4,311 research outputs found

    Investigação educacional e transformação da pedagogia escolar

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    A questão que dá origem a esta comunicação é a seguinte: qual o potencial da investigação educacional na transformação da pedagogia escolar? Em particular, interessa-nos a investigação realizada por professores no contexto de cursos de mestrado, pressupondo que este contexto poderá ser propício a que os estudos realizados se articulem com os interesses e necessidades das escolas, fomentando a mudança. Apresentamos uma proposta de grelha de análise de dissertações de mestrado que pode ajudar-nos a encontrar respostas para a questão colocada. A grelha integra um estudo em curso que abrange dissertações realizadas na Universidade do Minho, nas áreas da educação em línguas estrangeiras e da educação em ciências, tendo sido inicialmente concebida no âmbito de um estudo mais vasto também em curso, centrado na literatura de circulação nacional na área da educação em línguas estrangeiras. Espera-se que a sua apresentação fomente a reflexão sobre os propósitos e a natureza da investigação educacional, nomeadamente sobre a sua relação com a experiência educativa

    Teaching accounting and management through business simulation:

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    Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation

    Aprender a ensinar antes de ensinar: uma experiência na formação didática de futuros professores de ciências

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    A comunicação incide numa experiência realizada no âmbito de um projeto do Grupo de Trabalho-Inovação Pedagógica no Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho (Coord. F. Vieira, A. Flores & F. Ilídio)No contexto da formação incial, aprender a ensinar antes de ensinar apresenta desafios aos formadores e aos futuros professores, sendo importante promover uma aproximação à prática, assim como o questionamento de conceções prévias na construção do conhecimento profissional. No presente texto, apresenta-se e discute-se uma experiência desenvolvida na formação didática de futuros professores de Biologia e Geologia, no âmbito de uma disciplina de metodologia de ensino de um mestrado em ensino, na qual o formador procurou promover uma reconcetualização do ensino das Ciências, nomeadamente através de uma estratégia reflexiva e dialógica que permitiu o confronto entre conceções prévias dos estudantes, casos de ensino autênticos e conhecimento didático atual. Concluiu-se que a estratégia favoreceu mudanças concetuais e atitudinais nos estudantes, potenciadoras de futuras práticas educativas de orientação transformadora. A experiência representa não só um caso de como os formadores podem ajudar os futuros professores a aprender a ensinar antes de ensinar, mas também um caso de indagação da pedagogia da formação profissional, através da sua exploração, investigação e disseminação

    Accounting education in an action-based learning environment: lessons learned

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    In the context of the Bologna Declaration a change is taking place in the teaching/learning paradigm. From teaching-centered education, which emphasizes the acquisition and transmission of knowledge, we now speak of learning-centered education, which is more demanding for students. This paradigm promotes a continuum of lifelong learning, where the individual needs to be able to handle knowledge, to select what is appropriate for a particular context, to learn permanently and to understand how to learn in new and rapidly changing situations. One attempt to face these challenges has been the experience of ISCAP regarding the teaching/learning of accounting in the course Managerial Simulation. This paper describes the process of teaching, learning and assessment in an action-based learning environment. After a brief general framework that focuses on education objectives, we report the strengths and limitations of this teaching/learning tool. We conclude with some lessons from the implementation of the project

    Duration of Low Wage Employment: A Study Based on a Survival Model

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    This paper includes a survival analysis which attempts to explain the duration, as in the number of years a worker remains in a low wage situation. Explanatory variables take into account the characteristics of the employee, such as education, age, tenure with the company, gender and nationality, and the characteristics of the job and the company such as industry affiliation, number of employees, age of the company and location.low wage, survival, Portugal

    IgA dominant glomerulonephritis associated to staphylococcus infection: a peculiar case report

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    IgA dominant glomerulonephritis associated to Staphylococcus infection is a rare clinical entity that has been described mainly in case reports. Biopsy features can resemble other disease entities mainly IgA nephropathy and Henoch‑Schönlein purpura nephritis. Treatment of IgA dominant glomerulonephritis associated to staphylococcal infection is based on antibiotics for the underlying infection, controlling hypertension and edema and may resort to concomitant use of steroids in selected cases. Prognosis markers such as hypertension, diabetes and interstitial fibrosis may influence treatment as they are associated with poor renal outcomes. We report a case of a 63‑year‑old man with known hypertension, pre‑diabetes and recent history of methicillin‐sensitive staphylococcus aureus bacteremia associated to prostatitis, who presented with a one‑month history of edema, arthralgia and foamy urine. Over this period he progressed to anasarca and nephrotic range proteinuria with concomitant rise in creatinine levels being documented. The renal biopsy showed segmental endocapillary proliferation and IgA segmental dominant staining associated to C3 and lambda in minor distribution. On completion of two months of steroid therapy the patient partially recovered his renal function and proteinuria. After nine months of tapering steroids, he presented with acute inflammatory arthritis supporting an inflammatory background disease. To our knowledge this case describes an unusual entity such as IgA dominant glomerulonephritis associated to staphylococcal infection co‑presenting with an associated reactive arthritis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are Brazilian cities ready to develop an efficient urban freight mobility plan?

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    According to the Urban Mobility National Policy (UMNP), Brazilian cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants are obligated to elaborate Urban Mobility Plans (UMPs). The literature shows a lack of national research on urban freight planning and a need for better understanding issues on cargo transportation for authorities, especially regarding decision-making on policies and on urban freight transportation planning. City Logistics solutions can be considered on UMPs to reduce the problematic urban freight transport. Therefore, a survey was applied to investigate the resources available within cities to draw UMPs, the solutions for cargo movement in Brazilian cities, and the perceptions of public managers about freight transportation. The results show that “restrictions” are the solutions most adopted by Brazilian authorities, including the representative sample for cities within the São Paulo State with more than 250,000 inhabitants. The conclusions point out that Brazilian cities are not prepared to develop an efficient urban freight plan, as public managers seem to be unconscious about urban logistics demands within their cities or have neglected aspects regarding urban freight within the UMNP. Resumo Conforme o Plano Nacional de Mobilidade Urbana (PNMU), as cidades brasileiras com mais de 20 mil habitantes são obrigadas a elaborar Planos de Mobilidade Urbana (PlanMob). A literatura mostra falta de pesquisas nacionais sobre planejamento e políticas de frete urbano e de um melhor entendimento para as autoridades sobre transporte de cargas, especialmente para a tomada de decisão sobre políticas e planejamento do transporte urbano de carga. Soluções para Logística Urbana podem ser consideradas nos PlanMobs para reduzir o problemático transporte urbano de cargas. Dessa forma, um levantamento de dados foi realizado para investigar os recursos disponíveis para as cidades planejarem o PlanMob, as soluções para a movimentação de cargas presentes nas cidades brasileiras e as percepções de gestores públicos sobre o transporte de carga em suas cidades. Os resultados mostram que as soluções mais adotadas pelas autoridades brasileiras são as restrições, incluindo uma amostra representativa das cidades do estado de São Paulo com mais de 250 mil habitantes. As conclusões apontam que as cidades brasileiras não estão preparadas para desenvolver um plano eficiente de transporte de carga urbano, porque os gestores públicos parecem estar inconscientes sobre demandas da logística urbana em suas cidades ou os gestores têm negligenciado aspectos de carga urbana dentro do PNMU. Document type: Articl

    Interacting Microsoft Visual Basic Procedures (Macros) and GIS tools in order to access optimal location and maximum use of railways and railway infrastructures

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    Some parts of the Portuguese railway infrastructure have been neglected through time: Rural lines have been abandoned, investment in new infrastructure is sometimes delayed, and marketing strategies to keep or attract more users have not been pursued. Simultaneously, problems with urban congestion, pollution and mobility for the young, the elderly, the poor, and the handicapped are putting forward the discussion about new or more sustainable modes of transportation. Common sense of public officials, other lobbying groups, and the locals demand new, trendy train lines. And while some axes may have the potential to justify rail lines, others seem to lack population or funding to be enabled. One major problem in order to evaluate the worthiness of these rail projects has been the fact that very often the studies of travel demand and physical implantation are done separately. Travel demand analysis is done based on the four-step model (trip generation, distribution, modal split, and network assignment) using survey data and the network system, using a relatively wide zoning. The importance of interacting with other, finer, information (i.e. slope, density of population, environmental sensitivity, or other socio-economic and land use information) with the development of the travel analysis demand will enhance the analysis/results and increase the chance of proposing lines that are both optimal in location and will have the maximum use by the citizens. Off the shelf software is still unable to perform this kind of operations. Some perform the analysis using existing networks, and no information on the land is available besides the zoning system, other software propose lines accordingly to land slopes, but no trip information is included. GIS packages have the capacity to include the land information and some have some transportation analysis, but are lacking computation capabilities and algorithms to perform analysis similar to off-the-shelf transportation software. In order to develop this kind of integrated analysis it is important to have a good knowledge of the algorithms and analysis required by transportation and of the tools/opportunities offered by the GIS packages. This paper presents a methodology that integrates the transportation algorithms with the GIS functionalities, using excel macro-language. The result is an interaction of both travel demand analysis and site selection. The characteristics of the place constrain the travel demand analysis, but on its own the travel demand analysis define not only the buffer of the train line, but systematically enhance the shape of the line and the location of the stops each time the results of a phase of the travel demand analysis is outputted. This paper offers guidelines for those developing travel demand analysis including some site selection criteria, and it can be a starting point for those of whom intend to develop further application of in the GIS fields.

    Transformar a pedagogia: um percurso de indagação pedagógica na Universidade do Minho

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    A transformação da pedagogia na universidade exige que os professores contrariem o divórcio entre ensino, investigação e desenvolvimento profissional, nomeadamente através da constituição de comunidades de prática que desenvolvem, avaliam e disseminam experiências pedagógicas. Este tem sido um objectivo central de um conjunto de projectos desenvolvidos na Universidade do Minho desde 2000 por equipas multidisciplinares. Na presente comunicação, traça-se o historial destes projectos, evidenciando os seus avanços e contratempos, o que permite problematizar tensões e condições da reconfiguração da pedagogia como campo de estudo e de intervenção