75 research outputs found

    Adoption of augmented reality technology by university students

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    In recent times, Augmented Reality has gained more relevance in the field of education. This relevance has been enhanced due to its ease of use, as well as the availability of the technical devices for the students. The present study was conducted with students enrolled in the Pedagogy Degree in the Faculty of Education at the University of Seville. The objective was to understand the degree of technological acceptance of students during their interaction with the AR objects produced, the performance achieved by the students, and if their gender affected their acquisition of knowledge. For this, three data collection instruments were utilized: a multiple choice test for the analysis of the student's performance after the interaction, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) diagnostic instrument, created by Davis (1989), and an “ad hoc” instrument created so that the students could evaluate the class notes enriched with the AR objects created. The study has allowed us to broaden the scientific knowledge of the TAM by Davis, to understand that AR objects can be utilized in university teaching, and to know that the student's gender does not influence learning.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain EDU-5746-

    ICT and the creation of critical digital citizenship

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    Este trabajo presenta una revisión y reflexión teórica acerca del cambio en el concepto de ciudadanía y su ejercicio en la sociedad digital. Se ha analizado la influencia de las TIC en el empoderamiento y participación de la ciudadanía. Estas han permitido la creación de una democracia social digital, entendida como la posibilidad de potenciar la participación colectiva en la toma de decisiones. El ejercicio de la ciudadanía digital crítica hace necesaria una formación, no sólo en aspectos tecnológicos, sino también una adecuada formación cultural y política que permita participar maduramente en el nuevo entramado mediático sociológico. Concluye el trabajo con la propuesta de una serie de medidas para favorecer esta e-ciudadanía crítica: el desarrollo de una adecuada competencia digital y formación para la ciudadanía, estableciendo para ello un plan de acción en educación formal y no formal.This paper presents a theoretical review and reflection about the change in the concept of citizenship and its exercise in the digital society. The influence of ICT on the empowerment and participation of citizens has been analyzed. They have allowed the creation of digital social democracy, understood as the possibility of promoting collective participation in decision-making. The exercise of critical digital citizenship requires training, not only in technological aspects but also an adequate cultural and political formation that allows mature participation in the new media sociological framework. The work concludes with the proposal of a series of measures to favor this critical e-citizenship: the development of an adequate digital competence and training for the citizenship, establishing a plan of action in formal and non-formal education

    Medios y nuevas tecnologías para la integración escolar

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    Las nuevas tecnologías están ofreciendo a la educación posibilidades impensables hace décadas y en el campo de la Educación Especial, considerada antes como una segregación del sistema educativo, las nuevas tecnologías abren unas vías de aportaciones que se nos convertirán en imprescindibles cuando las experiencias que se están llevando a cabo se desarrollen plenamente. Los autores de este trabajo hacen una descripción rigurosa de las distintas alternativas que desde las nuevas tecnologías se pueden ofertar a los niños con necesidades educativas especiales, desde teclados Braille, emuladores de ra- ' ón, punteros adaptados, teclados de conceptos, lectores ópticos de tarjeta...New technologies offer education opportunities considered unthinkable until recently. For the field of Special Education, before considered as a different part of the educational system, new technologies open ways of essential contribution when they get full development. The authors outline a comprehensive description of different alternatives available through new technologies to children with educational special needs, including Braille keyboar ds, emulating mouse, adapted dot-pencil for blindness, conceptual keyboards, card optic reading, etc

    Students of Teaching Degrees: ICTs and disabilities

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    El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cuyo propósito fue identificar el nivel de formación y conocimiento tecnológico que los alumnos del Grado de Magisterio tienen respecto a la aplicación de las TIC para personas con discapacidad. A partir de un diseño de investigación de tipo ex post-facto descriptivo, la muestra estuvo compuesta por 533 alumnos de 11 universidades españolas (País Vasco, Cantabria, Córdoba, Huelva, Alicante, Murcia, Málaga, Islas Baleares, Santiago Jaén y Sevilla). Como estrategia de recogida de información se empleó un cuestionario confeccionado ad hoc, validado mediante el procedimiento de Coeficiente de competencia experta o Coeficiente K. El nivel de fiabilidad del instrumento fue analizado mediante el alfa de Cronbach. Entre los resultados obtenidos destaca la baja capacitación que el alumnado del Grado de Magisterio presenta respecto a la aplicación de las TIC para las personas con discapacidades.The paper gives the results of a study that sought to identify the level of training and knowledge of technology in students of teaching degrees, with regard to applying ICTs to benefit disabled people. The study was based on an ex post facto descriptive design, with a sample made up of 533 students from 11 universities in Spain (Basque Country, Cantabria, Córdoba, Huelva, Alicante, Murcia, Málaga, Balearic Islands, Santiago, Jaén and Seville). An ad hoc questionnaire was used to collect data. This was validated with the coefficient of expert competence or k coefficient. The level of reliability of the instrument was analyzed using Cronbach’s alpha. One notable aspect of the results was the low level of training in students of teaching degrees with regard to applying ICTs to benefit disabled people

    Los medios digitales como vehículos educadores para los más jóvenes : el uso correcto del lenguaje y la formación en valores. Una visión panhispánica

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    Los medios digitales adquieren hoy día una responsabilidad especial derivada de su función social de educar y formar en valores a los más jóvenes, a quienes se les puede marcar el mejor camino a seguir favoreciendo la generalización y mantenimiento de un estilo de vida basado en la satisfacción del esfuerzo, el juego limpio, la solidaridad y el compromiso por la paz social. Además, este tipo de periodismo ha de explotar su verdadero potencial preservando y fomentando un uso correcto del idioma español entre la ciudadanía. En el caso particular de la lengua española, Internet, dado su carácter universal, aparece como el canal con mayores posibilidades para fomentar un uso panhispánico del idioma.Nowadays online media have an special responsability for educating underage children through principles and values in order to lead them by the right way to acquire and maintain a lifestyle based on effort and job satisfaction, fair play, solidarity and commitment to social peace. In addition, this kind of journalism has to exploit its real potential preserving and promoting a correct use of the Spanish language among citizens. In the particular case of the Spanish language, Internet, given its universal nature, appears as the platform with major possibilities to spread a panhispanic use of the language

    When Virtual Assistants Meet Teledermatology: Validation of a Virtual Assistant to Improve the Quality of Life of Psoriatic Patients

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    Teledermatology has given dermatologists a tool to track patients’ responses to therapy using images. Virtual assistants, the programs that interact with users through text or voice messages, could be used in teledermatology to enhance the interaction of the tool with the patients and healthcare professionals and the overall impact of the medication and quality of life of patients. As such, this work aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using a virtual assistant for teledermatology and its impact on the quality of life. We conducted surveys with the participants and measured the usability of the system with the System Usability Scale (SUS). A total of 34 participants (30 patients diagnosed with moderate-severe psoriasis and 4 healthcare professionals) were included in the study. The measurement of the improvement of quality of life was done by analyzing Psoriasis Quality of Life (PSOLIFE) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) questionnaires. The results showed that, on average, the quality of life improved (from 63.8 to 64.8 for PSOLIFE (with a p-value of 0.66 and an effect size of 0.06) and 4.4 to 2.8 for DLQI (with a p-value of 0.04 and an effect size of 0.31)). Patients also used the virtual assistant to do 52 medical consultations. Moreover, the usability is above average, with a SUS score of 70.1. As supported by MMAS-8 results, adherence also improved slightly. Our work demonstrates the improvement of the quality of life with the use of a virtual assistant in teledermatology, which could be attributed to the sense of security or peace of mind the patients get as they can contact their dermatologists directly within the virtual assistant-integrated system

    SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XVI. Tomographic measurement of the low obliquity of KOI-12b, a warm Jupiter transiting a fast rotator

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    We present the detection and characterization of the transiting warm Jupiter KOI-12b, first identified with Kepler with an orbital period of 17.86 days. We combine the analysis of Kepler photometry with Doppler spectroscopy and line-profile tomography of time-series spectra obtained with the SOPHIE spectrograph to establish its planetary nature and derive its properties. To derive reliable estimates for the uncertainties on the tomographic model parameters, we devised an empirical method to calculate statistically independent error bars on the time-series spectra. KOI-12b has a radius of 1.43±\pm0.13RJup R_\mathrm{Jup} and a 3σ\sigma upper mass limit of 10MJupM_\mathrm{Jup}. It orbits a fast-rotating star (vvsinii_{\star} = 60.0±\pm0.9 km s1^{-1}) with mass and radius of 1.45±\pm0.09 MSunM_\mathrm{Sun} and 1.63±\pm0.15 RSunR_\mathrm{Sun}, located at 426±\pm40 pc from the Earth. Doppler tomography allowed a higher precision on the obliquity to be reached by comparison with the analysis of the Rossiter-McLaughlin radial velocity anomaly, and we found that KOI-12b lies on a prograde, slightly misaligned orbit with a low sky-projected obliquity λ\lambda = 12.62.9+3.0\stackrel{+3.0}{_{-2.9}}^\circ. The properties of this planetary system, with a 11.4 magnitude host-star, make of KOI-12b a precious target for future atmospheric characterization.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Uso de herramientas de interacción dialógica asíncronas (HIDAS) para evaluar competencias en cursos de postgrado

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    El presente estudio se centra en analizar las aportaciones de las HIDAs (Herramientas de Interacción Dialógica Asíncronas) a la evaluación de competencias en la formación de postgrado. Concretamente, tratamos de mostrar cómo el profesorado universitario puede evaluar competencias transversales y específicas mediante el uso de foros, blogs y wikis, cumpliéndose así con lo establecido en el Real Decreto 1393/2007. El análisis pertenece a un estudio de caso del Máster de Tecnologías para la Educación y el Conocimiento. Programa modular de la UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia).The paper analyses TADIs (Tools for Asynchronous Dialogical Interaction) contributions to the competences assessment in postgraduate education. We centre on describing how university teachers can assess the cross-sectional and specific competences, by using means like forum, blogs and wikis, meeting this way the Royal Decree 1393/2007 requirements. A case-study has been developed of the Master on Technologies for Education and Knowledge. Modular Programme of UNED (Spanish Open University).Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación EA2008-023