190 research outputs found

    Physical activity and sport: post-COVID19

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    Evolució històrica, tàctica i estructural del sistema de joc defensiu 5:1 en handbol

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    El present article té com a objecte establir les pautes evolutives que des dels punts de vista físic, tècnic, tàctic i antropomètric ha tingut el sistema de joc defensiu 5:1 en handbol. El fet que aquesta construcció ofereixi fins a quatre possibilitats dins la seva mateixa estructura (5:1 posicional, 5:1 flotació, 5+1 mixt, defensa índia) atorga l’oportunitat de fer-ne un estudi detallat. D’altra banda, la universal utilització del seu esquema, tant en les categories de l’esport base com en les pròpies de l’alt rendiment, fa que la seva evolució sigui constant. Hem intentat cercar-ne els orígens així com l’evolució de les quatre variables per, en les conclusions, determinar els avantatges i inconvenients de cadascuna

    Tactical and historical evolution of defensive play system in hadball in situations of numerical inequality

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    El presente artículo tiene por objeto establecer las pautas evolutivas que desde el punto de vista físico, técnico, táctico y antropométrico han sufrido los Sistemas de Juego Defensivos en situaciones de desigualdad numérica. Desde los orígenes del Balonmano a 7, en el primer tercio del siglo XX, el reglamento ha contemplado la posibilidad de excluir a uno o varios jugadores por periodos de dos minutos, lo cual supone que estas situaciones de desigualdad numérica son consustanciales a la propia esencia del juego. Las distintas posibilidades que ofrecen dos estructuras tan antagónicas como lo son el defender con clara ventaja o desventaja (en función, claro está, de si la/s exclusión/es la ha sufrido nuestro equipo o el equipo contrario), nos sitúan ante una amplísima amalgama de variables tácticas.This article has as its main aim to establish the evolutionary guidelines that Defensive Game Systems have undergone from a physical, technical, tactical and anthropometrical approach in situations of numerical inequality. From the origins of Handball (7) in the first third of the twentieth (20th) Century the regulation has considered the possibility to exclude one or more players for periods of two minutes, which means that these situations of numerical inequality are something inherent in the own essence of game. The different possibilities which are offered by such a antagonistic structures as depending with a clear advantage or with a disadvantage (obviously on the fact that exclusions have taken place in our team or in the opposing team) present us a wide variety of tactical variables.peerReviewe

    Analysis of time characteristics, jump patters and technical-tactical skills of beach volley men’s final in Rio Olympics 2016

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    In the men’s final of Beach volleyball in the Rio Olympics 2016 Brazil won Italy team with 2-0 sets. The aim of this study was to find the a) timing characteristics, b) distribution of jumps, c) distribution of side-out and counter attacks, d) type of attack. Player's age was 29 ± 3.4 years and height was 196.5 ± 8.5 cm (Blockers = 203 cm, Defenders = 190 cm). A total of 78 points were played in the match (38.39 min). Distribution of rallies was: Serve errors = 7.7%, Aces = 5.1%, Side-outs = 59% and Counter attacks = 28.2%. The work duration was 7.6 ± 4.7 sec while the rest was 26.2 ± 17.7 sec (ratio = 3.5). The work alone duration without serve aces and errors was 8.6 ± 4.3 (ratio = 3). The rest alone without other intervals was 20.3 ± 6.1 (ratio = 2.4). The total number of jumps was 264 (66 ± 22.7 jumps per player) and the distribution of jumps was (Attack = 38.6%, Block = 31% and Servis = 30.3%). The attacks that blocked were 11.8% while the percentage of spikes was 52.8% and the shots was 47.2%. In conclusion, the results are in accordance with other articles concerning high level of beach volleyball. Coaches should use in the training sessions the specific demands of the work and rest ratio and adapt the rally distribution according to percentages occurring during the match and also use the performance indicators of the best teams in the world

    Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance: A new trend of physical exercise and sports performance in 2022

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    In these current moments of global uncertainty due to the pandemic, the world of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences is facing the reality of a new positioning in the basic priorities of people, since it is incorporated into the list of attributes most important in our society

    Sustainability and sports science: A new way for a better future

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    This title demonstrates the commitment of this journal to unite two fields of knowledge that are closely linked. On the one hand, caring for the environment and on the other physical exercise

    Effects of seawater ingestion on lactate response to exercise in runners

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of microfiltered and sterilized seawater ingestion on running performance in a hot environment. This cross-over, double-blind randomized trial included 12 experienced male runners. The subjects randomly consumed seawater (SW) or pure water (placebo) in an equivalent amount of 50 ml five minutes prior to running at 40% of their VO2 max for 95.0 ± 18.5 min, at 30°C, until they lost 3% of body weight. Every 20 minutes, a measurement of their body weight was taken and a blood lactate analysis was performed. The concentration of lactate was significantly lower after the running exercise in the SW condition compared to placebo. The results of this study suggest the ergogenic effects of microfiltered and sterilized seawater ingestion on running performance and lactate production

    Analysis of external load and internal load in AirBadminton: A new healthy and recreational sports modality

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    The aim of this study was to compare internal load and external load between AirBadminton and traditional indoor badminton. The research was conducted with 8 badminton players from the Alicante Technification Centre, including both men and women. The study was carried out based on the recommendations and guidelines of the International Badminton Federation. The procedure included competitions in both 1vs1 and 2vs2 formats, first on sand and then on hard court. Various variables related to players' internal and external load were analysed, using devices such as WIMU PRO for external load and Polar H7 transmitters for internal load. Data analysis was performed using statistical tests such as T-Student and Wilcoxon. Results showed significant differences between indoor badminton and AirBadminton in terms of internal and external load. In the 1vs1 format, indoor badminton was found to be more demanding, with higher intensity efforts, greater distance covered, and higher heart rate compared to AirBadminton. Similar results were observed in the 2vs2 format, confirming that indoor badminton involves greater effort. AirBadminton may be a healthier and more accessible alternative, suitable for different age groups, as it is less explosive and lighter in terms of internal and external load. Future research should focus on technical, tactical, and full-match duration aspects of this new modality

    Performance analysis through the use of temporal activity patterns of elite players in beach tennis

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    In order to identify the real components of beach tennis performance, we need to know the time structure of the competition. This study was designed to identify the distribution of time in real and absolute play during the matches, sets and points played by professional beach tennis players. To do so, we made video recordings of 12 players playing four matches at the Spain Beach Tennis Championships (Barcelona 2009). We measured the total length of the matches, sets, games and points while differentiating real playing time. We observed that the absolute time per match was 38min 2sec±24min 4.1sec, while real playing time was 8min49.75sec±4min 51.16sec. The average length of the total duration of the sets was 15min36.25sec±8min 21.9sec and real playing time was 4min 24.86sec±2min 26.41sec. The average length of the total duration of the games was 1min 42.6sec±1min 3.45sec and real playing time was 29.03sec±16.99sec. The average time taken to play a point was 4.56sec±2.99sec. An improved understanding of absolute and real playing time provides valuable information that allows us to create specific training patterns for beach tennis

    Analysis of the internal load in training women’s futsal of first national division

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo (RPE) en los entrenamientos de fútbol sala en jugadoras (25.42±4.42 años, 166.57±7.14 cm, 56.50±4.95 kg y 22.23±0.97 IMC) de un equipo de primera división de la liga nacional española. Se registraron, mediante monitores de ritmo cardiaco y la escala de Foster, ocho sesiones de entrenamiento de tipo técnico-táctico, físico y partidos modificados, distribuidas durante la mitad de la temporada. Los resultados de la FC máxima y media obtenida son 174.03±4.15 y 128.29±0.81 ppm en sesiones técnico-tácticas, 179.75±2.05 y 132±2.12 ppm en sesiones físicas, 180.99±1.06 y 133.63±5.52 ppm en partidos modificados, respectivamente. Habiendo diferencias significativas en los resultados de la FC máxima entre las sesiones técnico-tácticas y los partidos modificados (p=0.03) y entre la sesiones físicas y las técnico-tácticas (p=0.04). En cuanto a los resultados de la carga de entrenamiento y la RPE en las sesiones técnico-tácticas son 381.22±16.42 y 6.21±0.12 rpe, en las sesiones físicas 533.25±5.59 y 7.90±0.0 rpe, y en los partidos modificados 531.18±4.21 y 7.97±0.22 rpe, respectivamente. Encontrando diferencias significativas entre los resultados de la RPE y la magnitud de la carga de entrenamiento de las sesiones técnico-tácticas y los partidos modificados (p=0.00) y entre la sesiones físicas y las técnico-tácticas (p=0.00). Estos resultados muestran que la sesión de partido modificado obtiene unos valores de frecuencia cardiaca y de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo mayor que las sesiones técnico-tácticas y las de trabajo físico.The aim of this study is to analyze the heart rate (HR) and the rating perception of effort (RPE) in training women futsal players (age 25.42±4.42 years, height 166.57±7.14 cm, body mass 56.50±4.95 kg and 22.23±0.97 BMI) from the first division team of the Spanish league. They were recorded by heart rate monitors and Foster scale, eight training sessions (technical-tactical, physiological and modified games). The results of maximum HR and average HR obtained are 174.03 ± 4.15 and 128.29 ± 0.81 ppm in technical-tactical sessions, 179.75 ± 2.05 and 2.12 ± 132 ppm in physiological sessions, and 180.99 ± 1.06 and 133.63 ± 5.52 ppm in modified games respectively. Having significant differences in the results of maximum heart rate between technical-tactical sessions and modified games (p = 0.03) and between the physiological and technical-tactical sessions (p = 0.04). As for the results of the training load and the RPE: are 381.22 ± 16.42 and 6.21 ± 0.12 in technical-tactical sessions; 533.25 ± 5.59 and 7.90 ± 0.0 in physiological sessions, and 531.18 ± 4.21 and 7.97 ± 0.22 in modified games. Finding significant differences between the results of the RPE and the magnitude of the training load technical-tactical sessions and modified games (p = 0.00) and between the physiological and technical-tactical sessions (p = 0.00). These results show that the modified games session obtains values of heart rate and the rating perception of effort greater than the technical-tactical and physiological work sessions
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