8,493 research outputs found

    Lithium abundance evolution in open clusters: Hyades, NGC752, and M67

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    Mixing mechanisms bring the Li from the base of the convective zone to deeper and warmer layers where it is destroyed. These mechanisms are investigated by comparing observations of Li abundances in stellar atmospheres to models of stellar evolution. Observations in open cluster are especially suitable for this comparison, since their age and metallicity are homogeneous among their members and better determined than in field stars. In this work, we compare the evolution of Li abundances in three different clusters: the Hyades, NGC752, and M67. Our models are calculated with microscopic diffusion and transport of chemicals by meridional circulation, and calibrated on the Sun. These comparisons allow us to follow the evolution of Li abundance as a function of stellar mass in each cluster and as a function of the age by comparing this evolution in each cluster. We evaluate the efficiency of the mixing mechanisms used in the models, and we try to identify the lacking mechanisms to reproduce the observed evolution of Li abundance.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, conference publication of "New advances in stellar physics: from microscopic to macroscopic processes

    Is professionals in a virtual is context: the “to do what?” component of a qualitative study

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    The present paper plans shares the results of a study that was driven by the awareness that few activities and professions have seen such a rapid change over the past years as those related to the field of Information Systems (IS). According to these principles, this paper aims to present findings and propositions about the evolution of the context where these activities are performed, in order to contribute to the ongoing debate about IS professionals and IS function development. Despite the fact that the main concern of the global research project was people (IS professionals - the “who” part of the project) this paper is purposeful in the IS management activities (the IS function or the “to do what” part of the project). Ontological and epistemological fundamentals of interpretative research based the research process. Theories and models were derived from the empirical material gained from near 30 leading experts from the IS area in Portugal, both academic and practitioners. Grounded theory has been used as supporting method and semi-structured interview was selected as a technique to collect data. To understand the transformation process, forces that affect different IS dimensions have been identified and a dynamic model that supports IS context transformation is proposed. This model aims to explain how relations between different actors, IS tasks, roles and responsibilities have evolved and to predict scenarios in the present virtualized context where IS activities are performed

    The Time Importance for Prospect Theory

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    A theory usually comprises assumptions and deduced predictions from them. In this paper, empirical evidences corroborate with assumptions about time for a decision making facing known probabilities and outcomes.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Equity valuation : Hennes and Mauritz

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    Equity Valuation is both a science and an art, whoever looks at it from only one perspective might very well miss it half of the times. This Dissertation will cover both dimensions on the literature review and valuation exercise respectively. On the aftermath, a target price of SEK 246 and a NEUTRAL investment recommendation were attributed to the Swedish worldwide apparel retailer – H&M. Ultimately, these results were compared to BoAML report from 09/26/2013, highlighting structural differences on the investment cases

    As Comunidades Tradicionais e o Programa Zona Franca Verde (PZFV): Cenários no sudoeste do Amazonas – Brasil

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    O artigo que ora apresentamos é uma síntese da pesquisa de mestrado sobre a implantação das políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável do Programa Zona Franca Verde, no sudoeste do estado do Amazonas - Brasil 1 . A Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais é entendida como o direito sobre os territórios tradicionais, podendo ter ligações com povos tradicionais, mesmo que não haja uma ocupação permanente do espaço. O lugar é entendido como lugar da reprodução cultural. Nas comunidades tradicionais do sudoeste do Amazonas os usos dos recursos naturais estão ligados a este elo com o ambiente. Porém, hoje, o que se observa é que as diversas lutas em torno da apropriação de espaços (terra) têmse pautado por questões distintas, mas intimamente interligadas: ambientalização (RIBEIRO, 1992) e etnização da natureza (LEFF, 2006), (ALMEIDA, 2008). Na verdade, estes dois modos de “pensar” a luta pela terra têm moldado a questão agrária da Amazônia. A metodologia desta pesquisa no que tange à coleta de informações se valeu de duas abordagens de entrevistas: a entrevista direta e as entrevistas coletivas com associações de produtores rurais, sindicatos de trabalhadores rurais e colônias de pescadores. Fez-se isso para dialeticamente compreender os discursos dos sujeitos coletivos ligados à produção nas comunidades estudadas em Guajará-AM. Neste artigo apresentamos algumas implicações do Programa Zona Franca Verde sobre a vida e a organização social das populações tradicionais no município de Guajará-A

    Carcinoma mamária de células fusiformes em uma cadela

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    Mammary tumors are common in female dogs, and can reach more than one mammary gland. Spindle cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm, uncommon in female dogs. The aim of this report is to describe a spindle-cell mammary carcinoma in an eight-year-old female German Shepherd dog, weighing 22.4 / kg. It was presented for care, the main increase in volume in the mammary gland. Physical and complementary exams were performed. No physical examination was palpated a mass in the mammary gland of the inguinal region with ulcerations. No blood count in the patient had normochromic normocytic anemia, thrombocytosis, neutrophilia leukocytosis, monocytosis, and eosinophilia. Serum biochemistry (Creatinine and Alanine aminotransferase) results within the normal range. Radiographic examination of the abdomen increases tissue enlargement in the inguinal region. measuring 12,83cm. No ultrasound examination was observed in the right inguinal breast mass with heterogeneous, hyperechoic image measuring 6.29 cm, with small cavity areas and gas inside. The animal underwent ovarian hysterectomy (OH) and right unilateral mastectomy. A surgical specimen (right breast chain) was referred for histopathological diagnosis, which resulted in spindle cell mammary carcinoma. The report described a type of breast cancer that added information to the literature that is very restricted, reinforcing the importance of histopathological examination for the establishment of diagnosis, as well as for the need for adjunctive therapy and evaluation or prognosis.Os tumores mamários são comuns em cadelas, podendo atingir mais de uma glândula mamária. O carcinoma mamário de células fusiformes é uma neoplasia maligna, pouco frequentes em cadelas. O objetivo desse relato é descrever um carcinoma mamário de células fusiformes em um canino, fêmea, não castrada da raça Pastor Alemão, com oito anos de idade e pesando 22,4/kg. Foi apresentado para atendimento, queixa principal de aumento de volume na glândula mamária. Foram realizados exames físicos e complementares. No exame físico foi palpado uma massa na glândula mamária da região inguinal com ulcerações. No hemograma a paciente apresentou anemia normocítica normocromica, trombocitose, leucocitose por neutrofilia, monocitose e eosinofilia. Na bioquímica sérica (Creatinina e Alanina aminotransferase) resultados dentro do padrão de normalidade. O exame radiográfico do abdômen observou-se aumento de tecidos moles na região inguinal. medindo 12,83cm. No exame ultrassonográfico foi observado presença de massa na mama inguinal direita com imagem heterogênea, hiperecoica, medindo 6,29cm, com pequenas áreas cavitárias e presença de gás em seu interior. O animal foi submetido à ovário-histerectomia (OH) e mastectomia unilateral direita. A peça cirúrgica (cadeia mamária direita) foi encaminhada para exame histopatológico, cujo resultado foi carcinoma mamário de células fusiformes. O relato apresentado descreve um tipo de neoplasia mamária rara agregando informações à literatura que é bastante restrita, reforçando a importância do exame histopatológico para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico, bem como para verificar a necessidade de tratamento terapêutica adjuvante e determinar o prognóstico
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