the underlying physical phenomenon of the system under monitoring. The proposed scheme is performed sequentially; first, a set of statistical-time based features is estimated from different physical magnitudes. Second, a hybrid feature reduction method is proposed, composed by an initial soft feature reduction, based on sequential floating forward selection to remove the less informative features, and followed by a hierarchical SOM structure which reveals directly the diagnosis and probability assessment. The effectiveness of the proposed detection and identification scheme is validated with a complete set of experimental data including healthy and five faulty conditions. The accuracy’s results are compared with classical condition monitoring approaches in order to validate the competency of the proposed method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Gradual Wear Diagnosis of Outer-race Rolling Bearing Faults through Artificial Intelligence Methods and Stray Flux Signals

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    [EN] Electric motors have been widely used as fundamental elements for driving kinematic chains on mechatronic systems, which are very important components for the proper operation of several industrial applications. Although electric motors are very robust and efficient machines, they are prone to suffer from different faults. One of the most frequent causes of failure is due to a degradation on the bearings. This fault has commonly been diagnosed at advanced stages by means of vibration and current signals. Since low-amplitude fault-related signals are typically obtained, the diagnosis of faults at incipient stages turns out to be a challenging task. In this context, it is desired to develop non-invasive techniques able to diagnose bearing faults at early stages, enabling to achieve adequate maintenance actions. This paper presents a non-invasive gradual wear diagnosis method for bearing outer-race faults. The proposal relies on the application of a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to statistical and Katz¿s fractal dimension features obtained from stray flux signals, and then an automatic classification is performed by means of a feed-forward neural network (FFNN). The results obtained demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method, which is validated on a kinematic chain (composed by a 0.746 KW induction motor, a belt and pulleys transmission system and an alternator as a load) under several operation conditions: healthy condition, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, and 5 mm hole diameter on the bearing outer race, and 60 Hz, 50 Hz, 15 Hz and 5 Hz power supply frequencies.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades and FEDER program in the framework of the `Proyectos de I+D de Generación de Conocimiento del Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento¿ (ref: PGC2018-095747-B-I00), and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) under scholarship 652815.Zamudio-Ramirez, I.; Osornio-Rios, RA.; Antonino-Daviu, JA.; Cureño-Osornio, J.; Saucedo-Dorantes, J. (2021). Gradual Wear Diagnosis of Outer-race Rolling Bearing Faults through Artificial Intelligence Methods and Stray Flux Signals. Electronics. 10(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10121486122101

    Industrial data-driven monitoring based on incremental learning applied to the detection of novel faults

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    The detection of uncharacterized events during electromechanical systems operation represents one of the most critical data challenges dealing with condition-based monitoring under the Industry 4.0 framework. Thus, the detection of novelty conditions and the learning of new patterns are considered as mandatory competencies in modern industrial applications. In this regard, this article proposes a novel multifault detection and identification scheme, based on machine learning, information data-fusion, novelty-detection, and incremental learning. First, statistical time-domain features estimated from multiple physical magnitudes acquired from the electrical motor under inspection are fused under a feature-fusion level scheme. Second, a self-organizing map structure is proposed to construct a data-based model of the available conditions of operation. Third, the incremental learning of the condition-based monitoring scheme is performed adding self-organizing structures and optimizing their projections through a linear discriminant analysis. The performance of the proposed scheme is validated under a complete set of experimental scenarios from two different cases of study, and the results compared with a classical approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Diagnosis methodology for identifying gearbox wear based on statistical time feature reduction

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    Strategies for condition monitoring are relevant to improve the operation safety and to ensure the efficiency of all the equipment used in industrial applications. The feature selection and feature extraction are suitable processing stages considered in many condition monitoring schemes to obtain high performance. Aiming to address this issue, this work proposes a new diagnosis methodology based on a multi-stage feature reduction approach for identifying different levels of uniform wear in a gearbox. The proposed multi-stage feature reduction approach involves a feature selection and a feature extraction ensuring the proper application of a high-performance signal processing over a set of acquired measurements of vibration. The methodology is performed successively; first, the acquired vibration signals are characterized by calculating a set of statistical time-based features. Second, a feature selection is done by performing an analysis of the Fisher score. Third, a feature extraction is realized by means of the Linear Discriminant Analysis technique. Finally, fourth, the diagnosis of the considered faults is done by means of a Fuzzy-based classifier. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed diagnosis methodology is evaluated by considering a complete dataset of experimental test, making the proposed methodology suitable to be applied in industrial applications with power transmission systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Diagnosis electromechanical system by means CNN and SAE: an interpretable-learning study

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cyber-physical systems are the response to the adaptability, scalability and accurate demands of the new era of manufacturing called Industry 4.0. They will become the core technology of control and monitoring in smart manufacturing processes. In this regard, the complexity of industrial systems implies a challenge for the implementation of monitoring and diagnosis schemes. Moreover, the challenges that is presented in technological aspects regarding connectivity, data management and computing are being resolved through different IT-OT (information technology and operational technology) convergence proposals. These solutions are making it possible to have large computing capacities and low response latency. However, regarding the logical part of information processing and analysis, this still requires additional studies to identify the options with a better complexity-performance trade-off. The emergence of techniques based on artificial intelligence, especially those based on deep-learning, has provided monitoring schemes with the capacity for characterization and recognition in front of complex electromechanical systems. However, most deep learning-based schemes suffer from critical lack of interpretability lying to low generalization capabilities and overfitted responses. This paper proposes a study of two of the main deep learning-based techniques applied to fault diagnosis in electromechanical systems. An analysis of the interpretability of the learning processes is carried out, and the approaches are evaluated under common performance metrics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Deep-compact-clustering based anomaly detection applied to electromechanical industrial systems

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    The rapid growth in the industrial sector has required the development of more productive and reliable machinery, and therefore, leads to complex systems. In this regard, the automatic detection of unknown events in machinery represents a greater challenge, since uncharacterized catastrophic faults can occur. However, the existing methods for anomaly detection present limitations when dealing with highly complex industrial systems. For that purpose, a novel fault diagnosis methodology is developed to face the anomaly detection. An unsupervised anomaly detection framework named deep-autoencoder-compact-clustering one-class support-vector machine (DAECC-OC-SVM) is presented, which aims to incorporate the advantages of automatically learnt representation by deep neural network to improved anomaly detection performance. The method combines the training of a deep-autoencoder with clustering compact model and a one-class support-vector-machine function-based outlier detection method. The addressed methodology is applied on a public rolling bearing faults experimental test bench and on multi-fault experimental test bench. The results show that the proposed methodology it is able to accurately to detect unknown defects, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version