33,416 research outputs found

    A novel incentive-based demand response model for Cournot competition in electricity markets

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    This paper presents an analysis of competition between generators when incentive-based demand response is employed in an electricity market. Thermal and hydropower generation are considered in the model. A smooth inverse demand function is designed using a sigmoid and two linear functions for modeling the consumer preferences under incentive-based demand response program. Generators compete to sell energy bilaterally to consumers and system operator provides transmission and arbitrage services. The profit of each agent is posed as an optimization problem, then the competition result is found by solving simultaneously Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for all generators. A Nash-Cournot equilibrium is found when the system operates normally and at peak demand times when DR is required. Under this model, results show that DR diminishes the energy consumption at peak periods, shifts the power requirement to off-peak times and improves the net consumer surplus due to incentives received for participating in DR program. However, the generators decrease their profit due to the reduction of traded energy and market prices

    Non-steady Phenomena in the Vibration of Viscous Cylindrical Long Liquid Bridges

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    This paper deals with the dynamic response of long cylindrical viscous liquid bridges subjected to an oscillatory microgravity field whose frequency varies linearly with time. The problem has been solved by using a one-dimensional model for the dynamics, derived from Cosserat theory for continuum, in which the axial velocity is considered to be constant over each cross-section of the liquid column. The dynamic response of the liquid bridge has been obtained by applying the Laplace transform to the problem formulation. The results obtained show that a variable -frequency excitation could give rise to erroneous measurements of the resonance frequencies of viscous liquid bridges

    GARCH models with leverage effect : differences and similarities

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    In this paper, we compare the statistical properties of some of the most popular GARCH models with leverage e?ect when their parameters satisfy the positivity, stationarity and nite fourth order moment restrictions. We show that the EGARCH speci cation is the most exible while the GJR model may have important limitations when restricted to have nite kurtosis. On the other hand, we show empirically that the conditional standard deviations estimated by the TGARCH and EGARCH models are almost identical and very similar to those estimated by the APARCH model. However, the estimates of the QGARCH and GJR models di?er among them and with respect to the other three speci cations

    A Theoretical Approach to Impulsive Motion of Viscous Liquid Bridges

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    This paper deals with the dynamics of isothermal, axisymmetric, viscous liquid columns held by capillary forces between two circular, concentric, solid disks. The transient response of the bridge to an excitation consisting of a small change in the value of the acceleration acting along its axis has been solved by using a linearised one-dimensional Cosserat model, which includes viscosity effects. The main hypothesis of this model is that the axial velocity is considered constant in each section of the liquid bridge. The analysis has been performed by using the Laplace transform

    Response of a liquid bridge to an acceleration varying sinusoidally with time

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    The response of a long cylindrical liquid column subjected to an axial microgravity field has been experimentally studied on a TEXUS sounding rocket flight to check with theoretical predictions. The expected response of the liquid bridge was a quasi-static amphora-type deformation of the cylindrical shape. However, the experimental results showed a more complex behaviour. Nevertheless it has been possible to find out the reasons of this discrepancy except for a mysterious 0.5% uncertainty in the stimuli

    El termómetro de globo en estudios de confort y medioambiente en los edificios

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    The reasons for the inferior performance of many existing buildings and associated energy systems are diverse, but an important part-cause is insufficient attention to the influence of occupant behaviour. In smart buildings it is necessary to allow for the integration of human behaviour in the HVAC system. In addition, many researchers are limited in their investigation by not having low cost tools that can provide information for their studies. This article is a review of the present state of art about the globe thermometer. It describes how to build your own globe temperature sensor and describes experiments that illustrate the feasibility of using a black globe thermometer with 40 mm diameter.Las razones del rendimiento inferior de muchos de los edificios actuales y sus sistemas energéticos relacionados son diversas y estas son en una parte importante causada por una atención insuficiente a la influencia del comportamiento de los ocupantes. En los edificios inteligentes es necesario implementar nuevas oportunidades para integrar el comportamiento humano en el sistema de climatización. Además, muchos investigadores están limitados en su investigación al no contar con herramientas de bajo coste que puedan proporcionar información a sus estudios. En este artículo se presenta una revisión del estado actual del arte sobre el termómetro de globo, se describe cómo construir su propio sensor de temperatura de globo y los experimentos descritos ilustran la viabilidad de utilizar un termómetro de globo negro con 40 mm de diámetro

    GARCH models with leverage effect : differences and similarities

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    In this paper, we compare the statistical properties of some of the most popular GARCH models with leverage effect when their parameters satisfy the positivity, stationarity and nite fourth order moment restrictions. We show that the EGARCH specication is the most exible while the GJR model may have important limitations when restricted to have nite kurtosis. On the other hand, we show empirically that the conditional standard deviations estimated by the TGARCH and EGARCH models are almost identical and very similar to those estimated by the APARCH model. However, the estimates of the QGARCH and GJR models differ among them and with respect to the other three specications.EGARCH, GJR, QGARCH, TGARCH, APARCH

    Guarding the border: watchtowers of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. Characterization and vulnerability assessment

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    RUIZ-JARAMILLO, J. y GARCÍA-PULIDO, L.J., 2018. Guarding the border: watchtowers of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. Characterization and vulnerability assessment. Heritage 2018: 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Granada: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, pp. 1511-1518The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the south-eastern of the Iberian Peninsula. The frontier between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to 1492 was controlled by an extensive network of watchtowers built by Nasrid through the provinces of Granada, Malaga, Almeria and the eastern parts of Jaen, Cordoba and Cadiz. They allowed controlling this frontier stablishing visual communication between them and the Nasrid centre at the Alhambra citadel. Even protected by Spanish Heritage law, many of these medieval towers and their cultural landscapes are in severe risk be-cause of anthropic action as well as natural deterioration. Within the framework of the R&D project called ‘Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y docu-mentación científica (Nazalaya)”, the towers are being studied. As a complement of planimetry obtained by procedures as photogrammetry or terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), complete architectural surveys using non-destructive techniques are being performed as part of the analysis to obtain a global description of construction systems used.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec