96 research outputs found

    Expressão temporal de genes alfa, beta e gama durante a infecção pelo BoHV-5

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    Herpesvirus bovino 5 é um alfaherpesvírus causador de meningoencefalite não supurativa em bovinos. Esta doença possui ocorrência natural em surtos ou casos isolados, associadas a baixa morbidade e alta letalidade. Embora estudos anteriores tenham elucidado aspectos relacionados a patogenia da doença, há uma lacuna de conhecimento relacionado aos eventos moleculares que contribuem para a infecção e replicação do BoHV-5. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a expressão gênica in vitro de genes virais (i.e., alfa, beta e gama) e das células hospedeiras (GAPDH e 18S) durante a infecção considerando diferentes momentos de infecção e quantidade de vírus utilizado. Três genes do BoHV-5 (bICP0, UL9, US4), um gene estrutural (GAPDH) e um gene constitutivo (18S) da célula bovina tiveram suas expressões avaliadas por PCR quantitativa (qPCR). Enquanto os genes virais tiveram sua expressão aumentada ao longo do tempo de infecção, o gene hospedeiro teve sua expressão diminuída, demonstrando a ação do vírus na expressão gênica de células bovinas in vitro. O gene constitutivo 18S teve sua expressão mantida durante todos os momentos do experimento. Nossos resultados claramente demonstraram que o GAPDH não deve ser usado como gene de referência em estudos com infecção por BoHV-5 pois é influenciado pela infecção viral. Entretanto, o 18S rRNA foi constitutivamente expresso e pode ser recomendado para normalização em células bovinas infectadas pelo vírus. A expressão de mRNA viral não foi alterada pela quantidade de vírus usada. Todos os genes virais demonstraram o mesmo padrão de expressão ao longo do tempo de infecção. Nossos resultados trazem importantes diferenças comparando aos estudos clássicos que avaliaram a expressão de genes alfa, beta e gama. Mais estudos são necessários para aumentar o conhecimento da biologia molecular do BoHV-5. Estudo utilizando sequenciamento de última geração (i.e., RNA-seq), usando modelos in vitro e in vivo, aparentam ser o próximo passo lógico para acessar as alterações do transcriptoma do hospedeiro e viral ao longo do curso da infecção.Bovine herpesvirus 5 is an alphaherpesvirus that causes nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis in cattle. This disease occurs naturally in either outbreaks or isolated cases, and exhibits low morbidity and high lethality. Although previous studies elucidated crucial aspects involved in the pathogenesis of the disease, there is a paucity of information regarding the molecular events contributing to infection and replication of BoHV-5. The objective of the present study was to determine the in vitro gene expression pattern of BoHV-5 (e.g., alpha, beta, and gamma genes) and host cells genes (GAPDH and 18S) over time utilizing different quantities of inoculated virus. Three BoHV-5 genes (bICP0, UL9, US4) and one structural bovine cell gene had their expression accessed by real-time PCR. While the expression of BoHV-5 genes increased during the course of infection, GAPDH gene expression decreased in the host cells, evidencing the effect of viral infection on the expression of bovine cell genes. The 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene was constitutively expressed throughout BoHV-5 infection. Our data clearly demonstrates that GAPDH gene should not be used as a reference gene in studies of BoHV-5 infection because it was influenced by viral infection. However, 18S rRNA was constitutively expressed and, therefore, is recommended for normalization of BoHV-5 infection studies in bovine cells. The expression of viral genes transcripts was not altered by increasing number of viral particles added to the culture. All viral genes included here demonstrated the same expression pattern over time and there was no difference in the expression of viral genes among the various time points. Our data show important differences comparing to classical studies regarding herpesvirus alpha, beta, and gamma genes expression. More research is necessary to improve our understanding about the BoHV-5 biology during infection. Studies employing next-generation sequencing (i.e., RNA-seq), using both in vitro and in vivo models, would be the next logical step to grasp the virus and host cell’s transcriptome changes over the course of infection

    Susceptibilidade in vitro a antimicrobianos da Mannheimia haemolytica e da Pasteurella multocida isoladas de ovinos sadios e com doenças respiratórias

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    Pasteurella multocida e Mannheimia haemolytica (P. haemolytica) estão associadas a enfermidades no sistema respiratório de ovinos. Com o objetivo de avaliar a susceptibilidade in vitro destes microrganismos frente aos antimicrobianos, foram colhidas amostras de nasofaringe (n=180) e orofaringe (n=82) de ovinos com e sem enfermidade respiratória. Dentre os antimicrobianos testados, a sensibilidade foi maior para enrofloxacina (100%) e florfenicol (100%), considerando-se ambas as espécies bacterianas. Observou-se resistência de M. haemolytica e P. multocida à tetraciclina (15,64% e 17,65%, respectivamente) e penicilina (1.82% e 4.2%, respectivamente).Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica (P. haemolytica) are associated with ovine respiratory diseases. With the purpose of observe the susceptibility in vitro of these organisms against antimicrobials, were collected samples of nasopharingeal (n=180) and oropharingeal (n=82) from ovines healthy and with respiratory disease. Among the antimicrobials tested, the sensibility was greater for enrofloxacin (100%) and florfenicol (100%), for both bacteria. The greater resistance indices for M. haemolytica and P. multocida were observed with tetracyclin (15.64% and 17.65% respectively) and penicillin (1.82% and 4.2%)

    Erythema Multiforme and its Clinicopathological Features in a Horse in Brazil

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    Background: Erythema multiforme (EM) is an immune-mediated skin disease which may manifest as cutaneous or mucocutaneous lesions. It is uncommon in horses. EM lesions have a symmetrical bilateral distribution; they are usually urticarial, necrotizing, and, less commonly, ulcerative. In equines, the trigger is usually unknown, and cases are often classified as idiopathic. Diagnosis is based on a thorough history and physical and histopathological examination of lesions. According to the clinical presentation and histopathological characteristics of the cutaneous lesions, this case is the first report to describe diagnosis and treatment of a horse with EM in Brazil. Case: A Quarter Horse filly was followed clinically for 12 months after sudden onset of skin lesions at 18 months of age. The initial lesions were non-alopecic papules with a symmetrical bilateral distribution. Six months after onset, the skin lesions maintained the original distribution pattern; however, they had progressed to papules and plaques with varying annular, arciform, serpiginous, targetoid, or alopecic appearance. At 8 months, the same distribution pattern and appearance remained, but the lesions had become more severe and extensive, with involvement of the labial commissures and perineal region, without any erosions/ulcerations, scaling/crusting, pain, or pruritus. At 12 months, new nodular lesions were found on the medial and lateral surfaces of the hind limbs, neck, bilateral trunk, and root of the tail. The lesions were firm, non-pruritic, and non-tender on palpation. Swabs were obtained from the papular lesions. Skin specimens were also obtained with a 6-mm punch and via incisional biopsy and histological sections were made. Bacterial and fungal cultures were negative. Appropriate stains did not identify fungal structures, were negative for acid-fast bacilli, and did not reveal any metachromatic granules in the sampled cell population. The histopathological findings were characteristic of immune-mediated disease, with a vacuolar interface dermatitis affecting the hair follicles more than the epidermis, necrotic keratinocytes, lymphocyte satellitosis, leukocytoclastic mixed vasculitis of the mid-dermis and deep dermis, and variable granulation tissue, consistent with erythema multiforme and leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids and oral supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E were prescribed. After institution of therapy, no new lesions developed, the existing lesions remained stable (though permanent), and hair regrew in the previously alopecic areas. All physiological parameters remained normal throughout the follow-up period. Discussion: Erythema multiforme is rarely reported in horses. According to our literature review, this is the first description of EM in horses in Brazil. EM should be included in the differential diagnosis of horses that present with plaques in a diverse, geographic distribution and a negative initial dermatological screening examination. Further clinical investigation is warranted, with special attention to potential antigenic triggers. A thorough drug and dietary history and close attention to comorbidities are essential, as the suppression of potential culprit factors has important prognostic value and contributes to the elucidation of EM triggers

    Polioencephalomalacia in Sheep - Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings

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    Background: Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) is a neurological disease in ruminants, which is characterized by malacia of brain gray matter. Thiamine deficiency and sulfur intoxication are the most common causes of PEM in sheep. Affected animals present signs of cerebrocortical syndrome, including amaurosis, ataxia, head pressing, mental depression, seizures, and opisthotonus. The neurological examination aims to determine the neurolocalization of the lesions and advanced imaging techniques are useful for confirming the affected area(s) in the central nervous system. The aim of this study is to describe clinical features and ante-mortem diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a sheep with PEM. Case: An 18-month-old male Dorper sheep from a flock started receiving concentrate 7 days before. According to the owner, no clinical signs of abnormality were observed on the previous morning. However, in the afternoon, the animal became self-isolated and did not follow the flock to the sheepfold. The following day, he was found in recumbency. Physical examination revealed lateral recumbency, rectal temperature 39.5ºC, 52 bpm, 120 bpm, congested mucous membranes, capillary refill time 1 s, ruminal (4/5 min) and intestinal hypomotility. The assessment of the central nervous system revealed a decreased level of consciousness, focal seizures, opisthotonus, and absence of menace response. The following differential diagnoses were listed: PEM, head trauma, focal symmetrical encephalomalacia, bacterial encephalitis, and rabies. Treatment was composed of dexamethasone [0.2 mg/kg - i.v., SID (1st-3rd day), 0.1 mg/kg, i.v., SID (4th-6th day), and 0.05 mg/kg, i.v., SID (7th-9th day)]; mannitol [1 g/kg -  i.v. and diazepam 0.4 mg/kg, i.v. single dose at admission]; vitamin B1 [10 mg/kg - i.m., SID], furosemide [1 mg/kg - i.v., SID for 3 days] and sulfadoxine/trimethoprim [30 mg/kg -  i.m., SID for 10 days]. After the initial treatment, the patient showed mild clinical improvement; however, the amaurosis was still present. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain was performed on the 2nd day of hospitalization, showing a symmetrical hypersignal in the parietal and occipital cortices, in the axial and sagittal sequences weighted in T2 and FLAIR. Discussion: This study aimed to describe the clinical signs and MRI findings in a sheep with PEM. In this case, the sudden change to the feed composition probably led to ruminal dysbiosis, inhibition of thiamine-producing microorganisms and proliferation of bacteria that synthesize thiaminase. Thiamine therapy proved to be effective and capable of reverting the clinical signs. The decrease in the level of consciousness, cortical blindness, and opisthotonus are due to alterations in the parietal cortex, in the occipital cortex, and in the cerebellum, respectively, which were demonstrated by hypersignal areas in the MRI. Therefore, the neurolocalization of the lesion based on neurologic examination and the MRI findings were related. The physicochemical and cytological evaluations of the cerebrospinal fluid, and dosage of thiamine and the concentration of hydrogen sulphide in the rumen were not performed. However, the response to thiamine treatment associated with the neurologic examination and MRI findings helped in determining the diagnosis. Additionally, MRI can be used as a useful tool for the ante mortem diagnosis of PEM. Keywords: cerebrocortical necrosis, diagnostic imaging, neurology, ruminants, thiamine deficiency

    Use of Benzodiazepines in Primary Health Care

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    Segundo a Diretriz Brasileira de Psiquiatria, cerca de 50% dos indivíduos que recorrem aos benzodiazepínicos ao longo de 1 ano têm risco aumentado de síndrome de abstinência, além de redução da capacidade de trabalho e maior gasto do sistema de saúde. Visto isso, o presente trabalho propôs avaliar a prescrição desses fármacos na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) Alto da Riviera em São Paulo, Brasil, com a finalidade de aumentar a conscientização do uso abusivo desses medicamentos. Os dados do estudo foram colhidos no período entre 28 de março e 1.º de abril de 2022, incluindo: apresentação medicamentosa, mês de retirada, identificação do paciente (nome e gênero) e quantidade prescrita. Ferramentas de análise SWOT e Arco de Maguerez foram utilizadas para melhor compreensão das informações adquiridas, apontando fraquezas e pontos positivos do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os dados compilados evidenciaram que 64.9% das prescrições efetuadas foram do fármaco clonazepam, sendo a dosagem de 2 e 0,5 mg as mais comuns. Nesse período, mais de 30% dos pacientes renovaram a prescrição ao menos uma vez. Dessa forma, mostra-se evidente a importância da elaboração de protocolos e programas de conscientização para pacientes e prescritores, além de alertar os perigos do uso e prescrição indiscriminada desses fármacos.According to the Brazilian Guideline on Psychiatry, roughly 50% of individuals who take benzodiazepines in a 1-year period are at risk of withdrawal syndrome, in addition to reduced capacity to work and greater expenses to the health care system. That said, the present study has been set to assess the prescription of these pharmaceuticals in the primary health service unit called “Alto da Riviera” in São Paulo, Brazil, with the purpose of raising the awareness about the abusive use of these drugs. The data were collected between 28th of March to 1st of April in 2022, including the following information: dosage form, month in which the medication was collected, patient identification (name and gender) and prescribed amount. After data analysis utilizing SWOT and Maguerez’s Arch, we were able to identify strengths and shortcomings regarding the health care system. The data compilation allowed us to realize that 64.9% of prescriptions were for clonazepam, being the dosage of 2 and 0,5 mg the most common. At this time, more than 30% of the patients had one or two prescription renewals. Therefore, it becomes clear the significance of the elaboration and the use of protocols and awareness programs for patients and prescriber, as well as present the hazards of the prescription drug abuse and its challenges in the primary health care settings


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    Este estudo possui o objetivo de analisar e fazer a exposição da relação entre o uso de semaglutida e a perda de peso, fazendo a análise dos mecanismos de ação e da sua eficácia. Para tanto, este trabalho é uma revisão integrativa que foi feita com base na busca dos seguintes Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS) feita na base de dados PubMed: weight; loss; and; semaglutide. Sendo escolhidos apenas artigos publicados de 2022 a 2023, até a data de 03/11/2023, em que foi encontrado 23 artigos, sendo estes analisados em sua integralidade, onde 13 foram excluídos e apenas 10 foram utilizados para a realização deste trabalho. A obesidade, por ser uma doença de extrema crescente e por trazer diversas complicações cardiovasculares e metabólicas necessita de uma terapia farmacológica, para além de uma terapia de mudança de hábitos de vida, dessa forma, para atender esta demanda surgiu o medicamento semaglutida que se mostrou eficaz na redução do peso e índice de massa corporal. Com base nessas informações é necessária a união de diversos artigos com relação a esta temática para que haja a ampliação dos conhecimentos de profissionais de saúde e pacientes, além de proporcionar uma maior evidenciação dos efeitos da semaglutida

    Expedição ao Sítio Histórico e Patrimônio Cultural Kalunga: um Relato de Experiência

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    The Kalunga Historical and Cultural Heritage Site (SHPCK) is located in the northeast of Goiás and is considered one of the best-preserved areas of native Cerrado in all of Brazil. This is due to local geographic characteristics and mainly to the sustainable character of agricultural production by the traditional peoples who inhabit the region. In addition to having a vast preserved territory, the Kalungas have unique traditional knowledge about local plants. Due to biodiversity, they have access to herbal plants that can be used in human and animal food. However, the number of species of toxic plants may also considered high. With this report we aim to describe the unique experience that was the Expedition to the Kalunga Historical and Cultural Site and Heritage, as well as to emphasize the importance of the toxic plants of the Cerrado and the appreciation of traditional knowledge.A Comunidade Quilombola Kalunga fixou-se no Sítio Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga (SHPCK), localizado no nordeste do estado de Goiás, e é considerada uma das áreas mais bem preservadas de Cerrado nativo em todo o Brasil. Isso se deve à dificuldade de acesso, às características geográficas locais e também ao caráter sustentável da produção agropecuária do povo quilombola que habita a região. Além de possuírem vasto território preservado, os Kalungas detêm conhecimento tradicional singular sobre as plantas locais e, graças à biodiversidade do Cerrado, eles têm acesso a plantas fitoterápicas e que podem ser utilizadas na alimentação humana e animal. No entanto, o número de espécies de plantas tóxicas também pode ser considerado elevado. Com este relato, objetivamos descrever a experiência única que foi a Expedição ao Sítio e Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga, assim como ressaltar a importância das plantas tóxicas do Cerrado e da valorização do conhecimento tradicional.A Comunidade Quilombola Kalunga fixou-se no Sítio Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga (SHPCK), localizado no nordeste do estado de Goiás, e é considerada uma das áreas mais bem preservadas de Cerrado nativo em todo o Brasil. Isso se deve à dificuldade de acesso, às características geográficas locais e também ao caráter sustentável da produção agropecuária do povo quilombola que habita a região. Além de possuírem vasto território preservado, os Kalungas detêm conhecimento tradicional singular sobre as plantas locais e, graças à biodiversidade do Cerrado, eles têm acesso a plantas fitoterápicas e que podem ser utilizadas na alimentação humana e animal. No entanto, o número de espécies de plantas tóxicas também pode ser considerado elevado. Com este relato, objetivamos descrever a experiência única que foi a Expedição ao Sítio e Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga, assim como ressaltar a importância das plantas tóxicas do Cerrado e da valorização do conhecimento tradicional